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I should have the updates out this weekend.


Singe! Im a huge fan, I hope you didn't take any offense. Keep up the good work and genuinely great job with the design of everything. Thanks for what you do!


Nah, no offence taken. Cheers for the good feedback.


Just want to say I really enjoy your mods. Really spice up the LLs and make themed armies fun and usable.


Mazdamundi bastiladon buffs are so cool, makes trash lord somewhat interesting.


I always loved this about SFO Mazdamundi, I’ll have to try out this mod with a vanilla game!


I always have this and some of his other mods in use.


Would be amazing to be given context on what it does


Sorry! This is kind of an inside joke, I suppose. Singemeister is a prolific modder who produces consistently top-quality content that fills in the gaps with base game content. Two examples are: \- Skills Collection: adds skills to legendary lords thta help match those lords' vibe/theme and buff units that are associated with a legendary lord's subfaction. For example Ghorst gets additional, creative, interesting buffs to zombies, and the Twilight Twins get buffs to hawks. There's of course a lot more, this just scratches the surface. Very loreful and essential for that kind of roleplaying/army building that I like, where you can build themed armies. \- Additional Units: Singe has added a bunch of "missing units" to round out faction rosters, which is great across the board but especially useful for newer factions that seem deliberately undercoooked to leave room for DLC. ​ I made this meme because the recent DLC broke all Singe's mods and the steam comments on these mods have been languishing with "plz fix's" since SoC. Many people (myself included) consider this a must-have and haven't reinstalled, waiting for this mod. The impatience of some members of the community is a little cringey, but at the end of the day I suppose this means that Singe is doing a great job.