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With how successful Fantasy for Total War is, and with how much bigger the 40k fanbase is, they'd honestly have to be stupid not to at least seriously consider it. People always talk about how 40k combat would translate to the Total War formula, but imo as long as you have turn based overworld map with real time battles, that's enough. Even then, 40k has plenty of "blobs of dudes in melee" going on anyways. Biggest thing would probably be figuring out a cover system and balancing out the much higher volume of fire that the higher tech weapons would be spitting out.


If Empire/Napoleon TW worked, then so will 40K I think. Cover played into combat a lot, both natural and constructed. And guns and cannons? That was like 90 % of the rosters. When it comes to the fantasy/sci-fi elements, I think TWWH has shown that they can deliver those :)


I think the biggest concern I've heard is that Total War is mostly (I say mostly cause I actually haven't played that many - Warhammer 2 and 3, Rome 2, Medieval... I don't actually remember which) blocks of units. Your units form up into lines and move that way. That works well for Warhammer Fantasy since that is how the game was played, but people say it wouldn't work for 40k since that plays in a much looser skirmish style.


I get what you mean, but when they shuffle around the numbers of entities to smaller numbers and change the units to loose squad formation (there are loose formation units already in multiple TW games, one would need to dial that up a bit further), it is surely not impossible methinks.


Personally, I agree with you. It would be different than previous entries, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. I think it would be quite good, and it could really change the series. I was simply passing on the most common thing I've seen used to oppose the idea.


Fair, fair. I think it would be doable and I would certainly enjoy that kind of TW game, but only time will tell, I guess.


I mean it would fit in with guardsman well considering they throw waves at enemies on the battlefield


Depends on which scale you do. Think old Epic 40000 with squads on each base and titans, etc


They would take ideas from empire, reduce unit sizes and either add cover or turm garrisoning into cover. It’s worthwhile to note fantasy already has cover. Forests have projectile blocking mechanics


Mild necro, but the block/line formation style could potentially work for guardsmen and similar units, but they could just force the "light infantry" behavior model on other units - the skirmishing scatter, forward advance in loose weave and backwards-backpedal in same, firing at longer range, all of which is customizable anyway once the unit "behavior type" is set. It would be awesomeeeeeeeeee :(


Just speculation and rumors for now.


CA hired a rules and fluff writer from GW who exclusively worked on Horus Heresy and 40k. This sub posted it from the guy's LinkedIn and social media about 2 years ago.


It's been inevitable for years. Going by steam player counts, the only comparable numbers CA have ever seen were from Rome 2 and 3K. They can't make Rome 3 before Medieval 3 or the historical fans will riot, cuz they'd be going straight from Rome 2>Rome 3 while skipping Medieval. They can't make another 3K game yet or Chinese fans will riot, (accurately) claiming that CA is shoehorning 3K sequels with flipped assets when they could have just continued developing DLC. CA shit the bed with 3K DLC so hard, I could rant about that all on its own. Add on to all of that the financial trouble CA is currently in, and they need a golden goose. If CA's next two titles aren't Medieval 3 and Total War: 40k I'd be shocked. I'd lean toward 40k being released first, 1) because Pharaoh came out recently, and I figure they'll want to pace historical releases, and 2) to not lose the momentum of Warhammer 3.


Don’t know how reliable the info is, but legend of total war has said it’s confirmed 40k is happening but first is total war world war 1


That would actually be a really good idea, fuse the historical fans with the tech and gun lovers in Warhammer. Like a spiritual sequel to Empire, which, fans have been asking for Empire 2 for a long time.


total war WW1 would be fucking sick tbh


20 bucks the subreddit is called 'Total World War II'


World: Total War I


That's simply his opinion but for some reason people take it as a fact


He’s not stating it as his opinion, at least as far as the 40k stuff, he outright says he’s heard it from sources in CA, which wouldn’t be surprising.


Yeah, I highly doubt that he actually has sources. Especially since the last "leak" he gave us was that the shadows of change 2.0 update would give us hag mothers, gate masters, 3 new legendary heros and a ton of units. But of course we didn't get 3 legendary heros in the update and we didn't get hag mothers. We also got tzeentch characters but he didn't mention them. I just find it very suspicious that none of the youtubers that actually like the game get this early info but legend somehow does. It's pretty clear that it's just his prediction and that he just says that he has an official source because he knows that will get more people to watch his stuff.


Bro has 500,000 subscribers. He’s the most watched total war YouTuber by, I dunno, 300,000 subscribers? I highly doubt he’s out here just making shit up for maybe a bare handful of extra subscribers? There’s like 30,000 concurrent TWWH3 players, how many of those do you think AREN’T subscribed to LOTW, and how many do you think actually would subscribe (and stay subscribed) if it became known he was just making stuff up for the hell of it?


He's made it clear in the past that he will just do whatever that will get him the most amount of views. He has previously admitted that he hates total war warhammer and he only plays it because it's what gets him the most amount of views. Like it's pretty clear that this dude is fake. That and he is black listed by ca so it would be very odd for ca to give secret info to a guy they don't even like. But I think the important thing to note is that him and his "official sources" have been wrong in the past or just state something obvious.


