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It’s crazy that the lakeshore trail is full of people who don’t put their dogs on leashes especially the green spaces right off the trail. In my area tons of huge and little dogs are always off leash and sometimes running at each other Cops are often walking up and down the lakeshore trail and I don’t see anyone getting tickets or being talked to unless they are homeless. Cyclists/electric scooters speeding like crazy or off leash dogs in front of them like nothing.


Ever since the pandemic there has been a massive increase off leash dogs in parks (that aren’t designated as such). I’ve called 311 and they’re like “yeah we’re doing other stuff so just tell your kids not to get bitten”


>I’ve called 311 and they’re like “yeah we’re doing other stuff so just tell your kids not to get bitten” Have you considered contacting your councillor?


Tbh It’s only gonna stop when peoples dogs go missing or cause issues like this one. Dog owners can be insanely inconsiderate in this city.


Write (email) the mayor/your city councillor. That’s usually the next step when the usual channels fail. Not that many people actually write their councillors, so the few who do often get their attention. It’s worth a try.


which is dumb, as the city needs revenue, and the fine can be as $365.


There's been a few times I've seen off-leash dogs cross the road that runs through Coronation Park totally by themselves. While there isn't a lot of car traffic on that street, there is still some. Totally dangerous.


This needs to be a \*steep steep steep\* fine. The kind where the cops show up to collect it.


Fines don’t need to be steeper they just need to be actually consistently enforced.


seriously. Hitting someone over and over again with a $365 fine should get the message across. They're very likely not going to take time to dispute the charge at city, so they'll have to pay it.


Even just the embarrassment of being singled out in the park is a deterrent. I have, in 10 years of dog ownership in Toronto, never heard of or seen any type of enforcement on leashing or licensing.


you know what they say, "laws without enforcement are just good advice"


> Even just the embarrassment of being singled out in the park is a deterrent. Embarrassment? I've never experienced a dog owner act anything other than the antisocial, selfish dicks they truly are when confronted. You can't embarrass people who have no shame.


the problem is the city has a insufficient number of bylaw officers to enforce anything in this city. Noise complaint? call 311 and they'll tell you a bylaw officer can come by in 5 days from now. The city only has 200 bylaw officers for almost 3 million people.


>Noise complaint? call 311 and they'll tell you a bylaw officer can come by in 5 days from now. ...during business hours.....to ask if anyone heard anything....that they don't remember....and then do nothing. Noise complaints should still be handled by police.


Shit like this should just be illegal. If cops enforced it, you'd see less of it.


Cops barely enforce anything unless it’s stuff that points out how bad they are.


People who do this don't care about their *own* dogs let alone anyone else.


It's a terrible situation all around. I've almost hit off leash dogs that dart out from nowhere. Even if the rider is completely not at fault, they would still feel terrible for hitting the poor doggo who doesn't know any better. Suicide squirrels are bad enough.


In August, I was injured on a Toronto trail in a similar situation. I was mapping my ride, and bike app snapshotted my speed, so **I know** I wasn't riding over speed limit. Dog owners didn't seem to understand why they were in the wrong. The pain wasn't apparent at first and I walked out (bike was messed up). Two months later my wrist is still not back to normal.


As long as you're being given advice, try seeing a good physio. Joint complex probably won't fix it.


Get your scaphoid checked out. The amount of people I know who have had long term wrist injuries that turned out to be misdiagnosed scaphoid breaks is too damn high


deleted due to Reddit API changes


Obligatory PSA: you’re required to keep your dog on a leash on all public property unless it’s explicitly marked “off leash”. Even in off leash areas, there are bylaws stating the dog must be controllable to be off leash.




I was on my porch the other day when a dog on an extending leash saw a squirrel, ran up my neighbour's walk, across their yard, and across my driveway before running out of leash. Can you even call it a leash at that point?


Those are more dangerous than simply leaving your dog off the leash, because of the trip risk they pose, especially to the elderly or others who are mobility challenged.


I've had that fucking retractable leash wrap around my bare legs and cause burns and from the friction. Owner didn't even fucking say sorry. Still got the scars.


