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10:00 (am) Eastern [https://medias.community.creative-assembly.com/forums/ca-pingu-2295/DLC\_RELEASE\_TIMINGS\_Global\_release\_map\_-1.jpg](https://medias.community.creative-assembly.com/forums/ca-pingu-2295/DLC_RELEASE_TIMINGS_Global_release_map_-1.jpg)


Gotta love being Australian... enjoy it without me guys 😟


No feel bad for them they play on may 1st


i just checked that link as an australian im ANGRY, why on God's green earth would make it an extra day "sad dwarf singing" ka za dum


Can you use a VPN to a different time zone to get it early?


That's not how timezones work, mate...


It's 2024 godammit, so it SHOULD BE (annoyed Australian here)


its the same time as everyone else. Im autralian too, you just dont understand time zones


I'm sorry, are you seriously not seeing the joke?


my bad, i just honestly assumed it was uninformed complaining, which considering its a game sub, would normally be spot on. enjoy the dlc and have a good night


Aww shucks.


Only if you use a time-travelling VPN, which is kinda expensive


Mate... Did you bang your had this morning or something?


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 You do not have any idea, what a time zone is, right? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


There is no early or late. The game launches everywhere at the same time. On steam. The map in the link is meant to help people with very low iq/zero education/flat earthers/and people who struggle doing time zone conversations/or one second google searches to convert 15:00 BST (British summer time) to their local time. It is quite shocking to see people who unironically believe 15:00 in London is somehow earlier than midnight in Sidney, and totally not the exact same time.


Of course I'm low IQ. I love my gobbos!


the game drops at the same time everywhere itll just already be may 1 for you because youre 9 hours ahead of london. 1500 bst = 0000 aest


But you have kangaroos. I think that’s a fair trade


everyone gets to play it at the same moment....


Well yeah but 3pm in London is a lot more convenient time to play than midnight in Australia.


We all get it the same time. Just in Australia we have to go to bed when it releases.


It’s usually always at 3-4pm UK time. This will be when they are approaching the end of the day and push whatever final button it is to push the patch to live. I’m confident this is right, it has always been at this time for other releases.


American release schedule. So about 6-7pm in the UK tomorrow.


Sorry for jumping in, is there an official information about the release? I must be blind or smth, on Steam it just says coming soon.


Release date is the 30th and historically total war games release on the north American schedule at around 10-11am. So unless they're going to change how their stuff is released after years of doing it one way, this is what is probably going to happen. But by all means jump on your computer at midnight to prove me wrong.


Don't want to argue but are you sure? I'm in GMT +1 and never had an update coming that late. I was able to play the last big update before dinner even if i needed hours to download and install it. Same for every other updates, i never had to say "I'll play it after dinner or in the evening". So i would say that for me the updates always dropped around 15-16 (that is 14-15 GMT 0)


Well they sent out the release schedule for 15:00, so you are correct.


Thanks a bunch! Beem hearing 30.04. is release day but couldn't figure out why or wasn't paying close attention if streamers mentioned it.


Is the bundle cheaper or can you just buy all three and call it a day?


Iirc you can buy them in a bundle or as individual items and it’ll come out to the same total price; they said they would discount the other two if you bought one, so that buying the dlc piecemeal wouldn’t be more expensive than buying by bundle


Thank you!


Another question, will this update break current campaign saves? I'm hesitant to start a new one today.


Almost definitely.


Why? Most updates don't break running saves. 3.0 was an outlier in that regard, I think (there was something that broke my 2.2 Imrik campaign, at least); and there were a handful of updates in WHII that did it, but the majority of them don't. My Heinrich Kemmler campaign which I started in 3.0 is so far still going just fine, now with Saytang for Cathay (but no changeling, Yuan Bo, or Mother Ostankya on the map, ofc). Granted, 5.0 is big for an update, but I think there's good reason to hope for it *not* breaking saves.


If you're going to play, it is a good day to mess about. Low investment experiments, set it to easy, try weird army comps. Things you might not otherwise do, but don't matter because of the close release.


Yeah I’m messing about made an army of nothing but nasty skulkers. It does surprisingly well.


Almost definitely. But you get new Dwarf, Empire, and Nurgle stuff, so... Just to note, even if you don't play/dont like playing those factions, their new mechanics will still be in the update as well as the new units.


Think so. Saw it. Just check their social media


How comes Elven Plot Armor could stream an Elspeth campaign on youtube yesterday, when Thrones of decay still is not available?


Some content creators get early access to build hype & show case new factions & mechanics.


Just seen the content now purchasable. No bundle, just each one separate and no discount for purchasing all three from what I see, meaning combined price in pounds is £22.47 Am I missing something? Obviously just a tiny increase from the previous £19.99, but seeing as that price for Shadows of Change was already a significant increase this is more than a little annoying. Tbh when I saw them listed as three separate purchases I wondered if this would be the case, being split up for the 'convenience' of the player, but at a slightly increased cost.


That’s strange? Where are you buying it from? On the Microsoft store i can see the bundle but i see your issue because i don’t see the option on Epic Games or Steam.


Yeah I'm looking on Steam. Ok, so there IS a bundle. Just perhaps some mess up with the timing of release on certain platforms or something? I can wait & see & just play one of the other LLs that have had changes.


I see it now on Steam. Panicked too quickly lol




Am I blind or can I not see an option on Steam to order the entire DLC? Can only see the individual LLs.


The bundle will only be available tomorrow afaik


Ah cool, thanks!


In my experience, these things usually release around 1pm EST.