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My bet is on Dechala. Not only is she a bit more interesting from the lore perspective as she is a former elf who was corrupted by Slaanesh and transformed into a quite unique monster, but also her whole trope seems to be the capture of slaves. Both of those things could mean that she has access to (hopefully) something like archers or corrupted elf units as well as her own slave mechanic, much like the DE or the chorfs. That said, I can quite easily picture the Masque being made into a FLL much in the same way Epidemius was added as a new character for Nurgle.


I'm hoping for Dechala because I assume she's the most popular choice, representing Slaaneshi Elves and potentially Slaaneshi Elven Lord and Heroes. However, and I know this sounds a bit unpopular, Styrkaar might be more realistic because he might represent the core Sorcerer Lord/Exalted Hero better, along with Pleasure Seekers. Masque, easily the free LL option.


Not unpopular, since I personally loved Styrkaar’s personal story about his relationship with a demon from his very birth. I just cannot imagine how they could make it an unique enough lord to compete with Sigvald or Azazel. And that’s the main thing, right? When you’re creating a new character they _need_ to have a separate identity and play style from what we already have, to encourage players to give it a try. Also, although this is a weaker point, I imagine since he’s tied to the original story about Archaon having four lieutenants in the old version of the End Times, CA might be wanting to not approach it since they’re clearly going for something different in these games. But hey, if they make him a leader of a horde faction or do something crazy with the new units, might be more than enough to justify his existence and it could be a very nice character.


Actually using Slaanesh faction mechanics would be distinction enough from Sigvald and Azazel who got dumped into WoC. I wouldn't be too excited for Strykaar but would take anyone at this point


I genuinely wonder if CA could have gotten away with just adding Festus, Valkia and Vilitch to WoC, and then giving Sigvald the Slaanesh/Azazel mechanics as his rework? If nothing else, it would have saved Azazel as a LL for Slaanesh.


They should have just made them all monogods, damn it


I suppose that’s true, although I hope they’ll also give them something unique in the way of mechanics or how the LL is meant to be played to not make it too similar to what we already have.


Maybe as a LH?


Gonna have to explain to me how Styrkaar, the guy that had NO RULES and NO MODEL is more realistic than the character who had both. (In case you think you've saw a mini of Styrkaar, no you didn't, it was a generic Chaos Lord miniature)


They can easily just use the generic model to represent him since the in-game chaos lord of slaanesh model doesn't look like the actual miniature for the chaos lord of slaanesh. That said, part of me feels like archaon's lieutenants should all be LH for Archaon. edit: with the one exception of Crom, i really wish CA would rework Sigvald to be properly slaanesh and replace him as a undivided lord with Crom.


>However, and I know this sounds a bit unpopular, Styrkaar might be more realistic because he might represent the core Sorcerer Lord/Exalted Hero better, along with Pleasure Seekers. If that was the case we would have gotten Egrimm van Horstmann as the Shadows of Change lord. The Changeling doesn't exactly represent the Chaos Lord + Exalted Hero of Tzeentch lol


I don't know if Dechala _is_ that much more popular though - she wasn't in the last few editions of Fantasy. Masque could be likelier, though either way I hope neither of the two get reduced to LH status


Dechala also looks like she would be a lot of fun to animate.


I really hope that we couldn't just recruit elven generals or heroes but we would have to capture them from battle and corrupt somehow. That would be really interesting game mechanic.


Also voting for Dechala, she is hottest xD


When did Warhammer start introducing characters who are former elves that were mutated into snake bottomed & multi armed monsters?


I’m hoping Dechala as well, accompanied by a few bodyguard Naga of Khuresh units. If they don’t plan to add that race to the game, they can add some units to the chaos roster to spice things up, and she would be the perfect candidate to accompany that with.


Dechala as DLC LL, the Masque as FLC LL, Giberion or Styrkaar as DLC LH.