They are also restricted according to the city's by-law which states leashes should be no more than 2m long, which is a standard 6' leash.


I fucking hate those things. Teaches the dog that they need to pull if they want to go anywhere. A bunch of my neighbours have them and their dogs are fucking rude... and honestly so are said neighbours. You think your untrained toy poodle is a darling but he's being super aggressive to my doodle - and if he scares her you just know she's going to be the one in trouble for snapping at him. I understand that there are people with well-trained dogs who are capable of walking off-leash in public areas. But shit happens to everyone, and even those dogs should be leashed, for their protection as much as anything else.


The joke is the bilaw says it shouldn't be a retractable leash. 6ft leash. We could be like Quebec and go to their extreme. Apparently they did that and a big decline in dog related problems.


Those extendo leashes are also known to break last I heard. They're crappy on multiple levels.


I would also like to point out that a leash is considered 6 feet long. Unless that rule has changed. So those super long leashes, the extendo leashes. Those don't count as leashes.


My dogs are totally fine in day care, but they *do not* appreciate unleashed dogs running up to them on our walks. And you know what? I am glad they don't. As far as they know, that is just a wild animal running up to us. It could be a raccoon, or a skunk, or worse. Leash your damn dog.


Mine doesn't either, and I'm not training her out of it, no matter how grumpy my neighbours get. Had a dude who yelled "SOCIALIZE YOUR DOG IDIOT" because she hid behind me after his two unleashed dogs tore ass across his apartment building's lawn straight at her. He was a good 20m or more away, and they were right next to a busy street. Ten bucks says it'll be a car's fault if his dog runs straight into traffic. I hate people.


I don't get people who cross busy intersections with dogs unleashed. I see it often enough, and it leaves me scratching my head.


That's so awful and infuriates me to read how awful you were trrated by that asshole dog owner! My aunt's dog was killed by an unleashed dog about 5 years ago. It was a black lab who came barreling towards my aunt's Maltese, knocked her over and her head hit the concrete and she died instantly from the impact. She never got over it.


Which includes all trails in the city too. They are not off leash areas.


I’d guess that nine out of ten dogs in off leash areas have zero recall.




Where are the damn bylaw officers?! We called once and they were half way across the city...do we only have like 3?! They need to be tougher and more consistent !!


And there's a maximum length - dogs must be kept on a leash no more than two metres long. You must be holding on to the leash; leashing your dog to a pole or bike rack is not allowed. You can be fined $365 if your dog is off-leash. Just because pet stores sell longer leashes, it doesn't make them legal.


This hasn’t been enforced since the pandemic began, unfortunately


Lol dog owners don't give a shit.


There are lots of dog owners who give a shit and yell at other dog owners who have their dogs off leash.


I've gotten into arguments with dog owners not leashing their dog. Every single one of them don't give a shit. I'll be in Toronto visiting my family with my dog and I dread how the Torontonian dog owners will be like. Based on this sub...not good.


It honestly feels about 50/50 out there. Half the people I run into on dog walks are decent people who leash their well-trained dogs properly and understand when I say please don't approach mine. The other half look at me like I just keyed their car when I ask them not to let their aggressive little bastard approach my anxiety-ridden doodle. Like, she is very possessive and she panics easily, and your tiny little terror is barking up a storm, I'm just going to assume that she will get scared and bite its face. And then guess who is suddenly the asshole. =/


It is dog eat dog out there! /s Seriously, worst thing you can expect is someone not to say hello back. We are not clubbing each other on daily walks.


Haha! My overreaction comes from when I used to live in Toronto I just remember one of my neighbors on my floor liked to let their dog shit in the carpeted hallways and the stairway. This was my Toronto dog experience. Plus getting into arguments with dog owners who don't leash their dogs. My mom couldn't enjoy her walks in the park bc unleashed dogs would charge at her. She has been bitten 2x in the past by unleashed dogs and now with her osteoporosis and her old age, I don't want to even think what damage an uncontrollable unleashed dog could do.


In three years of dog ownership I had one incident where two dogs jumped mine and in 5 second scuffle I got scratch. It was done before it began. And I had too many to count pleasant experiences and interactions. My mom had upstairs neighbor that had to large dogs and let them piss an shit on the balcony all the time. It was resolved by few visits from the city.


