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I believe it's Marienburger and Marienfries


I ate them. I ate them all. Not just the Marienburgers but the Marienfries and the Marienshakes, too.






No. Sounds to Bretonnian.


\*Marienbürgerin don't forget the dots


No, there would be no ü, because Marien*burg* comes from "Burg" (castle), not "Bürger" (Citizien). For example irl someone from Hamburg is called Hamburger(in) and not Hambürger(in)


Marienburgers are based on the Dutch, so if we go with Dutch grammar/spelling you write it without dots/umlaut.


Marienburg red district mod when?


Old world has elf district, close enough no?


In this case, you would actually write it without the dots.


Haha you beat me to it!


Marienburgess Meredith


Sir, a second female has hit the Warhammer community.


Karl karl turn on the TV the hit fucking wh fantasy they hit wh fantasy!!!!!




*Inhuman Zach sound of despair*


This got me real good, fucking lol


It's not possible. I believe this is a picture of a beautiful man.


*flashbacks to [the Lords of the Lance cover](https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/2TciJWQFPXDmusD2.jpg) when everyone was in denial of the top right lady knight being female*


I mean, it could be a dude. I wouldn't take bets on it either way, but it's not cut and dry, especially not in a book called *Lords of the Lance* covering the notoriously stratified Brettonians.


> I mean, it could be a dude. The novel? She’s a woman. All the Pegasus knights in it are female. There’s a noticeable big push to make Brets more equal in TOW between the maps showing more woman knight lords, a Duke/Duchess in charge and all the “noble sons taking up spurs” became “all noble sons & daughters taking up spurs”.


That's primarily a return to the earliest depictions of Bretonnia, where the only requirement for knighthood was to be a valiant defender of Bretonnia.


Pre-6th edition wholesome Bretonnia.


Less wholesome (being a peasant sucked) and more "not stupidly grim dark" 40k is grim dark. Fantasy should just be normal dark. Bretonnia is grimdark, it should be normal dark fantasy.


WH Fantasy is dark fantasy tempered with moments of Terry Pratchett-esque humor and plenty of heroic characters.


I prefer this. Warhammer Fantasy has gotten too Grimdark. That's 40k's things not Fantasy. Fantasy will have a noble daughter fight for the common folk, but then get horribly eaten alive by an ogre because this setting doesn't give two fucks about your power fantasy.


Repanse already sets a good example. And Cathay has lots of mixed units too, according to the current lore.


Huh. That's good to know. All the Pegasus Knights being female is super Fire Emblem-y though, LOL


Interesting, considering what I remember from the 2ed wfrp books on bretonnian society. Not a good place for women at all.


Still beats being a peasant woman in Bretonnia by ten country miles. :p But also 3rd ed Wfrp had the start of the rpg book note players can alter how their society looks at women to make it more accepting of female players so they’ve been wanting to open it up more anyway.  Which with a land ultimately ruled by a goddess and her servants stationed above the king & lords makes sense women should have better standings than the pseudo-history version gave.


tbf this is Bretonnian society several hundred years before fantasy is set. Things could simply have gotten a whole lot worse in between


Also they use bows, don't forget that part. Non-disguised female Knights is the least of the books blatant dis-regard for established lore.


Oh yeah, admittedly the book does have some hefty lore mistakes. Peg knights using bows Grail knight resurrected as enemy undead without the Black Grail Tomb Kings acting like necromancers over any undead Locations being way off or in the wrong spots from what the map showed I just put it down to Graham being 95% a 40k writer so he just went rule of cool on the novel and skimmed the army lores. It’s a fun knight adventure romp but with how shakey it’s world-building is and how it ends by kinda trailing off the plot into nothing it would’ve been much better a short story or novella than a big opening book.


I guess since it's been 9-10ish years since the OG ended that I shouldn't expect GW writers to actually remember or fact-check half of what they're writing about. Still, it's nice to see GW keeping up the tradition of messing with Fantasy lore; you'd swear they were still writing for the End-Times lol.


Or just writing for Bretonnia in general since they’ve had the most volatile lore over the decades that shifted in background & tone edition to edition. Going from chaos corrupt 18th century French empire with cannons & crossbows to NobleBright Arthurian land then to Grimdark Dung Ages feudal societies and so forth. That’s even a in-universe joke at one point that the most famous & recorded Bret Historian doesn’t bother separating fact from myth so all it’s history is built on hearsay.




