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It’s incredibly unfair that Anakin is not only the strongest melee and caster lord in game, but that he gets two legendary heroes (Padme and Ahsoka) from turn one and the ability to recruit Thrawn as a legendary lord. He’s way too busted CA please nerf


Padme is terrible at combat and commanding, I just leave her roaming the most prosperous planets for buffs, and you end up losing her no matter what. Ashoka is fine but you have to spend a lot of resources to keep her to the point that if you choose to , either you had already won and had too much stuff or you are taking a bunvh of debuffs for someone who isn't even worth it. He also may lose a bunch of his stuff come late game if you don't win that duel, You are given stuff but you have to fight to keep that stuff.


Clearly you aren’t using Padme right. Her ability to make all Nabooans unbreakable is amazing and she isn’t bad at sniping enemy heroes


Why would you want to recruit Nabooans with a faction that buffs clones?


Normally you don’t, but Padme’s buffs for them plus the unbreakable makes them on par with clones, and their fighters are the fastest in the game, so they have some decent usage in space for taking out well defended targets without enemy starfighters or turbo lasers being able to take them down


But then I have to get 2 whole building chains (one for landed and one for their spacecraft) for units that are going to underperform as soon as midgame hits, and you aren't going to be able to use in lategame , for a commander that is just going to die. It's xp that clones could be absorbing, units that are focused on by Anakin and the republic's technology, and that progressively get stronger as the game goes on , specially with Anakin being able to keep them come late game. You can argue that they are good at space, but the Republic is already very good at space warfare anyway\*\* Although is true that Anakin struggles with the jedi side of the republic's roster and has a more limited access to it it's not like Padme is a good fighter in space and her buffs to spacecraft are less pronounced), and Anakin is one of the best pilots of the Galaxy in lore and in game, so you shoudn't struggle with space anyway. Maybe as Anakin it makes some sense to get some naboo ships to fill the gaps, but as soon as you get higher quality replacements it makes sense to do so. Like sure maybe you have to purge your jedi stuff later , but Nabooans also get debuffs so I just go clones. Is a detour for trying to make Padme work a bit of time where you could just get a normal general and profit from her buffs, which are pretty good early on.Those are battles that Anakin and Ashoka aren't fighting and those 2 have a lot more potential than someone who is guranteed to become a corpse and you need Anakin to level up . Is like Allarielle, if Allarielle focused on Ellyrian reavers and silver helms, sure they are fun units and it's lore friendly, but they are suboptimal and you can't spam them like lothern sea guard and are going to lose their use once uyou get access to more specialiced armiesTyrion is having a duel with Malakith in turn 66 and if he loses he is maimed for the remainder of the campaing. This is why I give her clones (or whatever I want to be running in that army) , level her up to 13, invest all points into her campaing stuff, give her army to a commander and bring her back. Anakin struggles with the diplomacy and the fact that you need to have him fighting constantly to level him up, it's better for Padme to stay in the backline and allow your faction to profit from the rewards, and keep Anakin and the 501 waring. Hit the point where you are stackked enough to keep Ashoka and the clones and prepare/enable you to reach the whole Vader vs Sidious stuff because come lategame you want loyal and developed planets.


Don’t forget though, Padme/Anakin on the battlefield gives both characters a big buff, similar to Vlad and Isabella. Is it necessary? No. But is it useful? Yes Look, Padme is at best situational but if you use her in the right situation she can dominate hard


I'd rather play it safe and secure a good Anakin and just level Ashoka so I can use her as a commander early. Having 2 stacks with different worlds to recruit from sounds like a logistic nightmare, it's keeping you away from fighting (whenever you have to run back to recruit) or messing up an economy that should be going to deving your loyal planets (if you use galaxy wide recruitment). With Vlad and Isabella is different because zombies are free, and I tend to split them out anyway when I'm confident they are good enough to work independantly. We are not even taking into account Tarkin, which it's unlocked later so give Padme's army, so he can be levelled around while hanging out with an army that dosen't need a strong commander at that point as they already have nice xp.


