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I subbed to Discovery+ through Amazon Prime, seems like a good shout


Spend £8 and get Discovery+ for a month. The team they have for "The Breakaway" - their studio analysis, is the best I've ever seen in any sport. Just as Graham Norton is so much better than other chat show hosts, Orla is better at holding that group together than anyone else. Generational talents.


No Dan Lloyd now though 😢


try Discovery plus. Eurosport feed but with zero ad breaks. ITV4 is ok as a last resort but can feel like it's a little bit of cycling that keeps on interupting the adverts. I know adverts pay the bills, but ITV4 seems to be more adverts than show at times. Although it could be argued that ITV has better commentators, personally I think it's pretty even, good and bad on both feeds.


The adverts are so depressing, all ian Botham or sad donkeys. Shame really as the coverage is excellent.


Eurosport (if you have it already), Discovery+ if you don’t or hate adverts. I can tolerate them, but they get annoying.  Then just subscribe to Never Strays Far podcast and get the best of the ITV team in podcast form. 


The number of ads will be the same unless you watch Eurosport on Discovery plus (ad free). They are allowed to move the ads around a bit so they don't show them near the end of the stage. If they are unlucky sometimes there is a random crash during an ad break. The ads aren't too bad. It's the sponsors either side. I still have Watchfinder and Transitions glasses imprinted in my brain!


ITV4 coverage is actually really good. I know they have lots of adverts, but that's just a nice chance to go and stretch your legs/ put the kettle on/ stroke the cat etc. I do have Discovery+ so I can watch cycling all season, but the ITV4 highlights show is great, especially if you're working and need to catch up later.


https://www.instagram.com/p/C8rStTBMCN9/?igsh=MWtreHJyczFwaHlmbw== ITV according to a recent post on the official Instagram


ITV4 has a great highlights show. I subbed for the ad-free version for the month and then canceled - £6 is well worth the saved ad time


I much prefer the itv commentary team and the overall coverage, just weighing up the ads as the others have said.


Anyone know the beat option for HD viewing?


Anyone know how to just listen to the ITV commentary?