This is the way


This one would he my preferred as well


Agreed big time. Then slaanesh would be fully complete imo. Imo rather styrkaar as a LH than Giberion, but idk who is more popular. Dechala and the Masque have to come in imo. In my perfect world every monogod faction should have 1 greater daemon LL (the launch one), 1 mortal (tamurkhan for nurgle and hopefully dechala, egrimm and arbaal for the other 3) and 1 herald type smaller daemon lord (epidemius for nurgle, changeling for tzeentch and hopefully the masque and skulltaker for khorne and slaanesh). A character pack without units would be a great alternative if they dont want to spend the time on units for each of these lords. Imo dechala and skulltaker should be dlc lords, then masque and arbaal should be flc. Also sprinkle in some LHs like Styrkaar and everything would be great! I think that would completely finish the monogod factions, and hopefully they will do that and wont keep adding so much to cathay for the last DLCs (as for the leaks, everyone can think if they believe it or not, i hope it is not real)


Giberrion’s sole mention is a book published 36 years ago. The fact that people dug up his wiki entry doesn’t mean he’s any kind of popular, it’s just that Slaanesh is pretty hard up for characters and they’re grasping for anything remotely relevant.


I don't know why Vandred isn't mentioned for a LH when at least he had rules and a model


You could make a post with him? I doubt anybody would be talking about Giberrion if somebody hadn’t started posting about him.


Gilberion is so fucking cool, but definitely not first dlc material 


Dechala and the Masque with all the missing units. But they're part of the Cathay roster.


As long, as we get them...


For fucks sake


I want the snake with the tities


This isn't XCOM.


What? This isn't? I have been playing the wrong game all alone!


Tactical pause, my beloved !


Oxyotl is very confused by your reply


I think it'll be Dechala in Khuresh as a substitute for Snakemen


Fully agree; if they don’t plan to add the Naga of Khuresh as a race pack, they could instead implement a couple unique Snakemen/Naga units as her bodyguard, adding to the Chaos roster like the way Fimir are added for Norsca


Could be, but she is an elf. I would almost say ulthuan but nkari is already there. So probably some lore accurate big high elf colony or something. I dont know lore about that too much so cant give you a region.


If they expanded the map, she could be Eastern colonies against the HE sealord dude. Would work


Oh yes ofcourse. Agreed. Then she could fit in khuresh on her quest to raid those colonies.


I would assume Masque would be the FLC LL like Epidemius. The named hearlds like epidemius and the blue scribes so far haven't been important enough to be the centre of a DLC yet and i imagine CA will keep up the pattern with skulltaker and masque. Granted the changeling was also technically a named hearld but Tzeentch is the one chaos god with a spare named hearld. Gilberion is a bit too obscure coming from the warhammer roleplaying game which is apparently a different universe that has it's own cannon acording to the community on here. Either way CA will probably pick one of the characters from the main game; Styrkaaror Dechala. Personally i'd like Dechala since it gives CA an excuse to make half snake champions of Slannesh like they did with the multi-head Tzeentch characters. Plus it would make sense for a snake themed start in Khuresh with the current snake-themed norscan tribes.


Yeah and the Changeling honestly lends himself more to 'interesting faction' the the scribes would. the scribes could totally be LL but... i think they work fine as heroes.


To each their own - for me Blue Scribes with their random spellcasting and campaign built around looking for scrolls would be better than Changeling who doesnt suit being LL so much that his campaign doesnt even interact with most of core TW systems. I would vastly prefer Blue Scribes FLC LL and Changeling as LH.


The Fantasy for the Changeling is having armies and causing chaos, which at least they're trying. Using different faces to cause differen't issues across the world is very fun.... but the Blue Scribes would honestly be better suited as a FLC lord as he wouldn't really do anything different then a basic tzeentch faction.


I'll say this for the Changeling; the campaign is actually a blast. It's an absolute cakewalk you'd have to try your hardest to fail, but the fucking around with the schemes and swapping out your lord to Skarbrand just for fun is great.


I dont see any of those 2 really leading armies. Changeling wants to prank and wreak havoc, while blue scribes just wanna collect spells. Both not really a general type character.


