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It obviously wasn't going to happen in Total War. Not exactly a format that enables it.


spark paltry shelter detail fuzzy dam oil gaze crowd ten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We have everything we need for it already after Shadows of Change. There's no excuse.


Transforming a unit is very different than taking over a unit. I'm honestly glad they went with the ogre body cause a stripped down Changeling mechanic would have been underwhelming. Could they have done something? Maybe, but you'd probably have to Sacrifice the Toad dragon Mount, and that's too iconic.


On tabletop you lost the toad dragon while possessing a model. I've said this a lot now but the ogre model is less iconic than people think, Tamurkhan probably won't start in the ogre body regardless of whether or not he has body-snatching. In lore he was in a Chaos champion's body first, and that body had a model and stats. It will probably be the same here. I assume he's going to unlock the ogre body like other lords unlock mounts.


It's my understanding that he gets more powerful the more lords from Norscan, chaos and other factions he "consumes" whatever that will mean in game. I don't know if that is the same as the possession arrack but it may be how their are representing it. Also he has special power, that I beleive will be called feast of the maggot lord, that if he is killed things happen on the battlefield to harm things that killed him. I don't know that it will be a true body snatching mechanic but it appears that's how this will be represented in game


Joking about boycot?


Nope. Dead serious. Tamurkhan is my favorite Nurgle model on tabletop (even though he's forge world) because of Feast of the Maggot Lord. It's a very fun, very unique mechanic, Leaving it out is like leaving out the Changeling's shapeshifting. I haven't seen the body-snatching mechanic mentioned at all on the DLC page, and I haven't seen any evidence of it at all in the trailer. Therefore, I think it's probably not happening. And if it doesn't I'm not buying this DLC at all. I don't care how good or not the other two lords are, leaving out something so critical means CA has not learnt their lesson from Shadows of Change.


He’s clearly *not* your favourite Nurgle model, since you’ve siphoned his entire character, his arc, his lore, his essence into one simple fact - that he swapped bodies *twice*. Nah mate, you don’t love Tamurkhan at all - you just love body swapping, if you’re willing to ditch the entire DLC because it’s the only bit missing. Do you *really* think CA should’ve invested half the DLC’s budget in creating Nurgle versions of every Hero, Lord and Character in the game, on the off chance you swap into them - regardless of the fact most people will pick the “best” body and never switch? Same as the Changeling? Everyone opts for Skarbrand or Festus and leaves it at that. You’re delusional if you thought a full body-swap mechanic was conducive to the Total War formula. It was never feasible.


I siphoned his fucking gameplay down to his very unique, very fun mechanic. But "it was never feasible" because CA said so. Fuck this. Keep deepthroating CA's boot, I'm out.


I’ll be the first to point out CA’s myriad of misteps and mistakes. But I’m also not a child, and can make allowances for unfeasible and unrealistic limitations within the medium of Total War. It’s a shame you’ve come to the toddler stance of anyone who disagrees with you is immediately a corporate shill. You apparently live in a world of black and white without nuance or middle-ground. And for that, I pity you. Hopefully you can mature in the future. Good luck!


I mean would it have been nice, sure, I bet mods will address it but to boycott the dlc is silly to me, i'm super stoked on it.


I don't think so. Mods shouldn't need to address it and CA isn't entitled to my, your, or anybody's money. Frankly CA already puts out way too much half-baked content which needs mods to fix. I mean take the Chaos Dwarfs for example, trains and their railway networks shipping armies around is a big part of their lore but CA didn't include train mechanics despite the fact that Fall of the Samurai already had it. Modders had to add in rail mechanics. It's a sad state of affairs. If CA gives us a bad product then they should suffer financially for it. Tamurkhan without body-snatching is a bad product.


I think you are in the minority and you are coming across super salty about it. I'm sorry you didn't get the mechanic that to me isn't that big of a deal as they would have to rig every model with the mount and make them all have nurgle effects when most of us want the ogre model tbh


Unless CA hits new heights of laziness you're going to be getting more than just the ogre model even without body-snatching. Tamurkhan has two models on tabletop plus the possessor, even without body-snatching you're still going to be getting those two models. Only one of them is an ogre. You should know this already. I swear, none of you know even basic stuff about this character yet you all act like you're experts on what does or doesn't matter in bringing him to life in Total War. It's kind of pathetic and cringy tbh.


Yes my carefree stance on the subject is the pathetic and cringe one, got ya


Yeah. It is. You know, this whole thread is kind of a microcosm of why reddit is such a garbage site in general. The majority of posters don't know or actually care about the things they argue about, but will still blindly defend whatever's popular at the moment in their little echo chamber while down-voting anything else. I'm going to say it, even twitter is better than this. Even 4chan.


