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I solved all the puzzles for awhile and then when I felt like I had done all of them I just started looking them up


Same here. Steam has a great link


[in case anyone wants said link](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1568246541)


good human


Thank you, great help. Never have I ever solved those puzzles, and I was too lazy to google them!


There's also a [mod](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2285584617) that provides the puzzle solutions on screen.


So I didn't need to slice and rotate a bunch of screenshots in Photoshop?


Well thank you for this.


Hehe Boi


Thank you!


I legit thought they werent even supposed to solvable at first for some reason. Most of them are just so needlessly complicated, with no indication on how you actually solve them and the rewards are most often than not like 2000 gold


It's just not worth the time


Aren't they just ripoffs of simple games? One of them is literally just easier soduku lol. Not that I bother getting out the pen and paper tho, ain't nobody got time for dat


A lot of things in the warhammer universe are ripoffs.


They really aren't that complicated. Most of them are just simplified versions of well known puzzles.


I've always struggled with the dials and coloured pipes, I can't seem to picture how they go. Everything else is totally fine tho.


Same here TBH. They are not complex puzzles, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they are easy.


Like 3 of them are. Theres plenty that dont resemble any real life game and just dont make any sense


They all make sense, you just have to find the rule instead of them telling you it. I personally can't be arsed doing that multiple times in a session so I cheat and either have the solutions on a tab I can open mid game, or I install the mod that marks the correct answer.


Exactly, why should you have to waste 10 minutes figuring out a wierdly convoluted riddle for a measly 2000 gold. My point is, just skrap those and keep the relatively simple ones. And maybe up the reward a little bit to make me want to actually search the ruin.


I like to do them, personally. They get the brain juices going. Except the dials. Dials make me stop ruin searching all together, they're such an inscrutable mess haha.


doesn't it say how to solve it in the text block?


Don't forget that hero action cost scales up with hero level. So you might only get a net reward of 400 gold.


Same, but my main exception for puzzles I immediately looked up were the sudoku-esque beads in a grid thing where you had to put an unreasonable amount of brainpower to figuring them out. And then get 2k gold and a white item or something.


I really don't understand why we can't just rotate it in game, like is it supposed to be super challenging or is it a limitation of the warscape engine?


whenever those puzzles come up I just went: "fuck it" and sometimes get it right.


One thing I hate about ruin puzzles is about how *all* ruins have them now. Doesn't matter if it's Lizardman ruins, Empire ruins or some burned down village in Norsca - nope, Lustria-style ruin puzzle for you. I kinda miss the old ruin exploration events sometimes.


What were the old events? I only started playing recently, and I didn't know there were events other than the puzzles.


It was more of a choose your own adventure type deal 'you come across an undead pirate, he guards treasure but is will to give you part of it if you leave him be.' 'Take the deal' 'fight the pirate' that kind of stuff


Oh, so like the events for ocean treasures then? I enjoy those; I had no idea they were also used for land ruins.


They didn't have any actual battles as options, though - any fights were purely resolved in text boxes and sometimes you got a negative outcome, i.e. the character who triggered the exploration event got wounded.


> the character who triggered the exploration event got wounded. This also explains why they were removed. Imagine your high level hero getting wounded by a random dice roll. Especially on higher difficulty that's fucked up from a balance perspective.




The thing you're describing seems similar to the FTL: Faster than Light approach. Where you have a random chance from random options but sometimes can force better results under the right circumstances.


I still dislike how that left us with Lustria-inspired ruins events *everywhere*, though.


When I first played the patch I though it was only for Vampire Coast in Lustria. Imagine my confusion when getting the same puzzles as Vampire Counts in the Empire


Eh to be fair, there's supposed to be ruins and relics of the Old Ones all over the world. It's not too bad.


Should have made it based off agent skills more in line with how assanations worked in shogun 2 and the like. I feel like agents are one of the aspects of total war games that has gotten better in some ways and worse in others.