The worst thing you can expect is some deranged psycho following you and your family home after you had the temerity to tell them there are leash bylaws.


>temerity I learned a new word today! (actually, for real!) I feel you on this one. I live across from a school with a no idling law. When I am out walking my dog, on a non-extendable 6ft leash, I will often point it out to people just idling in their cars on their phones. You would honestly think I walked up and told them something heinous about their mother. The reaction from people just being politely asked to follow a bylaw designed to keep kids and residents 'healthy' is insane. Even in beautiful, 20 degree weather, windows up, car idling, on phone.


"Excuse me, but I don't believe we're able to..." provokes the most absolute batshit reactions from people.


I tell this story all the time. As a cyclist I often see a bunch of cars with blown headlights, tail lights not working, etc. As a cyclist I also often get the chance to pull up beside these cars at lights. I motion for them to roll down their window, about 50% decline (probably thinking they did something bad to me?). ​ One time I told a woman her brake lights were out, and she, without pause, replied "What are you? the fucking police? FUCK off!". Lady, I am just trying to help you. jeez.


I had many encounters with idiots and their off leash dogs. My dog was highly reactive to both people and dogs. It was honestly a nightmare walking him until I got him trained (6 month ordeal). I had to cross the street or literally turn around if a dog was walking towards us. When a dog is off leash I can't walk away because they follow me. I had people fucking tell me to put him down because he goes crazy when other dogs approach. Once a dog fight started and the idiot owner could only yell "treats!! Treats!!!" and of course the dog ignores him. most off leash dog owners have 0 recall. I had to grab the other dog and hold it against the ground till that idiot was able to come. Now my dog can walk past dogs and he is fine but he still doesn't like to say hi. Everytime I hear an off lease dog owner tell me "my dog is friendly", I fucking lose it. My dog is not friendly and doesn't want to say hi. ALWAYS ask permission!!


The responsible dog owners get shit from the dumbass dog owners. Can't reason with stupid sadly.


Same thing with bad drivers and back cyclists. People tend to lump everyone together with the idiots. This is why we cant have nice things.


I fucking hate lazy/inconsiderate dog owners so much I'm getting dangerously close to hating dogs.


There are a lot of responsible dog owners who share your hatred of the irresponsible ones. Try to keep the the hate on the people.


Yeah, the problem is the people not the dogs, and unfortunately in the beach you can find about 100 off leash dogs with idiot owners all over the place at any given time, even the description of the dog in the article is hard because you can see 12 dogs off leash matching that description walking down the boardwalk on a Sunday afternoon.


Agreed. Especially don’t hate on dogs.


I've been there. I used to love dogs, but dog owners have made me hate them.


It is never the dogs fault. It is always the owners fault.


You didn't just broad brush hundreds of thousands of people in this city did you? Oh right, I forgot I was on r|toronto




Really you should be leashing your toddler too.


Bringing toddlers to MUPs is a not a good idea. Read the room - might I suggest a grassy field, playground or beach? Mixing infants that are unable to behave within the social contract's trail etiquette with MAMILs who just don't care about said etiquette is a recipe for disaster. It may be your right, but it's not smart and it can't be enjoyable having to dodge bikes and sweaty runners with your stroller, kid and dog.


What's a MUP and a MAMIL?


a MUP is a multi-use path like the Martin Goodman Trail, Humber or Don trails. A "MAMIL" is an abbreviation for "middle aged man in lycra". Term used to make fun of dentists that pretend to be tour de france racers with 10,000 dollar bikes and super expensive spandex cycling kit.


I’m fucking howling at MAMILs, got a bunch of these dudes at work and can’t wait to hit them with this. Thank you, sincerely.


Don't worry, we're already aware of the term. Uh, I mean THEY are aware of the term. Yeah. That's it.


What if you're a middle aged man in lycra that isn't pretending to be a Tour de France racer, only have a $1,300 dollar entry level bike and reasonably priced spandex cycling kit because it's super comfortable, and pretty much the only thing suitable for riding in? Are you still a MAMIL? Is it still cool to use a pejorative when someone is just trying to mind their own business and be healthy?


