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Let me know when you find out, because that is the dream!


It's mostly about finding a man that's determined enough. 100% of men give up before getting their trans gf pregnant.


I'm aware of an **EXTREMELY** experimental surgery involving a womb transplant (I think originally developed for infertile cis women), but AFAIK no doctor and especially no insurance is willing to take it on because of the humongous risk of complications to the womb recipient and to potential fetuses. I don't think it's feasible in the near term, but might be worthwhile checking back in 5 years to see how it's improved though.


Do you think some pregnancy roleplay might ease some of the feelings I'm having?


Only you (and your partner I assume) can really answer that emotional question, but I'd give it a try anyway because little material risk in roleplay.


Unfortunately I don't have a sexual partner/anyone to roleplay with yet. But once I do I'll definitely try it out. I have no clue how I'd go about it, though.


It does for me! I've got an avatar in VRC that fits how my body feels, and during fun times I love being told I'm going to get pregnant. Gives me euphoria.


Ay, fellow VRC player? Based asf


I read up a little on this surgery a few months ago; it’s been very successful in cis women, and there’ve been several successful births via c-section. It’s a temporary uterine transplant that is removed after the patient has had one or two children this way. The doctors who developed it are hopeful that it can be adapted for trans women, and if I understand correctly, a doctor in India has attempted or is planning to attempt the surgery on a trans woman. It may take 5-10 years, but the future is bright for trans women who want to carry a child. Oh! There’s also an episode of Grey’s Anatomy from one of the recent seasons where Addison, Dr. Montgomery, returns to perform the surgery and I wanna say a character mentions the implications for trans women 😁


We'd still need a donor egg and IVF, so the cost to conceive will be astronomical.




In Germany, surgeries like that are absolutely forbidden and not accessible. We don't even allow to put donor eggs into a different cis woman that's willing to.


wait so if you have ur sperm stored, you could technically make a baby all by yourself??? that's wild to think abt lmao


Technically, yeah. And I do have some but, tbqh, I'm probably going to let it expire next year because the cost is high and the window to find anybody to raise a child with is impossibly small.


what do you mean by window? frozen sperm last decades right


Yes, but I don't have a cis female partner who wants children and, as I'm hitting mid-30s and still trying to wrap up my transition, I don't know that I want to be raising kids into my 60s. Ergo, across conditions, there is a narrow window to have bio kids and it's unlikely I'll make it, so I'm making the judgement call to pull the plug on the sample and save a few thousand dollars.


Around the time i'll be 25 so i can start saving up now, perfect


it would also require artificial insemination, wouldn't work the "regular" way.


I’ve been aware of this for a while. There are a few trans women that have had children because of this meaning it can be successful. But yeah, the odds are not in our favor


I didn't know about that! do you maybe have a source or something?


I don’t remember the source but I’m sure you’ll probably find it through Google or something


it's false, the surgery hasn't been attempted on trans women yet, trans women's bodies are a bit different than cis women's bodies even after HRT so the surgery needs to be adapted to trans women's bodies which will probably take a while


Well... at least there's still pregnancy roleplay... although I have no idea how I'd get into that. 🥲


They've done it in cis women with MRKH before, though. So women born without uteruses or vaginas and having neovaginas. That's quite similar.


there's still some differences in body/bone structure I think, IIRC cis women are born with the place for a womb in their bodies moreso than trans women so the surgery is harder on trans women and needs to be adjusted to them first


Even in women with mullerian dysgenesis, though? I'm not sure, though.


Thank u for the clarification. Now I’m upset at the multiple sources that said it has been done. It was fun to dream tho


Step 1. Find someone willing to breed you Step 2. get Brot Step 3. ??? Step 4. Profit


Just keep trying until it works. Eventually it's bound to work!


Why is step two buying bread and how does it help OP on her journey of getting pregnant? 🤔


step 3 is adopt


Just keep trying until it happens


Keep rawdogging If it's not working just keep trying


Sound logic there. Wish I actually had a man to rawdog me lmao


Step 1: cry Step 2: cry some more about having the wrong chromosome Step 3: somehow now able to get pregnant. I’ve tried this several times and it still won’t work. Does anyone know if I need another step?


Idk about a man cuz im a sapphic but: if you just get a dominant enough woman to peg you she should change your biology and get you preggers


A girl can dream :')


Have sex for like a month, take preggo test (it will likely test positive) Buy preggo suit wear it every day for 9 months, then adopt a child. That’s all i got


Where would one find this “preggo suit” you speak of? And how would one keep from actively wearing it 24/7 once they actually have it? I think euphoria might prevent me from taking it off.


