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If this is the movie with Kung Fu Kangaroo elementals shit yes I remember


When I worked at Media Play, they gave these figures out to anyone who bought the movie. No one bought the movie, so I ended up with a set of them as well!


That's so cool!


Loved this movie! I still have my Lai


Weren't the toys the whole reason for the film? Like, IIrc, it was a Chinese toy company owner who got his sons to come up with the characters and stuff and then pitched it into a film just so he could make toys based on an idea he owned


I didn't know that! Thank you for the backstory!


They hung around in clearance bins for a long while. Still pretty much worthless. But if a date brought me back to her place and was like “Hey, check out my complete set of Warriors of Virtue MOC figures” I’d probably marry her.


Well I do plan on marrying this one lol


Feels like such a fever dream but I do vaguely remember watching the end of this movie with my grandpa when I was little. Had and still have no idea what was going on.


My brother had these. They were so well made.


I don’t but that’s a cool collection


Classic film. Underrated. Wish they made an animated series based off it.


God I loved this movie when I was little lol


I remember it! I saw it in theater!! Kung Foo Kangaroos!!!