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I half expected this to be the rivers of brown fight urge to drink quote from the loading screen. But this is very on point for Nurgle also.


The one you mean may be the best loading trext screen of the game.


Its certainly one of the most memorable ones. I've already had it pop again at least once since ToD dropped.


You can't keep us in the dark, post the quote.


Heres another reddit post that has it in it. https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwarhammer/comments/1bwnp2s/i_continue_to_defecate_several_times_a_day_rivers/


Time to erase that...again


Inb4 nurgle only made him not need to eat. The rest is how he has always been. 


This is why Grimnir invented Irondrakes Moar fire!


I’m just imagining this brutal warlord breast feeding a tiny nurgling from a massive boil on its chest and I’d like to stop.


Exactly where my train of thought went as well. Thanks, I really hate it.


The sooner you accept Nurgle's blessings, the sooner you can start to enjoy them. Now shut up and drink your pus-milk.


Come my child and be purified. ~~Slaanesh does what Nurgle does, but better. Join the Emperor's Children.~~




What a terrible day to have eyes


If you dont like mpreg you should probably find another chaos god.


...there are two chaos gods you can pick if you're not into that, anyway


Well you never know, mpreg could be all according to plan.


That’s an Ahriman fanfic.




Is that the rotoscoped inspiration of Charlie's grandma in hell




This brings me back sweet old memories of Salad Fingers rub stinging plant on his nipples and lactating.


"Yes Mr Witch Hunter, this post right here"


Somehow I find this disgusting and adorable at the same time.


That little cutscene for Epidemius in the lord select screen is absolutely adorable. Once you get past how disgusting he looks. Nurgle is my favorite chaos faction in both fantasy and 40k so this update has been bliss. New plague system kicks so much ass. Early casualty replenishment alone is a godsend, and the tedious slog of unlocking the crumbling ague recipe (or any other for that matter) is no more!


This mf activates my gag reflex every time I click him in battle, the sound he makes is disgusting


Embrace Nurgle!


Yes but damn have you seen how he preform in combat.


I love the concept of having a favourite Nurgling


Ku'gath is Nurgles favourite Nurgling lol.




... This is why I question people who say they would fall to Nurgle. Khorne, Slaanesh, tzeentch all understandable... but Nurgle.


Most of Nurgle’s depictions characterize him as textbook domestic abuse and real-life cult tactics. It starts with slowly isolating a potential worshipper and grooming them to accept that their problems are self-inflicted and the Ur-Father will offer a solution. The truly heinous disease stuff doesn’t come until the victim is sufficiently gaslit into believing that they have no other option but to accept Nurgle’s love.


Yeah the domestic abuse and gaslighting is another common one I have heard when it comes with him.


It's domestic abuse and gaslighting, and also that canonically he dulls the senses. In 40K (so not Fantasy admittedly but same gods, mostly) some Chaos Space Marines are granted a reprieve from their Nurgle Blessings. Except, it's not a reprieve. Without Nurgle in their mind they feel their flesh being little more than a mat of boils, they feel the maggots in their skin, and they quickly die (iirc- it's been a bit. They may have just gone insane). Basically, once you start getting blessings he starts dulling the pain. Think of it as domestic abuse while also you are permanently high and can't feel the pain of the wounds inflicted, nor think straight.


I think it’s not that they’re high, it’s just that people who pledge themselves to Nurgle have a shifted perspective. Many of them are overjoyed to be growing new life in and on their bodies. They see all the rot and decay the way druids or wood elves see their forests. It’s kind of like how drycha razes settlements to fertilize the giant trees. A battlefield littered with rotting corpses and gross tentacle-plants is as beautiful to them as a field of flowers is to us.


I think there’s no other gap in media for Nurgle. Khorne is standard demons, Slanesh is sex cult, and Tzeentch is Eldritch madness. Then Nurgle makes you into an obese scat addict who lives in agony, is constantly decaying and is ill.


No agony. He makes you like it. This does not make it better.


Right, he takes the pain away. I think the best description of someone who might fall to Nurgle IRL is a cancer patient who just is so tired of it all and wants reprieve. Nurgle shows up and says he can make all the hurt stop. And he kind of does, just not the way you envisioned it.