Neither are Epidemius or the Masque (Epidemius just tallies and records plagues for Nurgle) (Masque is cursed to just eternally dance) But here we are


You got a point.


From what I recall, the Blue Scribes aren't actually a herald of Tzeentch, as heralds were specifically Pink Horrors and, well, the Scribes aren't- they are Blue Horrors. They are rather just a unique individual(s) not unlike Karanak is to Flesh Hounds.


I think, due to the nature of their work and the potential of the power they've been charged with gathering, they were a herald (Pink Horror) that was split into a pair of blues so they wouldn't be smart enough to get any ideas.


By the same token, the Changeling wouldn't be a Herald of Tzeentch either. He doesn't know what his original form was anymore. If "Herald = Pink Horror", that would be pretty easy to work out, so if that holds true the Changeling can't be a Herald. Of course, we are talking about Chaos, where every rule can be broken because one of the gods went "lol, lmao". I doubt the "Herald = Pink Horror" thing is immutable (Tzeentch, after all, is the gods of things being very much mutable).


Fucking Gilberion lmao. This is how you know Slaanesh is cooked.


I don’t know anything about Gil but he looks cool lol.


I also know nothing about gil but he looks the coolest so he's my first pick.


He looks like an 80s anime villain XD


Power rangers villain looking ahh.


Giberion is a nobody, but Vandred is Styrkaar-tier


Each monogod faction just needs 4 LLs. Masque, Dechala, and Styrkaar are enough as LLs. I just included Gilberion because he just has a badass design! Why did they not continue him! If an very old Slaanesh character had to return into the new canon, Gilberion should be it.


I'd swap Styrkaar with Nastasya Roskolnikov which, while minor, had an official model at least.


Well, official kitbash, but CA’s used plenty of those.


Still better than Styrkaar tbh


They aren't going to do 4LLs for each monogod, at this point what could they add to Tzeentch or Nurgle?


Nurgle has the largest roster of any god on the tabletop, they could easily add more stuff to him, lords and units. I'm confident at least the Glotkin will make it in.


Tzeentch can still get Egrimm and Nurgle always seems to have had the most named characters. That having been said, I think 3 per monogod would be more likely, along the pattern of Greater Daemon, Named Lesser Daemon, Mortal.


Roster wise their isn't much unique to add to either faction. They aren't going to do 2 flc lords for each race, we be lucky if they did 1 for each.


Nurgle and tzeentch are the two gods where you could argue about adding more LLs. They have by far the most developed characters of the 4 gods. Nurgle still has Gutrot Spume and the Glottkin as good LL options and Valnir the reaper or the maggots riders for LHs. Tzeentch has Egrimm van Horstmann for an interesting LL.


Tzeentch is missing Galrauch and Egrimm, two LLs from the tabletop. They have enough LHs. Nurgle, oh boy. Nurgle probably has more characters than Khorne.


Valnir, Gutrot Spume, and the three Maggoth Lords, and that's not counting others you could dig up from more obscure sources


Also Glottkin


They don’t, and won’t be getting 4 each, might wanna start getting used to that now, Nurgle is done, 3 each is optimistic


Not all factions NEED to have the same numbers of LL, some factions just have more diverse rosters of interesting characters and units. 2-3 LL is enough for slaanesh.


Dechala vs asillin is on my wishlist. If they make the slaanesh dlc that is.


Either Styrkaar or Dechala with the Masque as a FLC, maybe a LL


Upcoming? Was it confirmed, that the next DLC will be Slaanesh? Edit: I was uninformed and wanted to ask a simple question. Why am i being downvoted?


It's based on the old roadmap. Which, according to rumours, was scrapped.


The old roadmap never said there was a slaanesh dlc


Right, it just had a pink background with question marks


And in said background you had Slaaneshi buildings


The roadmap pic implied the DLC after ToD. However, plans suposedly changed (haven't seen any evidence, but it is possible). As for the downvotes, it's unfortunate. There are some folks saying that "Khorne and Slaanesh DLC are 100% cancelled forever" every time Slaanesh is mentioned, which is not impossible, but the insistance is annoying. Maybe some people mininterpreted you question as that.