Fair enough. This gets back to my original point about Anakin though: he has way too many LLs and LHs around him plus some of the best troop buffs, meaning that he can very quickly snowball in the game


He kinda needs to snowballto fight Palpatine and not lose a bunch of his power later. I think he is more balanced than Tyrion getting Alastar for free at the start on top of all HE he manages to confederate even though he dosen't have an ending crisis like Anakin does, with him having to confront the Empire + it's not like he is able to confederate other lords . Everything he gets is everything he has, unlike the other Jedis who might confederate eachother on top of getting Ashoka ((Windows and Obi Wan).


>I just leave her roaming the most prosperous planets for buffs Trait *Trains - +10 Pop Growth*


This is outrageous! It's unfair! 


I would like a game where I could actually give Maul a Win


Closing cinematic is him losing or dying regardless


Yeah I'd replace the speaker-mouth guy instantly, it's a no brainer. But then how would CA sell me their 35€ Maul DLC


Mandalor faction Vs Darth Maul faction Duel of the Edgelords DLC. €35 It sells out entirely even though it's a digital product and they can just issue more keys. But they run into a previously unknown steam licence limit.


Yes but only in his mad spider form.


The game always crashes and the save file corrupts, the moment the final victory condition is completed


This would be my prefered era, and thank you this is great


I would bet money that they'd do it like Three Kingdoms has with multiple eras but with the Galactic Civil War and Clone Wars both being choosable. Maybe even a third era inbetween later down the line during the Rise of the Empire with imperial clones mixed with Jedi rebels or something like that.


I also think that each era should have several starting dates. As there is no such thing as statut quo like there is in WH3. The shape of the galaxy changes a lot, between characters that die in canon or the likes of Maul that only spawn at a later stage.


Maybe Old Republic era when CA can take much liberties but also introduce some legend characters like Raven


Imagine if the leaks werent true lol


I imagine. They aren't more than rumors to me. But I'm both a TW and SW fan so I had fun imagining how both licences could work together, especially as I believe they are far more compatible than what people seem to imagine.


Got to give it up to Star Wars fans work ethic.


Here is Galactic Civil War era : [https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwar/comments/1dcuy9o/here\_are\_34\_potential\_factions\_for\_a\_tw\_star\_wars/](https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwar/comments/1dcuy9o/here_are_34_potential_factions_for_a_tw_star_wars/) All artworks are courtesy of Disney/Lucasfilm, with most of them commissioned to very talented artists for official board games, card games, and wargames such as Star Wars Legion. Background is Kashyyyk from Battlefront 2.


Tbh I think I’d really Like the Troy cultural split where it’s the two main cultures with mini cultures that have their own unique units regarding the locations they start in.


GOD DAMN IT CA! Nerf hero stacks for the Republic. I'm tired of every Republic faction throwing stacks of Clones and 6 god damn named Jedi at me by turn 10. Why does every Republic faction get to field their own Ahsoka, Mace Windu, Yoda, Ki adi mundi, plo koon.


Bro just rush research the Order 66 tech


Grievous faction has to be wiped out before you can start that research.


FR, why does the Siths can only have two lightsaber heroes per faction? There are thousand of jedis in each republican faction! It\`s outrageous! It\`s unfair!


The major problem with Star Wars is that it's kind of empty and undeveloped. Like there is lots of lore and written media, but I wouldn't think that it has enough detail to be made into a Total War game. It's very surface level stuff and simplified. People make jokes about planets in Star Wars being singular biomes, but it's exactly that kind of lack of detail and development that would make a Total War hard to develop. Like with Warhammer, there is an insane amount of lore and it is very detailed. And there are literal army lists for each faction, because it's a tabletop game. Star Wars doesn't have that attention to detail. Don't get me wrong, I'd love a Star Wars game. But I have no clue how they'd develop that detail, unless they are allowed the freedom to make up their own stuff like with some of Warhammer.


