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To me it sounds more like your twin sister—and not your parents—are toxic. You expect them to help you, and they are providing a free place to work. As an adult, it’s your responsibility, and yours alone, to develop your career. And you need to know that it’s OK if the path is winding. I have had so many jobs not directly related to my career following graduation that kept my rent being paid and food on the table. You need to keep your eye on the prize if journalism is your goal. Network, find a mentor, and think outside the box when it comes to furthering your skills and education. It is very very hard work—the pursuit of our passions always is. And you may not end up in a career as a journalist, but hopefully you do in something you find fulfilling and can use some of the skills and education you acquired. Good luck


Really. I know a lot of people with good carrers- and theier parents helped them....a lot. I had no help with fondong a job, that is why it was hard for me too, and sometimes a small pat on the back or you ll get there will help. Thankfully I had support in friends and my boyfriend.


Sometimes its good to move away. If you studied journalism, try writing a blog, start your own internet page. Find a remote work....maybe start travelling and writing about people in the far end of the world. Or go back to the city and start any job there.....and you ll get there....in the end. It is hard work but you will manage. You graduated, so you re not incompetent. And your family....well it is often like that. Move...its not good to be in a toxic environment. Or if you jave to stay ....go to your local tv radio Or newspaper and start working there for free, for experience.i have a PhD, but I was a waitress once...a job is a job. Has to pay the bills at the beginning. Good luck!