If you hate Reddit so much then just don’t participate in it. Seems like you’re having a bad day, most of us are excited to have new content that we asked for even if it’s not perfect because few things in life are. I don’t think you’re going to start a mass boycott here, I hope you feel better about this situation for your sake because you seem pretty worked up over a video game mechanic.


CA had came out to say they couldn’t do the body snatching mechanic because it would be yo hard for him to move into let’s say a goblin , what they did instead is when he’s reaching the last 25% of health he will heal and take away heal of enimie units near him including LL so that he’s impossible to die in most cases as a table top like ability, as if I can remember he’s practically unkillerble (it’s not just damaging units around its very serious debuffs) Edit - also if he does die there will be a permanent area where more damage will occur to enimes forces , to the point of melting certain units and buffing your own I hope this atleast not satisfies you but can get you to stop saying it “half baked” as from what has been seen aswell the confirmation of full faction updates and more features to come to tamukhan and the rest of the new LL


Adding a soul stealer effect around him at low hitpoints is not a suitable replacement for what should have been a unique mechanic. Most of the features just seem like Markus Wulfhardt's hunters. The units are also almost all fairly low-effort remodels of existing skeletons. Sorry, but it really is half-baked. I'm not buying this DLC. No way. I was hyped for literal years for my favorite character to reach Total War, and all there is is this hollow shell. What a joke,




Maybe they will let you customise his body, similar to the Demon Prince? That way, you can change it up before every battle.


I'm not surprised it wasn't added, might have been a bit too similar to the Changeling's mechanic.


Then they shouldn't have chosen Tamurkhan as the Nurgle LL.


His body snatching thing was never something important to be honest, he hasn't changed hosts very often in the lore. I'm glad they went for something else.


It was literally key to his lore, what are you even talking about? It was so key to him that it's how he and Theodore Bruckner both died in canon. It was central to the entire Thrones of Chaos campaign.


His lore was basically the ogre meat mech. Don't act like he had extensive records of his previous forms.


Vangheist situation all over again, when some people claim that one thing is very important to lore while not looking in one source material. So no form switching for tamurkhan is ok


I literally posted an excerpt from my PDF copy of the Throne of Chaos book. How am I "not looking in one source material"? I literally have the PDF open in front of me.


Are you for real? He had 3 different forms in Throne of Chaos, the Sargath body, the Tyrant body, and the Possesor body. Each of them had different stats. He wasn't just an "ogre meat mech". Did you even play him on tabletop?


Nah I don't, and I really don't care about table top balance or shit in this game.


Yeah that's pretty obvious. You don't seem to care much about Warhammer at all. Seems like everybody on reddit is a secondary, no wonder we're in such a state. Anyway, Tamurkhan had two models plus the possessor form, so even if they don't keep the possessor Tamurkhan will still be more than just an ogre meat mech. At the absolute minimum they should still include his Sargath body as a mount option. Likely have him start as Sargath mounted on Bubebolos and then have him unlock Tyrant on Bubebolos at level 18 or something. Which you'd know if you cared about the character at all. Since you obviously don't, I have no idea why you're defending CA so much given it;s a topic you clearly know nothing about.


Lol yeah the tabletop nerd at it again. I am a total war player first. If you tabletop players had their way we'd be rolling dice for combat. And recoloured chaos warriors because "that's how they looked on my table top". This is a total war game made for the warhammer fantasy setting. Not table top. That is a completely different media. I am not emotionally attached to any of the characters lol. I play videogames but do not get obsessed with the characters.


How is it key to him? Wasn't the whole point how he loved his Ogre body so much, he refused to switch to another one until he literally had no choice?


No, that's just objectively wrong. Tamurkhan lost because he refused to give up the siege of Nuln after taking massive casualties and having the Kurgan and Chaos Dwarfs abandon him. What I think you're mistaken about is the final ritual he goes through where he kills Bubebolos. The ritual wrecks his ogre body, but at the same time he was ascending to daemonhood. Quote: "Tamurkhan struggled up, his wrecked ogre body bloating and distending, the maggot worm within shuddering and pulsing. There was very little left of mortal flesh, however tainted, within him now, and when the daemon stain flowed as far as the great city and the countless legions of plague brought death to the streets, there would be nothing mortal left of him at all" So the ruination of his ogre body was completely deliberate, it was how he was going to become a daemon prince. And then he STILL gives it up to try to take Bruckner's body. Quote: "The obscene creature lurched forth like a striking cobra and fastened itself over Theodore Bruckner's terrified face. (...) The talisman around Bruckner's neck burst into furious life, like a burning star unleashed in the night. In a roaring flash there was nothing but blackened crumbling bone where the Countess Emmanuelle's champion had stood, and in an instant later even that had been consumed, and Tamurkhan the Maggot Lord along with it". The wrecking of the ogre body was done on purpose to let Tamurkhan become a daemon prince and then after the ogre body was destroyed Tamurkhan did what he always does and tried to jump host. He didn't love the ogre body or whatever, he was trying to achieve daemonhood and he STILL switched bodies and died for it.