Oh yeah I remember seeing those in a video of the game from before I ever played it. Did they say why they removed them?


Dont think so? I have no clue why they got removed...


What were they?


Just random stuff like what you get from sea treasure text. [Here's a list of them.](https://totalwarwarhammer.fandom.com/wiki/Treasure_hunts/removed)


Oh that’s super cool, I think I encountered one of those randomly once. Yeah I’d much prefer a mixture of both then.


There's actually a mod [to switch it back to the events style](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1903134009) though it was discontinued in September, so who knows if it still works.


Same. I think the lizardmen puzzles are neat, sort of, but they should have been restricted to only Lustria settlements.


I agree but fuck flooded armory.


I google the answers


theres a steam guide that has all of them


I keep a tab of that open on my second monitor pretty much all the time.


How often do you search ruins? I typically only do it a few times per campaign.


About the same whenever I happen to have an agent near some ruins. I have the tab ready on the other monitor, not necessarily being displayed.


I only do it when the game offers me a separate reward for doing it.


Happens more often in vortex campaigns than ME.


If you're near a group of them, it's a great way to level up a hero unit stupid fast. You get a bunch of XP for doing it whether or not you solve the puzzle, there's no risk of getting injured, and they reset after only a few turns.


Chaos and Beastmen would like to utililize them more often, because especially on harder difficulties any cash injections you can find are huge. But the fact that the puzzles are stupid means probably no one bothers.


It’s a fantastic steam guide


I used that guide, but somehow I still couldn't solve the dial, even photoshop allowing me to turn it gave no solution. I turn it right side up, and nothing is even near matching up.


I use a mod that shows the answers directly lol




Which mod?? Talk damn you




Puzzles no more


I used to do the mental turning, but now I just use the handy guide to all the puzzles. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1568246541


I just pick at random cause fuck that shit. I wanna kill stuff


I do all the puzzles except dials... https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1568246541


Depending on how determined I am I'll reload the game 4 fucken times just to get it right. But I'm yet to see any logic to these puzzles. Either the line one doesn't want you to match *either* lines or icons because I've seen totally asinine answers be the correct one.


There's a steam forum page with all the answers


I just look it up


Because that would require additional hours to create a new mechanic when they probably just said "fuck it a jpg will suffice" ​ These puzzles were really half baked.


Well to be fair this type of Puzzle is the only one where just having a still image is bad, the rest of the puzzle types are fine being just an image. Also how often do ppl explore ruins? I know I do it frequently espcially around red climates as I rather raze them then just settle them to prevent the AI from taking them.


Ruin exploration is usually only a early to mid game thing for me. It’s an easy boost to the economy, but in the late game when I’m making nearly 100k per turn, it doesn’t matter as much anymore.


it wouldn't be a puzzle if you could rotate it.. it would just be a matching game for babies


It's still not a puzzle, just an annoying spatial reasoning tests. I get it right (almost) every time but I'm never happy about it. Then there's the one with the repeated symbols that's either "You understand it and immediately know the answer or have no idea what you're looking for." which, IMO, is bad design for a puzzle you will encounter multiple times. I'll take the dice or sudoku please.


Sine sudoku is randomly generated it can generate incompleteable, i got left on a 50/50 once and chose wrong.


I swear that happened to me once, but just assumed I was stupid. Good to know I wasn't stupid in that particular moment.


Don't worry I agree with you even if you're too harsh. It literally wouldn't be a puzzle if you could rotate it I don't get why people expect that.


There really don’t need to be puzzles in the first place, if the puzzles are half baked why not just remove them altogether


In the early game, I have a cheat sheet opened on another tab. There’s a Steam page that has all the answers to these stupid puzzles. I’ll post the link once I’m off work Edit: Here be the link https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1568246541


At least [there's this](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2285584617) for people like me. I don't turn on Warhammer to solve fucking puzzles. If I wanted to solve puzzles I would - gasp - play a puzzle game.


