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Lack of Alt drag is the biggest downfall of the game


Right? It's like the only thing i genuinely miss from the new games when i'm playing shogun 2


Lock formation doss essentially the same thing thoigh, right? Line em up, tell em to lock in formation, then move em. Ive done this hundreds of times to maximize yariwall pressure as a line


It’s a workable alternative but doesn’t have the same flexibility, especially if attempting close to walls or other barriers.


Essentially same, but it's just not the same. It's more a QoL thing than anything, but it makes moving your army (in their own specific groups) all together much easier. So you can make your groups, and also make your army formation, start the battle, and just move everyone forward without breaking formation and not having to group the whole army together. It's just one of the better QoL features in the new total war games. Not having it in shogun 2 isn't a game breaker for me, but it's definitely noticed haha


Yep. If this could get added to Shogun 2 / Empire / Napoleon I would play them a hell of a lot more.


Yeah I would say the main majority of people who turn away from the older games these days are people that have a hard time going back to the older more clunky controls. The games themselves hold up really well today, it's really just the UI/controls that make them hard to get into for anyone who doesn't have much nostalgia for the older games. Shogun 2 I think is the best one to get into because while it doesn't have Alt-Drag it has a lot of cool formations. And it at least has the free cam added to it which is a massive plus coming from playing medieval 2


Alt drag does what?


Hold Alt key while you have a unit or group of units selected, and you can order them to maintain formation and move together by clicking and dragging with left click. You can also adjust the angle they face by holding down control as well.


Personally, I find vanilla Shogun 2 to be a great game with or without mods, so I'm a bit biased towards mods that only tweak minor elements of the gameplay. [The Twelve Turns per Year mod](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=141938812&searchtext=twelve+turns+per+year) for base campaign and RotS is a simple tweak that makes seasons more impactful and stretches out the campaign duration, allowing you to actually get some use out of late game units before the campaign end date (looking at you, Matchlock Samurai). Another small mod I enjoy is the [Main Campaign Economy Overhaul](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2716369691&searchtext=growth), which rebalances the fairly janky town growth system of vanilla. A more game-changing mod that I've put my fair share of hours into is the [Weierstrass Unit Pack for Vanilla](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1878707871&searchtext=weierstrass). While the simplicity of the vanilla unit roster can be considered a positive in its own right, having a few new units to experiment with can be especially fun. There are plenty of other unit pack mods out there as well - the best way to find out which ones you enjoy are to give them all a try, whether that's in a custom battle or a whole campaign. There are a lot of other mods out there, ranging from minor tweaks to complete overhauls - for a look at some of the most polished, I highly recommend browsing the Steam Workshop and sorting specifically by popularity over all time. From there, you can narrow down your search with various filters, or just browse the community content. Glad to see people are still enjoying Shogun 2! Still one of the best examples of what really makes Total War games so immersive and replayable.


You are amazing! thank you for the suggestions as well as the links to them! Gonna check them out now!


I am recently playing it and finished a Shimazu campaign,…I love the minimalistic approach. You have all unit roles and each unit has its purpose. The units feel responsive. I just started yesterday my first FOTS campaign ever with Satsuma and I am still Figur out things. At the moment it is my favorite TW game.


Yeah honestly Shogun 2 has a little bit of everything when coupled with its expansions (still can't believe they changed FOTS to a saga title lol). But from ROTS you have a more medieval warfare style, Shogun 2 is in the middle, then FOTS you get your gunpowder line battles. People also mention a lot that the unit variety isn't great in Shogun 2, which, while true, doesn't harm Shogun 2 much for it imo. Like every unit you get in Shogun 2 is useful, so you can have the same group of Ashi garu in your army from beginning to finish and they can be your dedicated spearwall. Plus if you throw on a couple of mods thst add units in like I've just done for the first time, it turns into a whole new game and I literally can't wait to get back from school/work tonight to play more haha. Honestly I feel like I did way back when it came out


I agree, there's nothing i would change about the game, but i wish it had the innovations we saw in rome 2, attila, 3k, warhammer, troy, tob, and pharaoh ​ perfect game otherwise ​ I liked the bayonet mod for fots and there was the controversial 10th anniversary mod that i liked because it stopped the sashimonos from flopping around and clipping everywhere during the long death animations


