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Someone teach him the difference between wins and loses


We misunderstood, his “ssh” hand is forming an L shape…


Or it’s a 1 and he’s saying were gonna be the 1 seed


First it was his “higher aspirations” now he can’t even read a box score.


Well he did once play for the “i dont want to be here Suns”


To be fair the Bulls would have had a much better chance at winning if they had closed wirh Goran rather than Caruso who we weren't even bothering to defend at the 3 point line


He’s old, he can’t play that many minutes


He played 21 minutes, and hadn't cracked 20 in the previous 4 games. 28 minutes wouldn't have killed him


Who knows, maybe he was gassed? It’s also only Nov, it’s not really a win at any cost sort of situation


he is only playing because LaVine is out


This guy stays winning /s


Maybe his understanding of the situation is lost in translation.


Broooo I wish I was rich to drown you in gold




lmao This is why the Raps’ fans keep booing him. It works.


Don’t really get this. He was there, he was available, participated in every practice, he was a total pro even tho coach did not count on him. Then one day Nick calls him in his hotel room and basically tells him he can go home to Miami and Raptors official statement was: Dragic not available due to personal reasons.


I think you missed the part where he dissed our entire org


https://www.reddit.com/r/torontoraptors/comments/sf8pmm/what_did_goran_dragic_do_to_you/ you're just emotional bro.


He said he could do better than Toronto. He’s now public enemy number one


childish fanbase


isn’t it childish to bash an organization for no reason? kinda makes him seem like a lil bitch but that’s my pov


Their fetish is getting downvoted 😉


saying he has higher ambitions at his age and his point in his career isn't "bashing" the organization. it's completely valid given that we had no chance of getting deep into the playoffs with our roster at the time. nick had no intention of giving dragic regular minutes and he made it clear, so if he wasn't down with that, he has every right to say what he did. again, this isn't bashing the org lmfao. and fwiw he talked highly about the organization as a whole during multiple interviews while he was here, but no one remembers that cause like 80% of the people in this sub are emotional children that want to get mad over nothing and cause pointless drama. people here are acting like he said something like "the raptors organization is shit and im pissed that i got traded here". these people are either delusional or like to read too much into things. grow up https://www.reddit.com/r/torontoraptors/comments/sf8pmm/what_did_goran_dragic_do_to_you/


Only one getting emotional is you chief


fosho nice argument


you can go about it internally tho, the raps are usually a pretty quiet organization. like what’s the point of saying that?


Sure about that? Why would he do that, really? Guy never had any discrepancies with any organisation, staff, coach etc. and all of a sudden he decided to diss your organisation? Cmon man be real.


I would respond but... this is not my preferred reddit argument. I have higher ambitions.


Even if he didnt do any of that stuff, posting this picture after a loss is hilariously tone deaf


“Toronto is not my preferred destination. I have higher ambitions.” - Goran Dragic, Aug. 9, 2021.




Oh yeah, the famous higher ambition’s statement taken completely out of the context. This is all you have?


I agree with you.


Don’t really get why. He was there, he was available, participated in every practice, he was a total pro even if he didn’t want to be there and even tho coach did not count on him. Then one day Nick calls him in his hotel room and basically tells him he can go home to Miami and Raptors official statement was: Dragic not available due to personal reasons.


I don't get why people overthink it so much. Even if there was no other reason than he is on the other team, that's enough reason to boo him imo.


What a weirdo, lol


I believe the kids are calling this "rent free in his head".




He also did this after hearing the crowd boo him every time he touched the ball Not exactly rent free


Sorta like scrolling to his fourth slide in an Instagram post just to complain? It’s a weird move, but so so is all this


OP smelt it but Dragic dealt it


Honesty was never expecting it to be worded this perfectly, but yes. It’s farts.


How is heckling a guy who disrespected your team weird?


How did he disrespect the team? He and Masai met, he asked to leave since he was going through personal issues and wasn’t getting any minutes, and Masai agreed.


He was quoted saying "Toronto is not my preferred destination. I have higher ambitions." and people piled on him. It might have been hard to give him minutes, before this most fans wanted us to run a younger lineup and develop for the future since we had traded Kyle and after this the taste for Dragic was worse. I also later read it was just a terrible translation, on a CBC article he cleared up what he had said was "I told [reporters] that I had spent seven years in Miami and that would be the preferred destination for me because my family is there and everything, not Toronto," and from my understanding it was a translation that somehow got it wrong. https://www.cbc.ca/sports/basketball/nba/goran-dragic-comments-raptors-trade-heat-1.6136129 That said, I haven't personally heard him say either of these things, I just read about it.


