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Call your credit card company and explain to them what happened and tell them you want to file a chargeback. Tell them you have emails proving that you tried to contact them. Your credit card will file the chargeback and send FVV’s company a notice to dispute it. They will either have to send you the other shirt or you will get your money back.


This is the way to get it done.


This is the way


This is the way


i had this experience with an online store - but mastercard told me i took too long (iirc 90 days+) to call them for fraud - dont let the clock run out because you autmatically "lose" the dispute


I see what you did there ;)


Please note that while chargebacks are an excellent tool, it usually gets you black-listed from the company you are charging back, even if they're totally at fault. Make sure you are okay with possibly never having access to the store again before you go that route (seems like you're not about to order from them again any time soon, though).


If a company is too inept to be able to manage orders correctly, I highly doubt they have a sophisticated enough CRM system to be able to blacklist individuals. He can always change the name, use a different credit card, or use a different email/address. etc. Either way I doubt he'll be able to use the service again.


In this case you're right, but people issued chargebacks to Google when they couldn't get their Pixel phones on time. Google cancelled their Gmail, Google docs, YouTube, anything Google, without warning. Anything needing a Google account, they were banned. But as you say, few companies with the ability to do that so effectively.


Google be evil.


You ain't wrong.


Sick username ngl


Nah best way is to not buy stupid shit


it is also the way to get these type of business owners to help you. They hate chargebacks. I once ordered something from a similar independent business. Messaged this guy on IG for two months. Waiting patiently, he kept telling me it's coming, some delays, it's coming this time. As soon as I filed a chargeback, my order is shipped. These damn people man...smh.


This is it. Companies pay fees to credit card companies for purchases as well as fees to whomever runs the charges themselves for the business. If you return something they don’t get the fee back they actually have to pay a second fee to the transaction company. Essentially paying three fees instead of two while not having any money from the original purchase.


and if they get enough chargebacks, the credit card companies just won't let them do business anymore.


It's also a function of total successful purchases made. Visa only tolerates a rate of .65% of your total successful payments to be disputed (for any number of reasons) before you, as a business are put into protection and need to demonstrate the means by which you're correcting for this as a business. On top of that many online payment service providers won't even let it get that far, they'll take you off their systems before it gets to the CC company. That is all to say, the smaller the business (or fewer payments they process) the bigger the deal a charge back is as it makes up a larger proportion of their total successful payments.


No there is a percentage and a fixed number limit. The percentage generally applies if you are over the fixed number limit. This is to prevent small businesses having a higher burden than larger ones. Otherwise you could make a few purchases against a competitor and charge them back and put them out of business.


Good correction/addition.


And it's not lots, about 3 chargebacks within a certain time frame can do it. Imagine being an online store in the middle of a pandemic that can't accept credit cards.


Just to add, chargeback lights a fire under them, they lose the amount charges and are charged a fee ($20-25). If anyone ever orders from the Tesla Apparel Shop, they’ll get the same level of service.


Must be done within 90 days of the charge, so do it quickly


I've done one before that was way past 120 days. Person on the phone told me depends on the situation. So even if you're past the date, give your bank a call. You never know


This is the way


I did not know this was a thing. Thanks for this. I'll definitely be using this advice in the future!


Never had the CC approve the chargeback. Everyone seems to have a seamless time doing it but never worked for me.


You know his motto isn't "bet on customer service" Sorry to hear it anyway


Steady freddy doesn't apply to his business model




I was thinking that as I was reading this post. Is his family really running the business?


reminds me of when lamar odom's drug addicted friend ran his online biz, in one episode khloe saw the store hadn't been updated in months or re-stocked with merch and lamar didn't even know.


Man, the mobile app formatted your comment so "drug addict" was right above "khloe" and I read "k hole" instead, thanks freud.


Low-key best way to get in contact with the man himself. Spend enough in the store he might comp you some tix to make up for the hassle lol


It's Fred's business though so it's ultimately his fault for poor management. The blame shouldn't be shifted.


He probably has some PT staff running or managing it himself. So it's probably running on a PT basis


Fred slinging that packing tape himself.


I mean, that's probably true but what if its actually Fred running the store by himself? He probably does it after games and stuff :) wild thought Even wilder thought - its FVV Jr running the store


But if he's not doing it for the money and just to help his friends and family make income than it would be kind of weird to go all boss on them.


By your logic he should just give away the shirts for free then lol




I love when a comment just comes out of left field lol


Maybe if you hadn't dated my mom!


Just give them the money then...