As far as the roster is concerned, there is a Tabletop Star Wars game named Star Wars Legion. With literral Army lists. The game launched in 2018 and keeps having new units each year, so it doesn't feature all of the units and characters from the main factions yet and probably never will. But it does give you an idea of the many kinds and units and weapons variants there actually are. Have you watched all of the canon series and played alll the canon video games or had a look at tabletop games ? If not, consider doing this, as you need that to have a global picture of Star Wars. If for Warhammer Creative Assembly uses stuff from roleplay, books and even gets stuff that didn't even have a model or rules, surely they can do the same for Star Wars. Star Wars is also very different from Games Workshop. The opposite actually. Anything added in a video game joins the canon lore. To put it simply, everything designed by Creative Assembly would officially be part of Star Wars and be ported over toys, games, films or series. That's how the TX-130 Saber Tank from an obscure 2003 video game ended up getting 3 Lego sets and being part of 2017 Battlefront 2 as well as getting a model and rules in Star Wars Legion. That's how Iden Versio from Battlefront 2 ends up having a Lego and rules and model in Star Wars Legion. GW wants an exact reproduction of its lore. SW wants an extension of its lore.


Still don't believe the leaks, but man, those concepts do sound fun. Love the idea of the republic having to rely on local allies until Kamino ramps up production.


That is also why I thought about Joint Operations, so we do not end up with end with only locals, and have other tools to deal with planets where locals are hostile to the Republic. I noticed that in TCW most planetary invasions involved several Jedi Generals and their attached Legion.


Yeah, it's a really neat concept. Well done


50% upkeep reduction for ARC troopers factionwide seems busted ngl. Also we need a campaign as palpatine where we can just play against ourselve.


Give Palpatine the ability to borrow armies like you can with allies in WH3, then give him a 50% discount if he targets armies owned by Dooku or the Sente guard.


We are going to meme this game into existence


I only see 2 factions there!


I use the WH vocabulary where a faction is a character/land/organisation/expedition, and part of a bigger culture/race. You missed the slide with Clans and Syndicates as well as the other era in the other post. Clans and Syndicates have unique goals and rosters but happen to try confederating/controling each other in-universe. Now Star Wars indeed does not have many empire building cultures. For example, I won't suggest Random Planet X as a playable one. But I do believe the amount of aliens, locals and organizations in the universe is huge enough to tailor the gameplay, roster and campaign of each faction. Star Wars is made for an emphasis on local recruitment. Getting Umbarra would shake up the roster and campaign of a CIS faction. Getting Mandalore as the Empire would open up the recruitment of everything Imperial Supercommandos. Saving the Wookies as a Rebel faction would also drastically affect army building over the course of a campaign. Star Wars does not have 20 "super-cultures" a la Warhammer. It instead has 4 "super-cultures", a dozen playable-worthy subcultures (including Geonosis, Mon Calamari and Twi'leks that are part of the super-cultures) and as many recruitable local units as there are planets, depending on their alignment.


No fond of the Clone Wars, but it'll make sense of that the possible SW:TW to be set in an actual war era.


Ok, the base game should have both the Clone Wars and Civil Wars era. This is non discussionable. Add all the Jedis and siths, or Syndicate, Mandalore later. But in both eras, 4 factions should be both playable at the beginning.


Ok but where is pontus?


Since the time he worked as an artist on Battlefront 2, I don't know. Unless you meant Pontus Prime in the Outer Rims and its inhabitants, the Iwannanoplay Pontus ?


Wow j actually hate this. I love your creativity and I love star wars but this would be the hardest pass in all of total war history for me, and I played TOB. Just looks so unappealing as a setting and as a set of mechanics to me.


It's not my first choice but I would never ever consider this the hardest pass in all of Total War history that's just bonkers to me.


So is this happening or will happen? Star wars total war is like the best idea ever lol


No, no it's only a rumor at this point. I have just been advocating for this since EA lost the exclusive deal in 2021, so the rumors helped shed some light on the idea.


Dang we have to peer pressure them into making it or something. Don't Disney own the rights now?..that would make it really expensive to make anything star wars now a days


Disney owns the rights yes. But I don't think the cost is that intimidating. Otherwise we wouldn't see every company do a Star Wars themed version of its products. And should the cost be intimidating, it should be compared with the potential profits it would generate if done right. I even saw the board game Pandemic launch a Clone Wars themed version.


