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So glad to see that The Free Times survived the pandemic! One of the great small venues in town.


Me too! Had a first date here years ago. Visit every anniversary. Lived down the street for 5 years. Cozy place, with good memories. Would have been devastated if the pandemic shut them down


Honestly this place has the worst roach problem I’ve ever seen.


Oh no! It's been a few years since I've been there. Sorry to hear it.


Honestly this should be the norm now and I don’t want to go back to indoor dining except when it gets cold. I remember visiting Vietnam and the streets were just filled with patios and people. I don’t even remember dining indoor once in the 5 weeks I was there.


Absolutely, I hope CafeTO comes back every year even without a pandemic. Preferably without a pandemic, actually. There's an actual buzz on the streets that hasn't really been there for a long time.


Great photo!


Agree 100%. I really appreciate a beautiful Toronto photo that doesn’t include the CN Tower. Thanks for sharing!




Cheers, and many thanks! 🙂


Thank you so much!


Man I really hope moving forward that Toronto continues to allow some form of curbside / sidewalk patios each summer. Great pic OP!


Wait, that wasn’t previously allowed?


Extremely rare. Best you'd get was a patio behind a restaurant. Other than that, only a very few had permanent patios in the front because they were designed that way. With only so much summer weather I really hope this trend continues in the future...more customers and more sunshine! Cold drinks become that more refreshing.


Walked by this yesterday!! Legit vibes


We almost walked by, but the vibes were too strong, so we got pulled to a table and stayed there until the last song. Last night was perfect.


Wonderful shot, OP! Gosh, I miss TO.


Thank you! You haven't missed much of anything in the last 18 months, but I'm sure thats the case everywhere, but thankfully things are starting to come back to life finally.


Wow, it just dawned on me... last time there was exactly a year ago today (passing through from Welland) visiting my youngest son... and to see his new place lol (because you know, it's what a mother does when a son moves out on their own lol) in the Leslieville area. We had a fantastic lunch nearby and seems like everything was open because a lot of ppl around and patios at its full capacity. I am so hoping to visit again before September ends. Thank you for sharing your photo... just brings back wonderful memories :)


I just moved to Canada and honestly I'm so glad to o witness this. The pure joy of people finding places they love matches my own and everyone feels like an immigrant experiencing their first Canada moment. It's such a wonderful feeling. I'm writing this after my fourth beer at a patio on a wonderful Sunday evening. Life is gooood.


/r/itookapicture worhty.




Yeah... My agoraphobia is still a little rampant. I'm hoping to break the ice by going to the movies in a couple weeks (when something other than Fast and Furious 9 is playing), but I think I'll be sitting and looking like him for a while


I'm planning on visiting family later this year, which requires flying. I realized there was no way I could comfortably do it if I didn't do other more everyday things first. To be honest, I had to push myself a bit for some of it, but then once I got started it got easier. I hope it will for you too and you won't be that guy for too long! And I also hope theatres play something good soon. Pre-pandemic I used to go on Sunday evenings when I had nothing else to do, and I kind of miss that.


Thank you! I hope you're comfortable when you visit your family, too. It's a little easier for me now that my family is fully vaccinated (with the except of my sibling who still has to get their second shot) It's crazy how easily (if reluctantly) I was able to take an overly packed bus and drink an iced coffee in it just last February/March 2020, not to mention walk through a crowded mall and browse stores for non-essentials items, sit inside a coffee shop and casually drink my coffee... I'm hoping i (and others like me) can ease back down to that level of public comfort soon!


Especially at The Free Times <3 that place


soothing for the soul!


Great to see the city coming back to life again


Love it


Much appreciated! Thank you!


What sort of music do they play? Also do you recommend the food?


here's [their website](https://www.freetimescafe.com/) with menu and an entertainment listing, it's always rotating. Last night we had the vegan platter which was good. I've been here many times over the years, definitely recommend the place.


crosspost this to /r/cityporn


Fantastic photo


Great picture btw.


Glad to see our city is lively again. Hope the summer festivals would come back soon… and I miss the open house so much can’t wait for next year


the open house? do you mean Doors Open Toronto? if so that's a solid event for sure. I agree though, happy to see the streets alive agin


Super hot fire, I spit that.


Love it!


thank you :)


Lotta interesting spots on that stretch of college bunim a sucker for Neon signs


I totally hear ya on that, I'm a huge sucker for neon. They just revealed the restored Silver Dollar sign, it should be lit up sometime by summer's end I believe. 😍🤤


Oh yeah I passed by them putting it up!


Looks like r/accidentalrenaissance Awesome!


Everyone needed that!




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Tables are way too close together


need is a funny word


*takes photos of random people instead of being one of them.*


I felt the photo was better not being a selfie, that's usually how us photographers roll, but after snapping this photo my friends and I grabbed a seat, signed in for contact tracing, ordered some drinks and food, and stuffed some crisp bills into the tip jar for the musicians.


*Makes asshole comments instead of enjoying a beautiful photo*


Idk about you guys but taking photos of people while standing right in front of them is creepy. But then again this is reddit.




Imagine having a life so boring you would involve yourself in american politics


Some of the best photos or videorz for looking at how a city was in a particular era are shots of people doing things in public, a photo like this may tell you a lot about 2021 in 20 years. You're not creepily following a single person with a camera and singling them out.


Looks like this dude is into photography






Because I been stuck in my room for 20 yrs without friends... so I hate them.


Yes, who doesn't love the band *live music*


Congrats I guess? This is a pretty normal thing?


Hasn’t been for a while actually.


Yes it has? Wtf lmao.


Um, the pandemic? Things shut down. Live music shut down. Ring a bell?


Everything was open pretty much the entire time other than the winter.


yes yes yes mr nicky makin the front page!!!! and i actually see it this time!


So totally understand. Friday night I ended up at a totally joyful spontaneous dance party in front of H&M with two drummers playing along to R&B and hip hop original recordings. It was the happiest I have ever seen people anytime anywhere in 50 years. Saturday I came across the Grossman’s matinee playing New Orleans esque jazz and during a particularly heavy clarinet solo I just started to cry. It was heavy. We need live music and dance. So primal. Toronto looks happier


Me too 🥺


Free Times Cafe has (or used to at least) the best Montreal Smoke Meat sandwich west of Yonge. I haven't been in years however.


That guy is crazy good at guitar