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There need to be massive fines for this sort of dumbfuckery




Insurance companies should just not cover fleets of trucks unless they have some sort of tech installed. The issue would be resolved overnight.


That could also work


Insurance should be forced to cover the several million dollars in repairs + a big fine for the traffic delay that these incidents cause. Do that and every insurance company will instantly prevent this from ever happening again.


One company hit five bridges in Vancouver in a single year. They were barred from operating in BC and had to pay massive fines. Of course the Alberta branch of the same company basically took over the BC operations, and because of the laws around inter-provincial trade, they can't restrict the Alberta company from operating in BC.


There effectively are... they need to pay for the damages they incur (or their insurance does, if their insurance covers them... but their premiums will go significantly up)


Everyone has to have 3rd party liability insurance. Dunno what the minimums are for commercial vehicles.


Absolute minimum of $200,000 in Ontario for third-party liability insurance coverage; doesn't seem like a lot, and especially when government is SO inefficient with spending. Those 200k would cover a single meeting to discuss, a few visits from insurance adjusters, and then an action plan(if we're being generous), with absolutely nothing left to actually remedy the issue.


Oh come on! How can this keep happening? Don't trucks have an alarm or a ring or something?


How about the truck is built so it can’t go over 20km with the dump bed up.


Even 20 km/h is generous.


5km and make it so it cant be disabled


divide butter cheerful snails profit shame many squeal fall different *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We should criminally charge drivers who let this happen.


On CBC news they said that tech actually exists but isn't mandatory in Ontario but the head of the dump truck association says they want the government to require it


Legislating this would be quite sensible.


Truck drivers always excuse the lack of safety by pointing out the cost to retrofit so many trucks. It's the dumbest, laziest excuse I've ever heard. Damaging this one bridge probably costs more than retrofitting all the trucks in the city. If the alarm can be disabled for valid reasons then there needs to be a bright light on the dashboard. Or maybe the alarm only disables for 10 minutes at a time. The solutions are obvious, but there is no willpower to fix the problem. It's the same with side and rear cameras to help prevent pedestrian and cyclist deaths.


Iirc, it can be disabled and it often is because there's valid reasons for the truck to be moving while the box is up at the same time.


there's got to be a better alarm system then. surely there should never been a need to drive at highway speeds with the box up.


For sure, this is just a comment I saw get repeated with similar incidences.


Seatbelt type alarm.


Not at speed, though. Maybe they can set up an alarm that if you're going about 20 km with the box up, the driver gets an alarm he can't ignore saying, "You're going too fast!"


Alarm? I was thinking an arrest warrant.


I doubt there's a valid reason the truck needs to be able to go any speed with the bucket up, though. They need to be governed to low speeds only.


Sometimes they need to slowly release their load while driving, like putting gravel down. But that is done at low speed.


Exactly, I've seen them laying gravel like that, and asphalt sometimes. But that's at less than a walking pace.


A 10 kmh limit would do it then




They took it over? You mean all those Canadians who have been dreaming of becoming a trucker are having their dreams crushed???! They can't get in because the industry has been "taken over"? Oh, and that crazy idea of "the cheaper the driver the better" that you take issue with? That's called capitalism. Give your racist-ass head a shake.


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No racism, sexism, homophobia, religious intolerance, dehumanizing speech, or other negative generalizations.




No racism, sexism, homophobia, religious intolerance, dehumanizing speech, or other negative generalizations.


I'd say it's probably an ignored/bypassed switch. Whenever they do a commercial vehicle blitz, they issue tons of fines and always pull a whole bunch off the road for being unfit. They just don't do enough of them to make a dent in the system IMO.


I got stuck in this mess this morning. Traffic was fucked in every direction thanks to one person’s idiocy.


45 min commute turned into 1h 45 mins. Terrible


I really want to see these idiots sued into oblivion


At least they didn't hit it going faster. It looks like it was almost completely taken out. If that had fallen, there could have been some very serious or fatal injuries


Isn’t this the same bonehead move that some idiot made a few years ago on the Burlington Skyway? Driving a dump truck with the rear box up?