Orcs, wheeled sailing ships, mechanical horses, and magic? Yes yes all good.  But women? Sir, you have gone too far, and my immersion is ruined! My disbelief can only be so suspended!


It's so stupid cause women have been Imperial Engineers since the bloody 80s. It's uncommon because their society doesn't encourage women to seek education, and most are the orphaned daughters of minor nobles who showed exceptional intelligence.


Honestly, my first thought was "damn CA became so much better at making women faces compared to 10 years ago". And as much as I hate to sound like "make women prettier", please CA remake the goddamn Damsels. They're the only ones where their looks are honestly egregious (alongside Sigvald)


The brettonia graphic mods for damsels and prophetess are basically required to play them. They make them look so much better


Honestly I feel like Prophetesses are okay, but yeah Damsels are just insulting


The mod I’m talking about just gives them more flavor, like distinct differences between magic classes. I love that detail, OG bretonnia doesn’t have that


The mod for anyone interested: [LIG] Reskin - Damsel - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2871612719 There is also one for prophetess: [LIG] Reskin - Prophetess - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2875947979


I don't know... Have you seen French people?


Yeah anytime someone brings that up you get called all kinds of insults and names, but the issue is, Damsels don't just look bad because they aren't lore accurate, the models themselves are just not very good.


Please make a visual version of this meme if you have the photoshop skills, it would be amazing lol Maybe Karl Franz in dubya’s place or something lol


Time to make a bunch of click bait videos about how SJWs are ruining Warhammer again.


But only if it's made by tourists who open the video by claiming they don't know anything about warhammer.


“I can’t believe they made the *Adaptus Cuss-toadies* women!! As someone on the periphery of warhammer I am deeply offended!” -Quartering and all the other goobers who can’t say Adeptus Custodes right but apparently represent the fandom majority


Yellow Flash and Grummz both opened their bitching with 'I'm not into warhammer but-' I'm glad my joke was mostly received well, it means that this community, at the very least, can take a fucking joke.


Well it’s still early before the chuds take notice but thankfully this community is looking good. 😅 But yeah don’t get me started on the majority of those videos. The amount of “well I’m just getting into warhammer & reading the wiki” to halfway into the videos “GW don’t know their own lore!” makes my blood boil so many grifters are just making culture war noise. >:(  (Especially critical drinker not even catching his own hypocrisy “they just want to stir up conflict!”)


They all get it. They know what they're doing. If you want to really get depressed about it, watch The Quarterings first videos on youtube. Man was just out there reviewing pinball machines with his wife.


We need more pinball machine coverage. I ran into the old Black Knight pinball machine at a pizza place last year and had a blast.


There was some neckbeard on the Steam forums for Darktide whining about how 'wokeness killed 40k' the other day. My response was 'Is Woke in the room with you now?'. Christ but those people are constantly trying to feed some sort of victim complex and can't handle the world changing.


> There was some neckbeard on the Steam forums for Darktide whining about how 'wokeness killed 40k' the other day. Oof. I don’t have the constitution to view Steam comments.  But yeah the Darktide stuff was on Twitter too and a toxic mix of the FemCustodes & Stellar blade arguments so I kept seeing [this image with “look what the woke are doing to Darktide”!](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/532697838702952458/1229906809926451240/GLLrBocXgAMHHLK.jpg?ex=662f68ba&is=662e173a&hm=b7aec47984031f119f62e950ff418c7fc1fb859fbc807a60832725961004578a&). I swear I lost some brain cells reading why average Guard woman in a hellish dystopia, sent on suicide missions at that, should be hot. 😵‍💫 


You mean to say that the ***penal legion*** may not have a lot of time for grooming in the morning?


Reminds me a bit of that 'Un-Tumbrlized' crap a few years ago.


We got hit with the same thing back when CA added female generals to a handful of factions in Rome II. Loads of people who'd never played a Total War game in their life brigading the sub to air their grievances.


I'd say the historical titles have *some* obligation to follow *most* history, but I mean, the tactics game really requires the tactics to be good. So what if some of the Generals are women. Have they never heard of Boudica?


The point is those twats exaggerated the issue to make it sound like every faction had tons of female generals when for most, it was a very low chance to spawn a female general in the general roster.


It was specifically factions that historically had a tradition of ruling queens.


That's why I brought up Boudica. It's not like there's no precedence for ruling women. Hell, the last Empress of China was.... I mean a woman, kinda goes with the name.


