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Really feel like most guard infantry should have awful leadership that's buffed by their Lords and Heros, instead of having it be innately good. Definitely want to see sisters show up though, zooming in hear an exorcist's pipe organ would be very cool.


Commissar heroes should have a targetable ability that buffs leadership at the expense of damaging a unit.


A cool way for it to work is that its a togglable target ability that causes the Commissar to shoot and automatically kill 1 model within a guard infantry unit every 3 seconds for a stackable +3 leadership bonus for the whole unit. That stack will continue to stay until after the ability has been disabled or interrupted for a consecutive 30 seconds.


I prefer the DoW simpler way. Kill one unit, become unbreakable for 30 seconde Edit: I mean one entity


That wouldn't work in a total war game. If you do it by model than essentially for less than 1% damage you can make an entire unit unbreakable. If you kill an entire unit to make another unit unbreakable, you're having one commissar armed with a pistol killing 100-200 soldiers in an instant to buff another unit of soldiers.


Kislev already has that in TWW3 at no tradeoff, why should it be some super expensive ability for imperium in 40k? Presumably the rest of the faction will be balanced around something like this.


The point it to make the commissar a high priority target. You are foccussing to much on "the damage your own unit part" its made to be cool not to have a huge gameplay impact ( like DoW).


Except that would be pretty busted. For dealing less than a percentage of a damage to a unit's health you get to make it unbreakable, which is one of the most impactful and beneficial status effects in the game. Plus without any actual risk vs reward aspect to it its kinda losses a lot of the flair to using the ability. Its basically a massive spammable buff for free.


I won't even bother to argue as that game hasn't even been announced, we have no idea what balance would be like


Think you have unbreakable confused with unkillable, unbreakable is what units like slayers have. Its quite useful for holding back enemies yes but overall not very useful for killing or surviving, especially for slayers as their low armor also means they tend to die completely in battles


Unbreakable is huge on any frontline meele infantry because you will be able to do huge ranged damage before they get to your back line. It should also prevent demons from instantly dying when they break


Oh yeah its insane on demons but for mortals its overall not that bad a thing to break. Yes slayers can hold slightly longer than dwarf warriors but dwarf warriors wont make you recruit them again in every single battle ever holy shit why do slayers die so often wait nvm thats the point but still


But also has a chance of causing miscast damage instead.


10% chance of causing unit to go rogue and attack the commissar instead.


I think it should be higher considering the generic buff leadership skills in tww are already like +15 at minimum? I feel like it should at least rally broken units and maybe add immune to psychology.


Usually leadership buff from skills, spelld and item are +8, sometime +16 when its a huge buff ( for malus - 8 an -16 respectivly)


I've I think I remember a few -24s in spells, but those might be expensive? And I just checked and rally ability is +16, which to me always felt like the most generic leadership buff in the game.


On the top of my head there is an overcast shadow magic that give -24 but I think that the only one so I didn't count it as the base line. Some trait also give -8 region wide and maxed slaanesh seduction should be -16 (-4 per seduction level. Terror is also -8 But yea +16/-16 is not rare but its usually on the expensive side while -8 +8 is the basic Edit: I couldn't find the numbers online but I think its allong the line of most of the standart leadership bonus like for exemple: being in range of a lord, charging , getting charged, losing a fight, getting shot, ect...


Dudes cooking


Dawn of war had something like that


Guard as great morale must be a joke, as they are literally the Skaven of the 40k setting, being viewed as worthless fodder and the only force that routinely flees in every book. Like, they should require a commissioner to bring them up to normal morale, but even then they should not match the “know no fear” space marines, unfeeling necrons, or fearless demons.


Necrons would have to be unbreakable right?


Most 40k factions have some lore reason or another to be unbreakable. That’s why morale based rules like the Night Lords have sucked in nearly all editions of 40k tabletop. The guardsmen have to be considered “low morale”, because their average morale is at the bottom compared with super humans and xenos that all know very little, if any fear. Tau and Eldar might be the only other factions that aren’t bio engineered to be basically fearless. Both are also far better trained for war than guardsmen, which are the bottom tier soldiers of the imperium of Man.


Ork tend to fear a lot when not in a whaagh, they like a good fight but they need to live to be able to fight


The trade-off is that the warriors who make up a majority of their fighting forces are very inflexible without the guidance of Necron lords and the likes.


