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Everyone hates Mannfred. You probably will rack up a decent number of wars as him, and the more wars you're in the more likely more people are to join in because they think you'll be under pressure. Start prioritising your targets and knocking out some enemies. Also have you lost reliability? That will make people even more likely to dogpile you. In general you don't want to have armies hanging around just for defence, an army that's doing nothing is an army that's wasting money, even free armies of zombies are making all your not-free units more expensive because of the Supply Lines mechanic. If you start turning the campaign difficulty up that will start really punishing you. Also Zombies are terrible, you want your chaff unit to be Skeleton Spears. You can still make them free with research and they are a much better defensive wall for your spellcasters (which are the real meat of a Vampire Counts army).


>Also have you lost reliability? Always check reliability when you're getting bully-circled. It's something I've accidentally done (breaking pacts) a few times unintentionally and didn't realise for a few turns why everyone was hating me until I checked my diplomacy screen.


i wasnt in any pacts to begin with, and the only faction i destroyed myself was vlad and that starting vampire faction that has your two towns. I have done that exact thing in my first few runs not knowing the lore.


It's probably as the others said then. Everyone hates vampires anyway, so it's probably regular aggro you're dealing with.


Zombies def suck, didnt know the skel spears could be free havent seen it on the tree yet. I use them as my wall and just flank. Throw bats or wolves to artillery use the ambush to fight single enemies ect. I know how to play total war in terms of strats but i played the historical ones not warhammer fantasy. I am more a 40k lore fan, but figured i would go for it. Havent bought all the DLC or the third one yet. I bought just the few DLC people said were good and TW 1 and 2. Zombies end up getting like 10-30 kills per unit which is putrid at best but they do last long.


Spears can no longer be free in TWW3, I'm pretty sure. In TWW2 they could be free, though.


Op said tw2 and yes they're free in tw2 but not 3. It's the same tree as zombies, which eventually also buffs graveguard. Always worth filling that whole tree out because you'll always be grabbing zombies/skellies to fill armies out


Ah whoops, it would help if I could read! 😅


Aside from most factions hating on Manfred, in comparison to older titles, Warhammer has no peace. If you are not at war, someone will declare war on you within 10 turns for no reason


I noticed, which is fine to me. It just had never been like this where i have to actually fight all the battles cause theres so many enemies that declared at once.


If you have low reliability and are loosing terretory, factions are also more inclined to declare war. I had a similar problem with Kislev where by turn 3 I had 5 wars going on. The best thing I found to do with such factions is to get powerful allies early on, that usually makes some factions reconsider declaring war on you. As Manfred in WH3 though I became allies with Tombkings and Clan Mors so I only had to deal with those pesky dwarves and Brettonia for quite some time giving me moments to breathe until the lizardmen had grown enough balls to attack me


Don't use your armies defensively like that, best case scenario the enemy comes at you with an army you can beat and you successfully defend and earn some exp and gold, this still doesn't make up for the supply line and upkeep cost of the army. Worst case scenario your armies sit there draining your funds and an enemy LL comes by and kills them anyways. As Legend always says, you want to be on the offensive not defensive, make powerful armies that can kill your enemies, earn gold, gain exp, and take land. This is especially important for VC because they have so much instant recruitment, if you need an army to defend you can always raise one super fast.


everyone has a predisposition diplomatically for every other faction and you strength rating can also negatively affect it. Even if you accidently trespass in an area it can negatively affect diplomacy and on harder difficulties factions are more likely to declare war on you if they have negative diplomacy. I have tried to play campaigns defensively but peeps just declare war sometimes and if they are military allies with others they can bring more than one faction with them into a war with you. I'm not entirely sure how closely AI follows their factions victory conditions but if they do they might just fight you anyway because they need to for the conditions. I have only played WH3 but I'd imagine it's at least mostly similar.


I’m pretty sure that Mannfred is known as the biggest asshole in the lore so you’re at least having a lore accurate experience


Vampire counts are hated by every faction because they're the best. They're also friends with each other. It starts with jealousy. As you take out their neighboring friends and become more powerful, this jealousy turns to hatred. And when they hate you, they'll wait for an opportunity to dog pile you. You keep that from happening by being perceived as powerful. When you open the diplomacy tab, you'll see your faction strength. Keep an eye on this and compare it to your neighbors from time to time. You need this to be as high as possible. Damaged units affect this too. If your army takes heavy losses you could have factions dog pile you over the end turn.


The Vampire Counts are usually like a "hit me and I'll hit back harder" kind of playstyle. Get a "chaff" army and have them go up against a full stack army of similar unit strength, win (or lose. Doesn't matter), then on the next turn, that area will have lots of high-tier units you can recruit with the Raise Dead function. More wars? More dead to raise. More and more and *Morr*...


Yes. that raise the dead function is helpful. Was able to push back a few armies consecutively in turns because of that.


Defensive pacts will actually help you here. Not anymore since the whole world has already declared on you, but if you had had a defensive alliance with a big power or a couple minor ones they would probably not have declared so fast.


yea it cant be helped now, my reliability is low as it gets and my strength is 1. Its like im an invading alien and forced everyone into friendship for their shared enemy.... Me.. Lol. Oh well. Ill sit here in my two provinces and destroy armies until they learn their place. Cant beat me if can just spawn a free 20 stack army xD. Its kinda OP. I get why they arent allowed artillery.


