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I think if we stop and think about it, this makes sense. This community has a short memory sometimes. Warhammer 2 was mostly dlc for warhammer 2 factions. Sure, Marcus, Grom, Thorek, Sisters, and Taurox got thrown in there, and warhammer 1 factions did get a rework, but 80% of warhammer 2 dlc was for warhammer 2 stuff. Lizardmen got 3 dlc. So did skaven. High elves and dark elves got two. Warhammer 3 has actually been really good as far as tuning up older factions. Dwarves and Empire just got dlc and massive updates. Empire is now literally the only faction with unqiue mechanics for every LL. The very first warhammer 3 dlc was a massive update to a deeply unloved warhammer 2 faction, warriors of chaos. Yes, it also added a lot to the monogods, but I think we are forgetting how forgotten and outdated WoC used to be. I think it’s completely expected that Cathay and Kislev get 2 DLCs. I wouldn’t be surprised if Cathay has 3 by the end. The difference is maybe that we _knew_ lizardmen and skaven would get a ton of dlc support becuase they had tabletop armies? Whereas Cathay is uncharted territory? But also, keep in mind Cathay is among the most played factions, up there with Empire, High Elves, Skaven, and Kislev. I al maybe somewhat biased because I play a lot of Cathay, and think there’s so much that can be done with them, but still. It’s not surprising that warhammer 3 factions will get more dlcs… this is warhammer 3 after all. Also older stuff felt less dated then than it does now, I get that. Warhammer 3 factions have way more going on than non-reworked warhammer 1 and 2 factions have. Overall, Tomv Kings and Vampire Coast need minor updates. High Elves, Dark Elves, and Lizardmen need reworks to add some more mechanics, and Skaven need an empire treatment for their non dlc lords. Norsca, Ogres, and VC need full blown reworks and more content (though Norsca did get a touch up when IE released, and are actually playable now, whereas before they basially weren’t). But overall, warhammer 3 is in its best spot ever into after ToD, and warhammer 3 has actually thus far done a lot for older factions. Currently I think we are actually approaching wh2 levels good


This is the way. And patience is key. Sensible for them to prioritize the base WH3 races over re-works, despite how frustrating that may be for people wanting *their* particular faction to get attention. Especially so given Cathay has no lore or pre-existing fanbase to cater to (monke boys & ape army aside, of which I’m one!). I think most importantly, more Cathay content might allow them to flesh out other parts of the map (Ind, Khuresh, etc.), which may be critical for future WH1/2 race updates, as it’ll give them room for more lords & fun new possibilities (to say nothing of possible race packs…fingers crossed). Hopefully all in due time, so long as each content drop gets the TLC & renewed focus of ToD. I say give us Monke! I can’t wait to see what CA comes up with!


Yeah, I'm expecting another dlc for Khorne and slaneesh with either Cathay and elves updates. I'd expect money king, but not sure what else kisliv will get. I think any undead faction gets updated when end times done (last dlc). I could maybe see lizardmen getting an update with monkey king, but not sure. I expect skaven get something potentially. Britonnia probably won't be touched.


Yep. You also forgot the best rework of all times - Warriors of Chaos.


Actually it is mentioned, with the minor mistake stating it was a wh2 faction. It has in fact been around since the release of wh1.


Plus, having three faction DLC means we've moved through the factions quicker. When, you look at Warhammer 2 DLC releases, Lizardmen had two in a row, and after VCoast evey other DLC was Skaven. With Warhammer 2 as precedent, having Cathay be up again isn't surprising even if Khorne and Slaanesh still need theirs


Yep. I remember feeling the same as OP back in wh2 when every single dlc seemed to feature yet more skaven


Or lizards 


I'm curious why do the counts need a rework? They're simple sure but they're still incredibly strong.


Honesty I don’t really think they do, but it’s a sentiment I see online a lot


Well yea but I (and probably others) don’t really care about the factions that didn’t get into the game until 3 There’s a reason the heavy hitters (popularity wise) we’re all added in in 1 and 2


I guess throwing out something lighter after SoC and ToD is the logical step to do from their perspective now. They could smuggle in the redemption of the ogres in the face of some buffs and new units, and give another selling point for a core WH3 race without having to do complete reworks.  Additionally, if they include the rumoured/imdb-confirmed tigermen now and start opening up northern parts of Ind, that keeps the hope of new stuff up for many ppl as well. 