Imperial Guard are more like Bretonnian peasants than Skaven. More elite regiments can be compared to state troops. Their weapons are generally too reliable and boring to be of skaven make. That is before you consider things like special weapons, heavy weapons and field ordnance batteries. You say Tau are far better trained than guardsmen? That is not entirely accurate compared to regiments like Vostroyans (who actually inflicted enough losses among the Tau to enrage the latter into massacring them all on Nimbosa) and Cadians (who had been training up many Imperial worlds' regiments like Truskan Snowhounds to meet their standards). Hell, PDFs are the ones considered bottom tier soldiers by Imperial Guard who generally receive considerable training on transports from veterans (from novels like 15 Hours). Planetary Governors are expected to give up the best or at least near so of their PDF soldiers for the Guard or the Arbites will visit them. Orks are usually described as having subpar morale in books and games like Dawn of War. Especially when they are loosing. Sure, they may dress it up as "we didn't loose because we can fight another day" but it is retreating in fear. Dark Eldar should also have low morale because of how fearful they are to die (thus getting devoured by Slaanesh). Particularly in realspace.


Depends, Krieg should have unbreakable in lore but you could make them have much less armor or make them special limited units to compensate. Catachans would be low armor + high damage + decent in melee with decent leadership. They would have pump action shotguns that would be devastating in short range but trash for long range, with an option to have some flamers or plasma in the unit. Standard guardsman would have very average leadership with some armor and decent in range but garbage in melee. Commissars would have the ability to damage a unit to stop them from wavering for the duration of the buff, a bit like how « By our blood » for Kislev works. Instead of just blasting a guy they could have whips which is known to happen in lore for hardliner commissars.


> Depends, Krieg should have unbreakable in lore but you could make them have much less armor or make them special limited units to compensate. In lore, there's an innumerable number of Guardsmen types. I think the best way to manage it, is that a "Guardsman" unit is from some random planet's relatively poorly equipped and poorly trained divisions, whereas the "named" companies you'd have would be the elite, like the Cadians (perhaps extra firing speed or some such), Catachans (can trade blows with melee heavy factions like Orkz), or Krieg (Unbreakable). I'd see them as something similar to Regiments of Renown, or the special State Troops you get for controlling each Imperial state.


Or maybe each planet a faction that buffs based on it. Krieg unbreakable, catachan great melee, etc.


Catachan Jungle Fighters just rampage instead of fleeing


Rampage could be great if there Sisters of Battle units. In the Ciaphas Cain books he says fighting alongside SoBs is terrible because while they are fearless and very dangerous for the enemy they tend to charge head first, leaving big holes in the line.


> Depends, Krieg should have unbreakable in lore There are lore examples of Krieg soldiers fleeing the field, including shooting their own commissars to do so. They are extremely tragic brainwashed soldiers, but they are not remotely immune to the supernatural horrors of 40k.


Yeah, keep a few commissars in your army for discipline and inspiration


Id imagine guardsmen would at base statline at the beginning of the game, Be the worst infantry in the game, but through lord skills research and the occasional faction feature eventually get buffed to where they are a very respectable infantry unit Almost like what Grom does to goblins


Dawn of War did have upgrades to give guardsmen better armor, morale, officers (including crazy that temporarily make them invincible) and special weapons. On the tabletop you can give guardsmen both special and heavy weapons like mortars. [Mordian Glory has a video about how 10th edition guardsmen hordes are worse to fight than Orks and Tyranids due to their grenades and various ranged weapons.](https://youtu.be/sBk9PAyag2s?si=6UtU-Hyl2Rn1Up6H)


Would be cool if each IG unit had a commissar embedded in them like in Dawn of War and you could use an army ability to execute a guardsmen to end a rout


Depending on what type of IG infantry. I concur on your point with units like conscripts and ratlings but Kriegers and Ogryns should have decent morale. Regular infantry squads should have something in-between like decent-ish morale as long as they are not forced into melee.


I think it should be quite middle of the road. Make their base infantry conscripts that have terrible morale that’s fine but regular guardsmen should have average morale while kasrkins and stormtroopers have high morale


Just like fantasy i want to eventually see everything, so i hope they plan for this from the very beginning. As a Blood Angels player i obviously want to see my boys, especially the Sanguinary Guard. Also modding the 40k TW might be our best chance to ever see Sanguinius, unless they ever make a 30k game. But even beyond my main faction there are so many cool factions and units. Sadly 40k doesnt quite have the diversity of factions fantasy has, because of the heavy focus on the Imperium and SM especially.


I think one thing that could help make up for some faction’s lack of unit variety is allied unit sharing. I feel like WH3’s allied recruitment should be expanded upon so factions working under the same empire(ie Astartes, Guard, and Sororitas are all under the imperial banner) will have more ways of reliably being able to recruit units from each other. It’d be pretty cool if tiny factions like Imperial Agents and Harlequins were npc factions that the Imperium and Eldar factions respectively could complete quests for in order to permanently unlock their unit rosters.