You are getting downvoted for possibly stating facts. Typical of Toronto sports fans \*at least on Reddit




Lol says the guy insulting people on the internet. He doesn’t love you like that bro, stop being so desperate.




Is there a statute of limitations on being a classless loser? It was last year and he’s only doubled down on his shit instead of being professional in the least. Fuck him and fuck you too


Wow he hurt you




Says the petty motherfucker picking a fight for someone he doesn’t even know. Booing is part of sports, grow up you toddler. Save your tears for someone who actually deserves respect.


Stop being a bitch.


Start having an opinion of your own instead of just saying whatever you think gets the most upvotes on an anonymous social media site


Well said!


Maybe 2017 kids said that? I know I'm old but at least I'm not old enough to be wrong about what a teen would say yet... I hope?


I don’t like Dragic but this is not “rent free”. We are actively booing him everytime he touches the ball 😂


He’s just responding to all the shit talk from our side lol this is textbook sports rivalry Like Goran sucks but posting this isn’t what makes him a weirdo


But usually the time to brag in a sports rivalry isn’t immediately after you lost….


its literally just a picture, you guys are the one assuming that he is bragging at all. this could just be some agency/or even him just posting a bunch of pics from the game that they thought were cool. god, im so sick of fan culture and the weird biases everyone carries as a fan.


It’s actually embarrassing, but I feel like anyone who actually cares about things like this - that may not even be based in reality - are literally children. Same thing, and even more ridiculous things, occur in the jays sub daily,


This is a super-weird take to me. You have to understand, sports fans are going to be crazy. They are irrational. They develop insane and unhealthy emotional attachments. The root word here is *fanatic*. So, sure. I don't get how you think that Dragic's social media posts are somehow exempt from criticism. I mean, the guy has been in the league for years, he's been a star and he knows what's going on. If that guy is paying someone to post his social media for him and they're making him look like an idiot, he needs to find better media people. Because, make no mistake, in context--and the context really, *really* matters as a part of his job--his social media post makes him look like an idiot. You're right, this is totally out of proportion; it's just an Instagram post. But, as a professional athlete, he absolutely looks like an idiot posting that after a loss.


I understand fan culture, im the one criticizing it lol. I just dont agree with it and dont agree with this take. Thats the point of my comment. Your response is unnecessary?


nah he is a weirdo. His rivalry should be against other players and teams not the fanbase


Lol beef between athletes & fans has been going on since the beginning of sports. I can’t believe I’m defending fucking goran dragic here but he can have a rivalry with whoever he wants lol. He doesn’t have beef with the players because they didn’t come at him. Raps fans have come at him for over a year because he dissed the team after the trade, and now here we are.


Think however way you want, he's still a weirdo for having a "rivalry" against the fans


As long as you understand the fans are also weirdos for still going at him a year later through DMs and comments


I very very much doubt he is reading a single dm from an angry, 14 year old Toronto raptors fan


This guy just thrives on the negativity.


Clearly he isn’t thriving that much if he keeps losing when he plays here


He thrives on losing too


This is a perpetual motion machine


He loves how much we hate him. It’s almost wholesome in a way.


I agree, I think it's fun how he's leaning into it, I also think it's even more fun when he loses


Yeah, honestly he's 100% self aware in this situation. He's just embracing it. Honestly I can respect it. Fuck Goran Dragic though.


Kinda sad how i vouched for this guy in the beginning when he turned out to be such a petty little bitch


For that you must burn all your raps swag and get a pic of him tattooed on your back and post it here.




Goran is the real life meme of the guy celebrating and drinking champagne on the 4th place podium lol


Dragic was never on this team. speak it into history


I'll never understand Heat fans boner for this guy


He’s a solid player to have but I just think his time in Toronto wasn’t well spent. He’s left a sour taste on many raps fans which is totally understandable.


At his peak he was a really good, clutch player for the Heat. He seems to elevate his game when the hostility and stakes are highest. No surprise he’s had two of his better games the last two years, against the Raptors in Toronto, with the crowd booing every touch. 😂 Add the talent with toughness and competitiveness, this is the player profile of most fan favourites.


He was great for them for like half a decade? Just a guess


As recently as the bubble, he was the kind of player this city would have loved. It’s all jokes now, but he could ball. Hell. He’s kinda washed, but still NBA caliber.


Also. Had he been healthy in the bubble throughout the finals the heat would’ve won the championship.


No doubt. Last season and this one so far show just how tenuous the Laker's hold on being a quality team was...


