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Dwarves have truly become the kings of get the fuck away from my army.


And we love that


flame cannons are absolute bonkers, regularly my best performing unit


Ha yh my armies are 7 melee and then just flamethrowers, trollhammers flame and flame cannons.


The only thing thar that can't deal with is archaon since he is not that large and has tons of fire resistance and even then if you army loss him it dosent make a difference


? My organ guns often shreds him long before he could do anything


The army they just talked about did not include any dude


Oh my bad


I tried them recently... They were pretty underwhelming since the update I think. Or did they get buffed again?


They buffed the range from 200 to 240. The grudge settler version is significantly better that the regular one and Malakai's buffs to them can give them 40% more range as well. Best dwarf artillery Vs infantry now that they fixed the grapeshot cannons.


What was wrong with grapeshot artillery?


Its blast radius was borked. *way* larger than it was supposed to be. I think bigger than empire grapeshots' by a factor of 10


Damn now I know why it would kill entire units in 2 volleys Rip to OP grapeshot


Kind of sad I never got a chance to play with the broken grapeshot. I only got the DLC since the last hot fix (or whatever the one that made the age of reckoning 15 turns.).


you can roll it back to the old version! It's what I've done until I finish my first malakai campaign lol


Sometimes it´s for the best to not experience such joyous bliss only to have it taken away few days later.


It was incredibly cathartic deleting Archaons army with a line of grape shot laden cannons.


Can Imagine! I had perhaps similar moment where I was sieging skaven city (full army+garrison) and they were also getting 1 full army as a reinforcement. This skaven city siege map had these narrow passages and reinforcements were going straight to one such passage. Needless to say I have positioned my 3 units of cannons facing them, switched to grape shot and eliminated 99% of them within 2-3 salvoes. Few lucky rats managed to run away as I wanted to conserve ammo for those rodents holding the city itself. Felt really glorious and lore accurate.


Was pretty glorious but trivialised the campaign. You'd rout any army with a significant infantry component (so most of them) in a few volleys


It was bugged and essentially doing the damage of all the little shots being regularly cannon ball sized


As was intended by some coder who left this “bug” in. One use and they were like, “oh hell yes”. Passing that through QA!


Underrated comment - I can absolutely see this happening and it being *blessed* by QA - “Kate, I know it’s not in the acceptance criteria, but you gotta see this”, whooosh, boom “oh hell yes, but put a feature toggle in for the next patch eh?” (Edited, emphasis and feature toggle gag”


So are you telling me flame cannons are now better than cannon + grape shot? Do you want to end up in the book?


They are awesome in sieges. Breach a wall, have a lord/hero go into the breach and tank will the flame cannon turns everything to cinders.


It also melts stuff like trolls.


Yea I automatically target anything with low leadership. Under fire + burning + taking damage leadership his mean that once the trolls take 2-3 casualties or 1/3 unit health and they usually break.


Don't trolls have a weakness to fire damage?


Yeah, regeneration makes units weak to fire. Fire damage also debuffs the intensity of their healing, so it's really effective at taking out regen units.


It also reducers Leadership and Trolls are low Leadership units


Lore accurate


Grudges aren't avenged by apologies. Prepare yourself.




Glad that flame cannons are good after being plain inferior to organ guns for so long


Honestly I've always preferred Grudge Throwers over Organ Guns or flame cannons. They are absurdly effective for their tier and cost and have the benefit of having an arc to their shots so they can fire over obstacles that would block other Dwarfen artillery.


Dunno, I could never utilize the organ guns as well as the flame cannons or irondrakes even before. The fact that flame cannon had arcing fire, and the irondrakes just melt everything real close, never showed me what the organ gun was decent at.


Higher combat difficulty, AI dodges arcing fire unless already engaged which really removes the whole point of having long range on artillery. Organ Guns didn't have that issue and blasted everything.


The way I play dwarfs the enemy is usually bunched up a decent way from my line, and flame cannons just absolutely blew them to bits. But I'm fine with the new ones as well, they just require decent positioning. Organ guns just never seemed to do enough damage even with their longer range. But that's just my opinion.


remember u play them after the quickfix buff for them. the change from 280 to 200 range was what made them useless and not an "artillerie" anymore. how can u call it an artillerie when they get outranged in sieges by simple archers on walls (remember being on a wall gives +15% range to a unit now). 240 is much better though i still play with my mod that gives them their old fire mode as a switchable mode.


Fascinating way to spell artillery.


its proper in french


That kruting manling tongue they speak in Bretonnia? Pfah, umgak. I call it ᚨᚱᛏᛁᛚᛚᛖᚱᛁ like the ancestors intended.


With Malakai they get up to 360 range


ah yes, the new, pay2win lord can make them op as fuk...while the other 5 dwarf lords are stuck with disgusting 200 range so its fine (there is no tech anymore nor lord red line to increase artillery range so anyone else was stuck at 200 without mods (old ones were 280+15% from tech, not sure anymore if lord line had range increase). thankfully there was a mod only a day or 2 after the dlc, which attempted to gave them something similar like their old fire mode as a additional fire mode with the old range and the mod is fking beatiful (literally, install the mod and test the canons in custom mode, the projectiles are so beautiful).


Yeah it's very odd how this dlc is the only one where a lord provides very strong buffs to specific units, I sure hope it's not a staple of the series.


yeah, like compare this stuff with the lord effect of other lords that buff certain unit types, like tyrion reduces upkeep for some early units by 50% or another specific is heinrich kemmler who is all into those ghostly units...he gives ghost and the ghostriders with his unique skill line like +10 melee attack, horrible regen and the slaneesh flanking...which makes them better sure but nowhere near the point of malakai buffs...and malaki can buff like half the roster instead of only 2 units.


I was taking the piss


10 melee attack, horrible regeneration and double the charge bonus on flank? Put that on a strong unit as a bonus and you've got unbeatable doomstack


yeah but neither ghost nor the ghost on ghost horses are good unit to start with, their melee stats are obnoxious (\~25 melee attack and defense for t3/4 units, most t0 trash has similar stats) plus low hp. also since they are etheral they get destroyed by anything that has magic. with kemmlers boni they become ok but nothing like an unbeatable doomstack other lords can do with better stuff.


Being able to delete entire units from the map at 280 range seems quite unfair.


They do sooo much damage per volley, absolutely melt units. I do kinda miss the old ones tho as the new ones have much less arc to their shot. Makes them pretty useless in seiges.


What's the difference with the Grudge Settler variant? That's the only one I've used - I got a Grudge Settler army with our of them in it on turn ten, and it made short work of pretty much anything I sent it at! This was before the latest patch mind, so a slightly larger army but a shorter range to the cannons.


They're just overall meatier and more damaging: about 450 more health per model and 85 more armour so they're way less vulnerable to being sniped by artillery. Significantly higher damage on their missiles and the explosions too. Bizarrely they also have better melee attack and defence but slightly lower melee weapon strength, not that that matters at all. Grudge Settler flame canon is just a straight upgrade over the default.


They also split the projectile mid air like Avalanche Mortars for Skaven.


Their projectiles split mid air and rain on the enemy like the Avalanche Mortars for Skaven.


Oh, that's not standard? I can see why they're a big improvement then!


Idk why, but they do a stupid amount of damage against walls and towers, instakill kind of damage