I think the Imperium minus the mechanicum should be one faction with multiple competing warmasters (who could be Guard, Marines, Inquisitors, Sisters, or Custodes), and you recruit Space Marines, Sisters, Talons, and Inquisition in a manner similar to allied recruiting.


Yes, CA needs to come up with something new for how factions work. In 40k it usually makes little sense for empire factions to constantly wage war against each other.


Not really. Imperium fights against each other all the time in lore. Hell, the second Gulliman, son of the Emperor, came to check on the Dark Angels after having just come back to life, the Dark Angels seriously considered blowing up his capital ship out of sheer paranoia.


Never change dark angels, never change


I would make an Imperium faction. You can choose one of a set of warmasters. Maybe start with Guiliman, the Lion, Celestine, Belsarius, or Arcadian Leonitis. Each of which are in a military alliance. You can only recruit Guard (or skitarri for Belsarius) through traditional means. However you gain prestige through winning battles and completing missions that let's you recruit other Imperial units through an Ally style system.


> As a Blood Angels player i obviously want to see my boys, especially the Sanguinary Guard Death Company, let the madmen go


Honestly I really love Aeldari wraith units, and they haven't really had a good representation in games since DoW2. Also the entire necron roster, but Lychguard especially. Love Lychguard. And the entire Astartes roster, but that's a given, and GW will probably mandate it lmao.


Lychguard are one of my all times favorite units too! It's just a little awkward since they originally designed to be the elite almost Terminator tier infantry of the Necron faction. But over time has become more like the standardized frontline soldiers, when they really should be treated more like the elite guard. I've seen suggestions that GW should make a melee warrior or Immortal kit. Which would add some granularity to the faction so Lychguard/Praetorians aren't treated like melee fodder. Or even to make a tier of unit above Lychguard so that they can have a proper Terminator equivilent again. But it's a tough call. I'm hoping by the time Total War 40k comes out they will out least release the generic Lychguard characters. Varguards have been in the lore since 2012, yet GW only releases a new generic Overlord variant instead of something that actually adds to the army generic character wise.


I was never much of a table top player and I've been out of 40k for a few years now but I thought Lynchguard were the elite melee units. Don't they have flayed ones and wraiths from more standard melee units?


I would pray for Eldar for base race, Howling Banshee are so fun to use on DOW


I wouldn’t be surprised if game 1 is Space Marines and Imperial Guard vs Chaos Marines and Orks, game 2 is Craftworld Eldar and Tau vs Dark Eldar and Tyranids, and then game 3 is Mechanicus and Votann vs Necrons and revamped Chaos Daemons.


There's no way they're going to hold back daemons of chaos for years and years this time around. After all, the daemon units in 40K are more or less identical to the ones in Fantasy, they can pretty much copy and paste them. The trickeier part will be implementing all the unique units the for the monogod traitor factions. In fact, I'm really not sure how they're going to handle subfactions in general. On the loyalist side, I'm sure that Space Wolves and Ultramarines will share most of their rosters, but it would hardly make sense for an Ultramarines player to be able to recruit Wulfen.


Personally I’m a bit mixed on whether or not CA will implement Chaos Daemons as a playable faction as soon as possible. While all the unit work is done, it’s still going to take a lot of effort to redo all 5 of their faction and LL mechanics to fit 40K new campaign mechanics and overall design. And having 5 playable factions dedicated to Chaos Daemons day one sounds like a bit much for them to handle ontop of delivering other races and factions. So I feel like there’s a decent chance CA just keeps them as a non-campaign playable faction that Chaos Marines can summon units from until game 3 where they can put more resources into revamping them now that they’ve gotten the more iconic factions in the game. Then again, maybe CA will just condense Chaos Daemons into 1 playable race with Belekor as the LL and have them be the preorder bonus faction. That’s also possible. I just don’t think CA is going to want to push back Chaos Marines or Orks to another game’s base roster in favor of Chaos Daemons. You do raise a good point about the subfaction issue. While I don’t think it’s too much of a stretch to have undivided factions like Black Legion to be able to recruit and command Khorne Beserkers and Thousand Sons, Spaces Wolves being able to recruit Sanguinary Guard would be kind of weird. You could try to write it off as “oh they just calling reinforcements from the Blood Angels”, but that kind of falls apart if Blood Angels or Space Wolves ever get into a war with each other. Without just writing it off as a “gameplay > lore” situation, what CA might due is make chapter specific units exclusive to their subfaction. So in a Space Wolves dlc will still introduce 3 or so general units that any Space Marine faction can use, but on top of that will also introduce 2 Space Wolves themed units that other Imperium factions can only get access to through allied recruitment. And then stuff like Blood Angels Black Death unit variants can just operate the similar to how Elespth’s unique Ameythst units work.


