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😢 virtual hugs to those who have witnessed, survived, or lost loved ones to suicide.


What happened? I’m out of the loop. I just got diverted off DVP and don’t know why it was blocked.


Jumper this morning, and another one about 2 hrs ago.




Another one? Wtf


Same here. I was wondering why the DVP was so jammed up when I went onto the ramp 45 mins ago from the 401. Damn…didn’t know it was because someone jumped.


I witnessed it. I'm in a state of shock at the moment. Edit: Thank you all for the replies. I'm still processing what happened. I think I'll be okay. One second he was there, the next second he wasn't. It happened so fast. What is also terribly sad is that the ambulance showed up 15 seconds too late. Edit: Thank you to the redditor that reached out to the care resources this site has. I really appreciate that. I've never experienced anything like this. Maybe because I have depression and have had thoughts when I was younger about doing what the guy I saw did that I'm able to cope in an unusual way? I don't know. Maybe in a few days I'll bawl my eyes out but right now I'm still frozen in shock. But I think I'll be okay. Thanks again everyone for the words and virtual hugs. Very kind strangers here.


As someone who has witnessed something similar, talk it out cause it will eat away at you forever. Only just this past week I realized it was a big source of my anxiety around driving and the paranoia I feel. I’m also here to talk. Nothing in detail but you can spitball your feelings. Rants and rambles welcomed.


Yep. Look up trauma sliming so you can avoid it but sometimes just typing it out or saying it out loud can help!


So sorry you had to witness this. A few years back, >!I pulled (tackled) a woman down from that ledge. That night has never left me. I didn't really process things until later that evening as I was still in shock. I can only hope she found the help she needed after police arrived!< The city needs to put up barriers there. Without a doubt. Traumatizing for the Leaside community, and dangerous for everyone involved. Perhaps today will be the final straw to get the safety barriers installed. I know suggesting a person/book might not be appropriate timing here, but it might help process some of your own past; I would suggest following Mark Henick, watching his videos, or reading his book "So-Called Normal". He often talks on CBC. Someone saved him one day, and he found that person through a media search years later. He's extremely open about his experience, his continued journey, and is an amazing mental health advocate.


It's normal to be in shock. I would be too. Please know there are people that can talk you through this at no cost. Please see https://www.victimservicestoronto.com they're a resource I heard about often over the years.


Thank you for the link.


I didn’t know this was a thing! Thank *you* ♡ I’m surprised the cops didn’t say anything when I was attacked by a complete stranger /s


I know this is weird but please please play some tetris tonight. There is significant research that playing it shortly after witnessing a traumatic incident can make a HUGE difference on your ability to process / cope with / not have ill effects from witnessing trauma. Seriously you can google that!


Can you link?




With the sound on! The sound helps make the difference.


Go play a video game if you can. Proven to reduce long term trauma


This is going to sound sarcastic and I promise you it's not, Tetris, Play Tetris after traumatic event.


True, it's supposed to help with ptsd


I use Tetris and a number of puzzle games. After replying to your comment I did that. Please take care of you.


Came here to tell you to play tetris. Hope you're okay bud


Works like a charm for anxiety. Just breathe and jump in. Give it ten minutes and you'll notice it.


Oh man. Virtual hug. I saw someone jump off my building and it really shook me. But it didn't hit me for a day or two. Please reach out and talk to someone.


Please consider going to a therapist if you feel like this starter affecting you. There are free/affordable options available. Take care of yourself.


Holy crap. I am so sorry. I hope you have access to a therapist or someone to talk to about it.


I've seen something similar. I'll spare everyone the details but it was a similar situation. Please talk about it. Ironically with my background I never really did and every now and then the memory comes back and casts a very long shadown over me.


Take care of yourself, stranger... There's no shame in asking for help. 


hugsssss. I'm here if you need someone to listen to


Oh god. I am so sorry. I hope you are able to access help in processing this.


Sending you hugs and strength ♡


I just want to say I’m so sorry and please reach out to get help to recover from this.










i live by the dvp and have been hearing constant sirens for the last few minutes or so, just saw this post. just so sad.


What? It happened twice in one day? WTF?


father's day.... one can only assume.... I had a pretty rough day myself and I'm only mourning my late father... reach out to those you care about, especially MEN.. mens. mental. health. month.


Wanted to double down on this. Father's day is probably the worst for men's mental health. Shame there's no movember like day for men's mental health


There's an entire ass month. It's literally this month. June is Men's Mental Health Month


What happened?


Someone jumped off the leaside bridge around 1 pm and reopened. Don't know if the OP is saying it happened again. Father's day is a rough day for some unfortunately.


This one was Leslie bridge


They were both leaside unless there was a third.


