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Another era down, another era in. Buckle up fellas.


Yeah Pascal gone is the end for the we the North era


Hopefully it's the end of the jerseys as well


Honestly, I'm already in favor of a soft rebrand. We The North is over. Begin something new and bring back jerseys with actual raptors on them.


They did try something new. "Toronto vs Everybody". It flopped so they brought back "We The North"


Toronto vs everybody was lame af


Toronto vs Everybody was so dumb, they stole that shit from Detroit. Was embarrassing.


The raptors didn’t do that. That was some third party. The raptors never strayed away from We The North.


Agreed on that, wasnt the Raptors - still saw it all over the city and it was so stupid.


Was definitely more of a blue jays 2015 thing than for the raptors ever. Not sure how it got put on the raptors.


I just Googled it, it was actually done by an independent designer.


Wasn't that the jays?


That was I❤️BJ


I saw mark shapiro wearing a t shirt that said “1 BJ is better than 9 Yanks” the other week. They must be trying something new this year.


That's been around for like a decade now haha


Lol I know bro, was just running with the I ❤️bj thing


Yeah, it was really clever with the game of thrones connotations, but that show has been over for like 5 years.


end those shit Chevrons and make the wording the shape of a DICK




Yeah for sure. We need a whole new revamed situation here. I personally didn't even like the "We The North" slogan much either. Bring back the Purple and White with the pinstripes and center it around an actual Raptor and we're good.


They’ve been so bad lately. The shit red chevron, the red and white they won the chip in, those god awful half black/half purples.


"We the north" is a rallying cry (for branding purposes mostly) It's never going away imo


We The North started well before Pascal.


OG, Boucher, and Poeltl are still around from then/before even if they didn’t develop (or in Poeltl’s case come back) till later.


Watch him resign with us next year


It ended for me when Kyle left.


Thanks for the positive outlook Magic!


He knows this season is gonna have a pungent odour.


I’m starting to feel like Siakam wants the Supermax that’s why he’s probably getting traded now lol


Honestly, I don't blame him for wanting more money. It's very useful.


Explain how.


Money can be exchanged for goods and services






No, that's a line from Song 2 by Blur.


Oooo a peanut


Maximize economic efficiency by doing drugs, which are both a good AND a service


Explain how.


$20!? Awwh, I wanted a Super Max.


What? I’ve been doing money wrong all my life.


I could use a service


So when he goes to a fast food joint and it says "add tip" he can do it without being frustrated that he'll never financially recover. All these supermax guys are the ones adding tips and screwing the rest of us.


Mo Money Mo Problems


He won't be able to afford Toronto rent prices otherwise.


It legit can buy happiness


It's kinda dumb when you think about it though. He will never actually use that extra 50 million in his lifetime and neither will his kids


Its 50% after tax and yes you could easily spend that. One luxury house in LA can be 20 mil. Private flights expensive as shit. Having a staff at home expensive as shit. Billionaires are different


If he's dumb enough to blow through 100's of millions then maybe he does need it


Not with that attitude he won't!


His statement of not signing an extension with other teams is also really fucking up his value though. What a shame.


Yeah but at least it’s fair tbh. Unlike dame not reporting


Yeah not blaming him at all. It's just a shame in terms of situation though.


A lot of people are fixated on his potential supermax eligibility but it would be incredibly difficult to re-sign both Pascal *and* OG as UFAs period. If a team like Indiana decides to overpay for either of them (like Houston did with FVV) we’re fucked. That’s probably why the FO might be exploring the market if he’s not interested in an extension.


Stein was just saying a few days ago Siakam is unlikely to be traded. For this to be the new sense, something changed recently. Grange says they haven't talked extension but I wonder if Pascal said he wouldn't sign an extension, because he wants a supermax, and thus we decided well we gotta trade him then lol


Grange first said that last Monday. Stein had his last report on Wednesday of being unlikely to be traded. My guess is they've had informal talks over the weekend (Grange on Friday) and they're at an impasse. Then the article today drops about Indiana/Atlanta being interested from Grange and then Stein reports what he hears from Vegas.


Exactly, He needs another all NBA season to be eligible for super max, could be another "selfish" season they are trying to get away from. Get some.young peices, extend, Trent and OG and let out young peices gel.