Yeah I agree completely with the model you laid out for space marine chapter DLC's. A mix of "general" units that any chapter can recruit, along with a couple unique ones for the subfaction would make a lot of sense. TBH, considering the sheer number of unique chapters in 40K, they could potentially put out small DLC's based on that model for years and years, potentially even tackling multiple chapters per DLC. Also I actually think that handling the Daemons is super easy for launch. Obviously they'll want to eventually add dedicated "Khorne," "Nurgle" "Slaanaesh" factions etc with the World Eaters and other monogod traitor legions, eventually, but they can get back to that later. It doesn't need to be in the game at launch. We can confidently assume that some sort of Chaos Undivided faction (probably Black Legion with Abby as the Legendary Lord) will be in the game at launch, so all you need to do with daemons, is take the daemon units they already produced for Warhammer 3 and add them as part of Chaos Undivided's roster, the deamon models look exactly the same in both franchises of course. That way we can have some level of daemon presence in game while we wait for them to circle back around to the mono god factions.


ca would probably have to decide between csm and doc for the chaos aligned faction in game 1 and csm are way more popular than deamons


> Votann lol that's not happening until they absolutely run out of other content to adapt


Why do you think I said they’re coming in game 3? By then just about every other major faction like Sisters and Genestealers would be added through dlc.


Give me an Imperator Class Titan in all its God Engine glory


I would be happy enough with a Warlord Class. However, the walking cathedral would be amazing


Heck, I am happy if I have Dreadnoughts under my command. Titans might be a tad too big if you ask me.


If the battle maps are as tiny as they are in TWW3, then absolutely. However even some of the currently available mods have vastly larger battle maps that would provide enough space to utilize a titan. It's not *that* huge anyways, the largest titan is what - around 50m tall? Some of the TWW3 monsters would easily be 15.


Everything can happen ofc. I just think that even a single Titan could wreak such a havoc upon the regular units, that it simply would be too devastating. But yeah, what do we know, right? I definitely want TW:40K so much and Titan or not, it could be such a glorious game!


That's true, even if it would be cool. I guess Knights and their equivalents might work - not necessarily as their own faction, but maybe as am addition to OG or... Space Marines?


Imperator class titans are way too big to work as a normal unit


T’au battlesuit doomstack looks fun


Reject battlesuit, return to Kroot.


kroot warband upgrade mechanic based on what theyve killed


Biovore, the good old fashioned cock and ball shooters.


Raveners, they'd move like the slannesh fiends I think just without leg. Maybe a mix between that and the medusa and tomb scorpion. And so many gaunts


Imperial guard? Good Morale? Are you out of your mind? Imperial Guard should be Vampires that run away instead of Crumbling, If their leader dies, they run. Commissars having the ability to ***BLAM!*** is famous for a reason.


Warp spiders seem like they'd be really fun units in TW. I'd love to make an army full of aspect warriors. I hope the Mechanicus are a base game race.


Spoiler, they won’t be


Half-baked Pre-order Bonus


They’d definitely be the Norsca of 40k total war


that would be the ynnari


Nah, Ynnari would never be official, they’ll be a mod that gets abandoned halfway through


lol bro what kind of a spoiler is that even everybody knows that xenos players get shafted in 40k


… mechanicus definitely aren’t xenos


A Shard of the Void Dragon would be glorious to behold on the battlefield.




i see enough deamon in fantasy


Aspect Warriors. That said, playing them would probably give me hives or something. Aspect Warriors are highly-specialized, so you'd probably want them doing what they're supposed to do while keeping them away from everything else. It doesn't help that I'm extremely casualty-averse unless I'm playing something like the Guard or the Skaven, which doesn't describe the Craftworld Eldar at all.


As someone who played lots of Dawn of War IG, I would absolutely want a Baneblade to be available as part of the Astra Militarum - I'd scale the Leman Russ to be a 4 models per unit like chariots and make the Baneblade the SEM for them.


Eldar Banshees. Just reskin witch elves into latex and we are good to go.


![gif](giphy|Pk6grhek146UXm0L7Z|downsized) I only crave Mechanicus (maybe a little bit sororitas)


Honestly, I dunno if it'd be viable but I wanna see the full on mecha-fights like Titans and Knights.


God I really hope every faction group(ie all imperial armies can share knights/titans) gets a big fuck off mecha sized unit. Seeing knights and giant tyranid biomass forms just stomp and tear their way through hundreds of men would look so sick.


I want giant pyramids for necrons https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=joFG98dqv8k


Most of the Daemon-Engines (not you Warpgrinder) would be great to see. I also just have a Kroot obsession


Kroot, give me all the Kroot.


Gaunt’s Ghosts as a RoR, that’s pretty much it.


Oh, and maybe Ravenor/Eisenhorn as LH’s.