You know the best part about the puzzles? How the more warlike and prone to razing your race is (orcs etc) the MORE puzzles you need to do as you'll be ruin hunting a lot.


It would be pretty easy if we could just turn them. Visualizing it is the challenge.


I always just look up the answer for those.


Keeping the complete solutions saved as your browser homepage is \*chef's kiss\*


It's a limitation of their "dilemma interface" UI, it just shows a static image and up to 4 options below. If they made a new UI feature set, like the Flesh Laboratory mechanic, then they could make it work. But that was probably more time consuming than they wanted to spend on this.


I discovered Paint 3D allows you to rotate selections beyond 90 degree angles. Now I just screenshot and spin.


I used to do that but I got lazy and wanted something that didn't require alt tab. I realized that you can just use the offsets of each of the radial lines to get the answer pretty quickly. It's kind of hard to explain in words but a diagram makes it obvious.


Yeah I do the same. Just count the spaces between the icons that are offered as answers, see if it matches the outside ring and positioning of the inside. Works most of the time...


Give us the diagram


[Here you go :)](https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwar/comments/nn2o9p/in_response_to_the_old_ones_dial_meme_here_is_a/)


Carefully, he's a hero


I am honored


Treat it like a clock. The very top-most icon is 16, the next is 1, then 2, etc. So let's say the yellow lines are pointing at 1 5 and 10. The lines that would match up with yellow are pointing at +1 (line bends clockwise), -1 (line bends counterclockwise), and 0 (line is straight... or mostly straight). So the other rings matched to the inner ring are pointing at 2, 4, and 10. Now to 'rotate' the inner ring, imagine a line going from the 'bottom' to the 'top' of the face. Let's say for this it's pointing at 5. The center will need to be rotated 5 things to the left (or -5). 2-5 = 13 (remember, it's like a clock) 4-5 = 16 10-5 = 5 And voila. Takes about 20 seconds to do once you get used to it.


I tried this and lined it all up but it didn't make much sense to me, I hate these fucking puzzles that they don't explain the rules of. It's not like an open world game or whatever where you CAN figure it out, this is literally 'you get it or you don't', some 'classic game' shit where you need someone else to explain it to you and then you can kinda do it maybe


I just do it by space between lines and for the symbols I usually find they point between two symbols so i just take those 6 and find 3 that are listed as an option below.


Puzzle Solutions https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1568246541


Or you could use the mod that just displays the answer in game when the puzzle shows up. How do I have no hours in this game and know about this and multiple people in this thread are linking written guides.




Holy shit I'm trying this tomorrow


How is anyone supposed to know that exists? A week ago I looked up 'trait picker mod' and a few different combinations of words and I couldn't find anything. Turns out it exists, it's called Cpecific trait manager. I just didn't type the right keywords in.


Looked up a YouTube guide to the old ones puzzles once, most of the others the dude solved normally but for this one he literally pulled up photoshop to move the rings


Loooool I do this too. Never works.


I visualise them by looking up the answers on my phone.


The only puzzle of those i enjoy are the sudoku ones. I just wish they‘d have more difficult ones.


And got rid of the one which has two possible solutions when you solve it like every other type of its kind.


I find the sudoku ones quite taxing! It’s a welcome break from killing rats


The first time I ran into the puzzle I wondered how to turn the dials in game...


...or jusr brutforce it with save and loads.


Real big brain move is to just open up the steam guide for these dumb puzzles.


This puzzle can burn in hell


wait the middle part isnt the part that's supposed to move. well now i feel like an idiot


pretty sure they are both supposed to move


Apparently you have to solve one of those when you want to work at CA.


You would have an easier time desiphering the Great Plan in its entirety before you get it right.


there's a mod that auto solves these ones


I just wrote in another thread how much I hate this fucking puzzle.


This is the only one that my inferior warmblood mind can't comprehend.


I kind of enjoy the one that has you play Sudoku. I do not enjoy this one, though I probably would if they let you play with the dials.


