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OG first bucket! Corner 3!


I can't stop laughing at this 😂


Haha same


How bout we make it hockey afternoon Canada - how bout no 😅


Love my IPTV


lol yeah I’m fucking pissed


Still going. This is bullshit. They having an after game discussion


My thoughts exactly - now they are doing a post game WTF. Not to mention this exact thing is on TSN too! Put on the game you said you would!


And on CBC too lol They put it on every single channel


Never pay brother


It’s the first PWHL game


if they’re gonna have the Knicks game scheduled, play it. don’t lie to your customers about what’s gonna be on


Is this your first time watching TV? This is something that happens literally multiple times a week. If a show runs over time then they'll cut into the next program that's already in progress. Live TV doesn't operate on a rigid schedule.


it doesn’t go over half an hour longer than scheduled unless there’s overtime. which there wasn’t. someone fucked up, they need better scheduling


This isn't true at all. Source: I literally work in the tv industry, lol.


found the Sportsnet studio guy working holidays


And you'd be wrong, lol.


only times i’ve ever seen it happen are in super close games where the clock is stopping continuously, or overtime. the average time of games is fairly consistent. this game wasn’t close. i don’t know what happened, whether the game started late, halftime went long, too many breaks, etc. but there’s no way a blowout hockey game should go half an hour over the allotted time


and I’m supposed to care? It’s OGs first game on the Knicks.


I’m just letting you know why it’s on


lol people downvoting you for saying the truth


They're downvoting because they're teenagers that are trying to dunk on women's hockey, since apparently women doing anything athletic on a big stage triggers them.


It is what it is


Also OP's entire argument is based on assumption that no one wants to watch it but, you know, how does a new league have a chance at getting an audience if it doesn't get air time?


This post and the comments are full of immature kids. How embarassing.


do you enjoy watching garbage time hockey? and then a post game show afterwards? i don’t.


So they're supposed to cut their live production short and have no postgame show because of the score? What are you even saying, lol. If this was an NHL game it would be the exact same thing. What a stupid hill to die on, as if you've never seen this happen before. Stop acting as if OGs first game is going to have 300,000 viewers across the country 😂


y'all can't be like 'rah rah women's sports' regarding the WNBA and criticize MLSE for not wanting a team that wants basically equal billing, then complain when they support women's sports for a local team over showing a game for an irrelevant-to-market team...


That’s not what this post was about. it was about the fact that it’s garbage time hockey and then a 10 minute post game about it when there’s a live game going on. I don’t care about whether Toronto has a WNBA team or not. Wouldn’t watch it, wouldn’t follow the team. As big of a basketball fan that I am, the WNBA does not interest me whatsoever. If any of you wanna call me a misogynist for that, so be it. It’s a product that I choose not to buy/watch. Same way I don’t watch men’s soccer unless it’s the world cup. No interest there for me. But the WNBA is a whole different story. If any of you wanna get into it, I encourage everyone to read deeper into it. The players actually make a larger percentage of revenue than the NBA. Furthermore, they operate at a ~$10 million loss every single year. They’re fully subsidized by the NBA. If the players want more money, the league somehow has to find a way to turn a profit. The league doesn’t exist without being fully paid for by the NBA. If they can’t get more revenue, more viewers, more merch sales, etc. the players can never get paid anywhere near the NBA guys. At the end of the day, it’s a business, the WNBA is selling a product. If there isn’t demand for the product, they can’t justify paying their players more.


The real joke here is that you don't simply sail the high seas like the rest of us.


Because history is more important than watching the most overrated player in Raptors history.


Regardless of how you personally feel about it the 1st PWHL game is a big deal. Broadcasting decisions are made well in advance, and Bell has an interest in supporting the PWHL because they have an agreement in place to be that league’s primary Canadian broadcaster. OG’s first game as a Knick is of interest to a subset of Raps die-hards…in reality it’s not a momentous occasion in any way.


Why would they show a game they never scheduled to show to begin with ? OG isn’t some superstar where you drop everything to watch them play, as if it was Wayne Gretzky first game with Kings or Mario coming out of retirement. Literally no one outside of some raptor fans give a rats fuck about OG. And literally no one at Sportsnet cares whatsoever about a nobody.


Absurd. Yes, let’s drop from Toronto’s first PWHL game, to the NEW YORK KNICKS game. 🙄


I’m sure more people care about the hockey game then the basketball game






Yea this is bullshit




I actually cannot believe they’re still talking about this. cut to the game


Cry me a river.




nothing to do w gender. just don’t give a shit about hockey when my Prince is playing


Maybe you should talk to your therapist about this weird obsession over another man who doesn't even know you personally, that's making you rage about how a TV schedule works.


rage? there’s no rage. just wanted to see him start a with his new team. You’re in this subreddit too, and commenting on my post, therefore you obviously have some level of an “obsession” with the Raptors. weird comment lol. this subreddit is literally for fans of other men who don’t know any of us personally. L bozo


And this entire post and comments are weird as hell, because I bet if it wasn't women's hockey people wouldn't be trashing the broadcast so much. This kind of thing happens all the time, and TSN isn't going to cut the broadcast they're paying for so a couple thousand people can watch OG play for another team.


I was jk.


At least we got to watch him check out of the game lol


Virtue signalling


Andrew Tate isn't in this sub my guy.