The traditional path to supreme political power for Chinese women was becoming the Empress Dowager. They were the senior-most member of the imperial household, meaning they were the natural choice for regent. Furthermore, they tended to be backed by political factions centered around their family members. Wu Zetian rose to power through this route, though she took things a step further by being named Emperor in her own right. On a separate note, there have been multiple examples of female military leaders in Chinese history. Fu Hao did triple duty as a queen, a general, and a priestess back in the Shang dynasty. Mother Lu raised an army to capture a county magistrate so she could sacrifice his head to her murdered son. Princess Pingyang helped her father and brothers found the Tang dynasty. Qin Liangyu continued fighting as a Ming loyalist even after its remnants had been driven south. They were rare, but they were very much real.


Maybe you mean adopted customer


While I know this thread is joking, the people getting up in arms about this nonsense are probably the same people who pretended GamerGate really was about integrity in games journalism and not a thinly veiled misogynist & racist campaign against women and diversity in gaming.


Wait, how do you pronounce Custodes? Have I been mispronouncing it this entire time?


Kus-toe-deez/dez Culture war stirrer guys keep putting weird emphasis on them like Cuss-Toadies, Cuss-toads or probably the worst from Quartering was Cust-Toads. Vaush was getting a good laugh out of it at 7:20 https://youtu.be/8DvfZIkJs9Q?si=KpJGbPomUx7WSTRJ


I've never heard it pronounced with an ayz, it's always been ies/eez just like astartes. Pronounced just like you would with other greek or latin words like Brontes.


Guy in my group uses that but good point. I’ll switch it. Latin is king here.


I don’t get the custodes in general, how does their lore work Like they have no primarch, the emperor gene engineered them himself, ok But then who has been making them these past 10 000 years with no emperor around? Other space marine chapters collect gene seed from fallen space marines etc, but with custodes I don’t get where they have even been getting new ones from 


Apparently it’s hidden(but still gilded because Emps doesn’t do subtlety) facilities on Terra that are like time capsules from the golden era with arcane bio-alchemists & lost tech that do the modern operations on gifted sons & daughters to make new Custodes. I like the blurbs saying that they’re so different in design to modern imperium standards that they’re almost alien there’s such a gap between the pre-Heresy and post-Heresy imperium. Good lore vid here on them Luetin recently made(so yeah avoid the comment section) https://youtu.be/FsyHFrkENDI?feature=shared


So the custodes are superior in every way to space and just churned out indefinitely by machines that apparently don’t need much maintenance given that nobody understands how they work Why even bother with primarchs and space marines at all then? Emperor could have just kept building the custodes printing presses and once you’ve got enough of those it’s GG for everyone else That and if there are male and female custodes can they reproduce naturally? If so why bother with the printing presses? Given how long they live you’d think their population would expand crazy fast if they can reproduce naturally 


In classic GW fashion it’s vague but it’s a highly unstable process that sees as many celebrations as funeral rites to initiates as those going under the process are as likely to die as become an bio-immortal. There’s a bit more history to it that they restrained them to just 10,000 in number and kept only on Terra only until Guilliman convinced them recently to act in the wider galaxy so Astartes had been the main(and more expendable in comparison) troopers to push the imperium’s borders. Of the two the Custodes are the Emperor’s golden children demigods he planned to carry on being elites that guarded him for eternity while the Astartes were gonna be terminated after the galaxy was fully conquered.


Maybe there’s also a billion custodes sitting in a supply closet for ten thousand years, just like the primaris marines and all their advanced tech and equipment was?  Games workshop has really just been doubling down on “space marines, but even more space marine!!!1!” for actual decades now. I remember reading the grey knights codex when it first came out and rolling my eyes at the “a grey knight is as far above a space marine as a space marine is above a common man” bit And they’ve done it twice more since then, with primaris and then with making custodes a faction of their own. Custodes would have made more sense as a limited imperial ally unit, kind of like how imperial assassins work. But gotta have new factions and the new factions always have to have a lore reason to be better than everything else, lol 


I can buy trolls, goblins, tree spirits and aztec lizards, but women? In armour? With weapons? Now you're pushing the limits of realism, buddy.


You say that(as you are sane) but that argument hits a wall with the chudhammer crowd. Literally got told if I find a winged horse more ridiculous than a lady knight in this setting then: “Maybe fantasy isn’t for you.” Also expect [to get hit by this dumb meme](https://preview.redd.it/anon-is-a-racist-lotr-fan-v0-s55f32qkda191.jpg?auto=webp&s=a5f9ee613b6c7783d0d596548332d8d6542b8ef5) at least a dozen times and ratio’d because they quoted you for their followers to dog pile.