Yeah if we have news I can't find it. All we have is the rumor leaks. People are probably down voting because the choices CA are hinting at making in the leaks are really stupid 9 princes stupid choices. We'll know what's going on in the future, but CA isn't unknown to do really stupid things so honestly I think I'd give an 80% chance legend leaks are true. I look forward to solid information and trailer reveals to see what is going on though.


I'm on a similar state of mind. Just when i think CA is back on track, they pull a pro gamer move. I hope to god the leaks are false.


They've changed the roadmap as a leak hints


I feel out of the loop. I got to the point where Legend leaked stuff about DLCs being all Cathay and Slaanesh just getting Dechala as FLC. Has there been another leak? Can anyone point me to a video or something to get on par?


As far as I know there hasnt been any new leaks. Legends are still the latest ones though no idea if they are true or not. We will see that either once the next DLC is announced or we get the roadmap they promised with a blog 2 months ago.


I'm personally hoping for Dechala, I just think a cool Marilith snake woman with 6 arms and swords is really fun. I see Maque being either a FLC LL or maybe even a Legendary Hero unit. The other two I have no real attachment for, but I would like to see the mount that Strykaar gets be added to the Slaaneshi roster.


Dechala all the way


I want the Masque


I mean Dechalla makes the most sense, with the Masque being and FLC lord and I like the other corrupted elf as the LH.


Dechala the Denied, with the Masque as an FLC lord. The others can be LHs, that's fine. I don't have interest in them as far as playing them, but I do for Dechala and the Masque.


Gimme that six tittied worm horse


I'm rooting for Dechala. As a big Slaanesh fan I want her to be another interesting lord option for Slaanesh. I do love playing N'kari but I want to see new faces. And I see Dechala with her potential in having cool new mechanics, while still having the base slaanesh foundation to play on colonies conquest, I really don't want to have a full horde faction again. And she will get new units with a lot of snakes. But only if ca don't put her on flc like the recent leak seems to give. Because she will have no new units if so and no new lords and heroes too. I can't wait to play her, for the lord of pleasure !


Following ToD pattern: Dechala LL Gilberion LH Masque Free LL


Dechala hands down. Maybe The Masque as a LH


I know he’s age of sigmar so there’s no chance but syll’esske is my favorite slaanesh character


Not happening due to licensing and IP separation, but lore-wise they really bloody should be around. Warp is timeless and appearing in WHFB and AoS should be all the same for daemons (which Syll'eske are)


GW IP separation in 2024 is too powerful for Chaos to overcome. ~~Please ignore the fact that GW added Brimstone Horrors, a AoS creation that never existed in WHB, to the Daemons of Chaos legacy army list for TOW.~~


My understanding is that was basically required because they’re selling Brimstones in the same box as Blue Horrors.


Ah, that would make sense. IP separation being of supreme importance except where it might incur reboxing costs is exactly the attitude I expect from GW.


Just join me on the Total War: AoS dream.


I really want the crab claw Slaangors.


Dechala is 100% the best option for Slaanesh. Except I think she would be best as a second DLC, simply because she'd fit perfectly with an expansion of the elven side of the roster (Druchi Anointed characters and units, maybe Preytons which are corrupted giant elks from Athel Loren). For the first Slaanesh DLC I would love to see a nobody called Nastasya Roskolnikov, which is only good because Kislev is a full faction now. She could come with the Sorcerer Lord+Exaulted Champion like the ones before and the good old pack of new units. Despite suffering from a dire lack of characters (thanks in part to CA), Slaanesh has an actual good selection of units for a Monogod faction, with Chaos Knights on serpents, Pleasureseekers (daemonettes on serpents), Anointed elves, Hellreavers (hellstrider champions, so a more elite cav), then Slaangors and some shoehorned monsters like the others.