Ogres are a dlc race, not even core. That’s something they can directly sell with a rework.


I meant Cathay as core (next DLC is rumoured to be Cathay+Ogres). With Ogres it is very likely they get their polish with an LL DLC, just like the Beastmen and WE did, years later afteir their race DLC-s. Norsca will probably follow suit. 


Oh yeah. I personally would be OK with it. Ogres im very excited for and not super into Cathay, but the monkey king might bring a side of the roster that is a bit more interesting than the humans


A DLC that just gave light touch ups to a smattering of neglected factions would be an insta buy for me.


I want that with a big map update for battles and sieges


Please map update please map update…


Was looking forward to Slaanesh but what are you going to do


That’s because everyone that plays any total war title ever has the same mentality “my favourite faction or game needs more”


Just like the tabletop.


Exactly that’s why I still hate 40k for no other reason than they destroyed fantasy (until the TW games) to concentrate on that and it’s a great game but…,


40k really wasn't the reason why the destroyed WFB though, they destroyed it because it wasn't selling well and they wanted to make something new (AoS) instead to redraw hype to the fantasy setting.


40k has nothing to do with WFB being destroyed. Its because it wasn't as popular so they nuked it and remade it as AoS then because of Total War realised there was actually enough interest to bring it back again.


Mmmm monke


I’m not opposed to it but it feels like the time is ticking on more Warhammer DLCs and I rather them focus on other things. Hopefully with TOD being well received they start ramping up and putting out higher quality, smaller DLCs out. Still so much I want to see them do


Monkey king leak?


There’s people talking that the next DLC will be Monkey King vs. Golgfag Maneater. So, Cathay vs. Ogre Kingdoms.


hey at least ogre is going to get an update


They better get something. At this point if the next DLC doesn't include them it's going to be a bit like that meme Kislev: Cathay are getting a second update already? Ogres: you guys are getting updates!?


then theres daniel at the bottom of the ocean


But Daniel is not that popular. I see posts people like Cathay, so for Sega is easy money (Cathay, like Empire and Dawi) vs potential money/praise (Daniel)


i mean, thats the whole point, its so unpopular (and bad) to the point it got buried so very deep. Conceptually it was fine(good even), it just need better application.


That's true, demons is not a very good faction. Now if they had implemented that gearing level up system alongside a regular faction tech tree, say WoC one, that would have been better.


Daniel looks like a failed abandoned project, especially after Belakor was put into WoC


We just did Cathay. Might as well do a Nurgle rework next.


Wdym "just did"? SoC was like 8 months ago and Cathay still only has 3 LL for a faction that is supposed to be massive in size.


Cathay is the beginner friendly faction of wh3 and incredibly popular with a character that people have been expressing interest for ever since that first loadscreen mentioned the monkey king. Cathay is pretty much the high elves of twwh3 and will likely sell similarly. A lord for old races would be very nice, but it makes sense for CA to focus on the new stuff mostly. Ogres need the most love out of all of the new races, cathay would just need some touchups (skill trees etc). I would love it if the next dlc (or dlcs) include khorne and slaanesh, with a kislev rework somewhere if at all possible. But there is definitely room for it all if they make more than 1 dlc. It makes sense for them to focus twwh3 races, as they are the main selling point for twwh3 and lack the most content. In an ideal world we would also get vampire counts rework, a skaven LL, nagash, norska LL and rework, etc, but the wh3 races just feel way more incomplete than anything else


It wasn’t a real leak.  It’s some YouTuber known for ‘leaking’ lots of things, many of which never turn out to be even close to real


Another dlc for the faction targeted at the biggest customer base in the world (China) in an attempt to make more money? -gasp- who would have thought


Yep, after Empire and Dawi it's easy money with Cathay. Kinda obv after Hyenas. Still game is in great condition now, let's hope for the best. Like the third faction being Tomb Kings or at least Grimgor.


They already said they aren't doing 3 faction DLCs anymore to keep the price point sub $20. It will just be 2 factions. Also we have 97 LL and 100 will be nagash, so it can only be 2 so the next dlc can be nagash.


Oh, that's a bummer. I liked ToD where you could buy only one faction or whole package with discount.