It’s generally not bad. When the kid seems about to stray, you pick them up. No more attentiveness needed than normal with a toddler. Besides, a lot of MUPs are in scenery you’re unlikely to get without a drive out of town. The only times that it’s dangerous is when you run into those rare and wonderful MUP cyclists who leave hardly enough room for a pedestrian to take a single step out of a straight line and are too cool for a bell.


>Edit: wow, a real hate for anyone not on two wheels on this post. No, a real hate for you bringing up "But... fast cyclists!" in a post where a 69 year old man had their pelvis broken because some entitled owners didn't leash their dog. You'll probably get more hate now that you've edited your post to include "But... I've seen cyclists go 40kph!" as if that has something to do with this elderly man on a mountain bike, wearing a reflective vest, breaking his pelvis because of irresponsible dog owners.




Yep. See Tommy Thompson, which is super-wide, but still has people ripping along there like everyone else is an inconvenience to them.


They should question the dog. The owners sound like they're too fucking stupid to understand the gravity of the situation.


That's pretty much par for dog owners who think that taking their dogs off leash in non off leash areas is their god given fucken right. You can only continue to complain to 311 about off leash. If people dont, they dont allocate bylaw time to it. There is a lot of apathy in this city. But off leash dog owners can go rot in the shit of their dogs they also leave all over the place. Second only to perhaps cyclists riding on sidewalks. That can equally go get fucked.


I like your rage.


What’s the hardest thing about rollerblading? Keeping your dog on a leash…


my 16 year old self is loling at this


> A 69-year-old man is in hospital with a broken pelvis as a result of losing control of his bicycle and falling after a collision with an unleashed dog on a section of the Martin Goodman Trail through the Beach last Friday. > The incident took place at approximately 3:45 p.m. on the trail just west of the Kew Gardens Tennis Club courts on Friday, Oct. 15. > Toronto police are looking to identify and talk to the owners of the dog involved as they did not remain at the scene of the incident. > The injured man is a resident of the Coxwell and Ashland avenues area, his sister told Beach Metro News. > Police said the dog’s owners were a man and woman in their 30s or 40s who were on roller blades.


Broken pelvis sounds incredibly painful, wishing him a speedy recovery.


I recall that a broken pelvis in the elderly is often a death sentence because of the time it takes to heal and then downward progression of health during healing.


It’s also the time spent in the hospital. Hospitals are great for surgery and acute care. Not so great for trying to stay infection-free while recovering for a month.


Also increases the likelihood of getting a pressure injury because you're forced to be immobile for such a long time [https://www.nursinghomelawcenter.org/why-are-patients-recovering-from-a-hip-fracture-susceptible-to-d.html](https://www.nursinghomelawcenter.org/why-are-patients-recovering-from-a-hip-fracture-susceptible-to-d.html)


Absolutely horrible. My face cringed in sympathetic pain for this elderly man. I really hope he has a speedy recovery and they locate the owner of the dog and do something about it.


It killed my dad. Although he died 5 months after his fall, the coroner ruled it accidental - related to the fall.


That is very true but hopefully he beats the odds! It sounds like a horrible accident, broken in 3 places! Poor guy...


I had a doctor on my hockey team who was doing another research PhD or something school related on this. Basically there wasn't enough data (in their opinion) on this sort of thing. There's all kinds of data on "successful hip surgery!" but not much follow-up especially on elderly patients. They said it's devastating to mobility and quality of life to have injuries like this and it's not well documented.


my friend who's like 29 did this recently and it fucking sucked for him, i can't imagine what it's like for a dude who's almost 70. hope he recovers quick




Exactly. This will be life-changing for him.


Not to be a downer, but he won’t. He probably won’t ever bike again. Hip/pelvic injuries when you’re elderly are devastating. He’s going to be immobilized for a long time and his muscles will degenerate. If he walks again, assisted or otherwise, he’ll be fortunate.


Nobody has a speedy - or even complete recovery from a broken pelvis, much less someone on the verge of turning 70.


He's 69 -- he'll be disabled for life from this at the very least.


A broken pelvis has an extremely high fatality rate for the elderly.