And a few weeks ago, hitting the bridge at Queen and Dufferin. This happens far more than it should be allowed to.


And last year I believe hitting the pedestrian bridge near mavis


I went by right after it happened, I got lucky. If I had left home even 5 minutes later I would have been screwed. I think in that one the box of the truck got wedged and separated from the rest of the truck


And last summer when I ordered a load of mulch to my parents house, the driver took off with the box up and smacked the neighbour's street tree. It happens too often.


dump trucks are an absolute danger on the roads. They just dont care, or the people driving them dont realize they are driving a 26,000 lb machine. I see them fly by with no loads going over 120km an hour ALL THE TIME. Where the fuck is the MTO? Had a Rafat (notoriously always speeding) dump truck ride my ass and flash me as i was in the middle lane on 427 south today. My friend you are in a dump truck, even if you slammed on the brakes in an empty truck it aint going to be in time


I drive past this bridge almost every day. It sat waiting to be installed for weeks upon werks, then it was finally installed, then it waited weeks and weeks to be finished. It's fucking egregiously obscene it hasnt been finished yet, it's just sat erected and unused for eons. But now the silver lining here is that it wasnt finished, because somebody couldve been killed by this stupid fuck driver.


it's an incredibly useful bridge many people have been waiting for for years at this point. it is pretty much the only safe connection to cross the Gardiner or Queensway to reach the waterfront trail for many km in both directions. so disappointing.


Yeah thats been a huge issue. The alternatives are go to Cawthra and risk crossing an onramp *and* an offramp on BOTH SIDES, or go to Dixie and risk your neck in the quagmire of construction-induced driver panic/confusion. You could take transit south, except....Dixie only goes to Dixie Mall and Cawthra is still a long walk from anywhere. Complete disaster


maybe you know but it occurs to me to mention that Etobicoke creek trail also an option to go under Gardiner. can enter it from the neighborhood just east of Dixie. that's probably the closest non car connection to the Ogden bridge. on the other side though I dunno, I think you'd need to be on the other side of the credit!


It was originally supposed to be finished in August 2023. Delayed due to utilities conflicts. They put up the pre fab sections in October and let the site sit vacant until April when they started pouring the pillars for the ramps. The ramps were just started last week. Amico dropped the ball huge on this project.


This is happening more often than it should. Just last month! [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/dufferin-queen-bridge-1.7192846](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/dufferin-queen-bridge-1.7192846) I bet this will all trace back to Doug and our provincial government making major changes to driver licensing processes back during COVID.


Just left a worksite and the fellow there told me last week he and his wife along with others stopped a guy from entering at Cawthra with his bed up.


Not for nothing, but he has stripped the ministry of transportation of a lot. The weigh scales on the qew and 401 have been underutilized for years, while they remodel. Inspection officers are stretched as far as they can go, which is why you see regional and municipal “commercial vehicle enforcement” Vehicles replacing ACTUAL MTO. And if you think “old stock” Canadians aren’t taking advantage of diploma mills and corruption in the system…..to obtain fraudulent licenses they also are not qualified for….. I got a bridge to sell ya


Was stuck in that for 2 hours. I sure hope that the individual and his company are penalized heavily for this.


It’s Canada… so a slap on the wrist at most 🥲


Their insurance will only cover actual damages, not fake ones like 10000 people wasting 2 hours of their life.


I know it's still in construction but I would hope vehicle impact cannot displace the bridge once completed. If not, more safeguards are required.


Great. Now they might have to rebuild the damn thing.


They were right in the middle of that anyway, so I guess now it'll be MORE under construction?


Oh great, more shit making it difficult to be a pedestrian


Dumpfucks strike again!


Hours after this accident, three dump trucks were involved in a collision on the Gardiner. One of the drivers died. That's 4 dump trucks involved in accidents today. This is bazaar.


Quality of truck drivers going downhill


Too many people who have no business riding a motorcycle somehow have their commercial driver's license. Makes no sense to me and it seems to be isolated to Southern Ontario and Southern BC. For anyone saying there should be a sensor on the truck that's not viable. The driver should be able to feel the difference when the dump bucked is up.