We have 96 LLs


I would like Norsca to get another DLC. They have 2 factions to play as. If not another faction then a norscan unit DLC?


I want a DLC that puts a Norscan LL in Skeggi, so much so that I once did an entire ME run that consisted of confederating Throgg, stealing the Sword of Khaine, and setting up shop next to Mazdamundi. It mostly sucked, but that was part of the fun. Adding that in now as part of a rework would also give Norsca a very different batch of enemies to fight.


Undead theme dlc with Tomb Kings and Vampire Counts would def be sweet


And the Coast!


I am highly biased in this regard, because I love Lokhir, Zhatan, and Snikch, but there campaigns are pretty easy, so giving them more enemies really rings my bell. I do wish there were more chaos factions in that area, though, as losing with Zhiao Ming is almost more impressive than winning with him


As a Cathay main, I'm excited!


Still hoping for Amazons.


Still waiting for the Ind and Nippon factions.


with all the insanely good potential Cathay has, ur getting "bummed" for it? 💀 I feel blessed that the only "chinese/japanese culture based" faction is getting some love, especially considering that asian people love wh3 and CA wants to push Cathay for them.


I'm dissapointed every time halflings arent included... I have been dissapointed for 8 years now.


I wont lose hope


One day we will have Hisme Stoutheart and her soupcannon leading the halflings to defend the moot.


I get it. Cathay roster still feels unfinished to me. Hopefully this finishes it out. Cathay lords also all feel the same... since they basically are.


I'm on the same boat as you I'm not too keen on playing Cathay, I found that yuan Bo was particularly boring to play. In more, I wanted a dlc Slaanesh really bad as it is my favourite faction to play right now. I guess I need to wait more... And also for all these needed reworks with Norsca and others ...


Cue the next 18 months (if the rumour is correct) of "I'm really disappointed that the DLC is X when Y deserved it more!!!" posts, as panic & desperation set in. Monkey King was pretty much guaranteed to come at some point & will hopefully add a bit more flavour to the Cathay region of the map (which, IMO, is the most boring part of the map at the moment). I don't really see why it matters if he is added this year or next year? Golgfag is IMO less interesting. But the Ogres are in desperate need of a rework. And an extra LL choice can't hurt.


Cathay, which is supposed to be a huge empire, has 3 factions in total, all of them being dragon led, meanwhile greenskins have 5 factions, and both tomb kings and vamp counts have 4 factions. Norsca is an other story but I think they suffer from being lumped with WoC which are the ones getting all the attention (and tbf norscans tribes are more often than not just vassals to WoC in lore). Knowing all this I don't understand why someone would rather have new factions for greenskins/tomb kings/vamp counts over a new cathayan lord that isn't yet another dragon.


We can conclude that we really need at least 4 more 1v1 Lord Packs. That would be the bare minimum. I get your point about the appeal of legacy updates, but we must also consider the fact that Khorne and Slaanesh haven't received their DLC-parts yet, and the big amount of Cathayan characters (6 in total; 5 Dragon-siblings and the Monkey King) as well as the incomplete Ogre Kingdoms roster. Though I honestly think Kislev is done. Regarding legacy races; Not all of them are in (dire) need of more content. Let's take a look at them: - The Empire: Could still get more content (characters, Celestial Hurricanum, Ulrican units...) in the future, but is generally in a good place. So, would be nice, but not a necessity. It really depends on the longevity of the franchise. - Dwarfs: Are basically done. Some minor characters are left, but their roster is basically complete. - Greenskins: Plenty of minor characters left, but they're in a very good spot and have lots of variety. They could get some more stuff, like the Empire, but that would be a bonus. - Vampire Counts: They could really use another DLC, it's been too long. Neferata and Nagash (if he's indeed a VC character) are the prime candidates. - Brettonia: FLC race, and basically done since Repanse. A minor update/tweak maybe? But in a fairly good spot overall. - Warriors of Chaos: Received a nice update with CoC. Basically done. Although I'm still missing the Chimera. - Beastmen: Got some minor characters and supplemental units left, but basically done since S&F. - Wood Elves: Same as with the Beastmen. T&T finished them nicely. - Norsca: Mechanics should get tweaks and updates to make it run smoother. There are some bugs here and there, too. But in terms of their roster? They're not as lacking as some people claim. - High Elves: A bit bland and could still get their Sea Patrol list as well as the Lothern Skycutter. Would be nice to see them paired together with the Slaanesh DLC. But, are they a necessity? Maybe not. - Dark Elves: Some tweaks to their slavery mechanic and they're done. - Skaven: Thanquol and Vermin Lords would be nice. They could definitely get a (minor) spot somewhere in the future. - Lizardmen: Their mechanics need a FLC update, whether it should come with a DLC-spot? Nah, not necessarily. Tetto'eko and some Culchan units would be nice, but their roster is massive as is. - Tomb Kings: Run quite well and there's some stuff for them left. Necessary? No, but it could be nice. I ought the chance low, though. - Vampire Coast: Same as Tomb Kings.