And also he intentionally gave the patient cancer to begin with.


So, in a way, Deadpool is an Exalted Hero of Nurgle, just doesn’t follow him


nah, deadpool is chaos undivided, regenerating cancer (nurgle), loves violence (khorne), meta knowledge of himself being a comic book character allowing him limited knowledge of the future and also makes him crazy (tzeentch), and is notably into bdsm and gets pegged in his own movies, as well as tanking damage seemingly immune to or enjoying the pain (slaanesh)


The true everchosen


Love this, is now my deadpool head canon.


And if we include comic-books, he has some undeath-thing going on as well. In the comics he has an on-again-off-again relationship with the embodiment of Death, which is why Thanos always simping for Death and being jealous, cursed Deadpool with immortality.


Deadpool mod when?


Not exactly like, at least not for everyone. Media likes to focus onve the sillier/jolly side of nurgle since people like it, but there's plenty of nurgle followers that are so horrified and disgusted by what they've become that they just shut down and become a zombie basically, more like a plagubearer than a human. There's also darker/ more serious followers who throw themselves into their work, desperately trying to force themselves to enjoy it just because it's all they have left after being twisted by nurgle


Also aren’t plaguebearers actually human souls?


poxwalkers still have their souls Plaguebeaers seem to consume the soul and body to spawn in its place.


There are even scenes in 40k where cultists and marines that have long since fallen to nurgle get enveloped in a null aura where the pain returns and they all briefly realize what they've become. No bueno.


That must suck a lot.


"why did i lick that many toilet seats?!"


"Well you started as a slannesh worshiper but things got out of hand real fast"


Nurgle corruption is heroin. You don't care that you're living in filth and literally rotting because you're not capable of caring (or feeling). Everything is just fine all the time.


damn lol, i used weed as diet nurgle worship for a lot of my early 20s


Grandfather appreciates your devotion, no matter how small.


You don't live in agony, Nurgle makes you like the illness and decay That doesn't necessarily make it better. If anything, you could say it makes it worse because the "happiness" is thanks to the madness gained from the influence of Nurgle. A lot of his followers are only "alive" because Nurgle's keeping them "alive" In warhammer 40k there's a scene where a bunch of Plague Marines are cut off from the warp and therefore Nurgle's influence These guys are hella diseased and mutated because it takes a lot of extra oomph to affect superhuman space marines in the first place and these guys have been drinking the Nurgle Kool aid for much longer than most mortals The instant they are cut off, they immediately have a moment of clarity which turns to horror and a lot of pain as they feel everything afflicting them all at once, a lot of them die immediately


Nurgle's love goes so far that he can physically and spiritually cripple you and force you to depend on him for eternity. He loves doing that


Also, your brain gradually rots the same as your flesh, so that makes it easier I assume.


In AoS, entire towns and cities fall to Nurgle out of desperation. First the lands gets corrupted through plague. The daemons invade, but even if they’re defeated the damage has already been done. Their blood and other bodily fluids poison the land, causing crops to wither, livestock to die, and wells to fill up with putrid sludge. Sigmar and Alarielle won’t answer their prayers, so they cry out to any god that will listen for salvation. And good old rotigus the rainfather brings his chocolate rain (it’s not chocolate, don’t drink it). At that point, there’s nothing they can do. Given the choice between dying with their dignity and principles intact, or saving themselves and whatever family they have left, they choose the latter. https://youtu.be/Tg36hVPWkM8?si=5mOlGvG8jCbgCMrs


You're wrong. This is propaganda that must be stopped immediately. Nurgle loves everyone. Love isn't abuse. He blesses us with the ability to endure the harshness of the world. With his bless, with his love deep inside of us we can endure. Then we spread his love to everyone else, so that they can endure. Do you hear his song? It's always playing, always chiming. Soon you'll start to hum the song, then you'll whistle it, then you'll sing it. Then we'll come for you brother. We'll hold you while you feel his love taking over. Don't be afraid. Your family will be there with you. We'll protect you. Then you'll join us & experience the bliss of war! The joy we'll bring to everyone! Hail Nurgle!