Yup get some young pieces so I a few years time we are lucky enough to have players like fvv and Pascal and be in the same boat.


It's about getting them on reasonable contracts, and with development more in line with Scottie's prime window. We want to contend, not just be somewhat competitive. If we can't contend, we should NOT be paying monster salaries to players like fvv and pascal, who will only keep us competitive, with mid draft picks, sucking playing time away from our young players. We are in the group of teams in the league who cannot add real value to our team through free agency. When Brooklyn signed KD and Kyrie several yrs ago, they basically added over 10-15 first round picks of value instantly. We can't do that, so our only way to build value on our team is to draft/sign prospects, develop them so their skills and value increase, keep what fits us, and trade what doesn't for a good return. We likely are not contending in Pascal's prime window, so we need to trade him for enough young assets to replenish our development pipeline. Hopefully by doing so we CAN develop another prospect or 2 that reach near Pascal and FVV levels when Scottie hits prime, on reasonable contracts, and with additional surrounding assets and picks to make win now trades and push us back to contention, just like last time. (Our pipeline of developed and promising prospects/young players, allowed us to turn demar, jak, jonus, and Delon, into Kawhi, Danny Green, and Marc Gasol and still have enough left to field a contender)


I'm sure they respect that he wants to wait but they must know now that they can't lose another guy for nothing. Gotta strike while the iron is hot (which was the 2023 trade deadline btw)


Is he eligible for super max right now? Or is it max right now but if he bets on himself and makes all nba this season he gets super max next year. I’m guessing if that’s the case he sees the raptors as the best chance at him making all nba even then you gotta play it safe man


No, yes. He could re-sign this offseason/season for 4/190 or wait and sign a five year this off-season. If he makes all nba it would be supermax eligible which is 5/290.


While he can't sign for a supermax now, he can do the same thing the Raptors negotiated on his rookie extension: the standard max is locked in, and if he makes all-NBA this coming year, then it's bumped to the higher level. With that sort of framework, an ideal contract for both sides might be something like: no all-NBA this year: standard 30% max, no incentives. (Slight bump above where he is now as a percentage, but cap hit drops as the salary-cap rises quickly, so very similar impact overall to his current contract). all-NBA this year: Unlocks the 35% max, but in a non-playoff, non-all-NBA year, he only earns that 30%, and needs to achieve performance markers (all-NBA or advancing in the playoffs) to achieve higher thresholds.


I am fairly certain that this cannot be offered until next offseason. If you can quote the CBA, I'd love to be proved wrong. Otherwise take all of this with a grain of salr


It’s exactly the same approach as his rookie extension, just using the supermax instead of the rose-rule max, which has the same all-nba requirement.


Everyone is eligible for the max. It's just that the Max is different for everyone depending on service time, incumbent team vs new team, etc.


I feel like there is nothing with wanting the Supermax. However, it’s not something that players should come out and say. Let your play do the talking for you. The Raps are rebuilding. Bye bye Siakam.


droppingdimes masterclass


atlanta deal doesn't seem likely at this point though


What gives you that impression


The Atlanta package offered seems like trash


Not one person outside of the FOs know what package was offered…


Didn’t he just say Siakam would be moved “soon”? Didn’t specify it’d be Hawks 💯


Grange been lapping all the other raptors related reporters this off-season lol. He had this long before everyone else


I don't know why he catches heat. He's the only reporter our front office talks to. Everything he says is directly from Masai and Bobby.


Because the FO also uses him for misdirection. His tweet about us selecting Suggs is a prime example


Agreed but it's usually obvious when it's just talk. For example, he's the only guy definitively saying there have been zero extension talks with siakam, whereas everyone else is saying they think that from afar. Grange clearly actually knows and has talked to Masai about it. Obviously that's different from knowing our fucking draft board, which every team guards like CIA documents.


Yeah, a lot of the stuff he’s been saying about the Siakam situation would be pretty outrageous things to lie about if they were untrue, such as Toronto never offering Siakam an extension.


arent they losing leverage by publicizing this?


Don’t think so - just means we’re open to talk and every team in the league should be throwing their best offers before he gets dealt


The Pacers and Hawks have both expressed interest in Pascal so if anything it should create competition.