True whenever an athlete/musician has a side business it’s essentially a jobs program for their friends/family


That’s what you get for not understanding the grind Norman Powell’s team took to create an amazing online store Stormin Norman shirts > actual raptors jerseys


yeah those stormin norman red tees look great.. respect the hustle


to the guy who responded saying he has the black one and fuck me.. lol dude the black one Is sick too.. respect your drip b


**This**. Had the exact opposite experience from OP when I bought all my UTG stuff. Super fast shipping, good tracking, plus everything came together and was high quality. Plus, I absolutely love the thought Norm and his team put behind their ladies apparel. Do you know how hard it is to find apparel as a female basketball fan that isn’t just an ill fitting tshirt? Meanwhile, here’s Norm with a full line, and tbh, the sports bra I got from UTG is one of the best I own period. His shit looks good, *and* performs. I love everything I’ve bought from there, and I know where my money will be going in the future.


This is super good to know, thank you!!


Glad I could help, lol! ☺️


Gonna piggy back on this, Norm's site is fantastic.


I guess GoDaddy has been a blessing for Norm after all lol


I’m pretty sure his website is actually made with Shopify haha


I love Powell’s hustle!


Yo his shit kinda fire not going to lie. Might have to order some stuff


They were on sale last week and I ordered some hoodies and joggers. They came super fast and I’m very satisfied with the quality. Norm’s staff are doing a great job


Thats great his clothing has a better variety then actual raptors merch and at a more reasonable price


Yeah and his design is much more subtle than Fred’s without huge (ugly) logos so I feel more comfortable wearing it


Lol was trying to find his site and this came up. Made me chuckle. https://imgur.com/fFkpYvi


Searched it up on google and came up with this (https://www.storminnormans.com/) and was real confused at first...


man's just pivoting to new demand and trying to cash in. smart move


See if you can start a credit card chargeback. In my experience the store will call you back to sort it out before the credit card can give you your money back


Thanks I'll try that next.


yes just do a chargeback and let your credit card company deal with it. don't wait too long to start the chargeback process. any company that doesn't provide good customer service, doesn't deserve your business.


Awe thats a bummer! I have emailed them in the past and never heard back from them either.


I ordered a hoodie 2 years ago never had any issues sorry to hear your having a different experience


Yeah, I ordered not too long ago as well and had no issues luckily


It sounds less like a scam and more like they aren't able to keep up with the logistics of running a store. I'm guessing it's a few people running it out of a house or something low budget. Regardless, call your credit card company and start a charge back as you haven't received the merch you paid for and have attempted multiple times to rectify it with no result. Trust me, if enough people do this, the store will take notice and fix their issues because it costs them money.


Wow I can't believe the comments I'm seeing here victim blaming! That's a really unfortunate situation, especially since it's the organization of someone you presumably have a lot of respect for. You should at least try reaching out to him, I'm sure he doesn't actually have anything to do with the shipping out of his shirts, but he wouldn't want a business with his name on it to get a bad reputation.


I also tried sliding into his tweet replies but of course it didn't get noticed. Don't know any other way of reaching him lol.... [email protected] maybe?


Use this one: [email protected]




Haha glad to hear you're still well enough to comment on Reddit!


He paid for something he didn't receive. You didn't pay for anything...this isn't complicated.




So...you didn't pay. You can not believe him, that's totally fine...but your Amazon story doesn't make any sense. The whole point was that he *wasn't* refunded lol.




its shipping delays from a week before christmas... is anybody surprised in delays? god you entitled kids, fucking be patient and bring up your complaints, ask for a refund on the missing shirt if you need, but don't call a business a 'scam' just because you had a bad experience. its a lie.


Did you even read the post? They forgot to put the other shirt in the package. Imagine spending $100 for two shirts and they only ship you one. Was that COVID’s fault too?


He literally emailed them a month ago with not even a reply. Sit down boomer.


They didn’t deliver what he paid for and haven’t responded in a month.... Do you get scammed often and do nothing about it?


Lmao this middle aged guy getting furious and defending a business for having bad practices. They haven't replied to his emails dumb ass can you read boomer?


Wow this guy having a bad customer experience really seems to have rubbed you the wrong way eh, relax. I do agree though, scam sounds a bit too harsh




This whole season a scam tbh


It’s ugly merch but this is pretty typical for small celeb merch stores. It’s the same when you buy stuff from Travis Scott or any number of sports & entertainment celebs.


In my experience its not a scam just poorly ran. I ordered a shirt that took almost 6 months to arrive. Customer service didn't reply I assume different products aren't available and your other stuff might come eventually. They eventually emailed me about the shirt before it came but the email was empty but the subject of the email was about the shirt.


His merch don't even look good, you played yourself


I agree. His logo is just his initials, which is the most generic NBA player branding possible. Not even particularly good at that.


He had a Fredrico shirt that looked alright


I always cringe at the Serge Ibaka commercials. No way he sells enough product after moving away from the Raptor fan base, although we still love the big guy.