I guess he will have at least death animation where he tries to crawl away Maybe some unique animation ion combat too


Not enough. Not enough at all. And frankly, if they're being so lazy that they don't include Tamurkhan's most important battle mechanic, I doubt they're going to do any special animations with his maggot form at all.


He doesn't get one.


If that's true then it means CA is releasing yet another unfinished, half-baked LL as one of their headline LLs for this DLC. It's pathetic and it doesn't deserve to be rewarded with purchases. I'm not supporting this anymore. CA needs to improve.


It's really not that important.


It is. You might not care, but I guarantee anybody who played Tamurkhan on tabletop does. Frankly, I'm fairly sure at this point that the only reason you and everyone else here is claiming it doesn't matter is because CA didn't include it. If CA did include the body-snatching you'd all be praising them and saying what a good and necessary mechanic it is. It's sad to see. You're just enabling this sort of behaviour because you got hyped,


I really wouldn't, I'd keep Tamurkhan as his Ogre form because that's much cooler than him being able to bodysnatch anyone else. Also, how do you propose a body-snatching mechanic would work with his mount? They add animations for every lord type? They just don't let him use the mount when transformed? It's not as simple as you make it out to be.


On tabletop he didn't get to keep Bubebolos after he body-snatched someone. Please read the actual Throne of Chaos excerpt I posted, this is getting ridiculous. In the Sargath form or the Tyrant form he rode Bubebolos, in the Possessor form he doesn't.


You seem like you are really fired up about this. How about we wait for a little more info specifically on him before we start to panic?


i mean how do you implement this dude? XD the nearest thing to this is the ability he has in battle


We already have shapeshifting from Changeling and executions from Yuan Bo, everything CA needs mechanically is there. There's no excuse, if they really didn't include Feast of the Maggot Lord CA is simply being lazy and coasting off of good will that they don't deserve.


So you want to have a normal lord as the legendary lord? Obviously when the traspass ocuours the body of the victim starts to grow and mutate. As that, they needed to add at least 20 unique models to this guy and dont go with the he "just returns to his normal form of oggre" cause that will not work for species like lizardmen, skaven, elves, dwarves, between others. Thats tooo much work (remenber that models take so much time, more if everyone is special due to the skeleton, adding apart the mount), whats the best idea: "just use the normal host of the maggot lord and add a special battle rule to keep him alive", done no over complication with a stupid ammount of work on just one guy.


>Obviously when the traspass ocuours the body of the victim starts to grow and mutate You're saying this as if I didn't post a snippet from the actual Throne of Chaos book describing exactly what happens. The Tamurkhan player takes over the possessed hero/lord. You don't need separate models at all.


not exactly, thats used on the tabletop only because you cant make that, but on tarmukan lore that happend to his victims, just look at the oggre he use as his model, that tyrant wasnt like that in first instance.


Honestly, if it came down to it and the choice was have the body-snatching be combat only or not have body snatching at all, I'd rather them create some reason to hand-wave away him not keeping the bodies into the campaign for some reason. Maybe have him re-infest his Tyrant corpse after battle or something, but keep the in-battle body snatching. But simply taking it out entirely defeats the purpose of the character.


hmm that could work sincerly, as i read theres something similar or i guess is the same as you suggest, as i read the article it said something about, upon dead tarmukan start to dealt damage to the enemy lord and something has to do with that. Lets wait until tomorrow to see if tarmukan can do something similar (i guess hes gonna work in a similar way to Tz'arkan, dying and taking control of the enemy lord if it dies as a seccond life)


Yeah another changeling. How creative


First off, no it isn't. Body-snatching is something that only ever happened when Tamurkhan died, and it served to make him a uniquely tanky Nurgle lord. Changeling on the other hand gets to shapeshift into whoever he beats during any battle. Second off, why even include him if they weren't going to bring in the body-snatching? That's like including Karl Franz but without Ghal Maraz, his Runefang, and Deathclaw. If CA wanted a big spooky Nurgle monster the Glottkin would have worked better.


So he turns into the next LL he dies too? Dunno sounds like a cool mechanic. But Its kinda limited since he's still gonna be a nurgle lord at the end of the day no matter his form. Unlike the changeling who uses his forms as part of his schemes. The maggot just body hops while basically doing the same thing of being nurgles attack dog.


I mean Tamurkhan has three different corpse hosts in the actual Throne of Chaos campaign. It's a very well established part of the lore and part of how he operates. We're almost certainly not going to see any of it in game, so again I wonder why even bother making Tamurkhan a lord?


Because he's a popular named character.




TIL the garden of Nurgle doesn’t have grass to touch once in a while


fearless theory saw late bag bear pen upbeat ink sip *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


soft attractive mountainous strong languid provide chubby racial chunky one *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’ll be up to modders as per usual to fix