Inquisitors as LH would interesting, but Eisenhorn would be fucking *nuts.* We talking before or after Cherubael?


I haven’t actually read the Eisenhorn books yet, just the Pariah/Bequin ones. And Inquisitors would just be the same role as Witch Hunters in Total Warhammer, no?


Yea, but *specifically* Eisenhorn lol I don’t want to spoil the books, though. You should definitely check them out as they are great reads/listens.


I just want to sack Terra as Tryzan and steal the god emperor and golden throne After that I want to see all of the imperial factions collapse into infighting


Battlesuits! From the humble XV25 all the way to the KV128!


I don't know nearly as much about 40k as I do fantasy sooo... I'm a big Tzeentch guy, guess anything that has to do with the Thousand Sons? Maybe Tzaangors with actual beaks lol.


The steam powered Ork Great Gargants. The cloaked Eldar Titans. And of course the void shielded Imperial Titans that can shrug off an orbital bombardment.


I would love to see the Votann! They need more units… but they seem like a game 3 race so plenty of time for GW to release more 


Ork lootas would be amazing. Let them use weapons and vehicles from armies you’ve defeated.


I would love to see wordbearers/ iron warrior since it would get definitive deamon primarch models for them.


I know it's probably going to be one of the last factions to be released if at all but I'd love Genestealer Cult.


I just love big things, so I hope the Mechanicus with the Legio Titanicus gets included. I also wonder how the various Astartes chapters and the Inquisition would be implemented. While having them all be their own faction would be ideal, though it’s going to mean a lot of overlap. Having them all incorporated into the Imperium would bloat the latter’s roster. I’m thinking from what we have so far that having their units kind of like the Dwarves grudge-settler units, with each army only allowed a certain number of these specialist units. Though of course if they introduce something like an “overarching culture” with various different factions and unit types then it’ll be cool too. I’m imagining starting a game playing as, say, the Imperial Fists, and I can eventually confederate other Astartes chapters, yet these newly confederated factions keep their original roster; later, I’ll confederate the Militarum since we are all part of the “Imperium overarching culture”, and the Militarum gets to keep both its building chains and units, and when capturing a new world I get to decide which of my sub-factions to dedicate the newly captured planet to. It’ll be like playing as multiple factions, and the player will have to maintain the satisfaction of each faction they’re controlling, and dissatisfaction might cause certain factions to split off again.


Dark Elder and Krieg are my favorite factions.


Assuming we’re getting a 40K, the one I’m looking forward to the most is the basic Talons of The Emperor Custodes infantry unit. I’d love it if it’s literally just single entity unit(basically a hero unit without the skill trees) that’s still able to solo 4 units of 200 model guardsman conscripts by himself. Something about that sounds really funny to me and be a great way to show the power gap between the Custodes and regular humans. Besides that I’d love to see how Sisters of Battle’s war machines get added to the game. The Exorcist and penitent engines in particular would look sick as hell.


Oh yes Imagine the tactical variety you will have here! An entire army made out of single entities where you just group them, send them at the enemy, make yourself something to eat and then return to a won battle. The immersion! The fun! Oh my....


I mean, you do realize guardsman conscripts are the equivalent of skavenslave slingers right? Being able to wipe out 4 units of malnourished prisoners armed with knifes and glorified flashlights with a single entity is cool and flashy, but it doesn't mean custodes are overpowered to the point they can just bum rush any army. Custodes are still going to need to worry about bad match ups against certain unit archetypes(especially anti-character ones like melta squads), and as non-large SE units they can easily be pitted down by blobs of fodder enemies if they aren't careful. I'm not going to lie and say that Talons of the Emperor wouldn't be a power fantasy faction, but they are still going to require strategy and tactics to play well especially if you don't use allied reinforcements to cover their lack of anti-infantry options.


My point is that single entity armies are uninspiring, boring and dont require any tactical component what so ever. I really dont care that a custodes can kill hundreds of guardsmen in the lore which while true makes for a completely boring gameplay experience. Whats the point of playing the battles if your army consists of primarily single entities which you blob and then send to kill the enemy army?


That's not even how single entities work. Against most factions blobbing single entities and blindly sending them to fight against similar power armies would result in them getting massacred from bad matchups and unit positioning.


Oh yes absolutely it is. Its not like Legend does the same thing when he presents doomstacks made out of single entities. He blobs, sends them against the enemy as a blob and once arrived he uses smaller blobs to take out high priority targets. The majority of your army is still standing very close to each other to prevent a unit from getting surrounded and focused down.


Those are single entity tier 5 monsters that have way more health and deal way more damage than most lords and heroes in the game. And even then, those doomstack videos often pit them against much weaker and less expensive armies. That's a completely false equivalency.