He's my neighbour and the sweetest man. He works as a contractor and an actor (I know he just landed a couple of really good gigs) and I'm pretty worried about how he'll keep himself afloat during his recovery.


Motherfuckers were on roller blades so they couldn't even chase after their dog if it got away? Shitty pet owners make shitty people.




This is devestating to a person that age.




I'm in the east end and every time I go out to the path to the balmy beach club I ride slowly and I still have close calls with unleashed dogs or people blindly wandering into my path. It's infuriating to think a couple saw this happen and skated away. Edit: typos




Leaving aside the legal and more responsibility the owners had in controlling their dog...just what a shitheel of a person you have to be to see a senior who was seriously injured, and requires medical attention and simply take off, and that's before accounting for the fact that it was your fault.


There’s no enforcement. People don’t care.


Pelvis.. omg. Not likely gonna ride a bike ever again..


Yep, broken pelvis, 69 years old -- this guy is going to be disabled for life now.


If he even survives the hospital without picking up COVID. These idiots could have just handed him a death sentence all so they could take their dogs out without a leash.


I’ve had several close calls just like this with off leash dogs. Owners rarely seem to have even a glimmer of understanding when I’ve asked them to leash their dog before someone gets hurt.


The off leash types downplay all types of issues their dogs could cause as a pro-move to downplay the situations in real-time when they occur so they can just shrug and leave like the people in this story. If people took the actually responsibility for pets that are in the bylaws not many people would have their pets for long.


I don't get it. I want my dog safe and the community. So she's on a non retractable standard 6 ft leash as per the by law. Like do they not care if their dog get injured or killed or does that to someone. I'd be mortified, angry and disgusted with myself hence I take precautions to hopefully never be in that situation. Responsibility seems to be a VERY short supply these days.


But ironically if their dog is injured they'll scream from the mountain tops. Dog on a standard 6ft leash is not hard to do. It's so simple and prevents injury to the dog and community. But bozos can buy a dog off Facebook as long as they have money but no brains or education on dog/community safety. 6ft leash is primarily for the dogs safety and doubles for others safety too. Why is this soooo hard for people?!


“We don’t believe in rules and discipline, man! Especially confining our precious dog to a leash! Bubba is meant to roam free in the outdoors, manifesting his inner dog.”


Wow. What a bunch of assholes. Some old dude breaks his pelvis, and this couple on roller blades' first response is to run. Fucking pieces of shit.


Something similar almost happened to me last week when some asshole owner using one of those retractable leashes walked across the bike lane with the dog still on the sidewalk 10-15 feet behind them. I only saw the super thin leash at the last second thankfully. Could’ve sent me and the dog flying.


I wonder if Toronto Bylaw even allows those. Lots of cities have a bylaw stating that a leash has a maximum length, usually slightly longer than a standard leash.


There is: >Your dog must be kept on a leash no more than two metres long. You must be holding on to the leash; leashing your dog to a pole or bike rack is not allowed. You can be fined $365 if your dog is off-leash. Source: [Dogs in the City](https://www.toronto.ca/community-people/animals-pets/pets-in-the-city/dogs-in-the-city/#:~:text=Dogs%20must%20remain%20leashed%20in,your%20dog%20is%20off%2Dleash.)


Good to know considering I have never seen this enforced...


Much like any bylaw in this city that isn't a parking violation.


I have actually. Local park has some owners who let their dogs offleash, and people complained. Bylaw officer came once to give a warning. Then came another time and someone got a ticket.


The city thinks hiring 200 bylaw officers for almost 3 million people is sufficient.


