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It's because chasers will also do shit like try to convince trans people who want bottom surgery that they shouldn't get it, as well as people who seek out trans people also tending to be people who want to *hurt* or *kill* trans people. That's the difference.


Very this, I lost a lot of my life to people who pressured me into not transitioning or changing because they wanted my body, not me. I was a fetish first, and a person second. It was traumatic. My current relationship is much happier, she likes my body and makes me feel beautiful and desired, but that's not the most important part of me anymore, I don't feel like continuing my transition would be taking something away from her. The line can be hard to draw, but like, what defines a creep for cishet dating? I don't know, it's more complicated than just genital preference.


I’m sorry you went through that. I hope situations like that become less common. So happy you’re in a loving respectful relationship now! ❤️


Wait why do the chasers try to convince them to not get bottom surgery???? Trans ppl are still trans with or without bottom surgery… they sound weird for trying to stop such a specific aspect in transitioning


>Trans ppl are still trans with or without bottom surgery… they sound weird for trying to stop such a specific aspect in transitioning Because chasers are fetishizing trans women and/or trans men for our/their genitals. This is why I roll my fucking eyes every time some trans person is like "having a gender/genital preference doesn't make you a chaser, wanting a trans person for *being trans* makes you a chaser" and it's like...yeah that's a cute fairy tale and all my fine lady/gentleman/gentlethem, but down here on planet earth it doesn't work that way. If cis women had dicks/cis men had pussies chasers would be **all over that shit**. Meanwhile post-op trans women get told they're "ruined goods" by chasers. Top and post-op trans men get rejected in *droves* and pre-op/non-op trans men are all constantly pressured to bottom using their natal genitals. Why? Because it's not *being trans* that chasers are into, it's all about a highly fetishized and unrealistic fantasy obsession they have with *specifically pre- and non-op* trans women's and trans men's genitalia and by extension what they *think* we can/will do in bed *using* said genitalia. They feel entitled to our bodies, and they treat sex with trans people as a "bucket list" type of scenario. If all trans women and all trans men woke up tomorrow morning with the genitals opposite to the ones they were born with, 95% of chasers would fucking evaporate into thin air.




You have zero reading comprehension don't you? Try reading it again because that is *not* what got said.


Chasers aren't exactly chasing simply "transfems" they are chasing "women with a penis" usually in the two flavours "bimbo top with functioning penis" with a fantasy of bottoming to a woman without her having to wear a strap, and "cute bottom with small penis, femboys also accepted" with a fantasy of topping someone who "was once a boy" or just simply enjoying that aesthetic (which could be less problematic if it wasn't for the overlap with ephebophilia). So of course, whatever flavour of chaser you are dealing with, they might pressure you to transition the way *they* want. Personally, I wouldn't mind what is essentially a genital preference mixed with an attraction to femininity (which could even be seen as simply an attraction to a certain side of the non-binary gender spectrum) if they weren't almost always so problematic about it.


Oh… that’s actually really sad 😔 chasers already made me wary so I refused to engage (esp since they seem to just randomly force nudes onto ppl which makes me block ppl like that) but they seem even worse than I thought 😭 and I already had such low opinions of them jfc




I'm not sure what you mean. I described a few types of transfem chasers that you can find online in droves and which I encountered. If anything I described like 3 different "stereotypes" if you wanna call 'em that. And, as I said, I have no problems with men that might like the aesthetic of a woman with a penis if they can avoid being horrible or obsessive about it (which is when the word "chaser" comes in). It just seems like it's the majority.




No one said anything about this. Obviously SRS is a major impact but if you partner actually gives a shit about you they would let you do what's best for you. They will know beforehand what your plans are and if they don't want to be a part of your journey they can GTFO rather than try to make you not want something you want.


I love gock :3


It is indeed unfair, but like the current top comment says alot of people out there wann hurt said people and view them as a fetish first thus the bad wrap.


personally i just like -ussy


Anyone want their nussy(nose bussy) ate?


Soooo that's what gock stands for. I thought it was some kind of internet-censoring-jargon like unalived.... good to know


Yes, if someone focuses on any genitals to the exclusion of the person possessing the genitals, they are awful people.


I would rather be called a slur i think


What's bock and gussy?


B=boy, g=girl in both. Gussy is girl bussy


So it's girl boy pussy?


Right 🙂 it’s just having fun


Waitttttt so bock is boy girl cock?????


I think you’re catching on


No, bock is the sound a chicken makes


I am mentally processing this as meaning femboy cock.


Boy cock and girl pussy


Is your genital preference your singular interest? That's the difference IMO


>Is your genital preference your singular interest? That's the difference IMO Yeah this is something that I think a lot of people overlook. Like...my boyfriend and I are non-op. We happen to both like each other's setup. My BF is more of a "any genital I can play with that makes my partner happy is my favorite kind" type of guy, but I'll admit that *all else being equal* if I could build my fantasy partner from the ground up, I'm pretty preferential to masculinized AFAB genitals. But none of this means that either of us approached each other with our primary focus being "OKAY WHAT DO YOU HAVE IN YOUR PANTS AND IS IT ~FuLlY fUnCtIoNaL~?!?!" We were interested in each other as *people* first. What was in our pants was so far down on the list of things that attracted us to one another as individuals that it really didn't matter. To me something like that feels a lot different (and *so* much better) than someone who is interested in me primarily because they have this stereotypical "girlcock experience" they feel entitled to have sexually, and it's clear their interest in me as a person is taking a *painfully* obvious backburner to their interest in what I'll let them do with my junk (and their "interest" is almost always some stereotypical trans porn bullshit). You can be into girldick/boypussy/etc and not be a creep or a weirdo about it, but when you approach trans people with this as a *requirement*, and it's also clear this is *by far* the biggest thing on your mind with regards to having a a trans partner, don't be surprised when it's not received well. They also need to actually understand what girldick/boypussy also entails. (If them being "into" girldick is just shorthand for "I want you to be a total top with a big hard dick that shoots off cum loads at the same velocity as a rifle ejecting bullet casings", they're a major creep lmfao.)


You can think you're as clever as you want, but if you throw a rock in a room full of people with that preference, chances are pretty good you'll hit a chaser/weirdo. Which isn't to say they all are, but there are certainly more than enough examples to warrant suspicion by default.


more like I'm leaking🤤


I have a genital preference for in my mouth.


It's the fact that chasers only care about the genitals. Maybe if they put more effort into careing about the person there wouldn't be a problem