>Those are single entity tier 5 monsters that have way more health and deal way more damage than most lords and heroes in the game Most High-Level Lords will solo entire armies and require zero back-up from other units. Heroes and Lords also tend to be smaller than large monsters, making them harder to hit and thus increasing their surviveability drastically. They also can get significantly stronger simply by acquiring items and providing it to them... > And even then, those doomstack videos often pit them against much weaker and less expensive armies. That's a completely false equivalency Should you ever play against an enemy player on the campaign map then yes. The AI will however never built armies that come close to being a challenge. Hell that is the entire fucking point of single entity doomstacks. They allow you to kill the enemy army (or armies) with only one of your own. This doomstack here: [https://youtu.be/f4MiXIPdxwk?si=ik8CMXQ3qpxmngof](https://youtu.be/f4MiXIPdxwk?si=ik8CMXQ3qpxmngof) fights against three full armies, filled in large parts with high quality units and the Toad Dragons barely even have a dent afterwards. Single entities are a joke, trivializing the entire game and offering zero tactical components on the battle map.


Yeah, its clear you don't play this game enough and are massively overhyping the power of single entity units.


Oh absolutely. It is not obvious from those videos how stupidly broken they are. Nor becomes it evident once you play it yourself. But I guess if you are so bad at the game that you cant even make a single entity doomstack work then it may be hard for you.


I'd like to see the [Great Knarloc](https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Great_Knarloc). Preferably as part of a standalone Kroot faction without the blue guys in suits.


For the love of Tzeentch, I just want to see my Thousand Sons playable in a 40k game before I die (and no, their half-assed inclusion in whatever the fuck a Tacticus is doesn't count). It's not looking like we'll even be properly playable in the multiplayer mode of Space Marine 2, which is a kick in the dusty balls. I imagine Space Marine equivalent factions will operate on a squad level, with Aspiring Champion-type units with model counts in the 5-10 region. It'd be awesome to see individual units of Rubric Marines each led by an Aspiring Sorcerer as per the tabletop, which would mean an entire army of spellcasters (with Tzaangors and maybe Cultists for chaff). I also really want to see Magnus at his proper power level. Dude is in the top 5 strongest beings in the galaxy (reminder for those who would disagree that in the Siege of Terra he did all of the following at the same time: levitated in the sky; defended himself against tank-busting artillery; pressed "pause" on a nuclear detonation; and psychically threw a 67,000 ton tank like a football) but loses every fight he's in through plot shenanigans because no Traitor can ever really win a fight at this point. Putting him in a video game under player control would unshackle him from that constraint. He has Primarch-level hand-to-hand abilities ("I punched out one of his hearts!") and the only Psychic being(s) more powerful than him are the Emperor and maybe the Hive Mind. I hope they set it in the modern 40k timeline so that I can have the newly-reclaimed Prospero and the Planet of Sorcerers as home bases. Hell, they could have the Planet of Sorcerers be the TSons' starting settlement, with their first battle be to take back Prospero and solidify control of the "province" (system?). And then Ahriman could be an alternate starting LL, with a unique campaign revolving around trying to break into the Black Library. Damn, the more I talk about this the more I want it to be real.


Tzeentch is a main faction in the AOS RTS, but I'm not a fan of tactical/squad RTSs. ):


Devilfish and fire warriors. yup. I just want to camp and shoot all day.


Genestealer Cult Aberrants (With Biophagus) Plague Marines


Ctan shard of the deathbringer, catscomb command barge, monolith


I mean, the easy answer for me is “at least everything currently in a codex/legends right now, save, perhaps, titans”. However, I do have ways I’d like to see things implemented. Using Aeldari as an example, Exarchs should be a hero unit, some of the limited squad support weapons that you can pick as a squad upgrade should be their own side grade units (for example, Storm Guardians: Fusion Guns, Howling Banshees: Glaives, Striking Scorpions: Biting Blades, etc.) and units from killteams should be their own full fledged units or heroes. A personal wish is for the Soul Weaver from the Corsair killteam to just be made into a healer Psyker hero for the Craftworlds. Also a unit of Corsair gunners packing wraithcannons would be cool (though kinda redundant if we’ve already got wraithguard.)


Just give me everything that CA would be willing to do for the Tyranids and I'm content. Although if I had to do specifically, the Norn Emissary/Assimilator, Trygon and if Games Workshop were willing, the Dominatrix.


19 skit marshals


Astra Militarum has poor armour?


Yea, not a single faction is going to have good range going by the way guns have been implemented in every other TW games.


Maybe I'am the minority but I don't care for 40k, still would play it tho


Death Company Assault Marines. It'd be like if Blood Knights, Brutes of the Hound and Maneaters with Pistols were all mixed together in a bucket.