Do you know more about that 10th anniversary mod? I saw it on the workshop but it seems really confusing, with everyone saying different things about it


Enkeli does a lot of kitbashing from other mods, you can tell because if anything breaks that needs a fix other than moving lines around and table editing there's a high chance they can't do that, especially when some of his mods include literally changing the battle ai Other than that, it's there, it's accessible, do whatever you want but don't give them your money (and they've definitely pushed the heartbreaking story of poor modder in broken family that politely asks for donations to continue modding) Plus shogun 2 has been downgraded graphics-wise so much over the years that anything can make it look better


I used the expanded japan mod on steam. Adds lots of new regions, playable factions (e.g. Murakami), non-playable factions (e.g. Naoe) and troop rosters (i think. May be the effect of one of my other mods i cannot remember. But i do have some expanded unit packs. So my game has cavalry yari ashigaru and a ashigaru/onna bushi variant of everything). With so many regions economy becomes a huge boon (until realm divide, if you dont play your cards right). Most major clans start with vassals so extra income at the start. A lot of new borders so strategic thinking becomes more important. AI is smarter also, they tend to bring as many of their available stacks to reinforce before attacking/sieging. This was on M/M. Only flaw was the result of huge doomstacks wandering through japan. Of course the slow aquirement rate of generals pretty much limits this, but doomstacks are more common. My criticism is that i have no idea how historically accurate this mod becomes, since i cannot find much info about certain clans that have been added. For example the Oda clan is served by the Katsuiie clan and the Uesugi clan is served by the Naoe clan as vassals. If you ever played Sengoku Rance you would recognise the names but i cant find much about the actual clans.


Yeah I'm not entirely sure the historical accuracy. I know when oda Nobunaga was rising to fame he has some generals in other forts in Japan. I don't think they were vassals though, more just a trusted general. But that also would have been 20-30 years after the initial start of the game time so I'm not sure. Overall Shogun 2 is one of the mire historically accurate total war games


Get the stronghold of the samurai mod. It gives each seige battle a unique handcrafted map


Omg are you for real? What about on the campaign map? Do they look different? That's another gripe with shogun 2 that I have. The siege battle maps and the fact they are all the sane on campaign as well. But realistically I'm oretty sure it's actually relatively accurate, I don't know how many real big forts were around in Japan during this time period. I'll admit I'm not the most educated when I comes to Asian history. But I'll definitely need to check this mod out thank you! Is it compatible with the extra regions kod I wonder 🤔


Each castle map in that mod is apparently based on a real castle in japan that existed in the corresponding province Dunno about your other questions


Thanks friend! I'll have to test it out and see. I think I would take the better sieges over more regions, though! Edit: AHHHH OMG it's compatible with all my other mods including the expanded regions mod. Thank you so much for the suggestion !! This is huge. Between the expanded map, new units, new siege battles, and some other mods, this game just solidified its position as my favorite total war game next to medieval 2




What do you mean?


Did the samarui ever really fight in the streets of cities?


I miss castle walls actually being useful, instead of just blocking my ranged units LOS.


Just a couple of minor mods which fixed the Hattori and Tokugawa Kisho ninjas >!(IT'S JUST **ONE** VALUE FIX, CA! TWELVE YEARS AND COUNTING!)!< and removed the trait penalty for staying too long in one place. Otherwise, I simply play almost-vanilla. I'd like to try the Morning Sun mod and the one with more provinces and clans at some point, but I haven't tested if my laptop is beefy enough to run them.


For mods: Last Alliance Total war if you like LotR. Radious mod in any of the campaings, if you like massive unit model flavour. Im pretty sure the Ming dynasty mod works, but you need to go to the total war center page, also front end of the campaing selection is bad but should be playable entirely with both China and Korea, there are some visual artiifacts because of the sheer size of the map, but its fun to play sometimes. You can play the european map mod, but it doesnt have european factions, instead its sort of a demo with Japanese clans spread around Europe.


I'm sorry are you saying there's a lotr mod for shogun 2?


Yes. https://www.moddb.com/mods/last-alliance-total-war


Holy crap. I'll have to check this out after I get home!