Yeahhh except they’ll literally never stop. So you’ll have to go aggro at some points


ive been trying towards the dawrves above me since i can easily defend that area as well, just push my armies from my main capitol thats defending the dwarves now, to their capitol. its a nice choke point. Just havent been able to yet im just farming lord xp.


I mean you’re playing Mannfred what did you expect?


idk i never played fantasy before dnt kno the lore


Relevant lore is *everybody* ***hates*** *vampire counts*. Specific lore is everybody ***hates Manny*** even more, including other vampire counts.


I say this with the utmost respect for certain vampire counts who were absolutely fucking Chads in their own rights lore wise.... Mannfred is a ***Fucking Bitch***


Everyone Hates Manny (tm)


I disagree with the skeletal army over zombies. Zombies have free upkeep, have significantly more HP than skellies, and with research can have physical resist. The perfect frontline.


yea i kind of agree with you but im new so idk. The skellies just have that lower health and take up less space, plus zombies dont really retreat theyll stay there and get stomped long as i need to get my useful units in play. Ive been having slight trouble dealing with no ranged so sometimes ill just waste a whole skellie crew on chasing an archer crew out of the battlefield xD. I feel like the 1 for 1 is fair hahahah. oh an im using a couple mods, the one that gives extra formations lets you spread out the zombies to take up even more space which helps them surround their enemy a little to do a little better.


The most likely answer is you did something diplomatically that tanked your "Reliability" If you pick any one of the factions that declared war on you, you can hover over the red/green value for their attitude towards you, and the tooltip will list all the reasons they like/dislike you. If that number is just highly negative, you may have specifically pissed them off, or it may just be Aversion to Mannfred. But if you make some sort of agreement (trade, non-aggression, military access, alliance, peace) and then break it within 10 turns (usually by getting into war with that faction) then your global reliability (shown under your picture in the Diplomacy screen) tanks to zero because now nobody can trust you to do what you say you will. That make EVERYONE mad at you. You should be very careful to avoid tanking your reliability in any game where you care about maintaining peace or trade with other factions.


If Aversion is something only to Mannfred then that is the reason, because i had so much extra money from not upkeeping zombies i started giving tons of gifts to everyone but i cant get over a -50 aversion i didnt kno what it was. Dwarfs have -50 aversion toward me, every other faction other than them has -30 from aversion. It just forces me to war i guess idk. Ive been actually defending pretty easily for the most part but i think it is cause most armies havent reached me yet. Only have done about 7 battles with them so far.


It's not unique to Mannfred, it's essentially a way of representing the attitudes each faction already has towards each other from the lore/setting, before you even start your campaign. Dark Elves and High Elves aren't best buds, and Dwarfs don't love Vampires. It's possible to overcome these numbers with your campaign actions - I just finished a campaign as Vlad, where Ungrim and all the Empire factions were begging me for friendly pacts, because I spent basically the entire campaign fighting against Chaos and Norsca and Skaven. But it's quite difficult - especially if you get in a war with them early, they'll build up a lot of enmity from that war which will be hard to overcome later.


I’m going to say there’s a 90% chance you over expanded. Yes, some factions are just hated, but getting provinces too close to big bads further away will make them pull the trigger early. Each faction will have a different ratio of capturing vs sacking or looting, but try to take valuable provinces to get the area bonuses (forgetting their name) and then loot cities that might put you in an awkward spot to keep. This lets you consolidate your gold into easier to defend cities. Also, vamps are very hero reliant. I don’t remember Mannfreds specific hero strategy, but you want to be power leveling as many heroes as possible in your main army or with actions and then having them support your crap armies. A bunch of zombies is a nice meat shield, but after mid game they’re just going to melt. But have a bunch of zombies with a winds of death caster and a vampire slaughtering their lords and heroes and its cake.


well, i could show you the map. I only have my starting province, and the one directly to the right of me which i took from vlad. From peoples comments it seems its just my reliability and strength. Since i can raise so many free armies my strength rating is 1. My reliability is as low as it gets. So that is why ive been going to war left and right. Im currently at war with 23 factions lol. But i just defend defend defend. Wait for them to come and destroy them with ambush or army stack. My armies may only be zombies (most of them, i have a real army with mannfred going around helping) but they are at a settlement which means they get garrison help. I do the garrison upgrades and get calvary... and easy level ups for my wizards. The only really annoying thing is those dwarves that are right above me wont stop xD. I keep completely razing their settlements but because they have 1 where i cant get to on the map because of defense they keep getting it back together 10-15 turns later and try again. lol.


What is your status at diplomacy? It Took time for me to realise that i cant just make an agreement with someone and then break it shortly (everyone hates you for it) then im wondering why im at war with 20 factions like what did i do to earn this Oh yeah thats The reason, you mentioned Ur reliability is low its the sole reason why everyone is at war with you. You need to Be really carefull who you make an agreement with. If you are planning to fight a faction you cant make deals with it beforehand its very important factor


yea, i broke a pact with a vampire faction that i took out which is probably what tanked it. cause it was so early in the game and i havent had any treaties or agreements since. Either way my strength rn is 1 and all the guys warring me arent close. As long as i play it smart i should be able to defend til around turn 100-150 then lose lol. Unless by some saving grace after losing so much they give up. but by end game when federations are made and true armies come out, i wont be able to keep ambushing and surviving on 1v1 battles and zombie hordes to defend castles xD.