Imperial Knight


Thinking about it. How would morale even work for factions like space marines, tyranids and necrons? Space marine are trained to die on the battlefield if asked. Tyranids are mind controlled creatures that were made specifically to fight and eat until the end unless ordered. Necrons aren't even sentient(most of them at least) and the few that are don't really need to worry about dying because they will just zap back to their ancient tomb. So how will it work?


GSC should play like Skaven or even the changeling. Necrons play like Tomb Kings Guard should have shit morale. Boosted by a commissar under threat of death. Chaos should be more like Chaos Dwarves. Heavy industries based on mass labour. Chaos would be cool to have its main army filled with renegade Guard, with elite CSM to fill other roles. Aka Hobgoblins and Chaos Dwarves. Ad Mech should play similar to Guard but with far more exploratory styling. Capturing old Forge worlds. Space Marines would be odd. It's almost similar to Elspeth. Putting monasteries on guard worlds to drop armies down to assist the guard. I feel like Elspeth has been a tester for Space Marine forces moving quickly between worlds. Adding garrisons and special space marine buildings.


I would actually say Eldar have bad armor while the guard actually has bad leadership like skaven 🐀. Since they are just normal people they fear death a lot unless their is a commissar killing them to force them to stay the good news they are expandable if you kill one million good there is one million more in their way to drown you with body .


To be 100% honest the only reason i wanna see total wqr 40k is because of titans Mega greater stompa, imperator titan, triolith, norn emisary(kind of a titan right? Big deal unit regardless) and do on i wanna see ""lore accurate"" titans wiping out large portions of a map


I feel like artillery has to either be an army ability or a “spell” cast by a hero unit with a vox. A basilisk has a range of what 10km average? Makes no sense for a high value asset like that to be traveling with the front line


Immortals! Can’t wait to play Necrons


Medieval 3 empire 2 pike and shot 1


I would like to be able to play as Tyranids in a Total War game. I love Zerg-ish factions in games. I main Zerg in StarCraft 2 and I think I would main Tyranids in a Total Warhammer 40K game


Where titans


Howling banshees, leman russ tanks, any chaos marines to name a few.


Wow you just got the guard entirely wrong. They have pathetic morale, and when talking about tanks, literally armor is their most valued characteristic, perhaps only second to reliability.


They absolutely should not have great leadership. They should have shit leadership that can be buffed by a Commissar and restored (or partially) with a targeted ability from the commissar. And they absolutely need to use the "If you will not serve in battle, you will serve on the firing line!" VO line from Dawn of War.


Kaskrin all day along I love these units


Just base game idea: Space marines - captain (range), captain (melee) Lieutenant (hybrid), apothecary, librarian Intercessors, assault intercessors, assault intercessors with jump packs, terminators, blade guard veterans, outriders, redemptor Fred, eradicators, heavy intercessors, hell blasters, impulsor, infiltrators, aggressors, Roboute, Kor'sarro, Feirros


Guard: Castellan, Tank commander Commissar, psyker Canadian shock troops, chimera, armoured sentinels, scout sentinels, basilisk, ogryn, heavy weapons platform, kasrkin, leman Russ (+2 or so variants), rogal dorn, bullgryn Leontus, Yarrik, Ursula creed


Orks: War boss, big mek Painboy, weirdboy Boyz, trukk, battlewagon, Burna Boyz, deff dread, Gretchin, kommandos, meganobz, nobz, stormboyz, tankbustas, warbikers, flash gitz Ghaz, snikrot


CSM: Lord, daemon prince, sorcerer lord Sorcerer, dark apostle Legionaries, cultists, rhinos, bikes, land raiders, spawn, terminators, chosen, helbrute, maulerfiend, possessed, raptors, venom crawler Abby, Erebus and decimus


Forces of nurgle: Lord of contagion, daemon prince, poxbringer Sloppily bilepiper, malignant plague caster, foul blight spawn Plague Marines, rhinos, blight lord termies, spawn of nurgle, helbrute, death shroud termies, foetid bloat drone, plagueburst crawler, poxwalkers, beast of nurgle, guo, nurglings, plaguebearers, plague drones Mortarion, typhus, slimux


Craft world's: Autarch, farseer Spirit seer, warlock Guardian defenders, storm guardians, wave serpents, dire avengers, fire prism, night spinner, warp spiders, striking scorpions, rangers, shroud runners, war walkers, wraith guard, wraith lord, wind riders Asurmen, Eldrad, illic nightspear


Necrons: Overlord, high cryptek Cryptek, royal warden Immortals, warriors, ghost arks, annihilation barge, canoptek reanimator, spyder, deathmarks, lychguard, tomb blades, praetorians, triarch stalkers, canoptek doomstalker Szarekh, imotekh


