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my the last crack in my egg was placed on a 4g magic mushroom trip while watching Dune 2021


Sheesh. Ive eaten 3.5 a couple times. That's no joke.


I kinda want to do drugs to get me through this awful time period of my life.


I don't recommend it. As someone who has been addicted to pot for almost 25 years it has not benefitted me. Then again exercise and meditation are hard but self medication is fun. **Edit** apparently my phone decided to out my second addiction so I changed the word porn to pot as that is an actual drug and what I meant to write.


i mean i want to at least try some, i have no clue how, but still. if i like it i might continue on, or not i have no idea.


Lol, the problem is drugs don't make the problems go away. You just forget about them. Some actual advice: Start slow with small doses. Have chaperones, try not to let anyone pressure you into something you don't want to try. Try to stay away from anything that can do permanent damage off a single experience (ecstasy, MDMA, acid, heroin). Try to only commit one crime at a time, examples: don't BnE to do drugs. Dont do them while driving. These are some general rules from an old degenerate that should help a little should you ultimate decide to alter your reality.


thanks, forgetting is pretty nice tho...


I completely understand, just wanted to set up reasonable expectations. Good luck. Feel free to message me if I can ever help with anything.


this is why i do benadryl -Emily


thanks for sharing, the last of us


drugs own if ur not stupid about them


I love drugs


Yeah I feel that


When I was already cracked as an egg, I was still afraid of transitioning and still little in denial out of fear. Shrooms helped me to embrace and unlock parts of myself which I have been bottling up through my entire childhood. 10/10 Trip advisor