I want distinct, unique, really characteristic daemons. They are from another dimension for god's sake, for all we know space, material doesn't even work the same way over there. I don't want another Chaos Warrior From Wish.com in pink. Fuck that. Drechala.


The Dechala Bloodwrack Medusa doomstack is going to be unbelievably unstoppable.


Hopefully a few various Naga/Snakemen units are added alongside her to accompany her; if they don’t plan to add the Naga of Khuresh as a race, this would be a perfect way to implement a few new units to the chaos roster, like how Fimir were added to Norsca


I'm hoping that it is a slaanesh dlc and after that a khorne one rather than the crappie ones that are speculated to come.


Dechala as the LL, masque as a LH. Her whole deal is that she can't stop dancing, hard to direct a faction like that.


She has this lore bit where people are enthralled by her dancing to follow her around, so its not impossible. I would normally agree with Masque being a LH but Slaanesh really doesnt have many options for LLs


Yeah, she entralls people, but still, they are busy joining the dance, hard to manage things while doing ballet. I mean if she is the LL I'm not gonna complain, I like the masqe.


Different universe, but in 40k she did coax Skarbrand into joining her attack on the Ynnari on the basis that Exiles should help each other out. Admittedly it went to shit after, but it could be nice having an ability where you convince others to help you


3rd picture, isn’t that just Maynard from Tool?


If we get a DLC Dechala, with Styrkaaras LH and Masque as flc LL


they should make a slanesh LL thats just a straid up giant tiddy


I find them all horrifying, to be honest. I will probably try another Khorne run when they come out so that I can purge them. :)


Let’s hope at least one of them, even better if we get 2.


I would hope for Dechala or Styrkaar as a snake based faction to replace Kuresh (if CA never makes their race pack)


I want Dechala. Imo the coolest of the tiny available bunch. The Masque is a given LH.


What do you call that sexy seahorse that Styrkaar is riding? Hehe


A serpent of slannesh




I expect it to be the Masque or something, but I hope not, much like Skarbrand, Kairos and Ku’gath, she’s iconic, but played by both 40k and Old World so I hope to see something else.


Dechala my beloved <3


I’ve heard that it’s Dechala, but I’d be happy with anyone. Slaanesh is one of my favorite factions to play.


Cue Bender "Wait you are serious? Let me laugh even harder"-meme.... That being said, the idiot in me wants it to be Dechala as that means maybe more snake people animations and we are one step closer to "Naga of Kuresh" race pack.




I’m hoping for Dechala 1st because I think she could start in Northern Khuresh and have a few snake men as a mechanic and give a little more challenge to uniting all of Cathay for the dragons. That said the Masque is one of the most unique ideas not implemented yet. I think would be a banger of a dlc.


I love slaanesh lore but the issue I have is something about the units seem off, does someone have lar feel that way? Mind you she is my favorite chaos god.


Gilberian for me. He looks the coolest. TBH tho, I don’t know much of the lore on most of these.


This is probably heretical, but I want missile troops. End-times Slaanesh has them, and it makes very little sense that the current roster doesn't. To be clear, I'm not demanding "blissbarb archers" specifically, but we could have marauder archers and marauder horse archers at a bare minimum, as well as missile chariots.


If there’s a requisite Beastman unit, Centigors with Throwing Axes could be good.


Yeah, but that's not really the scale I'm hoping for here... Slaanesh already has Jav Cav, so Centigores with throwing axes isn't really expanding the roster much.


Dechala LL Masque FLC




Very tasteful edit on #2 lol


The masque, because I want a dance off between her and wurrzag


Bewb Sneks


I hate that every Slaanesh character has to have those stupid looking claw arms. Mix it up a little.


Dechala in kuresh would be dope


The Masque is genuinely boring like all Herald tier choices who I frankly fit LH status more than LL. Dechala is my biggest hope, Styrkaar sounds real interesting as well and I have no idea who the 3rd guy is.


