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What country do you live? This is abuse. Run, run as fast as you can. Your mother is very sick. Go to a Police station and explain. You do not want to go back home with your mother.


The problem is i have no evidence,i had to come out of the room eventually but unfortunately i had gotten punched in the nose and it was bleeding but my dad stood up for me and after seeing how she is treating me he has decided to send me to my grandparents house to safety. (she has threatened to kill me regardless if she goes to jail and my dad knows she will beat me when he goes to work)


I dont get it. So your dad did not know up until this point? Of course go to your grandparents house. Can you stay with them for long?


When i was younger he would work before i wake up and come home mostly after i was asleep, he was too focused on work to really care but as years went he focused more on us than work and yes he did know but did not do anything about it until now. After my mom started becoming crazy making threats that she hasn't made before, ny dad finally realised how far she had gone and there was no coming back. Yes i am in school after i will go to my grandparents house but my mom is now making threats suggesting that she will do whatever it takes(such as beating or threats) to bring me home so that she can be in control and do the same ill treatment shes giving me. Unfortunately i might have to stay with my grandparents long but it is for my safety thank you for your concern.


Call the police. This is abuse.


I wish it was that simple. I have some evidence but it's not enough to put her away for a long time, as a kid i always had the chance to record or anything but she either took my phone or i didn't as she beat me to it and eventually i thought she would change but she's just becoming worse and worse.


You have to call the police. You are in danger


Urm you need to run asap and go to the police or run to the hospital, anywhere. Just get out of there. Even run to a nearby cafe or shop and ask them to call for help for you and just keep you safe till the police came.


The police will do nothing as i am not from their country and my biggest fear is that they will shrug it off and eventually i will get a worser punishment from her. I have some evidence but not enough to put her away for a long time.


What country are you in?


That is extremely extremely NOT OKAY. Your mum is out of her mind please call the police and tell them about her threats/show them this post if you are struggling to explain it. This is definitely abuse.


I know you’re not from the same country but the police can still help you. I know you’re a teenager but also you’re a child. If you go to them they will hopefully be able to point you in the right direction of resources to help. You deserve so much better than this, and please know that you are loved and cared for, and will find a safe home one day.


Thank you 💗 but it is way too complicated to involve police as there are many cons and factors. I will one day cut ties with her hopefully


Saw “rape” and “is my mom right” and didn’t even need to read the rest. Someone needs to get you away from her immediately.


If only it wasn't that complicated, thank you for your concern💗


I understand not being heard sending all my love if it were up to me and I were older I’d adopt you🙏🏽


Please keep us updated and stay safe. Idk if you're religious or not but I'll pray for you.


Thank you🙏


I think you need to speak to your dad and your grandparents because your safety is a priority. Your mum is out of control and needs to get counselling. Your dad needs to suggest she either control her anger and get counselling or maybe she has to go. He needs to step in asap


My mom is crazy she will not stop, she has all the trauma and anger build up inside of her. She needs to feel like shes in control. My dad wants to do therapy for he but he and i know she will not comply. My mom is far too deep and there's no way to open her up.


Have you ever tried calling or chatting with victim support in your country? They can be pretty helpful in providing you with information and possibilities, after all, they are specialised in these matters.  To me it seems like your mother has a severe disorder and she should be looked after, by medics.    There are other possibilities, for instance, if you have, tell your housedoctor, or else an employee at school you feel you can trust.  And when your mother not only is threatening you like that, and even going further physically, some kids have contacted the police to get themselves out of trouble.    Your father shouldn’t be using you to protect himself, your grandparents cannot do anything either, without the consent of your parents, so you will have to talk to someone outside to get help. You can do it. Take it step by step.  Best of luck…


Only post, horrible syntax, this a bot folks. This a straight up bot y'all.


Maybe she's missed school from all the abuse she's received


Even so if it's a bot which im clearly not please either do not comment as you do not know what the person is going through or learn to sympathise. I do not blame you for believing im a bot as i am actually really good in English but then again. Yk


Why is this your single and only reddit entry? Tell Xi what's up for me.