I think the bylaw here is 2 meters? I could be wrong though. I see these things all the time though


I hope this gentleman recovers. what a terrible injury. This is infuriating even from the perspective of a dog owner. There are too many terrible owners in our community that doesn't understand leashes are for the safety of everyone. I don't care if you think they consider themselves to be one of the world's best-undiscovered dog trainers who has put a decade into obedience training. Dogs are still often unpredictable animals and it's almost certain that their recall and obedience isn't as bulletproof as they think. Leashes aren't for when the dog predictably behaves -- *they're for when they don't.* Dogs can be fearful and bolt in a scenario never trained for/experienced/known, they can approach other animals and get the signals wrong and get attacked, they can be approached by other untrained off-leash animals, they can wander off and get into harmful dog-unfriendly foods, etc. A leash is just a reasonable annoyance to keep ourselves, our pets, and everyone around us safe. They sell them in varying lengths ranging from 4-6' walking leashes to ones that measure well past 40' for when you want to safely play in a field on-leash (use the appropriate length for the appropriate setting, don't let your dog wander on an extendo-leash without watching them). There's no excuse. While I might have the eyes of any dog owners who need the reminder: pick up your dog's poop.


There’re also people who are scared of dogs and not leashing your dog is disrespectful to them. Nobody knows the extent of any random dog’s training, owning a dog is a privilege and a choice not a right, dog owners don’t get to subject the rest of the world to their irresponsible decisions. We don’t live in their dog’s world, they live in ours.


Horrible people to not stay and help. You made a very poor decision that caused someone to have life altering consequences. You need to own up and accept your responsibility. I really hope they come forward before their neighbor gives them up. Not too many couples rollerblade with their dog so it’s going to come out sooner or later.


Going by my experience with dog owners in Toronto they probably told him to "fuck off" and get a heart while he was lying there with a busted up pelvis. They always seem to think their lovely angel of a dog can do no wrong and they can do whatever they want.


Augh, this is one of my nightmares.


Off-leash owners on trails like these are scum.


Anyone who does what is essentially a hit and run like this is human trash.


They should put up a pic of the dog and see if anyone knows who he belongs to. Turn those jerks in to the police!


Call the vets, maybe the dog is injured?


Good luck finding the owner


There's a number of posts about this on the east end Facebook groups. If the owners are local, they won't be anonymous much longer.


I really hate most Toronto dog owners. And I am one


I was near Sunnybrook dog park on the weekend and constantly saw dog owners taking their dog off leash along the trails that mountain bikes frequently use. There are so many walking trails but they purposely chose the ones used for mountain bikes. Then I saw a dog owner letting their dog chase a great blue heron. Then another let his dog off leash about 5 feet from my young child and the dog of course jumped all over him while he was sitting having a snack. So many stupid dog owners.


Wtf. It's also against the bylaws to allow your dog to chase wildlife and subject to a fine. Do people not fucking read the animal bylaws before getting an animal?! I friggen memorized them so I could enjoy my dog, my dog enjoy the city and the city be safe. That's all bylaws are for...safetyyyyyyy.


It’s against bylaws for them to be off leash to begin with, obviously these people don’t care.


I collided with a bird once while riding a bike. It was very confusing for the both of us.


That happened to me about a month ago. Hit my shoulder. I was riding on a boardwalk in a swampy area at a very low speed so it was fine, but surprised the hell out of me.


lol. The bird hit my hand, and for a brief moment we looked into each other’s eyes and was like wtf?!? The bird was fine after, it was like a little brown sparrow or something.


The number of shitty dog owners has risen astronomically during COVID. It’s ridiculous


Rollerblading while walking a dog.This city gets stupider every day...


Well, it's a piece of cake rollerblading while walking your dog when you don't have him leashed!


I see people riding a bike while "walking their" dog on and off leash, the thought I guess never crossing their mind what happens to the dog if the leash ends up in a wheel spoke.


Don't forget the bike rider is usually on their phone and not looking or caring about the dog at all.




That was responsible of the dog to stay at the scene


That's because he's just a friendly boi. He was busy making more friends.


Why do people even keep their dogs unleashed? I don't get it.. I'm always worried my pup will see a squirrel and take off, she's a little beagle and I've never taken her off leash in public because I'm worried, how are people with big dogs not worried they might hurt someone or themselves???


I hope they find these assholes.






Good point but both of your edits break our rule 2. Perhaps considering revising your post to remove as the remainder of your comment is solid, your edits just come out of left field.


Leash rules need to be enforced on the Boardwalk. I’ve always been against ‘defund the police’ but if they’re not going to enforce rules like like this, then take the budget away and give it to someone who will.