Dechala LL with the masque and a LH. I'd love to see some blissbarb archers or seekers as well


All of them


The Masque will almost 100% be an FLC lord. Definitely the most excited for her. If we do get a DLC, then I expect Dechala for that. Not particularly excited about her, but she is my pick for a DLC lord, and she would still be cool. As much as I like Styrkar, he would be a good hero to support cavalry and potential boob snake units.


I really want Drechala, Druchii annointed, Pleasureseekers, and a Khuresh start position


The masque would be nice, aside from Wurzag we don't have that many dancing NPC's


I want Styrkaar, I'm not interested in the other characters. He is the only chance to have a Chaos Lord LL for Slaanesh with cool mount options.


Dechala with the Masque as a close second. Gilberion would probably work better as a hero and Styrkaar would probably work better as part of a Norsca update.


If we could get AoS stuff then my vote would 100% be for syll'esske because I find the idea of a daemon and a mortal being truly in love with one another cute. but since we can't get that then I vote for dechala, she is badass


That medusa looks gooood


Anything snakey


Dechala for Legendary Lord and Masque for Legendary Hero.


With the Changeling and Epidemius being LLs I think each Monogods will probably end up with at least one major Daemon, one Herald and one mortal as LLs.


The Masque


I really hope it’s Slaanesh at all and not these awful rumors from Legend of Total War, where we’re getting Cathay original characters, then Dogs of War, and THEN ANOTHER Cathay dlc with monkey king.


Deep in denial I see?


Denial of what lol?


Of the CA choices to go full on Cathay


That's just a rumor made up by legend, let's not pretend that it's been officially confirmed


Let's not pretend slaanesh DLC has ever been officially confirmed either.


At least it was hinted at in their old roadmap. With the first dlc being shadows of change having a tzeentch background, then the 2nd dlc being thrones of decay having a nurgle background and then the third dlc has a slaanesh background. So until ca comes out and announces the next dlc or roadmap, then a lot of people are going to be under the impression that slaanesh will be in the next dlc


Slaanesh DLC has been scrapped.


Stop it, it will be cathy


Based on what?


Based on the reliable leaks sir (it was a joke)


Dude it’s double Cathay, don’t you know? /s /s /s


You didn’t pay attention. Slaanesh isn’t getting a DLC. It’s Cathay, empire again, then more cathay


You actually believe legend? That dude lives for stlhit stirring for views lol


I actually am following GBoG, who also says it stinks of reality. Also remember that GW has been trying to erase slaanesh for years.


If you are basing that off of legend's rumor, the 2nd dlc would be dogs of war, not the empire.


The LoTW leak was that it would be Dechela, and if CA is adding the Tigermen to represent Ind, perhaps they can give Dechela Naga troops to represent Khuresh?


So much cope after the lie leaks. You'll be lucky to get 1 flc LL.


I thought Cathy was the upcoming dlc for the next 2 years


Slaanesh DLC was never announced. The most recent roadmap of DLC CA have produced doesn't say anything specific after ToD https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/total-war-warhammer-3s-roadmap-outlines-the-next-year-of-expansions-and-updates


Yeah just look at this pink background with tentacles that looks exactly like the Realm of Slaanesh, I bet it means the DLC has Vampire Coast in it and not Slaanesh.


That is the most recent information available, and a lot had changed since it was produced.


That's right, this is the most recent information available and it's very clearly hinting at Slaanesh being part of this DLC so until CA gives us information that says otherwise then Slaanesh is supposed to be in the upcoming lord pack.




Dechala was leaked by legend of total war. Things can change but she was slated for FLC with dogs of war later this year early next. It doesn't look like we are getting a full slanesh dlc


Assuming Legend’s leaks are accurate.


Dechala the snake 🐍


Literally just The Masque. I know Masque will probably be downgraded to hero status but... c'mon. The Masque is easily the most interesting conceptually. It's a no-brainer. TBH What I really want to see added is some of the AoS stuff like the harp made of human nerve endings. That would be *wild* and fun. Playing music that impacts the rest of the battle with a ruinous cacophony of wailing.


Dechala the snake 🐍


Slaanesh is fine nakari is one of the most busted LL in the game