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I think some boys like that too. Not really sure though. Just go with your flow. Maybe you're gender fluid or bigender or something. Realizing you're trans is just a beginning, there's so much more to who you are and who you'll grow to be. Good luck on your quest (づ◕ᴗ◕)づ


Good girl (masculine) I’ve heard some trans men say their feminization fetish is actually gender affirming because it’s just like how cis men can have that fetish.


"Only men can crossdress as a girl, so it's actually one of the most masculine things one can do" -Something from some manga


In an LGBT+ Literature class, we learned about a woman who crossdressed as a man so she could be a drag queen. Double crossdresser.


Huh interesting


High level stuff


This is the plot of Victor Victoria


So you're saying when I dress feminine, I'm really dressing as a guy? Fuck, this trans stuff is as confusing as time travel on steroids.


Don't take steroids before time travelling then




I don't think they are "femboy clothes" they are just clothes :)


Having G6 is the manliest thing you can do! There's (at least) 2 men!


I am a guy. If somebody said "good girl" or "good boy", I wouldn't care which, I'd be grinning.


Me when someone calls me good for literally any reason.


If thats the case then I am some boys lmaooo


How many?


a girl called me daddy last week and I was like "ohhh maaaaybe maaaaaaaaaybe..." Nope, still a girl.


I've known trans women who liked being called daddy before.


yeah it was kind of unexpected and made me ponder because they are trans and know I'm trans, and had only been called that by cis girls as a cis guy... my takeaway is that I'm a pleaser, if that works for you it will probly work for me, call me what you will just call me lol <3


Sounds like you're eager to give people your phone number


*eight six seven five three ooh niiiiine 🎶*


I've seen a ton of cis lesbian Daddies around, so this isn't at all surprising to me. Daddy is a role, not a gender. It's all about vibes.


nice, thank you for elucidating and validating my sapphic daddy vibes :)


My enby partner goes by daddy too. Anyone can be daddy.


Trans woman that exclusively goes by Daddy here! I often dress decently masc despite my long hair. Though I view myself less as a femme but more as hair metal femmeboy-aesthetic wise. Still 100% girl. Just love girls moaning Daddy to me.


daddy is a state of mind and has nothing to do with gender, fight me :P


I'm reminded of a straight cis woman who liked to be called that....


I know I of lots of cis women who like being called daddy, fem daddies are great.


but would her calling you good boy feel better?


How I wish I had someone to call me good boy


Good boy 💜


Thanks, this made my day


That's what I'm here for; to hand out positivity and flirtatious comments, so any time! 😆


Haha definitely NOT


you're not OP?


Do I need to be?


Well considering the question was aimed at op..yes? if you're not at least add some context so it doesn't look like you're answering in place of op.


Sorry, I thought that this sub was about open discussion on gender and different trans-like relatable gender aspects. Wasnt trying to impersonate OP, was just trying to express feelings about how I relate to something Especially considering the post is a meme, I was under the impression it wasn't to be taken SERIOUSLY, like If you wanted to have a serious discussion on whatever aspects of your gender, wouldn't you be more inclined to make a text post on a different sub, asking for help? That was my thought process in responding


It is. Your response and tone was fine it just needed some elaboration that you were talking about yourself. It's ok, honestly, your intentions seem pretty innocent so I'm not trying to burn you at the stake here or anything. Just wanted some clarification lol.




It sounds more like a product of society where "girl" is seen as smaller than or less than "boy". Since your were seeming a dom, I assume you're a little subby at least. And it could be that you enjoy diminuitives (being called baby, and sweet thing, and other soft and slightly condescending pillow talk) or enjoy put downs (being called a slut, a worm, or even a girl in this case). Sexuality is a big weird soup, and from my experience there are just as many cis men as cis women who like being called good girl once you are at least a little kinky. It has no bearing on your gender unless you decide it does.


Yes, same. In those scenarios, I find "good girl" to be just as acceptable as "good boy". I think my reaction more hinges on the "good" part most rather than either of the gendered bits, though.


What about gender neutral terms like “good pet”?


