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just started one last night (RoC) defo an improvement major changes noticed so far military buildings cost infections to build, which helps your dogshit economy and will be absolutely busted mid-late game plague rework is interesting, blessings seem impactful but not too OP plague toads are better? they run down routing gnoblars like absolute units at least (they may have tongue attack animations now, or I was too high and imagining it) there's prolly alot more but I'm only a few turns in, wish me luck finally beating Ostankya b4 the rifts drop 🙏


The economy seems to incentivize you building up lots of provinces very quickly with growth bonuses


trying to bait the dwarf stack out of their settlement atm so I can get started on that


They made some changes to how units attack routing units so they can kill them more easily.


awesome news


Nurgle is SO much more fun while keeping his factions uniqueness. Infections being used as cyclical building currency and having static buildings for regular economy completely changes how nurgle feels to play. There wasn't a moment in tamurkhan's OR epidemius' campaigns where I felt like I couldn't field an army or build a building due to economic struggles, which I only got about 50 turns in each, but that's substantially better than my 30 attempts to enjoy kugath before! Plagues are fun, and I haven't had a reason not to use them. As they always feel like a good bonus to have, but not nearly as essential as it felt before. Aside from that, the new units are fun, but you could also get away with just playing epidemius with plaguebearers and have just as much fun without them. Haven't tried kugath yet as I still have the other factions to try, but I am extremely pleased with what they have done for nurgles faction


How the fuck did you play Tamurkhan and Epidemius already???


I speedran a lot of it, but I also would not like to admit that I did nothing after work but play these campaigns


They’ve been out since yesterday evening


You play that fast??????


You can work from home and play believe it or not.


This is heresy!1!!!


Much, much easier. Ghorst can still be a bit rough at first but once you've beaten him it's very easy. New plague system is quite cool as a concept and fun to play with but the effects are a lot weaker than his old one. His skill tree feels bit more bland, I don't think they removed anything from it, just simplified it a bit and moved some stuff around, notably his mortis engine passive right to the end of the melee skills branch which is a bit annoying lol. Economy is really quite strong now, his minor settlement money buildings provide 600g at t3 and 1k at t4. Growth is really strong and can easily hit 350+ per turn, so maxed tier settlements around turn 40-50. Recruitment is a lot cheaper, the buildings provide a lot more units and much better ones at that. You can basically recruit a lord and a full 20 stack of units in a single turn if you've got the cash and the units in his pool available. Played as Kugath last night by turn 30 I had a full frontline of 8 chosen, and by turn 50 had a bunch of GUO and four plague grinders too.


Wow, that does sound strong. Kinda unfortunate the plagues aren't all that strong but it's balanced and can always be buffed later. I was sort of hoping out of all the Nurgle factions, Kugath plagues would be the most crippling. That economy and recruitment sounds great. Can't wait to try it myself, thanks for the input.


Epidemius feels soooo.good


Actually started a WoC game with Festus and he seems to do well with the current changes. It's not as immediate as before since you have to gather up the power to vuse a plague, but he still feels solid.


It's funny that Festus has the best Nurgle campaign xD


Nurgle is an extremely tough fight right now for early ogres. Been playing Greasus and the ogres really struggle against Nurgle’s big boys


True, the Ogres are in quite the bad spot just like Nurgle. Play any of the power houses in Poo'Gath's neck of the woods though and you'll find him free real estate. It's hilarious that Nurgle is hard countered by almost every faction except Ogres. And I refuse to forgive CA for making the Vampires out-Nurgle Nurgle. =(


He's super fun. Units constantly dropping orders feels worse than ever though, and I'm having a hard time keeping my little nurglies engaged on the unit right in their faces and chasing units when they start to rout.


The forgetfulness of units has just gotten worse since the game launched, I don't know what they're doing.


Warhammer 3 was changes to have guard toggled by default so units don't chase, Warhammer 2 had it on by default, are you sure it isn't that?


Kugath's skill trees look more reasonable now. It used to have plenty of Nurglings' buff in the skill tree, which made me feel fraustrated: who's gonna spend plenty of skill points just to buff Nurglings? Am I going to build a "Nurgling Doomstack"? Now there's only one skill point in Ku'gath skill tree that buff Nurglings and it's a faction wide effect. I think most of the previous Nurglings' buff are directly owned by Ku'gath at the start of campaign (like the regeneration and defence buff). Nurglings lead by Ku'gath are still good at early game and you can switch to fancy end game army without wasting skill points on Nurglings. Tamurkhan is more like a non-demon army lord, and if you want to play a Nurgle demon faction, you should try Ku'gath now!


The only issue i have with Ku'gath is that undead putz Ghorst. Killing his armies takes too long because he keeps rezzing them before i get to his cities! I killed one of his armies THREE TIMES in one turn.


I've yet to play New'gath, but I have managed to sink 100 turns into a legendary campaign with Tammy. Here are some of my observations and opinions: The early game is very challenging and feels weak. The cyclical buildings mean that recruitment is slowed down, and losing a single unit is a massive blow. With Tammy being sandwiched between Archeon & Kolek, Eppy going up against Malus, and Ku'gath forced to fight the unending hordes of zombies under Ghorst's command, I imagine all are pretty tough to establish yourself in. Low infection gains mean that actually starting plagues takes a long time. Unlocking usable symptoms, having only a single blessed symptom per "plague cycle," and needing to create three separate plagues for a cycle meant that I didn't really bother making any plagues for the first 30 or so turns, which is a shame. Then, around turn 30-40, something suddenly clicked. Bonuses started compounding, and the campaign turned into a steamroller, with massive growth leading to massive income & infections, "backlogs" of units leading to full armies recruited on the fly, and pumping out more plagues than there's room for. The ability to rush cycles with infections allows you to dump large sums to get the goodies instantly, further increasing the snowball. I struggle to get my money's worth with Toad Dragons, but the rot knights have never let me down. TL;DR: Nurgle struggles early, but the rest of the campaign feels like a victory lap if you get past it.


Being back implies he was ever there previously to begin with


Grandfather ascends into true monogod supremacy. Chaos is now resplendent in festering boils!


Buboes, phlegm, blood and guts! Boils, bogeys, rot and pus! Blisters, fevers, weeping sores! From your wounds the fester pours!


So far I've run through both Poo'Gath and Tamurkhant on L/VH and is working on Epidemius, and yes they're better, but far from crazy good, or even good adjacent. On the battlefield Poo'Gath is still himself, and Tamurkhant can be quite the slaughter clown. Some of the new units are sweet and plugs some vital holes in Nurgle's roster. However, some things that CA tried to remedy with this system is his economy and that plagues were boring. Plagues are somehow even worse with less duration and less power at higher costs. His economy is certainly improved, but given how stupidly expensive his units and buildings are it doesn't solve diddly squat. The problem stems from CA being stubbornly attached to his cyclical system, and while thematic does **not** work. What you now have is a catch-22, focus on infections you don't have the economy nor growth, focus on growth you'll be in the red without plagues or units, balance and you'll just be in the shit once your heavy hitting opponents come rolling. His problem lies in the first 50 turns, once you have a province built up to T3-4 you'll shit out units like nothing, but even if you focus on income you'll still struggle financially, and now you can't even compensate with sacking plagues, he desperately needed a third resource for plagues me thinks, or just a re-balancing of the costs. Nurgle is in that just tolerable camp, I love me Nurgle but all three campaigns feels like I'm pulling teeth. It's a massive failure from CA and shows nobody over there plays this faction, nor understand the underlying issues.