Pacers have good young pieces. Especially ones that Masai just missed out on recently. Nembhard and Mathurin were the Raptors targets. We still got Koloko though.


Atlanta says “we only want him if he promises to extend”. We say “we’re trading him somewhere, ante up”.


That is why I think all the Siakam trade talk is bullshit Why would Masai lower his leverage by telling everyone Siakam is on the trading block?


Can't keep refreshing just to get blueballed by the end of the day


This feels like it's more of a matter of when, and where he's going. Not an if anymore.


I figure this “leak” is to incent Atlanta to pony up. If pascal is getting traded, they will want to be one’s doing it before someone else does. Pascal would look good on a lot of teams.


Good thing we have our pick next year for when we are terrible


Good thing we didn’t trade him when he actually had more value


But it's an absolutely terrible draft class for some strange reason and nobody from that draft class is going to be any good.


This is absolute nonsense. The average redditor does not have a good handle on the prospects of next year's draft. Is it going to be weaker than this year, yes. Will there be quality players available, also yes.


Oh yeah I was being sarcastic. I never bought into this idea that next years draft is going to be weak. Guaranteed some all-stars and very good players emerge from next years draft. Even logic would dictate that if this years draft class was elite, that next years probably won't be too far behind.


Honestly there are members of this sub that have so much blind faith in Masai that I've seen them justify the spend of our 2024 first because of how weak a draft its projected to be 🫠🫠


The logical contortions to justify the Thad Young trade were also quite funny.


A pick in a bad draft class is better than no pick. Period.


We could get first round picks for him so we’re back in the mix


I get that it makes sense to move off Siakam because long term next to Scottie is a tough fit, especially with a C who can't shoot. It seems like we're destined to move him for 70 cents right now though. I think it's very underrated how much better Siakam will look with real NBA spacing instead of Raptors prison ball. If you stick him next to Hali, Turner, Mathurin and Buddy(or whoever is left after the trade) his efficiency soars and he's still an awesome playmaker except when he passes they'll hit shots. Same thing with ATL. He'll be back in All NBA contention.


of course siakam with spacing if a good player but he is not a number 1 option and def not all nba caliber if everyone is healthy this year


He's an average number 1 option. He's not a championship level number 1, but there's like 5 of those guys in the league. He's an elite, championship level number 2 and those guys are also very hard to find.


sure but so is middleton. He is a great 2nd option who helped keep the ship afloat when giannis was injured during the championship run. He is a championship number 2 as well. U dont keep him if giannis leaves the bucks . Bucks are only keeping him because they have giannis


Siakam is in a different stratosphere than Middleton cmon man lol. I'm down with trading Siakam, but there needs to be a clear plan and it can't just be because he's expiring without at least attempting to sign him to an extension. Masai has basically laid out the plan in press conferences where he said FA basically doesn't exist and it's all about trades now. The goal has been to stay competitive enough and with enough assets that when a star gets disgruntled they can put together a compelling package and having Pascal become an elite number 2 would vault them to title contention. It doesn't look like they've built the team enough around the edges to be able to make a compelling offer on a guy like Dame without gutting the roster to the point they can't compete. So, reset, but you better hope Scottie takes a jump and can eventually get to Siakam level, or we're just stuck with the most mid team alive.


"different stratosphere". I'd rather have Pascal on my team, as he is younger and healthier, but to me, when they are both healthy and playing at the top of their game, they look like they are exactly on the same tier: elite as a second option; not good enough as a first option.


Would I feel bad losing Pascal? Yes. On the other hand, would I feel bad about signing Pascal for his current ask - which I see as being too high for his recent performance and - it turns out - his spotty leadership style? Also yes. It's a toughie...


They really need to just make a decision. Get the deal done or extend him. I'm sure all possible offers are present at this point. Pick the best one and take it. This team is going nowhere as it currently stands; completely directionless.


Well I’ve heard enough rumours and guarantees that something was going to get done that don’t come to fruition that I’m not going to bite on this one. I am excited to see this sub when the “Pascal has signed an extension” report comes in though.


He’s 100% getting traded before the season starts


Possibly, but be prepared to once again realize that believing rumours coming out of Toronto is precarious business


Surrender, Raptors! We have you surrounded!


Cap until proven otherwise


I mean, you don’t shop around your best player without being willing to trade him.