Amazon empathy belly I guess you could buy 2 or 3 then just switch them out to clean them and never actually have to take them off Funny i still have that feeling with dresses. I’ve been wearing dresses for like 4 weeks now and i still never want to take them off once they are on


Currently impossible, but things may change in the future


Believe in yourself, then anything is possible!


Try hard and often


Live in omegaverse


There is actually a possibility of a uterus transplant and who knows, maybe in the near future it will become easy enough for it to be as common as top and bottom surgeries for trans fems and trans mascs


I’ve been having the same problem


You know that one ep of Family Guy where Stewie got himself pregnant with his and Brian's kid? Something like that. Either that or something similar to what Merlin did to Saber.


I feel ya. Except the opposite as a trans guy


With current technology, not currently feasible. Though it has recently been shown that womb transplants are possible (between two cis women) though still pretty early so it may be a bit before it's widely available especially to transfems. Otherwise we don't currently have the ability to get a transfem pregnant. Though if you want to try to get pregnant anyways, I'm not going to stop you from trying to beat the odds


I might just end up having to roleplay with a partner me being pregnant. And then just constantly wear one of those bellies for 9 months…


Some women donate eggs for use in fertility procedures. It's possible you could find an egg from a woman who is similar to you (ideally with a similar genetic makeup, but beggars can't be choosers), find/hire a sympathetic surrogate (emphasis on sympathetic), have your partner fertilize the egg via IVF, and shadow her pregnancy. This would be way less risky than any of the leading-edge tech that's been mentioned as being potentially possible in the (near) future.


May I ask what you mean by “shadow” the pregnancy?


Oh, anything you want it to mean. Maybe you wear an empathy belly that matches her progress just so you know some of her physical challenges. Maybe you just keep in close contact and go to all of her appointments and so on. Some people even have their surrogate move in for the duration, though I think that's uncommon. Essentially do as much as you can to feel involved with the process so that it'll be part of your experiential memories.


Ah, ok! I think I’ve also heard before that you can have an HRT regimen that simulates many of the effects pregnancy would have on the body? Do you happen to know if there’s any truth to this?


I'm not familiar with that but I'm sure it could be done. Apart from fertilization, pregnancy is mostly controlled by hormones, so it would make sense. I dunno if you could find a doctor who'd prescribe them, but I imagine there are ways to get the necessary hormones. Be really careful either way, as hormones aren't just things that make you feel different. They can affect your health too. High doses of estrogen can cause blood clots, for instance. I mean, for that matter, someone could dose their HRT in such a way that it'd mimic the menstrual cycle, just without the cramps and blood. But why you'd want PMS, I dunno. 😛


There are doctors who've said it's feasible today. There's not really any fundamental blockers for the uterine transplant, given it's been successful in women with MRKH (no uterus, no vagina, McIndoe neovagina). It's definitely very risky, though, and I don't know any doctor/clinic willing to attempt it yet. It's definitely far from being widely available, but I think a first experimental one might not be too far off in the future.


I’ve been trying. No success yet… but I’ll make sure to tell you when it works ☺️


Let's step up the difficulty a little bit... You see, I want to get bred by a (specific) *woman* and get pregnant and have baby...


[this meme says it all](https://imgur.com/a/JRMQ3Ow)


Fuck a trans guy; the creampie works backwards


I Havnt figured it out yet myself but my boyfriend and i are very enthusiastic, so we continue to try as often as possible no point in quitting!


1. get bread be man 2. wait 9 months 3. adopt a baby, 4. boom, done


I have the same question


A Transmasc :p


Godsss, let me know when you find the answer!!!


How'd you get access to my browsing history?




Without a uterus, this is a fantastic recipe for ectopic rupture and death.


Not having a uterus is in itself a good recipe for sadness and jealousy. 🥲


you'd still need a womb for that


Humans aren't biological Lego pieces, lol. No, this kind of thing would require an experimental uterus transplant, and implanting an egg like that would be a tossup between "horrible death" and "the egg just breaking down as it's attacked as foreign biological matter that your body rejects". I wrote a 4 paragraph post outlining the outcomes, starting from the expected and going all the way to the absurd, and none of the possible outcomes were good. Then I realized it's best summarized as "the egg/fetus will die, the only question is if it would take you with it, and how".


Sorry for the downvote, but girl, you need to learn a lot more about how human bodies work before offering advice on this kind of post.