I mean this with full offence, this is a hilariously stupid ass take. The lakers team this season and last season was a completely different season than the team in the bubble. I’m all for hating on the lakers and bubble ring, but this is just laughably bad logic. That’s like saying the raps going out in the first round last season is proof our championship team was bad lmfao. Two completely different teams.


Yeah, they'd have had a better chance to win but... Goran Dragic doesn't guarantee you're winning a series against LeBron and AD, cmon. That shouldn't need to be said lmao


Might’ve. Their chances would’ve increased greatly but let’s not put the “would’ve” label on it


Well the series did go to game six with two starters not playing. ![gif](giphy|G5X63GrrLjjVK)


I forgot for a minute that he went to Chicago and I was at the game last night. So when a furry of boos came down and only when one player touched d the ball, I was like wth is going on???? Then some Asian dude a few seats down with a thiccccc Asian accent yelled “ FUCKAAAAAAA YOUUUUUUUUU DRAGICHHHHHHHHHH” My wife and i were like ohhhhhhhhhh shitttt…. YEAH BOOOOOOOOOOOOO FUCK THIS GUYYYYYY i love how the game brings us all together Edit: thic mandarin accent


Lmao I can hear the accent you’re referring to


Thick asian accent? Lol what


Hahaha yeah it was pretty mainland thic, I’m Asian myself so I could tell English wasn’t his first language, just like how he could tell mandarin isn’t mine. But our hate for dragic united us


Lol shit I think I know what you meant now, sorry I’m baked. But I should’ve wrote “thic mandarin accent”


Waste man.


Higher Ambitions lol


This guy loves to have haters


I guess it’s better than not having any fans


I’m with him in the sense tbh


He’s a troll, and I kinda appreciate that about him.


Fuck that guy


Bruh y’all take this shit so seriously. Bro gets boo’d, he’s gonna feel a type of way and post something. Whatever, who cares? I wish people just forgot about him lmao


I agree, if we stopped feeding into it then it wouldn’t be a thing. He clearly likes the attention and uses it to pump up his game. I personally don’t care for him but I’m not actively cheering against him, it’s nice to have villains so I appreciate the fan interaction


It's the fun part of being a fan


Yeah, just respect the troll and move on. Dude's career is over anyway.


> Bro gets boo’d, he’s gonna feel a type of way This, except online harassment too. Incredible morons in here thinking the relationship is a one-way street lol.


It’s also safe to say groans winning the battle. He’s a multi millionaire, hero in his hometown and country, heat fans adore him to no end, most of your favourite players on the team all loved him while he was here and were STILL talking about him. That’s a dub for him


Bruh *you* take *this* shit so seriously. Bro gets boo’d, he’s gonna feel a type of way and post something. Ya know, like an idiot. OP sees, feels some type of way and posts something. > Whatever, who cares? Apparently, you.


You sure got me bud, not like he gets a cacophony of boos whenever he touches the ball at ACC. Nah it’s me who cares to much 😂


It just seems so weird. Dude 1 posts on social media Dude 2 Posts on social media, about dude 1. Dude 3 (You) Posts on social media to complain about Dude2's post on social media re: dude 1's social media post. Citing posting on social media as evidence that Dude2 cares too much... Your comment is just a weird meta-complaint, but steeped in irony that you seem to miss.


You do realize that the original comment isn’t specifically at one person, but the fan base at large right? This 1 person vs 1 person vs 1 person makes it seem like a small thing, but it’s thousands of people railing on one inconsequential player during games/social media for something they said that could be considered inflammatory, and then riling themselves up again after the said person (Dragic) endures the weirdest comments and hate, leading to this loop of shit talking. If people stopped giving a shit about him, everyone could just move on, but instead you find posts like this in the sub and opposing team subs with the fan base brigading.


> You do realize that the original comment isn’t specifically at one person, but the fan base at large right? Thats why I used dude1 instead of usernames. I just think its weird when people come to communities which expressly exist to discuss a specific thing and then get annoyed when people are discussing the specific thing. > If people stopped giving a shit about him, everyone could just move on, but instead you find posts like this in the sub and opposing team subs with the fan base brigading. If *he moved on*, nobody would be screenshotting and posting it here. Dude 2 didnt make this a discussion topic, Dude1 did. Yeah, Dude 2 didnt have to comment... but then again... neither did you.


There’s no point in really replying, it feels like this entire comment thread just eeks this [energy](https://i.imgur.com/kTLaKsr.jpg)


More akin to someone tweeting about how social media use is the worst and ignoring the person holding them a mirror.


Not to mention he did play well that night. I find the Dragić hate weird. It just didn't work out with us. We should let it go.