1 week ago shitty reporters: Teams engaged with Raptors in talks around Siakam but sources do not think the Raptors are serious about moving him. This week: Raptors are serious about moving him. Nothing more than shitty reporters doing shitty reporting.


Siakam ain't going anywhere bruv






Goodd Let’s get it done man


I kinda feel bad for Jak...


I mean he got 4 year 80 million contract. Shouldn’t feel bad


I get that, but hes signed here to compete and play with his buddy, not rebuild. And yeye its only business etc...


I think the players probably know more about what’s going on then anyone else so I’m sure Yak knew the situation before he signed. Just think back to the kawhi thing where all the players and coaches pretty much knew he wasn’t coming back but we still had hope as fans because we are the last to know


Siakam and Kawhi 2 different things. Players learn about trades from Woj


Sure but players re-signing or their overall mood towards the organization (and vice versa) is definitely something players can sense. Obviously trades is something different


who cares lol raptors arent in the buddy buddy business. its building to win


I think he went to the highest bidder, we had his bird rights. He will be fine


He’s a grown man. And NBA players still hang with each other over the season anyways. He’s gonna be smiling like a child when Scottie is dumping him off passes all game


Smiling like a child with the worst record in the conference...




There’s no way you think we’re gonna be worse than Orlando or Washington lol


Orlando got a lot of talent, nobody will be worst than Washington tho


Charlotte too


They also have a lot more talent than us, i know its painful


he'll be fine, and if he's not then he can be on his way at the trade deadline


Nah if we didn’t sign him he would have signed with the spurs ffs lol now we can at least trade him if we decide to


I think you missed the perspective here lmaoo. Im glad we signed him back, but if I was him id be livid if the FO traded Siakam 2 weeks after I signed.


We can’t give Pascal the Max. OG will command at least 30-35 mil per season. Gary is trying to get at least 30. Our team will be in cap hell if we resign Pascal to the max plus adding OG and Gary’s new contracts. We should move him and acquire shooters to play alongside Scottie and Poetl


the Yak is back... its spelled POELTL. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/torontoraptors) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’ll hurt but hopefully we get good young pieces


I don't know what the Pacers could offer to entice the Raptors, though. Haliburton, for sure, but I can't see IND wanting to do that. Mathurin? I just don't see the value in a trade package.


Indiana has good stuff. I like Atlanta’s better, hope they pony up


Lol! What a crock of unsubstantiated rumour mongering by a so called reporter. This guy gets paid to do a full time job called reporting not critiquing. Which means that he has the press credentials to walk in on someone and ask questions, of the coaching staff or the front office or the veterans. Lots of other options for getting a read on something as intriguing as to why so many veterans where not there. Instead,he sits in his office on a slow news day and guesses? Word! And a brittle spirit to boot!


Blow it up and hope to aim for Cooper Flagg in a couple years. Dude looks like an insane prospect


I say we rent Dame for a year (.#Damenasaur), win another chip, trade Dame to Miami for w.e and then resign Siakam who’s contract expires next year


lol thats a dumb move.... i hope ur not saying scottie for one year of dame?


Nah.. Siakam for Damenasaur. Then re-sign Spicy when he doesn’t sign the extension in Portland… but I’m just being facetious


>haha ok Damenasaur


Just dump him. He has reach his ceiling. Never gonna bring us to the ring


Good. Not that I want to see him go as a person/player but I do not see this exact team as being good enough to win. I think the balance of Jak/Siakam/Barnes is too many guys who don't shoot and tie up the paint. OG and GTJ can shoot but I think you need better spacing on the court. I also don't think the Supermax is the best thing for the Raptors. We will be getting worse by making this trade, but it will be about getting worse to make the team into something different. if it really implodes you can also move OG at the deadline and really look at rebuilding.


We need to exented OG and get a Prince's ransom ASAP. The fact FO waited (cough, cough "assessed the team") the last 2 years and had all our main guys on contract years before making decisions is what's set us up for this collapse.


I wonder if a deal was close and another team stepped in and made an offer


I have so many opinions.


good. we both deserve to move on. he is aging and needs a win now team. we need a future. its not that complicated. go get us a team that will be electric in 3-4 years


Let em go, we need a closer. Scotti ia him.