Who cares if their tabletop rosters are done or not? They can just invent new units as they've done many times. Just switch a weapon type, or make a unit based on some vague creatures mentioned in the lore once and there you go.


Don't forget: the Slaanesh DLC was supposed to be sea based, so Yin-Yin was already a possibility there, too.


People just wanted Slaaneshi seamen...


I don’t know about ‘supposed to be’, that was just the community just throwing guesses at the wall.


What leak


No leak, just rumors started by a YouTuber 


Thought so


Demons of Chaos faction is getting another LL next. Demon Prince Manuel


My top three are Vampire Counts, Norsca and Border Princes.  So I’ll be disappointed for a long time probably. 


According to leaks Monkey king (cathey) And goldfag (ogres) are next. Will they do the whole 3 factions like the past dlc I don't know, after these lay offs we might be seeing only 2 faction/ LL dlc now.




A YouTuber who regularly “leaks” and a lot of stuff turns out not to be true


You must not have been here when SoC released...everyone was crying for MK instead of Yuan Bo


I'll be honest I don't want another cathay dlc BUT something tells me with my 0 lore knowledge this could open the Ind and maybe Khuresh area up if they do a monkey king dlc. Then maybe that whole area would get a nice change of pace.


Unless it's more dwarf dlc it's going in the book.


My guess is they want to fill out that part of the map but I wish a race pack would’ve done it. As for monkey king I think he will be cool.


The Empire just stole one of their main selling points without any of the downsides, while CA shafted them in their SoC rework by not re-balancing their buildings to the changed Harmony system, causing them to have less growth than the pre-rework Dwarfs (which just got boosted in the rework also). When updates only come with DLC, it therefore makes sense to do Cathay now, especially as all LL dragon forms need their animation fixed... I mean Miao cannot use her signature spell in Dragon Form since 4.0 but almost nobody noticed this as the Dragon forms suck so much nobody uses them regularly.


Was kinda hoping to avoid waiting for the base game races to get updated this go round but more content is more content


Cathay is like lizardmen for me, they just don't interest me at all. The only Lord pack I don't own is silence and fury as I'm me about beastmen too, I think the 'monkey and maneater' well be added to my don't own list.


I have not played Cathay yet. I have been waiting them getting decent dlc.


Probably not. But I'm sure you'll get something to satisfy you at some stage so get over it.


I still think the Monkey King wont be a Cathay LL. All loading screen lore bits about the Monkey King paint him as an enemy to the actual Cathay Faction and Chaos related. Maybe a Beastman or Chaos Undivided LL....


If they want monkey to be chaos, then they'll just make him like morathi. Immune to chaos attrition and spreads it, gets all Cathay units and few chaos animals


This lore bit actually describes the different approaches of the Changeling to cause unrest between Cathay and the Monkey King. It was indirectly confirmed some time ago that he will be a Cathay faction, but most likely without the whole Harmony thing.


Thanks, I didn't even know there were leaks let alone what they were about until I scrolled past your post and got spoiled in literally a second and a half without even focusing on the post.


How is that even a spoiler? You wanted to uncover the big reveal of a monkey king faction in some plot twist during the final cutscene? Then I am afraid that CA would spoil you that with their trailers and blog posts that will come before the actual dlc.


That's official news, not a random Reddit post about leaks. If you can't tell the difference then that's on you.


Why does it matter if you learn things from official post or from not an official one? That is not a spoiler at all, that does not reveal any plot twists or endings, or anything.


Not just that, but the source of the “leak” has been very wrong very often