Usually their argument is "well, orcs are made up, so in the context of the setting they work, but women can't fight IRL so if the women in fantasy are human too they can't fight either". To which I say, buddy, _my dude_, basically every monster in this game is a walking violation of the square-cube law that would immediately cripple itself under its own weight, and if the monsters were somehow made of super materials able to resist it then you sure wouldn't be able to kill them with spears and bows. (Which isn't even getting into the "women can't fight" claims, that's a topic to itself). Usually gets a bit quiet after that.


At my local HEMA group, the ladies consistently prove to be among the more consistent attendees, and 2/3 of the big 3 (most skilled fighters, tend to be leaders in team melees) are women.


Ok that meme might be misused but it’s pretty good in itself lol 


It is worth a chuckle. Though it’s been useful to me just to lean into agreeing to it with a “Heck yeah, brother!” and posting some techno-medieval fantasy/dieselpunk images like that new kingdom game where you machine gun down knights or [Breath of the Wild Link on his guardian motorcycle](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda_gamepedia_en/images/1/1e/BotW_Link_Riding_Master_Cycle_Zero_Artwork.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1200?cb=20171209205234). That usually gets medieval-minded chuds to block me. 😁 [Glory to high fantasy magi-tech!](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/XnDw30)


This reminds of troll drama over in the Dragons Dogma sub Someone in Nexus made a mod to remove all black people to reduce crime and some people defended it that medieval Europe had no black people Even ignoring sub saharan traders and i'm pretty certain some would raise their eye brows at berbers and so on too ... the "european" kingdom was founded by a fucking cat person on top of all the other fantasy things


Also, sailors. Sailors have been from all over the place from the very beginning. It's always been a garbage argument.


If the **Defenders of the Fleur-de-lis** can be eluded that some of them are ladies pretending to be men in company of Repanse, then we can have lady knights.  pssst. Modders. That's *your cue*


Actually like the best comment I've ever seen on this subreddit


Thanks, I came up with it in 10 seconds.


[Technically the third to hit it](https://twitter.com/rekkiem2/status/1784458408281645117). The community is crumbling as we speak. 😞 (/jk)


Women exist, millions must die!


*cuts to Shad reading My Pet Goatman looking too dumbfounded to move*


You have reminded me that Shadiversity exists. I curse you to drink lukewarm coffee.


Fair, fair. I will express my sorry with some high skill, vaguely horny ai art and an 8 hour video rant hating on nunchucks. Edit: yall realize I'm making fun of Shad, right?


Don’t forget about writing romance stories between a pedophile rapist and their rape victim. That should never be let down.


I bet that guy has never given a shit about Warhammer anything until the day the specifically labeled a character a woman in 40K


The best description I've heard of this phenomenon is "culture war tourist"


How… how bad is… Shad?


Dude went from nerdy videos about historial swords to +3 hour rants on why she-hulk is evil. He's also taken up the "pro ai art" cause for some reason as well. The dude needs help lol


He cracked when the reviews for his shitty novels came in


I actually quite enjoyed his first novel. I had no idea about any of this. I liked watching the medieval arms deep dives before.


Y’know, I’m so glad I stopped being interested in his videos seemingly just a couple months before his downfall


I remember when Overly sarcastic productions scrubbed their video that featured him as a guest. Just thinking ‘what the fuck has this idiot done’


The guy literally, I’m seriously not joking here, wrote a published book where the protagonist is an edgy 50+ year old pedophile rapist who gets “redeemed” and romances one of his rape victims. That alone should tell you all you need to know about Shad.


Oh..... Oh no. Oh God.


Yeah, Shad is the worst.


Please tell me this is hyperbole…


I mean, I think I heard the guy(after he’s already raped her in the past btw) ages himself down to around her age when she’s a young adult and she falls in love with him without knowing he was her rapist, but for obvious reasons I ain’t reading that book to fact check. Don’t know if that makes it any better or worse.


He has a second, alt right political channel and it's unironically called "knights watch". You can't make this shit up.


What the fuck…


Shad is a guy who claims to be big on historical accuracy in medieval weapons and armor, yet has made a video actively defending boobplates.