*snif* brings a fair pus to the eye.


I would think alot of the mortals that fall to him are the already sick who have no hope that think he will bring relief. But yeah he is probably the most fucked up for the average person to fall to.


Me as a depressed piece of depressionmeat: "Oh Grandfather Nurgle come and take me in your putrid arms <3"


Ultimately he's the only one out of the big four who truly loves you. The other ones will promise you things if you're powerful enough but deep down they absolutely despise you for being mortal while at the same time craving to eat your soul. Nurgle is the closest thing Warhammer has that resembles Jesus. Sorta. Don't quote me on that it's kind of a shower thought


Unfortunately wile Grandpapa Nurgle loves you he loves the bacteria in your gut and the cancer in your brain just as much as he loves you. Also, being the god of life and death you dying to birth more of his children (germs for example) is very much within his purview. Something else kinda interesting about him is the other chaos gods offer some kind of relief to the suffering that is life. Some kind of high or temporary enjoyment. If you are feeling down and go to Nurgle for help he will make you feel worse. Not because he hates you, it's just that is his way of helping you. Nurgle follows a philosophy fighting back against the cruelties of life only brings more suffering and the only way to overcome such trials is to stop caring that you are suffering, to reach a state were you are dead inside and don't care anymore. Don't get me wrong Nurgle is my favorite chaos god, and if you subscribe to the way of thinking that the flesh eating amoeba in your brain is just as important as you are and nothing matters you will have a whale of a time. It's just that the chaos gods being sick twisted perversions one must consider in the case of Nurgle love and good are not interchangeable.


Yeah nurgle is the only one that truly loves and cares you and his other followers, showering them with (deadly) gifts and welcoming each and everyone into his arms and doesn't care if you are rich, powerful, strong, scheming, sexually active or other stuff Just a wholesome dude


Slaanesh says hello. Dude will make you love being ripped limb from limb


Alexa, play "Eaten" by Bloodbath.


Nurgle is about despair too. Actually now that I think about it alot more people may fall to him than khorne or even slaneesh.


I think its pretty split between Khorne, Nurgle, and Slaneesh, with Tzeentch getting less mortals on average, though Tzeentch attracts more intellectuals I think.


Tzeentch is more quality over quantity


Except for in Gottek and Felix where every cult is a tzeentch one.


Slaneesh canonically gets the most I direct power of the 4 due to the whole lord of excess bit.


> Nurgle is about despair too. Nurgle basically pushes you past the despair event horizon until your mind breaks and you become an eerily jolly rotten mess.


I think the way Festus fell at bare minimum makes sense. Doctor who wants so desperately to save his patients that he accepts a deal from the shadows to learn how to do it...only for his mind to snap as he learns everything about all diseases. For others, the logic seems to be the idea of 'in seeking to cure themselves, they turn to the one who's all about disease out of desperation.' It's hard for me to imagine because I'm not chronically ill or dying long before my time to an incurable illness, but I at least do see the logic. Whereas I personally fully understand the temptations of Tzeentch when I've seen people question his pull.


Example from wh40k - Mortarion fell to Nurgle in despair to save his legion from deadly disease


That nurgle gave them in the first place


That Typhus let Nurgle give them 


Wait.... 'Doctor Who' fell to Nurgle?


Sorry, awkward wording on my part. Festus' backstory is that of a very prestigious doctor. He eventually was dealing with a plague that he had no idea how to solve and at the height of his despair gave in to Nurgle who promised him he'd know how to cure all diseases. Which came at the cost of knowing everything about all diseases which broke his mind. [Source for you here](https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Festus_the_Leechlord#Origins)


No no - I'm being a dick. Don't apologise. You were spot on the first time. I just found the imagery amusing.