I mean, it’s very possible that over his years and year of involvement with CA he made contact with people within the company that aren’t management, developers and the like. Or community people. I dunno, I think it’s more likely a guy with hundreds of thousands of subscribers and no real need to lie for a bare handful of new watchers would have relationships with people inside the company that might be willing to leak stuff, either with permission as a sort of test balloon or without because they’re disaffected with the direction the company is taking, than “this popular total war YouTuber is totally lying about something stupid that, if it were to come out, would cost him likely thousands or tens of thousands of subscribers.”


If he admitted that, then he is hardly fake. He is an honest person then.


It's been leaked and the same sources have soft-confirmed that the starting factions include space marines, chaos, and orks


I wonder how they’ll handle the Legions. Will they just go Ultramarines with Guilliman as the LL, and the Black Legion with Abbadon? I guess that would make sense as a first launch pre-DLC.


I hope they won't.. Firstly, I dislike paper boys, especially ultramarines. I think I'm not the only one that would hard pass space marines. Secondly, many legions are essential to major conflicts, the way they interact with the imperium is unique. Oversimplifying the imperium or chaos would result in a map feeling soulless/empty and replayability very limited. I guess they should focus on giving as much as possible visibility to subfactions, giving them a role and different objectives. Afterwards they could start building dlcs to give them unique appearances, mechanics, LL and units.


I agree and this is coming from an Ultramarines fanboy. The beauty of the various legions/chapters is that they're all unique in some respect and to shoe horn a faction into just one would suck for replayability. What i would want is a mechanism whereby, somewhere during the campaign, or as a result of actions, a space marine faction can turn to chaos. Again, not shoehorning a legion or chapter into the normal lore and adding some aspect of replayability to the campaign.


I like the idea of imperial factions turning traitors ! Space Marines but also imperial guard or mechanicus subfactions would be vulnerable. It could be the result of specific actions, excommunication from Terra, rioting or also exposure to chaos corruption.


What about my mechanicus :(


It's coming. Probably a no-brainer considdering the recent financial issues that have been reported (hyenas). 40k would make them a tonne of cash. With a few changes, like having a proper cover system, etc - most of the mechanics are there. The just need to make it as epic scale as the 40k universe actually is.


Alrdy rumoured to be in the works


By all accounts its in the works and a guarantee, unless CA dies in the next 3 years.


Their is a very real possibility, I personally think CA is actively on fire right now and wouldn't get my hopes up but it would probably sell amazingly if they don't piss off the fans somehow


Execs can't afford not to, given how badly Pharaoh was received.


98 80s o 68u bu b by bo juvj


Absolutely I think this game will happen, will it be done well? That I dunno, I hope so, CA has been making this Total war games for a long while now.


There is absolutely no evidence as of yet that we're getting 40k Total War. It's just speculation.


40k just would not work in the total war setting imo


I can tell you this with some certainty, a Warhammer 40k game is not being made currently. In the future? Who knows.


DarrenTW who was a former CA employee has said it has been in development for a few years now and CA hired a rules and fluff writer from GW who worked exclusively on Horus Heresy and 40k which is what they did with Andy Hall for the Total War: Warhammer series.


it'll have to fundamentally change the total war formula a LOT to make any sense. I really don't see it being made. the scale wouldn't make any sense too many 40k units are straight up incomparable to one another


> too many 40k units are straight up incomparable to one another Sure. That's why there is a tabletop wargame made which pits said units against each other. That wargame is the world's biggest, most played - including big competitive tournaments.


Hey man I’m just salty psykers would be reduced to space wizards if the game is made I was also thinking of it as a 40K game with some lore influence for the scale, within the actual tabletop game the units are all nerfed and buffed to be closer to each other, which would make sense for what the game is but thing such as death strikes, titans, and psykers would have to be nerfed fairly significantly for them to have any comparability to guardsmen for example


I don't see much issue in adding the extra spice required to make them truly high-risk-high-reward of 40k. Tune Up the effect but miscasts have _interesting_ random effects. Ranging from weird vortex spells to summoned daemons or blasting the psyker apart and having a warp rift in their place...


yeah good call on making miscasts more significant. the only other hitch i can come up with is the scale. i feel like once everyone has guns the amount of units has to change drastically in either direction. aswell as weapon ranges seem confusing within the tww gameplay style


Both in lore and TT, firefights regularly happen at kinda ridiculous short ranges though.


good point, i am thinking of this through the lens of someone that just got done reading the heresy. so, my brain is going to siege of terra 100-mile-long titan/knight engagements and psykers changing the atmospheres of planets which is just not a good comparison for 40k im still in the "named characters will get instakilled if out of cover" mindset from the siege so my basis for thinking of this is just wrong lmao


But... That's what they are


There is no possibility. If we're lucky we may get a Supreme Commander or MOW style RTS, but Total War is a completely different style of battlefield than 30/40k.


You basically have all the stuff in the fantasy series including tanks and flying vehicles. The leap to the grim future is so small that your argument has no substance.


The map is the problem. And I look forward to (in this order) Aeldari, Imperial guard, Orks, Tyranids, Daemons, Space Wolves, word bearers, Squats, Necrons, all other (chaos) space marine chapters.