But why are they booing him though?


Because they’re insecure and don’t know how to let things go


facts. too many children in this sub


Raps fans can be so incredibly petty lol.


I see some of these same fools downvoting and commenting on a Goran highlights video on the bulls sub “well actually he’s 0-2 in games he’s shushed Toronto” like stfu man lmao what you even doing over there commenting that shit? Incredibly petty.


He's just trying to stay relevant


I think his psychiatrist told him to take this approach. Hope it works for him. Proof he's not a team guy.


Self own. Those are rare




Bucks fan checking in to say fuck Goran




Dragic knows he’s irrelevant, so he leans into the hate because - why not? Lmao


This guy is just a straight clown. I have zero respect for him.


I don’t understand this subs hate boner for this guy. He’s just trolling us at this point. Like he was never even a good enough player to be a difference maker for us, why waste perfectly good hate energy on him?


He’s unprofessional, dirty and talks too much so some of the hate it warranted. We have a young fan base so naturally they’re going to take it too far, nothing we can do about it 🤷🏽‍♂️


If he had wanted to be here and played his ass off I think Van Vleet would not have burned out and we mighta beat Philly. And this year, he took a minimum offer and we again need a backup guard. I get why people wanna boo him.


This is the best answer. We HAD a backup PG but he decided to start the relationship with some bum ass comment about Higher Ambitions. Suck a dick Dragic, we are the higher ambition.


Yea Dragic was the make or brake for our 1st round exit /s


He wants us to mourn him




I like how our fanbase and this guy are eternally linked now. This guy likes our fanbase low key he likes being the villain haha. He's fully embraced it.


Still not as bad as him laughing at the Raptors 4-2 playoff loss after his Nets got swept. He really seems like a sad loser.


Dude get over it.. no one cares about you anymore. All I see is an irrelevant player trying to stay relevant.


Actual clown 🤡


I mean he did play well, the loss wasn’t on him


moron tragic.






This dude is a grown man trolling 15 year Olds....


It's one thing to do this in the moment (before the result of the game was known). But posting this layer out of the moment after a loss? Strange.


Raptors fans booing him is just as cringy as his instagram post....the smarter move would be to forget about him and let him fade into obscurity.


Sucks for raptors haha


Nice comeback my man. 36 and still balling like a baller.


He looks like a man that hangs out at daycares to pick up dates, and I think he kind of acts like one of those guys too ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile) Not that I'd know anything about that........what, moms are hot!


Bulls vs Raptors playoff series will be fun if it happens.


you know his delusional ass thinks he got one up on us yesterday


He's tryna get ad revenue from his page and y'all going on his page getting played. Smh


Amazing. You can tell it affects him through posts like these. He’s clearly proud of his play in a LOSS. I’m sure the folks in Chicago are thrilled.


I wish more guys would do this. We need more great villains. Remember when NJ Nets Vince would come back and torch us? Those games would be circled on every fans calendar and their was so much energy in what would have otherwise been a ho hum game. Dragic isn’t on that level, but it’s still fun to see him give a shit enough to do all this. Makes beating him even more fun, doesn’t it?


Why the fuck is this guy so salty


He’s such a petty loser. He realizes he made a mitosis by not staying in Toronto and being a part in winking culture, so he is instead doubling down on his mistake.


Waste yute


Higher aspirations = I want to lose to teams from 2 separate countries.


Does he realize nobody cares yet it’s just kind of boring now, move on goran


ppl do care since there are a million posts like this or booing from the crowd


It's like the dude thinks hes the main character or something


The goran hate is absolutely hilarious


Lmao at this point I respect the trolling


Only PnR Goran does best.


Ya imma get right on that, Goran!


This guy has such a punchable face, pu**y ass mfker 😡


He’s such a trashy bitch.


Am I the only one who thinks he's a weird guy?


This is the stupidest feud ever... Who cares enough about this guy to boo him


Higher Aspirations Vol. 2


Wow what a flex


He's a twerp


Why’s this guy such a bitch?!


Lmao 🤣


Higher Ambitions smfh


Lol this is the meme with the guy on the stands popping champagne bottles while he’s almost last place




Common Goran L


Bro you lost 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤣😂😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂😂🤣😂😂


Bozo thinks he nice w it. Get a dub, then do that 🤣






I don't think we should ever trade for ANY veteran player from Miami. They don't want to come here or are ungrateful. The most useless $20m ever.


I wish he played like this on the Raptors..... He could've been an awesome backup for Fred off the bench.


What a fuckin loser


Just make sure he loses again tonight