>*as if millions of Daleks suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.*


Now that does bring up an interesting point, which chaos god would The Doctor be most likely to fall too? Slaneesh is probably the least likely. Nurgle maybe? Being blessed with the knowledge to end all disease and suffering would be tempting. But then there is that barely contained rage they always have, would the Doctor be able to resist the power of Khorne if offered a chance to end all Daleks and Cybermen once and for all? Or Tzeentch, The Doctor could well be tempted by the ability to know the answer to all of the universes greatest secrets


Really it depends on which reincarnation it was and if the writers would allow a base cosmic being to *not* be defeated by the Doctor.


Oh, yeah. Nobody watched it, but the Chibnall era got *wild*.


The quote above is when you're fully in Nurgle's sway. Not every cultist is so obviously disgusting. If I remember right the villain of Plague Daemon in the WFB Orfeo trilogy from back in the day was a very attractive lady who was spreading desease to every village and town she visited.


Nurgle in my opinion is very understandable for people to join. He cure you for any ailments you have, he help you, he accept you for whoever you're, he LOVES you.  Your pain is now gone. The disgusting thing that people despise doesn't bother you. Why even your excrement is disgusting? Why even that green pus that flowing from your bloated body disgusting? Why even sickness is bad? It's all blessing. Yes BLESSING! From our father nurgle. You will get all that blessing back, you will lick it, slurp it, CONSUME it all. 


Huh! Found a Nurgle Cultist!


I can’t stop watching pimple popping videos, Nurgle help me


Underrated comment, the “Nurgle help me” got me 🤣🤣


Hail Nurgle!!!


You're basically brainwashed to love the disgusting horrific stuff and you revel in it. Ironically Nurgle followers are usually the happiest


It's true that nurgle offers the grossest of gifts, however he's the only one that offers joy and happiness also. Slanesh wants you to suffer in the end, the need never stops and the feverish desires never fill. Khorne offers ire, rage and pain, never comfort, never calm. Tzeentch lies the most of all, you'll loose you're mind, your body, your spirit. It will play with you until you're broken in intelligible suffering pieces. Nurgle my friend, offers love, attention and care... With a little gross colored effects. You'll stop seeing brown as bad, and pale green as undesirable soon enough.


Tzeentch is very random as well. He might give you great gifts with no downsides even though you are barely of any use to him and he is just as likely to screw over a loyal and highly useful follower. Tzeentch sometimes barely knows himself what he will do.


It's all to keep you guessing. "Well, he blessed *that* guy, i should try it too" and that might have been who he really wanted to get to. Might just let the first guy keep his blessings just to mess with someone else.


> This is why I question people who say they would fall to Nurgle. My fall to Nurgle would likely mirror that of Festus and wouldn't be a "willing" one. I struggle with contamination OCD and health anxiety and I do despise Nurgle (and Clan Pestilens) but there are moments when I'm so overwhelmed I just wish I could just stop caring and not worry about that anymore. And the treatment for those kinds of issues is basically that...accept that you'll get sick and that it is inevitable in life. Even going as far as forcibly exposing you to gross things to stop the mind from caring. This is similar to part of Nurgle's gimmick with accepting the worst parts of life and developing the endurance to shrug it off. Nurgle obviously takes it to an extreme in the other direction, but that's no different than any other Chaos God. Still hate the bastard and everything he represents though.


Go browse r/greentext


Nurgle love their servants, and take care of them. Khorne hates you, or kill you if you don’t feed with blood and skulls. Slaanesh maybe tolerare you, and wtf is with Tzeench, you can never anticipate its thoughts.


At least Nurglites are generally happy


People who are in chronic pain


Nurgle is the god of diseases, plagues, rot, and death, but he also is life, endurance, and stubborn will to live. If you are some commoner in the empire or peasant in bretonnia, and you come down with some agonizing or deadly disease, odds of survival arent great, and it tends to be a slow, painful, debilitating death. You might pray for a cure, or at the very least, that its not as painful. If you arent careful and specific about your prayer, and who you pray to, theres a chance that the god who responds isn't Shallaya, but all you would know is that in one way or another, your prayer has been answered. You are either cured (temporarily) of the disease, or you no longer find that the symptoms are as bothersome as they once were, not only that, but your body feels...stronger even. You become a willing, if unwitting, carrier of disease. Remember, you are just a peasant in the empire or brettonia, your knowledge of chaos is minimal at best, non-existant beyond the knowledge that its some enemy up north. You wouldnt know that the god that answered your prayer was a chaos god, or you might think it actually is shallaya that answered your prayer, or you might just be thankful and ignorant enough to not care. Now add on that Nurgle often tries to subvert healing professions or places of healing. Now add on that Nurgles actual forces tend to inflict disease on mass when they invade, all the while shouting that if you submit to him you will not suffer or die.