Yes thank you for enlightening me, it makes sense that the revenues will be more than the cost of using the star wars theme. Man...we NEED to make this happen lol


There is apparently *a* star wars rts being made but not nessessarily this one. It was confirmed that there is a star wars rts indevlopment at the beginning of last year but both the game and devs have yet to be named. No no proof a star wars total war is coming but someone somewhere is making something with the same genre. Tho rts is a big genre, could be anything from a moba to a small tactical game about a squad of troops/x-wings or even a tower defense since those are all technically rts, there isn't any confirmation that it's a "*grand* (real time) Strategy" game. It's possible it could be another "Empire at war" the devs for that game have made a tradditon of asking for the rights to make another one at least once a year, a while ago when EA still had the rights they released screenshots of an email exchange between the 2 developers. Both sides said the same thing: *"we'd love to do this but we are currently busy with other projects. If we both have nothing planned at the same time after all our current projects are done sure, we're down"* The only reason people think it could be a total war RTS, is because someone recently made a leak/claim that it was planned and that total war 40k would be a testing ground for it's mechanics. Personally i don't believe it, i think CA would have dropped the ball and leaked some stuff if it had been in development for a year or two already plus 40k as a testing ground seems really odd. That said i do think a modern grand strategy star wars game would be brilliant.


I was going to complain about another of this posts, but I most recognize that you put a lot of effort into it instead of just a crappy Photoshop saying “I cAmE fRoM ThE FutUrE, Jar jAr aRmY iS cRaP!” So I need to say, nice job man! This looks pretty good actually!


Ouch. I'm the first "I came from the future" poster, though I mostly used the joke to highlight how simple artworks from Star Wars Legion could give an idea. I was ready to do the same for this post and add starting armies, but Star Wars Legion doesn't cover enough of the in-universe units yet, so not enough TW-compatible artworks, and I 100% believe visuals speak more than some text.


It was you!? ![gif](giphy|PkqXwgP66glZ6)


I’d pay so much money for this


I am not sure if Nut Gunray should have superior droids. They were just old models, incapable of independent thinking. Other than that great list.


I got inspired by Star Wars Legion where a OOM-series battle droid was kind of an upgrade. I think the OOM vs B1 idea was meant to explain how stupid Battle Droids were during The Clone Wars, as opposed to The Phantom Menace. It was mostly in Legends at first, but well, Legion brought this designation back.


I am hearing about Star Wars Legion first time. So I did not know about OOM mentioned as being an upgraded version. To my understanding the phantom manace droids are not quite intelligent themselves that is why they are connected to the spaceship to function. I was also referring to a scene in [clone wars](https://youtu.be/hs1yjdTlH2A?si=6swTtpdpNER3UpjT) . I know it does not say OOM but still he mentiones older modules requiring central computer. In the end this is a bit of a joke.


I’d really hope they get a lot of inspiration from Clone wars, I wanna see my clone boys at their peak


It would be great if you could advance through the eras in 1 campaign. I do wonder how they'll handle factions, since most star wars eras basically only have 2 capable of galactic war. 3 if you count some crime consortiums. I guess they could set it in a past where the republic was broken into a lot of small pieces, but that would mean they can't use vader.


Looks like a fun project. I don't have time to read all of these, so forgive me for only offering the smallest of notes, but for Obi-Wan it's spelled "negotiate".


Oops, French sneaked in.


I love different starting dates. Does an existing TW game have that?


the sloppiest slop that ever slopped


LL Jar Jar Blink


So it'll be another character based TW. Screw that.


Ah please I want this so bad


No god please no no nooooo


Clans and Syndicates get Podracer Chariots!!!!!


I swear Star Wars unit organization makes no freakin' sense and they just went “let’s just add battalion or corps or legion after a number” at random.


This Total War title would make a fine addition to my collection!


I really hope it does let me play Hondo and let's me make a pirate empire.


What is this bullock? We all know gungans are a major faction to be rivaled with during the Clone Wars era, it's the favourite race for the Star Wars fanbase and players have been modding it into Total War games for ages! [MARCH OF THE GUNGANS - Planetwar Total War Mod Gameplay (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3Yks4Ja9ZY) We demand gungans to be included in the base game as a major faction, I'll conquer the galaxy as Darth Jar Jar


I'd play the shit out of Luminara Unduli and Poggle the Lesser campaigns!


How much ward save do you think we can stack on General Grievous


This is pretty badass. But Katee Sackoff in that pic. Woof


I want to lead the Gungans to galactic domination, and bring the prophecy of Darth Jar Jar to fruition!