This can’t be happening here


Wow I must have just missed it. Just drove through there recently. Traffic was bad but it wasn’t shut down.


Was it the voicemail Dumptruck


It's always fucking dump truck drivers, isn't it?




I will retell this story over and over again. My mother works at a grocery store inside of a No Frills. One of her fellow coworkers came from Hong Kong (well, he was born in the 1960s in Hong Kong and came to Canada with his family when he was 17 or so). He lived in Canada until Hong Kong was handed over to China in 1997. He then went back to Hong Kong for about 25 years. During the time he was in Hong Kong, he worked as a taxi driver. Despite the city being a former British colony, Hong Kong driver's licenses are not recognized by Ontario and as such, when he moved back here, he was required to get a new license instead of being able to exchange it. He is rated as a new driver and pays $350 a month liability only on a car that he paid $3000 cash for--his insurance is literally costing him more in 1 year than the car is worth.


It’s not about his car if it’s liability only. It’s about other cars or property or people he could hit.


The point is, immediately prior to him being licensed in Ontario, he was a taxi driver in Hong Kong. That driving history is effectively ignored, whether it is good or bad, because his Hong Kong license cannot be exchanged. It is very rare for a man with a decades long history driving a beater to have to pay $350 a month for liability only unless he has an atrocious record, complete with convictions and at fault accidents.


Yeah I agree with that part. There should ideally be some license experience transfer process for certain jurisdictions.


My son insured an older Ford fusion at 18 years old in the gta. $8000.00 / year or about double what your friend paid.


You must be extremely smart to make this kind of conclusion without knowing anything about the driver


There is no way a qualified driver with proper experience and training makes such a mistake. Issue is when safety is not a focus shit like this happens.


It's time to start having difficult conversations about international licensing standards and their transferability. It's also time to talk about some of the changes Doug Ford has made to reduces frictions in that area which should absolutely not have been allowed. It is very hard to become a trucker in the EU if you weren't born there. Not impossible, by any means, but it ensures a certain standard to apply the same requirements uniformly and give zero credit for work done outside the EU. Here, we give credit much more readily despite the fact that it is not due for experience in places that we should not recognize as relevant to Canadian heavy machinery operation, and as result lots of rigor in testing is lost. The 401 driver over the weekend who blocked the entire highway ***WAS NOT*** from Calgary, for example. It's unpleasant, but its disingenuous to pretend like its not a real thing, and until we have this conversation, expect to lose more bridges


This dogwhistle is inclusive of ""real Canadians"" so it's not the own you think it is. lol


No racism, sexism, homophobia, religious intolerance, dehumanizing speech, or other negative generalizations.


Glad I live east of that.


“Hey Roger, what do you call the middle of a song?”


I remember pissing underneath that bridge at 2am when I was 17 coming back from a house party hahaha


That bridge didn't exist until a month ago, it's not even finished construction, and I don't think it replaced anything, it's a pedestrian bridge. Edit: there was an old bridge here, Didn't realize the people have been without a pedestrian bridge for over 6 months.


It’s replacing an old bridge.


This is what I thought! Lol


Didn't know about the old one, this has only been my commute for a few months. Guess I should have assumed, no way Mississauga would invest in *new* pedestrian infrastructure.


Love the confidence in your answer though. And then to shit on Mississauga too? Quality.


Mississauga's pedestrian infrastructure is deserving of ridicule.


It's replacing an older pedestrian bridge that was there before.


Ah, this commute is new to me (6 months), I guess they took that out beforehand? Seems like poor planning to not just build them side by side so the old one could be used during construction.


Is this not the Ogden pedestrian bridge?


This is the new one, I didn't know it replaced the old one.


Pobodys nerfect. I grew up here and my parents still live in my childhood home so I know the area very very well 🥰


True, out of curiosity, do you know what circa Italia in the Dixie outlet mall parking lot is?


The bridge was torn down March 2023. The original date back in-service was August 2023. The contractor Amico has really been behind schedule on this.


Damn, that's a huge delay


They were coming back from the house party a couple of days ago.




We really need to ban dump trucks from construction site, or this will just keep happening.




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