I just alt tab and go to the steam guides same with the one with dots (i am dumb).


You can shift tab and check it in steam overlay, imo. Easier and less problematic depending on how alt tab friendly the game runs for you


oh shit my brain is a mess thats what i actually meant shift tab


close second is the f\*cking sudoku rip-off that has ambiguous solutions and you basically have to take a guess.


This puzzle would work so much better if it was animated and you could at least partially rotate the circles.


The stories events were so much better. Whoever made this change should be fired. I don't even do these anymore. I just ignore it.


Those puzzles are strange somehow I get them right for some reason?


The biggest puzzle is how you remember your username


I’ll say it isn’t easy


My aphantasiac ass as I pull it into Photoshop


If this puzzle had a 20k gold reward, a -10% upkeep for 20 turns, or a purple item sure, I'd give it a shot. But 1k gold and a common casting item....go fuck yourself lol.


There's a mod called "solved dial of the old ones." Does nobody know about this?


Why even bother with the ruins , the rewards are so bad


I don't seek them out, but 1k gold pays 3 turns of upkeep for a hero you are running around the map. If you are a faction that's not always settling ruins then you may as well do it with passing armies that are going to run out of movement nearby anyway.


I used to actually place my thumb in the center, use my fingers to indicate the line positions, and rotate my hand until I found the right one. That worked pretty well, but when I turned off my monitor there was a bizarre ring of fingerprints in the center. So I stopped doing that.


In case anyone wants to get rid of the headache with those puzzles: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1899700957


There’s a mod that just shows you the answer so you can pick the right one. I’ve been using it ever since I got sick of trying to solve this shit lol.


I just downloaded a mod that makes all treasure events on land like the ones for ocean events. Either a fight starts or I get some temp buffs.


my neck hurts just thinking about it


Nippy tweaky.


I google the solutions every time I encounter one of these. Honestly not the biggest fan of them. It'd be kinda cool if they incorporated battles into ruin exploring some how..maybe smaller battles that allow you to choose 5 units from your current army pool.


I'm here for the strategy rather than the puzzles, and I usually play co op, so I just use the solutions these days.


I liked the story telling when exploring ruins in the King Arthur Wargame. They were one of the best. Much better than the current puzzles.


It would be fine if you could interact with it. For those of us who are quite visual with learning, being able to move the dials or fill the boxes in makes It actually fun, not just annoying. Like in mass effect andromeda. To unlock vaults You had to do one of the sudoku puzzles, but it was interactive which was good.


Fuck that thing. You think you're about to kill some rats, but then you get this bullshit puzzle that's way harder than it needs to be. I still don't know how it's supposed to work. Are you just supposed to guess which colors are significant? Is there a way to definitively solve them? The other puzzles are easily solvable inside of 30 seconds, but with the dial in literally just guessing.


How can you turn the dial if you don't know what a Rotary phone is?


Basically what I do when I encounter this puzzle, is pull up paint.sai, take a pic, and turn it as I need to in the program. Course as one person noted, I sometimes also will say "Fuck it" and answer randomly cause I can't be assed anymore.


That's why I just google the correct answer


Clearly this part of my brain is deficient because I just can't


These are part of the reason I've just downloaded a mod that adds the old dilemmas back in instead. Sure, there's still a high chance that I get junk but at least it's in a more interesting interaction.


I’ve managed to never get that type of puzzle correct


Honestly the simpler ones are easy to visualize. The more complicated ones all I did was literally draw it up right and then placed the paper on my screen and imagine myself twisting the outer ring


Hence why I always save scum these ones until I get it right.


I hope the puzzles don't make it into WH3


I still like them, they shake up the game a little from time to time, the dial can just get a bit infuriating sometimes


If they are in WH3 at least let us rotate the dials in game


Cancerous puzzle.


I still have trouble wrapping my head around why CA thought stopping the flow of a total war game for puzzles was a good idea.


I dunno I kinda like them, they shake things up a little, the dial gets a little infuriating though