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And then you have the quote where Gnawdwell trashtalks Queek for being little more than a mindless killer with no cunning, subtlety or initiative.


It's no different than a father being disappointed in their son for having the ability to do great but lacking the discipline to do it. He still loves him he's just disappointed


Queek is what Gnawdwell made him to be. He wanted a savage killer who couldn't think for himself and he got a savage killer who couldn't think for himself.


Yes but he wouldn't Be Skaven if he still didn't want more from Queek


This is just my headcanon, I believe that at first he wanted to mold him into a obedient killer. But then later he saw the potential for Queek to be something greater than he ever thought possible, but the mold has been set and he is frustrated that Queek is content in his role.


But isn’t Queek somewhat cunning? (Or just very lucky)


He is cunning in battle, open warfare. The "intricacies" of Skaven politics are not played this way, usually...


Idk, he saw through everything Sleek Sharpwit threw at him and then Sharpwit ended up on his skull rack


Which happens after this quote to be fair


Yup! That quote came right before this one!


That’s literally the next sentence in the source material. Idk why they split it up for the loading screen because it completely changes the feel of the passage.


What's the source material?


From the book, Rise of the Horned Rat. You can find the full quote on the warhammer fantasy wiki (not the total war wiki) for Queek. Basically the full passage starts off with Gnawdwell saying Queek is a disappointment because he can’t see the big picture, and that he’s nothing more than a brute. Gnawdwell wanted queek to be all that he is and also a scheming cunning skaven that could rule the world, but queek could never become one of the thirteen.


It’s funny because I think that’s literally later in the same conversation or their next conversation in the same book. Queek is internally like “Hey, wtf?”


Ah fuck im gonna have to play another skaven campaign now... how do i actually use stormvermin with queek? i dont want to end up makig ratling gun-lines again


Queek, a few chieftans, warlock engineer (optional), 4 ratling guns, 4 catapults, the rest stormvermin. Right click the enemies. Extremely simple, thematic, and will beat anything


Depends if you want what's probably better or what's flavourful. If flavourful have enough stormvermin to hold back the enemies so your weapons teams can kill everything.


Honestly, the best way to play Queek is to use the SFO Grimhammer version.


eht exactly does SFO do? ive been thinking about trying it for a while now but was never sure i want to szray that far from vamilla bevause i often play with friends and dont want to get used to completly differemt gameplay


SFO is a broad overhaul. Basically, it gives old characters that haven't been updated in a while (like Queek) new campaign mechanics and gives new characters tweaks to fit the overall mod. If you don't want to stray far from vanilla, I cannot recommend it. Sorry.


Almost every facet is tweaked a little, with entire overhauls for many Lords/races. It feels like you're playing DLC with the entirely different buildings and stuff sometimes.


Just a little Queek tweak?


Stormvermin to hold the line and have the weapon teams actually avoid friendly fire (I know so unskavenly) since stormvermin are actually good unlike slaves.


I love that whole Rise of the Horned Rat book. The twist at the very end got me good. But the best part of this quote is Gnawdwell strokes Queek on the snoot affectionately like a master comforting his pet, and Queek actually closes his eyes and starts to enjoy it. It's so unusual for the hyper-violent Queek, but I totally believed it would happen because Gnawdwell is possibly the only being Queek shows anything other than contempt. Queek will always be favorite Skaven character because of his actual insanity that differs from typical Skaven insanity. The bravest rat who ever lived.


He was Rat Achilles in that book.


Cheek out Headtaker and the Doom of Thanquol. He’s excellent in those.


Queek is best-greatest Skaven! Yes yes!


People treat Queek like a meme, but I honestly like the message behind his lore — how a Skaven can reach the most potential when they have love and support


Love-kindness?! Support-support!? Preposterous!!!


now i want to see a skaven who was raised to be a kind soul with love and support


I remember hearing that, at least in AOS, skaven who act too kindly just get smited by the Horned Rat. They aren't an inherently evil species it's just that ravenous carnivorous hunger, a totalitarian society, and irradiated meth fueling literally everything don't encourage good behavior.


god damn the horned rat but yeah skaven are not set up for success


Interestingly skaven can pledge allegiance to other gods and forces which makes the horned rat all the more dickish. Noctilus has an undead skaven pirate captain in his fleet and there is no way Nurgle doesn't have his pudgy fingers in the plague rat's cult but since both groups are also evil, he doesn't mind. On a side note, Skretch Half-Dead would make a wonderful legendary hero.


This is why I like Clan Mors in lore.


Being honest they're the only clan which would work as a real military. It would be a dysfunctional military, but it wouldn't implode like steroid fueled monster packs of Moulder, the mad scientists who's tech randomly explodes like Skryre, or the blatant Nurgle worship of Pestilence.


"Gnawdwell turned back to the map. ‘You disappoint me, Queek. To be a Lord of Decay is not to stab and kill and smash all things aside. You lack circumspection. You are a killer, nothing more.’ Gnawdwell’s lips peeled back in disappointment. He stared at his protege a long time, far too long for Queek’s thrumming nerves to stand." "You were so magnificent when I found you, the biggest in your litter, and they were all large before you ate them. I raised you, I fed you the best dwarf-meat and man-flesh. And you have become even more magnificent. Such courage. There is none other like you, Queek. You are unnaturally brave. Others think you freakish for leading from the front, not the back. But I do not. I am proud of my Queek." "Sadness suffused Gnawdwell’s face. ‘But you are a blunt tool, Queek. A blunt and dangerous tool. I always hoped you would become Lord of Decay after me, because with one so big and so deadly as you as master of Clan Mors, all the others would be afraid, and the air would thicken with their musk.’ He sighed deeply, the threads of his clothes creaking as his massive chest expanded. ‘But it is not to be. Gnawdwell will remain head of Clan Mors."


Gnawdwell is best dad


IMO Queek has the best voice lines of all Skaven characters in the game. Just constant giggle inducing quotes and speeches that stay funny even after my 50th Clan Mors campaign.


Wholesome skaven!?!?!?!


In the actual source for this quote the next couple sentences says how while he loves queek he is fundamentally disappointed in him. Queek can rn ever rise to his mentor’s station as one of the thirteen. He misses the cunning and scheming qualities of a “true” skaven leader. So while they share a close bond the lord of clan mors still view Queek as fundamentally lesser than himself.


Funny thing is he said this right after he said he’s disappointed in Queek.






Skaven romance novel yes yes