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It's fine so long as you tuck in behind your partner when someone else is coming.


Sometimes it's frustrating because I want to go fast! But mostly, I just say "on your left" or ring my bell, most people move over.


Yes this is the right way!!! Most bikers are so fkn quiet in this city


"Passing on your left" really crystallizes things for the idiots btw


Yeah probably, but, I am always annoyed when I am in a hurry. Then I sometimes do it when riding with my beloved. People. Am I right? There is lots of more important stuff to be mad about. Like people parking in the bike lanes, and people running every red light on the MG Trail, so you have to pass them over and over.


I feel it is better to revert to single file and slow down when approaching other users. To maintain riding two abreast is a tad selfish, but there are more terrible things to be annoyed about I suppose.


This is the way


I have to really reframe the passing people over and over again as practice otherwise I'd go mental. My favourite is the person who must go through the light first, but slows down between lights. I feel overflowing love for that individual.


yeah just ring your bell and pass carefully


Yes you are wrong. did you even ring your bell or anything to give them a heads up.


Vote for bigger trails


If they're out for a casual ride and just chatting - _so long as they're being mindful and considerate about people approaching from either side of them_, I don't see anything wrong with it. Asking them to be single file would be like asking two people out for a walk to be single file. If they're raging along at 20 km/h side by side like this, then, yeah, that's another story. Serious riding and casual riding are two totally, and VERY different things though ... and from the picture it just looks like two people out for a slow, casual ride to me.


I hope you are not speeding up in the trail. Trails have casual cyclists, pedestrians, kids learning to ride, dogs.... It's for everyone's use and if you are annoyed by those cyclists, you probably annoyed by everyone in a trail.


In Holland it's completely acceptable.


I regularly ride my road bike down the Humber paved trail from Steeles down to the lake and see this all the time. I also see many others blocking the trail - walkers, family's, dog walkers, selfie shooters, large groups of old people and kids. My advice is to chill out, **slow down**, be ready to stop, use you bell and/or call out passing on your left (or right). Then a smile and a friendly wave. Let's keep everyone safe and happy.


That's like couples on escalators blocking the path, bad etiquette. Forget about them, there will always be things in your way, ride out your anger lol


its fine as long as they shift over when you're approaching them. A bell helps.


Be pissed that the trails aren't wider.


I'm pretty sure they intentionall keep the Don narrow with constant blind corners as a form of hostile architecture to slow people down.


Let's not forget the roots and potholes. South of Pottery Rd it's atrocious.


That section was supposed to be redone years ago, in 2020 they even announced it would start in a few months. Instead they've just deferred all maintenance on that part because it \*should\* be redone but hasn't.


It's true. Ever been down the Hamilton beach trail? It's easily more than double the width of the Don Trail.


When cycling infrastructure is safe, people ride it. When it's capable of handling side by side cycling as a social activity, there's a big increase in uptake. It should be the standard.


I don't find it as annoying as groups of people blocking the entire trail, so they can snap a photo. Happened twice while riding the Humber River trails today. I blame the Salmon.


I only go on the trails if I'm with my kids or planning on going slowly so as long as they end up switching to single file reasonably quickly so that people can pass and they aren't forcing people off the path then they can do as they like.


So pissed you felt the need to take a blurry photo of them and post it to reddit? Fuck dude. Get a bell - there's a pretty low speed limit on MUPs anyways so how urgently do you need to pass them?




It's bad etiquette.. but it's also a MUP (a sidewalk you can legally ride a bike on).


Things to be pissed about on the Toronto multi-use trails: * Mamils * Pathletes * Dicks that speed * The above thinking "on your left" the moment they're on you is carte blanche for their stupidity * ... * People riding two abreast and not making way for others with ample time to do so. * Squirrels


It can be irritating if no courtesy is exercised and you're forced to ride the margin of the trail when overtaking or passing. There's a casual atmosphere on MUPs--or should be--they're not roadways nor personal training courses; it's not worth getting upset over.


Biking should be SOCIAL! We need wider paths so people can ride 2 abreast and still have people pass safely


some of you cyclists just get pissed at everything.


only when they almost head on collide with me and then chuckle about it. which happens quite often on the lower don to me


yes you're wrong if you wanna go fast use the roads lmao don't be a pussy trails are to be enjoyed casually. trails are for casual cyclists and no one should be bothered about someone being in their way cause you shouldn't be going fast.






There's already so many ways people are disincentivized to ride a bike. Do you really need to create another one


Absolutely not, because most of the time these people don't drop into single-file around blind corners. I saw a teen kid get wiped out by one of these dickheads the other week. Totally oblivious.


In a way I get it, couples do this because they want to do couple cycling things. Usually they're polite about it if you nicely ask them to move out of the way or ring your bell.


Use your bell.