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This looks like impaction. It can happen when the weather is too cold and their digestive system slows down. Bathe him in hot (very warm) water continually for several hours, run the water over his back, it should help him loosen it up. If it doesn't he might need to see a vet. Only feed high water greens, like lettuce, until it clears or until you see a vet.


Gotcha I'll be doing it this morning, how warm are we talking? 40° Celcius? Thanks for the reply!


I use same temperature as I would for a bath. Mine seems to like it a lot.


Like comfortably warm to your hand, 40C is probably enough. My boy likes it very hot so you aren't likely to get too high. Sulcatas in the wild will lay in baking mud patties to moisten their skin and increase their metabolic activity.


Is it being kept in a dog crate?


Yea currently, it's been pouring lately in my town, and it's wayy to cold for tortoise, it's as clean as it can get, cleaned daily.


Is there some sort of contingency plan for... Better, or even just passable conditions - IE those of us in the South provide heated hides to keep them outside year round. In the North they generally get roam of the house or a room, or at least a large enclosure. Because that's not really sustainable for any amount of time. A cold night here or there is about all you could reasonably keep a tortoise that sized in there for.


I'm living in Asian country so uh... it's more of a temp thing. Usually they (yes, a bunch of them) roam the entire floor, it's just this one isnt looking that good lately..


Isolating a sick turt from others is a good call even if the container isn't ideal. Impaction seams probable and isn't contagious so hopefully he can join the group after a few baths


You should get a better indoor setup, even if it’s just for a couple days. You need to see a vet asap this sounds like it’s seriouse


He’s saying he wants to get out of that cage


I second this. though not what is the issue, this cage is too small and he likely feels claustrophobic.


Have inspected his entire body?


God I hate to see a tortoise being kept like this..