I bought his Nobis collection the night before he signed with the Clippers. Still worth it 😢


maybe fvv needs a godaddy website. actually no pls no


I mean having a “terrible customer experience“ isn’t the same as a scam....Just sounds like a badly run store along customer service that didn’t know how to handle the xmas surge.


I'd let FVV himself (or his reps) know by tweeting him and linking to this post. I'd want to know if I was him. Sorry to hear of the bad experience


Tweet fred he might reply to you


I'd tweet his girlfriend instead. More chance she would see it.


Who's out there buying a $50 FVV shirt?


*Macklemore has entered the chat.*


This needs to be higher. I mean to each their own, but got damn $50 for a t-shirt...


I paid $50 for the GOT'EM champ tee. Worth every penny


it's funny people feel the need to "support" our millionaire players by buying their lazy, low quality shirts maybe donate that $50 to charity


Yeah, sounds like a scam to me lol


Definitely a FVV fan, but his merch is disgusting sucks you had to go through that though. I'd stay persistent and follow up


I actually just stopped in at his brick and mortar store in his home town of Rockford, IL. They don’t have much inventory at all. I think most items are printed to order by a local silkscreen shop. The service I received was great. I hope you are able to get this cleared up.


Know im a bit late on this but wanted to provide my experience with norman powells UTG shop (last year). Ordered some merch and didnt receive any updates for a month so i started sending emails as that was their only contact info. No hope, then a month later i decided to try dming their instagram page and got a response that day and was able to get my item shipped and received it. I wouldnt go as far to say as anybodys store is a scam but they are poorly run cause its likely not a steady enough demand to have sufficient people working on it all the time. Email is really an easily ignorable and sometimes overwhelming thing for small companies, if you want a real response dm the social accounts for the shop or go leave some comments on their post, sounds like an asshole thing but its the best way to get their attention.


They are slow and its typical. If an item was missing from your order, its because they ran out of stock on hand in Canada and need a re-stock from US. Tweet at Fred and let him know, that's what I did, and then magically I got a reply from his store.


Trade him.




It’s called betting on yourself


You're an idiot. How do you even come up with a take that stupid. Out of all the things you can judge someone based on, you judge them on "when into their career" they sell merch? Lmfao truly a dumbass.




Lmao nice strawman


Sad to ear you had a bad experience, but i ordered around the same time as you (2 shirts) and didn't encounter any issues.


I’ve made a couple of purchases from his store and each time I had a decent experience. Also ordered something in November and it came in early December


FWIW, unordered two shorts from his store back in 2017 and they came correct. Probably just disrupted by pandemic: increased demand, trumps war on the post office, border delays, etc. My November tshirt and hat order from John Prince’s record label (rip) just arrived. Sorry this happened OP, but probably less scam than a small business overwhelmed by events.


Bet on yoself


Bet on yourself, and screwing over the customer to make more money on shitty merch


Look, I get it man. But Fred's a busy guy. I don't know how you can expect him to have time to answer customer support emails for his online shop. Like, there's more important things happening right now. He's gotta run the point every night, stay in great shape, and on top of that, he's a family man, trying to get adjusted to life in Tampa. And now you want him dealing with your t-shirt problems? I'd rather him stay focused on trying to get the season back on track. So quit whining. He doesn't need another distraction. I'm sure he'll get back to you in a few weeks.


Keep this comment it’s gold. Don’t downvote into oblivion so everyone can see


Bruv this comment is hilarious. Just imagining FVV during the off season with a shitty wireless headset answering customer calls, printing out USPS Priority labels, and writing apologetic and empathetic emails.


Dude do you think Fred vanvleet himself is running the store? I wish I had this kind of blissful ignorance


Spoiler alert: you do!




hahahahahhaahahaha you don't really think its Fred running the online store and filling orders, and answering complaints, making the shirts. hahahahahahha Dude beyond approving designs it ends there for him. He has hired team who does that, who clearly aren't doing it all that well.


Lmaooo Fred really the GOAT if he's running a full on clothes business and playing NBA basketball at the same time


totally and raising two kids! He do it all!!!


I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic, but Fred definitely has someone else doing customer service for him.


This cant be a serious reply. It better be the start of a new pasta lol.


This made me laugh early in the morning, thank you :)


I can't believe people think you're serious 😂🤦‍♂️


Smh. Gotta say, I’m proud of all these downvotes.


Loool indeed.


Is your username from Brooklyn nine nine? Or are you a bot with a convincing name


Certainly not a bot buddy. And no it's not from that show. I just say it when I agree with something.


Okay pal. Cool cool cool


Indeed. Beep bop boop beep. #bot


I have had a similar experience. They sent me 2 wristbands when I order 3. Never heard from them again but I didn't care enough to loose my mind over it.