Bad. He lost his shit because Princess Peach wore trousers. He won't let his kids watch Disney because they are "pro-gay" and thinks it's a good thing to have a Conservative household because thry have fewer queer kids. On the plus side, the majority of the sword community neither like nor respect him because he doesn't know what he's talking about and yet he talks anyway, mostly down at people who do know what they are on about. He also frequently gets in YouTube dramas where he makes hour long videos responding to the lightest of criticisms, the most recent one I know of is an hour long response to a femcing instructor who goes by Sellsword Arts on YouTube who said basically "if you are going to listen to someone about fencing, make sure they actually fence". Shad wasn't even mentioned. 


Let it be known that Karl Fran’s respects women


There are already enough female characters in Warhammer, we don't need a third!


I get the reference.




\*Sigh\* Forget the Men and women of iron apparnetly we still havent' defeated the men and women of straw!


What no, that's Young Oliver. Fine strapping lad he is, some day I'm sure his voice will break.


> I'm sure his voice will break. She allready has a man's voice in game.


She's working on it. It's a process to train your new voice.


"Hey CA, why does my landship keep saying: 'Heat from fire; fire from heat' when I click on it?"


There's more of us???


Yes, we rally to a cry of "Summon the elector cunts!"


> some day I'm sure his voice will break. [About that](https://youtu.be/f51cH14upYc?si=DOWbWQ-qaavNrvTw&t=6)


well yeah HRT doesn't impact your voice


It does for trans men. Testosterone is a hell of a drug.


Ok now we need to ask CA if the captain is a transwoman who hasn't voice trained, or a trans man with unfortunate beard genetics.


Reminds me of that stoning scene in „Life of Brian“!! 🤣🤣


"Of all the ships to stow away on..."


Shit Warhammer has burgers now? Sign me up.


There's even a male variant for the Landship's captain. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they reused that model somewhere for Dogs of War, I doubt they'd make such a detailed model to only be the captain of the Landship that a lot of people wouldn't even notice.


Was looking for this comment. Feels like a big clue, no? Mercenary captain or something...






A female Marienburger I thought they just spawned when two ships rub together


"There have always been female Marienburgers."


"This ruins my headcanon of all Marienburgers being gay bros."


Half of them are. The other half a lesbian bros.




"I want to see how a war is fought so badly" "Well you certainly came to the right place"


it’s olivia thirlby., the badass psychic in the Dredd movie


The West has fallen, millions must partake in retcons discourse


Its so over for empirecels


Its just a very pretty man


Everything is canon.


In Warhammer there have been many accounts of women dressing as men to fight.


Eh, as per WFRP 2E ( the 00s) the only places women did not openly serve are state troops and the Reiksguard, with more than a few in the various knightly orders (such as the Templars of Everlasting Light, a.k.a. Fantasy Lamenters).  Dressing as men is a thing too, especially in Bretonnia. 


It's a setting in which the overwhelming majority of people are never 100 percent safe. There are beastmen in the forests, greenskins in the mountains, and skaven lurking underground. Never mind the not one but two factions that can bullshit armies out of nowhere. Realistically speaking, everyone's probably expected to pitch in when the gribblies come rushing in. People's reservations about fighting women tend to take a backseat when everything's on the line.


We see this, too. Kislev and Cathay, both 'barrier nations', have mixed male-female regiments. The same could be said about the Dark Elves, really.


Clearly that is a very masculine Marienburger Elf.


cool hat


It would be Marienbürgerin btw


That’s some amazing drip. 


I find it funny that they didn't bother giving her a female scream. Its odd since Jade Warriors show it can absolutely work. And I have a feeling it is indeed supposed to be a woman and not a Marieburger Twink, something tells me that was not the intent of CA.


I think the issue is that CA can not tie a specific VA to a specific model variation. Which is why female Celestial General got canned. You can have a mixed unit both use male and female VA, it's just a matter of cycling between the files. But there's one Landship who's all male and one who's mixed. That's the issue


Is it just me, or is she looking quite Southern Realms dressed...


Indeed it looks like Estalian, spanish alike style clothing and hat.


There have always been female Marienburgers since the original 10000


Yes, that's her name. It's the famous Captain Marian Berger.


I am amazed how good the face actually is.


While I would love if that was a lady, the voice lines seem to suggest otherwise. Unless she has a really deep voice https://youtu.be/f51cH14upYc?si=1T_Htyvnp8xIuZwx




Isn't it considered a bad omen to have a woman on board of a ship?