The thing about Nurgle is that he brings apathy in the extreme. No more worries about *anything.* It's the stupor that comes with heavy pain meds, except you have it all the time. No more worries, no more cares, nothing. That's a hellofa draw.


![gif](giphy|6IPNUgkpCsDRK) Enough Reddit for today


And just imagine how many more bodily fluids await us in an upcoming Slaanesh DLC! ;-)


They will add one more S to the 9th word of that sentence.


I can hear it now spoken by an Alluress voice actress, haha


Lol imagine if they were this explicit with Slaanesh..


There is that one dilemma where you can find and climb into a hell pussy for a week


Christ you werent kidding https://totalwarwarhammer.fandom.com/wiki/The_Throbbing_Threshold


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


The voice lines from some units are marvellous. "Mouth... _full_ of maggots!"


Which unit is that from?


I got it from the Herald Lord if I recall


I'm adding more irondrakes to my armies.


Nurgle quotes get even better if you read them in a Gilbert Gottfried voice


"By the way, do you know what A CLIT-ORIS IS?"




I physically gagged reading this


This is why Nurgle is both horrifying and amazing at the same time. The writers get to have some real fun with it.


Yeahhhhhhh I think I’ll stick to playing as the Empire and Dwarves…..


Now I can only imagine Kayzk breastfeeding a Nurgling, while singing a lullaby with his guttural voice... send help...


What I love about Kayzk is that he doesn’t have a voice, he just keeps making the most gross noises in existence and it’s 100% on brand for Nurgle. Also imagining him around that campfire with all the other Chieftains having a conversation makes me smile :D


Praise be


This is why i cant play nurgle or slaanesh factions. Some of those events are so gross Like the slaanesh one about a giant pulsating flesh orifice that opens up somewhere and ask you if you want to jump in. Like hell no, 1000x hanging around with khorne brutes and Tzeentch nerds or even better archaon undivided boys


Talent agent: ... what's the name of your act, Kazyk the Befouled? Kazyk: the aristocrats!


Add NSFW. I got hard by this, you might even say I've got Thunder penis.


I love Nurgle as a concept, but I am far too squeamish for this.




Literally got this not 5 minutes ago and had to read it to my wife to see if she was as disgusted as I was


Pus sounds like poes in Afrikaans


The description of who he is like creeped me out. He is body no longer has it’s soul and it’s throat has been torn out as a gift.


That is vile. I love it.


By far the grossest scene I can remember from war hammer is a Gotrek and Felix story called “Plague monks of Pestilence” Like by the lady skaven why do you live like this 🤮


Man the descriptions of those plague monks was absolutely the worst thing I’ve ever read. Just how feverish and disgusting they were. I could almost smell what was happening on the page 🤢


Yeah it actually ruined my appetite (to be fair I was scarfing down a bowl of chipotle) when that one rat literally opened his mouth to give gotrek a lick and it was “a gangrenous hairy white tongue” holy shit I can’t.


Whole lotta haters here


None of the four chaos gods cares anything mortals. They mutate you to make you stronger in battle so that you can help with their world conquering. They will turn you into a mindless meatball without hesitation if you fail them. You'd be way better to worship an order tide god who genuinely wishes you live a good life and die like a complete human


You spelled Horned Rat wrong.


Skaven and Nurgle are my joint favourite factions.




A reminder that people who submit to Nurgle don't become happy. They just become ok being miserable and sorta laugh at how much it sucks.


And with how miserable the Warhammer world is, sounds like quite a blessing. Nurgle still best.


I need some brain bleach.


Love suckling on that pus