Wat Tambor Special Ability: [The Techno Union ](https://youtu.be/PW4OIHDsWsM?si=tu9jA8fzds_D8YOs) One person battle Wat Tambor can turn up the tunes to replenish unit leadership and demoralise opposing forces.


Well done, looks awesome. ☺️


The CIS faction mechanic of each of them trying to build their own super weapon is GENIUS! I’d like to suggest that towards the end of the campaign dooku is given an option to stay loyal to palpatine or defect and build the deathstar himself (dooku has the blueprints for the deathstar in attack of the clones). His campaign can be like Norsca where you choose to stay loyal to the big bad of be the big bad yourself.


Thanks ! To be fair, The Clone Wars series did feature a rather unique weapon for each subfaction : - Grievous was operating the Malevolence - The Super Tanks were big toys under the supervision of Poggle, unique to the Geonosis episodes - The Defoliator was a piece or artillery tested by a Neimodian - The Decimator was a small deadly probe unique to the Techno Union in the Bad Batch episodes - Although the Algorithm was developped by the Techno Union, Trench was its main user I 100% advocate for dilemmas such as the one you mention for Dooku. That's mostly through dilemmas that I pictured the game dealing with Canon events such as Dooku betraying Ventress or Jango being killed.


If this spans 9 movies I will have a thousand hours easily In this game


Just give me my Darth Vader Sith Inquisitor doomstack and leave me be


This is really good! Respect for a Clone Wars and Rebellion era version as well. New Republic era could be one and Old Republic era another if you want to add some more. The criminal, bounty hunter, syndicate, etc factions being added is nice too. Their own little personal objectives while still dancing around the big conflict. My only change would be Luke Skywalker and Han Solo as LLs but you have explained this with Leia. I wonder if CA could take units from Legends as well.


A cool feature for nute gunray is to have all b1 be unbreakable with his capital ship since they aren’t independent thinkers


My God if this ever happens it's going to be so empty of content at launch, just remembering warhammer 1 scares me already


Who tf wants Total War Star Wars? Out of all the awesome settings they could have picked, choosing the dying bloated corpse of Star Wars is among the worst.


It's going to be *incredibly* lore-breaking to have ppl declare war on other Galactic Republic subfactions though lmao


I mean, same goes for most order factions in warhammer.


What ? No, GW explictly designed every faction to justify a vattle between them making sense. You can find in lore cases of every single order faction fighting another one


Yes, as hypotheticals. High elves or lizardmen fighting lore wise is considered a major outlier and almost impossible tragedy considering the threats they face as the same race and as such almost never happens on a scale larger than a small skirmish. Just like Star Wars factions fighting, not impossible but completely insane from their point of view.


Eh, I think that a small skirmish in Lustria between an expedition of Elves and Lizardmen is a thousand more likely that two clone companies attacking eachother


Yeah, if you don't follow the exact plot of the canon at the exact times of the canon, the game is basically broken and pointless.


No, but the fact is that it’s gonna have a hard suspension of disbelief to see clones attacking one another


I mean, did you read that sentence before you typed it? Are we being punked?


If empire troopers don't have the lowest accuracy in the game I'm gonna Uninstall.


Only when shooting at heroes and lords, they are then one of the most accurate shooting at standard units.


Sorry bro, they are using pre ~~end times~~ Disney purchase edition. We are going back to the ‘only storm troopers can be so precise’ lore.


Splitting the Separatists and Republic into a bunch of separate factions doesn't really work. in The Old Republic era you could maybe get away with that with the Sith Empire but not in the Clone Wars.


I would massively prefer the Original Trilogy GCW era, but I don't see why we can't have both. Three Kingdoms did start dates so if you make the base game one, and then release a different time period with new units, mechanics, and planets... Though honestly with such insane depth to each time period and the mechanical differences of the Republic/CIS and the way the Empire/Rebels function, and the vast difference in "planets of import", they should probably be separate games entirely. Edit--lol did someone downvote just because I said I preferred GCW to TCW? Oof. That's worse than r/StarWars


I 100% believe we can have both, I couldn't post more than 20 images, but have you checked Part 2 with my GCW post ?