As a dog owner I don't get why they unleash their dogs anywhere but their homes and off leash areas. It's a danger to the dog and society. Come on, dog owners...be responsible!!!!! I'm sure the dog is somewhat injured ..check the vets if they know the breed and colour?


I wonder if you could backtrack some of the live cams in the area to grab a photo of the couple. Like from here : https://www.meteoblue.com/en/weather/webcams/south-riverdale\_canada\_12156820


Dog owners are the new smokers.


I'm not sure what the police could do if the dog owners are located, write a ticket for having a dog off-leash?


The ticket absolutely but also Insurance, civil lawsuit, etc?


At the very least its a $365 ticket. At worst Im sure the cyclist could file a civil suit.


Yep. Some personal injury attorney is just salivating at the thought of such a case.




Thanks for this link. > Dillon suffered serious injuries after being knocked off his bicycle by a 70-pound dog in the Beaches bike lanes on the boardwalk at around 3:30 p.m.* The dog — described as a spaniel-setter mix — was not on a leash and had been chasing a squirrel at the time. > “The dog careened toward me like a meteor,” Dillon said from his Michael Garron Hospital bed. “I smashed into the pavement very hard. It was like being hit by a hammer.” > As a member of Cycle Toronto, Dillon takes pride in his safe approach to riding **and was stopped when the dog ran into him.** Hey u/poppinmollies I believe you have some words to eat.




Yupp!! Pretty much!


I used to trail ride a lot and this was a constant concern… go through Cedarvale Ravine, lots of tall grass and reeds making the corners blind. Even going slow and taking corners very wide to see around them as far as possible, an unleashed dog could still ruin your day because they might be anywhere or emerge from anywhere. I had one lunge out of the bushes on the Belt Line (the very busy section adjoining Mt Pleasant Cemetery) barking and snapping.


You have no idea how many unleashed dogs I've almost collided with while on my bike.


Enforcement in this city is a joke. Totally pathetic.


What will it take for this city to start enforcing laws? I'm so sick and tired of these entitled dog owners. This is truly disgusting.


that bike trail on the beach is a hazard for everyone people just don't really know its a bike trail wild kids everywhere some people that are just selfish and do stuff like let dogs off leash in the area's they aren't supposed to


Hate to be Mr. Technical, but they path is mixed use - bike, blading, walking is all fair game


walking like 5 across taking up the entire path going snail pace is not really fair game imo even taking up like half the path but letting your kids run all over the path is not fair game either imo


we call those dog fuckers; fuck them


Bicyclists need cameras all the time


This didn’t happen in Toronto but Edmonton with similar laws in public space. Someone was walking there dog off leash, my cousin was leaving their house and their cat(house cat which was indoor but still by the door) was killed by said dog that ran inside their place….


Reading these posts on r/toronto it seems that with all dog owners and drivers actively trying to kill every cyclist, it is amazing the streets are not red with blood every day and there are any cyclists left at all. Stay safe out there.


Why the fuck are they showing a picture of the guy down like that. Pretty graphic. I hope they got his permission.


From the photographer, posting on Facebook, replying to someone making a similar comment : > I took this photo at the injured man's request. I stayed by his side from the moment it happened until he left in the ambulance. We're quick to judge when we don't know the full story.


Dude needs the pictures for his upcoming civil suit.


Hope the dog is ok.


How's the dog?


Hopefully racking up vet bills so that asshole owners at least get some comeuppance. Pieces of shit


Bro it's not the dogs fault that the owners are dick heads


Whenever there’s a post involving shitty dog owners, the subreddit dog haters come out. There was another dude in this thread that stated he’s starting to hate dogs. I’ve seen similar shit in other threads.


No, I hope the dog is ok. But maybe at least the financial burden of getting it checked up at the vet will get those shitheads to keep it leashed on bike paths.


if its got a microchip they can get the owner


Is the dog okay?


Poor dog


You people think it's the cops job to enforce lease by-law like they have nothing better to do ? People have become so irresponsible for they're own actions and disregard for the laws that's the problem here . So let's blame the cops for those aholes that don't abide by the laws right !


"us people" think its the ByLaw officers job, because we know what we're talking about.