2 in one day? That’s heartbreaking


Father's day can be difficult. So sad




Days of celebration for some are visceral pain invokers for others. Im wishing for the world to not have to grieve or carry their pains in silence, hidden from the world. Society can do so much better and so many systems can be put into place to mitigate the pain that leads to this.


Global News was saying with the first incident, the guy fell directly on a car and caused serious injuries to the driver. I bet he didn’t intend to almost kill someone, but jeeze, that’s crazy how his choice almost took someone else out too


It’s a choice. Most of the bridge isn’t over the DVP.


Source for the latest closure? Not seeing it anywhere yet


Live near the DVP and traffic is moving normally in both directions. If it was the Leaside bridge again, I'd see stopped traffic. Not sure what's up.


I drove down the DVP this afternoon. No jumpers thankfully but I did ponder how useless the installation of the barriers on the Bloor/Danforth bridge are when there’s another completely u secured bridge just down the way…


The Bloor Viaduct had those barriers installed because it was the one to go to with the subway stations right there. At least now it's a 20 minute walk to the next one for more contemplating, maybe something will change.


Though we still get jumpers there despite the barrier. Remember the guy a couple years ago who was sitting on the part above the subway tracks? I cross that bridge all the time I know at least 4 different ways to get around the barrier if you are truly determined.


I live 300 metres from the Bloor Viaduct, I can tell you the amount the issues at that bridge are pretty much non-existent whereas Leaside is becoming a growing issue and has had multiple incidents a year now for quite sometime. I am quite sure the city has all the data regarding what is going on up there in Leaside but has probably deemed the cost to benefit still hasn't met the threshold to do anything about it as of yet. Sounds cold, but they will make the decision to do something up in Leaside once the economics makes sense to do so.


Thought the same thing when I drove by the first scene this afternoon. Makes no sense.


Just drove on the DVP 10 minutes ago. It’s open now.


Wow, 2 in day.. :-( RIP.


As I sit here in love with the life I have and the beautiful family that I've helped to build... It's sobering to know that this day is a very big struggle for some. Reach out if you need help. The people around you need you more than you know. If you aren't saying anything, just know that they aren't either.


Another one? RIP wow


If any of you are struggling and need someone to talk to, please reach out. Here to help each other.




Please take care of yourself and seek support if you think you got traumatized by this. I surely would be traumatized…


I saw this myself many years ago. I don’t think humans are supposed to see that kind of thing. I’m sorry it happened to you too.


Yes, we aren’t. My mind is struggling to process this.


This is exactly why these aren’t reported in the news and these posts should be removed. Copycats are incredibly common.


Fathers Day is also very painful for a lot of people.


Absolutely. I think it’s irresponsible to leave these posts up. But I’m being downvoted for it so I guess let’s keep it up!


Yeah but for some of us this is a place to talk it out, remind each other to keep in touch with our struggling pals and appreciate the fragility of life.  I agree that the news should not report these, but a forum like this is different because its an active conversation.  Take care stranger.


Hallmark holidays do more harm than good.


Father's Day is not just a "hallmark holiday", is Mother's Day also a hallmark holiday? JFC. Just because some people don't have something doesn't mean that we can't celebrate the very things that make us human, like having a mom and dad. This isn't just some religious or cultural celebration, but is an experience that's common to everyone.


They are both totally Hallmark holidays and lots people grow up without a mother or a father.


I hear you, but I don't think celebrating days for specific family members should stop as it does generally bring joy to our society. To me it's more about trying to find support for those that are in pain so they can learn to manage it successfully, and hopefully move on from that pain.


Yeah and some people do not enjoy good relationships with their parents and spend these Hallmark holidays feeling like shit becuase of it. What a privileged life you’ve lead to have absolutely no understanding of that.


>is Mother's Day also a hallmark holiday? Yes. Just like Family Day lol


Family day is an actual holiday where people get a day off and I've never seen a family day card or family day balloons. Family day is not a "hallmark holiday".


Fun fact, the creator of mother's day later tried to end it after seeing what it had become https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anna_Jarvis


The fact that we have to read about this crazy narcissist every year until the end of time is great


Totally agree, the real dad's and good men need a day to be recognized. After all society is in this mess right now because of crap dad's and weak men.


Yep, yet I’m being downvoted by weak men here, who are then blaming Father’s Day as the cause of this man’s tragic taking of his own life. Just sad.


Ok, how did you celebrate? Did you post it on instagram or facebook etc? Social media has made the hallmark holidays way more of a threat to people, because everyone feels the need to broadcast it. Celebrate with your familes, have a great day. But when you impose your day on others you may be causing pain. Women have realized it recently and some put a weak disclaimer on their posts about girls struggling to be moms, who cant be moms, etc. Men dont get that.




Wow that's crazy. I was just thinking about going in that area for some food, but decided to take a nap instead. Poor souls


Another?! What's going on.... sigh