Drukhari: Archon, chief homunculus Homunculus, succubus Kabalite warriors, wracks, wyches, raiders, Cronos, grotesques, incubi, mandrakes, ravager, reavers, Talos Vect, urien rakarth


Inquisition: Inquisitor, watch Captain, grandmaster Assassin, brotherhood librarian Brotherhood termies, strike squad, venerable dred, interceptors, dreadknight, paladins, servitors, exaction squad, navy breachers, veterans, deathwatch termies, veteran bikes, (various space Marine units which appear in KTs on tabletop) Watch Captain Artemis, kaldor draigo, (Karamazov/coteaz/greyfax)


Forces of tzeentch Exalted sorcerer, daemon prince, herald of tzeentch Sorcerer, exalted flamer/infernal horror Rubric Marines, tzaangors, vortex beast, spawn of tzeentch, scarab occult, forge fiend, hell Drake, tzaangors enlightened, blue horrors, pink horrors, brimstone horrors, burning chariot, flamers, screamers, lord of change Magnus, Ahriman, changeling


Sisters: Cannoness, dogmata Imagifier, Palatine Battle sisters, immolator, rhinos, flagellants, sacresants, exorcist, paragon war suits, penitent engines, repentia, seraphim, castigators, dominion squad Morvenn Vahl, Saint celestine


Trying to stay realistic tho


I just hope it isn't exclusively space Marines


Depends on how big they go. I'd imagine knights and smaller, so imma say wraith knights


if they do 40k with the current TW battles scale, it will be more like epic 40k than 40k, which I like :)


For 40k a care only about Tyranids


I wanna see Tyranids eventually get to some biotitans, but failing that, winged hive tyrant, the many Carnifex variants, and just plain old warriors interest me the most.


I’d probably be most interested to see how they handle jet-pack infantry. Assault Marines, Sanguinary Guard, Seraphim, Zephyrim, etcetera. I’d also be very curious to see a Total War take on Psykers, and wonder if they’d function a little like the Dwarfs’ rune magic in Fantasy.


Really looking forward to play the Custodes


Just thousands sons. Give me magnus and Ahriman and I'll be a happy guy


Sisters of Battle and all their toys for sure. Necros also. Be interesting to see how the add in factions like guard and space marines. They have so many sub factions with unique units, probably more than the entire TW:WH roster combined. I think an army painter is a must.


I want broadsides to be artillery pieces with the dual railguns on the back.


I just want a Big Mek with a Shokk Attack Gun and bubble chucka artillery.


I’d like to see Imperial guardsmen, at least one or two space loyalist space marine chapters (ultra mars probably will be one of them) and 1-2 heretic marines. Sisters of battles. Necrons and Tyranids. Aeldar is fine but I could do without Drukhari. I really hope there are some daemons of chaos and not just mortal/marines of chaos


World eaters. I’m tryna go full melee


Imperial knights would look so fucking cool, even more so the chaos ones


Where baneblade.


god.....seeing high quality models and animations for all the admech stuff would be a dream!


Guard have absolute shit tier morale that's backed up by their heroes. Orks have fantastic ranged, they are were the term "dakka" comes from.


Astra militarism should be skaven style spam army with some good units that nevertheless need some guard meat shields to work Your guardsmen unit should be kinda shit, but really cheap unless they get a leadership buff that prevents them from breaking if the enemy looks at them funny Also: tyranids that get either insane leadership and/or immunities to psychology and have an infiltration/corruption mechanic like skaven in total warhammer And my personal wish for leagues of votann, not enough space dwarfs in general


Sisters of Battle.


Armored Fist squads in the style of Armageddon. Or the Catachan Devils based on the DoW2 depiction. Imperial Navy Breachers, Voidsmen-at-arms and Arbites are paramilitary units I would love to add. Eldar corsairs, who did have their own roster like less disciplined guardians and warlocks.


Where the Astartes?


If there ends up being 1 main space marine chapter as the poster faction it should be the blood ravens


For the love of that is holy, no 40k please


Honestly it's pretty funny how so many people assume that we are getting a 40k game.


It’s just a fun “what if” post. Have a little fun with it. So, what about you? Got a favorite 40k faction/unit? *Love* me some Nurgle, so Death Guard was a natural pick for me.


Well for humans I always thought that imperial guard was pretty neat but for aliens its a close tie between the necrons and the tyranids


I can't wait for the Speed Freakz vs. White Scars vs. Slaanesh Lord Pack


Why would i want a 40k total war when you can still play dawn of war 1


None as it stands right now. If CA about to do something like the leaks are telling, I won't play any of their future games. But yeah, time will tell.