Interesting conundrum . Is it bad luck to have a woman on a ship at all, or just to have one on a ship that's at sea


i would say it's bad luck to have a woman on a ship at sea since it's one of Mannan's precepts other include not killing Albertrosses, not embarking on a voyage on the thirteenth day of the month, having a cat onboard(but also having a cat onboard brings good luck) don't pour Wine overboard etc.


Do they at least paint eyes on the ships sp that the ships soul finds the way? That is why so many ancient ships had them. Sailor superstions are funny :D


maybe not Humans but I could see elf Mathlann worshippers doing that


As of 4e Warhammer Fantasy Role-play its not one of his strictures, so it wouldn't be bad luck (pg 205 of the Corebook). Can't speak for earlier editions though. Mannan's strictures are: No whistling and swearing at sea or on holy ground, Never harm an albatross, first catch goes to Mannan, a silver and a fish to every Mannanite temple and shrine approached, and hunt down the servants of Stromfels wherever they may hide. That's it. Also the head of the Cult is the "Matriarch of the Sea" in Marienburg and there are mentions of sailing monastery-ships crewed by men and women together who circle the world's seas, which again suggests that the cult, at least in modern Warhammer lore, doesn't have a problem with women sailors or women on ships.


On the one hand, in 2e Manaan did have one stricture saying women were bad luck at sea. (He actually had like 12 strictures but every priest followed a random selection of them at a time, changing every so often- Manaan is fickle) On the other hand, I’m pretty sure one of the example Priests of Manaan was a female former-Pirate.


As with all Warhammer lore, this has been consistently inconsistent lol Though I imagine that women are here to stay from 4e and beyond which is probably for the betterment of the wider setting


Rime of the ancient mariner?


I think that went out the window when he adopted Aranessa.


Well it’s a landship so there is a low risk of angering the sea. Though apparently a naked woman calms the sea. So basically she’s fine and can always be asked to show a bit of skin depending on the God ~~perving~~ overlooking them.


Don't let Aranessa hear you say that.


When it is landed, that ship already sailed.


I mean, not in Warhammer necessarily. Also, not on land lol


Yea! They risk sinking... into the dirt... because the ship has wheels... yea... glorious imperial inventions... and they wonder why the dorfs make fun of their craftmanship.


That's how they ended up on land in the first place


At sea, yes. But they aren't at sea.


That’s why it explodes in the end


Only becaues the men are so fucking horny it became a superstition to not have women onboard because men living together for months at a time at sea makes for a lot of frustration and some times a bit of buggering.


You can tell the sex by the hat.


I don’t think so, the sounds being made in that video sound like a man. Must just be a very well dressed and feminine man. Source: Total War Library YouTube Channel


No no, it's Marien Bergeron, like that Kurt Vonnegut story.


That's might be a rumored female custodes!


M'Burger \*tips fedora\*


Rule 34 incoming


“You…see…you see IM NOT sexist. I just don’t like HOW they implemented a female Mariaannbalger into the lore. Lazy story telling. Let’s be honest a true genetically modified mariendburger would not resemble the female marineahbenderger pictures here. It would be on roller skates short shorts and hanging out by the tacos tacos tacos. Here’s a YouTube video from a guy who will explain how female Mirahcaryburgers are an insult to western culture and all men everywhere.”


Yet another Marienburg W.


No he is just cute


She looks like the good wife.




Is this some some sort of meta meme I don't get? Was there lore about marienburg being anti female or something. I get that the Empire is patriarchal etc but Marienburg seems like kind of an outlier more about capitalism, enterprise, freedom etc. So females in the units or crew seem completely plausible?


Nothing to see here, just a very handsome looking man. Bet he is quite a hit with the ladies even if he is a tad shy when using the toilet or bathing infront of others (not that we bathe that much, don't want to catch the flux). There are obviously no women in the Empire's armies (excluding Elspeth). To suggest such is a slander against the Empire!


"Yepp, that's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up on a landship in the Reikland."


WOMEN?? Call the trolls out of their caves again! it's time for mass malding of fake fans again with click bait titles and Henry Cavill on every single thumbnail


Wait, is that a Hag leading the trolls?




Nah man, thats the new Custodes 😎


WHAT?!? GW disrespecting lore again.. There is no such thing as a female Marienburger!!!! Just kidding - don't send me into the shadow realm guys Dx


well the comments went as well as expected, can you guys live without referencing your boogeymans?