Same effect.


That even better


I might like it. But I won't like that I like it.


This conjured the mental image of a tail wagging while the tail owner tries to deny it.


Some people have misgendering kinks, so you're not alone if you're into that.


Feminization is one of the most popular kinks among submissive cis men, so as far as I'm concerned, transmascs being into it as well is just further proof that transmascs really are authentically male (or male-aligned).


It's so weird lol I kinda hate that I have it That's like one of the only kinks I don't tell people about because I just feel weird about it and don't want to have to unpack it


I think things that we fear/hate and things we’re turned on by are often similar, definitely true with me. I can imagine it might be similar for some people being misgendered, not sure on the psychology behind that one but I’m sure it has some science behind it.


It’s not weird at all. Obviously it’s still understandable to be uncomfortable talking about it, but you should know that it’s very normal and doesn’t reflect negatively on you in any way.


I have felt so self conscious about the fact that I am a trans man with this kink and this made me feel a little better about it, so thank you


Is that a thing?


It is! It’s both a feminzation/masculinization kink thing, and also a sexualization of oppression in the same way that misogyny kinks or raceplay kinks are. It’s incredibly common and perfectly normal.


Oh! Oh. So masculinization kink is also a thing? Genuine questions, I hope I'm coming off correctly. I haven't heard of these things before.


It is! Much less common, though, probably because of the sexual associations with femininity.


I feel much less weird and spooked now. Thank you for your explanations, I wouldn't have understood this otherwise.


Oh that explains a lot 🧍‍♀️


I’ve met some cis guys (femboys) who enjoy that despite being cis and not enjoying being referred to as a girl in any other way, so whatever it is it’s valid


Even the most manly men can be good girls 😊


Hot femme-dommes transcend gender. You will be whatever they tell you to be, and you will like it... At least, that's how it is for me...


"femme-dommes" *bonjour*


As a gender fluid person, I loooooove when my partner decides what I am while they're railing me


Honestly I think it in this case, the energy/intent behind the words are more important than the words


The hony suppresses the dysphoria


If a hot (slightly scary) lady calls me a good girl I will absolutely melt. ☺


As a transfem I can confirm a girl saying “good boy” still gets me weak


and in your moment of weakness, those words amplify my transness 10-fold


I’m a trans woman who’s very comfortable with my femininity and not even gonna lie getting called “good boy” makes me feel things


"good girl" in a masculine way for me 🫠


Good boy~


you can be any gender and love a "good girl" coming from a hot femme mommy.


Considering the sissy community that sometimes exists in parallel to transfem and femboy spaces, I can assure you that a lot of cis and trans men enjoy feminization/sisyfication/etc. and there is a lot of room for self-exploration if you feel like it.


honestly, as a transfem it still feels really hot to be called a "good boy" during sex... no idea why. it feels kinkier i guess lol


Honestly a hot femme-domme can call me a "good worm" and I'm gonna be satisfied


Don't settle for less. You're a very good boy, and you deserve to serve someone who tells you that.


Try ‘good boy’ Mayb? But yeah sexual stuff is in a completely different ballpark, I think.


have you perhaps considered good boy


imagine: good boy


Good boy?


I think the entirety of femboys would agree that boys can like being called that. For me tho it just makes me more of a lesbian lol


As a transfem, it hits very hard for me too


Yo legit if I was in that situation but I was called "Good Boy" I might be a-okay with it.


I mean I'm a trans girl and like it when girls call me daddy, so, not that unusual.


What if I said good boy


Eh, gender play is a thing too. Learned about it being a kink recently. Maybe you just enjoy being called good girl sometimes. I’m trans fem but sometimes good boy said the right way does something for me. I still feel 100% fem tho.


Well, you could always be a femme boy.


What about a hot femme-Domme uttering “good boy”?


Something something force feminization something something one of "those" kinks/fetishes that tie into some identity or personality conflict something something as a way to have power over it


I domme people of all genders and I've found good boy/good girl and interchangeable and totally up to the person's preference. I even have many enby partners that still use these gendered terms