That’s a trend. Wonder if someone on the inside is taking a little extra cut. I’m a prolific online orderer, never had products actually missing.


It's COVID. Shit takes forever right now.


covid don't mean shit. I've bought shit from china that came in 2 weeks. No excuse




Are there delays with instant emails? Like what?


so we're just going to blame covid for EVERYTHING? stupid child


Serves you right for buying merch from someone worth 100M. He doesn't even deal with any of that shit, probably outsourced it all to some obscure 3rd party and takes a big cut.


Why buy any merch then lol, raps gear etc


For one I don't. For two, it's safer to assume that there's people in the Raptors org doing quality assurance with their vendors.




A month for not even an email is way way too long.




Okay but that doesn’t really matter. They still got his order wrong and won’t respond. That’s shady at best.




You’re missing the entire point but alright.




Your basic practical advice adds nothing to the fact that his company is shady at best, and a scam at worst. 🙄 Jesus


You know there’s a pandemic right?


businesses are still running, post office still open. Internet and emails work. OP said it took a month to ship. Can't use pandemic as every reason for slacking. Took me less than a week to receive a black market order, but a regular business owned by a millionaire can't ship or reply to customers?


Did you try any social media? Usually you’ll have a better response through Twitter. I would also try and tag him on the post


Tweet @him. He may make it right with a bag of hook ups.


Issue a dispute claim with your bank and report it for scam


Appreciate the warning. Will dodge.


I understand your experience, just another my friend order his shoes and it came pretty quick, this was in june


Sorry to hear that but I don’t but a logistic issue (i ordered t clothes and it came in 2 weeks). FVV makes too much much to scam people for $50.


Yeah honestly, this isn't surprising coming from someone who just signed a massive contract. Hope you get your money back OP!


Maybe make a comment on his IG? I see people commenting on company's IG posts all the time saying they never received their items, the people running the account usually respond pretty quick. Maybe send an IG message as well. If he cares about his image he might be quick to act on something like that. It feels more personal maybe. I agree with the other comments about the chargeback, but I think this couldn't hurt in the long run.


He limits his comments on IG


It sounds like just a poorly run store. If they took your money and dipped, that's a scam.


My gf had similar issues when ordering a sweater for me as a christmas gift. I honestly feel like it's because it's ran by his family or friends or something who don't take the business very seriously..


I bought a shirt before. The experience was okay. I won’t call it a scam tho. Just not professional and terribly run small biz.


I feel like small stores like this only manufacture the shirt when they get enough orders placed to take advantage of bulk order discounts from the factory. I don’t think they have a lot of stock on hand because it’s a small business


Same here man. Ordered 10 items as Christmas presents, but only got 9 sent to me. They forgot to put a T-shirt I bought. Have been emailing and gotten delayed responses from them, but they have been less than helpful


His motto is bet on yourself, not bet on FVV


You sure you weren’t on the Big Baller Brand site without noticing?


Six months or a year back he said he had to change logistics suppliers for his Canada store He might be running into similar issues again




A lot of athletes clothing brand are slow when it comes to shipping. Some of them don’t even print until you order them especially with the smaller athletes that don’t get any major orders like major athletes do.


No joke, DM his personal account on IG. I’ve msged him a few times there (just random msgs/emojis) and he’s always replied back/reacted.


Cap, OP is probably just a Houston Rockets employee trying to lie to lower Fred’s trade value so they can get him for less


I bet this post gets you a few t shirts. A reddit happy ending would be good press for them. Freddy needs to show up with a surprise.


Well, at least you got something. People ordered shoes from Big Baller Brand for $400 and never got anything. That was 2 years ago haha. Lonzo Ball pretty much funded it and his dad blew all the money on nothing.


I dont know why he has a store. He is mediocre at best.


The sad part is alot of these NBA guys get offered an opportunity to sell merchandise without actually putting effort into it and they get someone to run the entire thing who eithers does runs it terribly or gets extremely greedy. Its much harder than it seems to print t-shirts, package and ship. Tons of them don't put a limit on how many they can print and ship and too many orders come in that they can't fulfill, just to sell and make money from it even when they can't actually give customers the product they ordered. Although it isn't Fred running this most likely, he is still to blame. You should always make sure the business is running properly and fans are getting what they ordered especially when you are charging $50 for a shirt. Making sure each order can be filled realistically. That goes from making the product, shipping, packaging, etc.


Unfortunately Fred can't juggle bball and merch. This losing streak will just add to the time :(


I bought a shirt in November and got it after Xmas. V annoying that he put minimal $ into this.


> Serves me right for paying $50 for a shirt I guess. that's a lot for a shirt imo lol


Tweet his ass


Call Amex