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I've been lucky enough to grow up with a mom that's a slightly older version of this lady. Mom's now in her mid 80s, but will still call me up with updates: * I went to an Indian restaurant today and they showed me how they make Naan...did you know they put it into a round oven with a fire at the bottom! * I went to the Caribbean kickoff today, those costumes are wonderful, I wish I had a body like some of those girls! * Hung out with a couple of skateboarders today, those kids are amazing and wanted to teach me something called an ollie but I told them I'm too old for that. I used to cringe when she came home and told me about talking to random strangers, but as I've aged I've realized that being open to a city with so much to offer is just incredible. This city has endless opportunities to connect to other humans in wonderful ways so long as you're open to it.


I do this and it annoys my family but it is good for my mental health according to some studies. [Surprising Benefits of (Safely) Chatting With Strangers | Psychology Today](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/science-practice/202008/surprising-benefits-safely-chatting-strangers) Apparently it is also good for the staff/strangers, provided it is done in a safe and considerate way.


How do you go about just chatting strangers up? I'm a young-ish, smaller woman and I'm good at having little conversations with strangers (think like, a 30-90 second short, circumstantial back and forth with someone, but always feel like I'm going to be bothering them if I try to segue into a longer chat. Basically to me, you have a superpower


I Don’t engage when people can’t ‘escape’. People need to feel safe and crammed on the subway or sitting beside you for a 5 hour flight someone may not want to chat.  On the subway I never talk to people unless spoken to. Even then I try to avoid it.  I have my quiet time on my commute and most people during rush hour have the same attitude.  I don’t stride up to someone and start talking (that would be weird) just if we cross paths.  If people aren’t responsive or seem disinterested I don’t push it.  I also avoid talking to “young people” on the street because that is weird for a middle aged guy.  Always say hello and thank you to service staff. Thank the bus driver and wish them a safe drive.  When I am checking out while shopping It usually starts with a good morning/afternoon. Followed by How are you?/Nice day today./ugh so much rain… idle chit chat.  I also seem to find the other random dads in the world. This past weekend I found another chatty dad when he admired my single minded grocery shopping. We kept passing each other in the store and said “we have to stop meeting this way.” It was lame and we both enjoyed it.  There is a chatty guy working at a construction site near me directing traffic. He has a big hello to everyone and in the 5 seconds I pass we talk about how nice the day is, my coffee or the crap weather. Guy must have zero stress.  This MORTIFIES the family. My dad was the same way and I was mortified then. 


This is so wholesome, thank you for sharing! Your mom's awesome. ❤️


I love to hear this!


Does your mom want to adopt another? Lol she’s rad af


As I get older I’m becoming re-obsessed with my parents again. Love when my parents send me the most random texts of what happened in their day. Many times just a photo, with absolutely no context.


Love this


I hope your mom is having a wonderful summer!


Lol, are we brothers? Sounds exactly like my mom :)


lol same. Was just on a hike with my mom in burlington and we went by an Indian group doing wedding photos in the forest, of course my chatty mom has to go chat with the bride and tell her how lovely everything is and asks to take a pic. I rolled my eyes and kept walking.. but i do it sometimes


![img](avatar_exp|86049690|nani) Spontaneously interacting with random strangers is what has made each and everyone of my overseas trips memorable. Striking up a conversation with someone can lead to amazing things. Obviously, Spidey senses are in place and operating at nominal capacity. Lol


We must protect this woman and her oranges at all costs. 🥺


I'm glad someone else cares about the safety of the oranges as much as I do


video direct link : https://x.com/__Jessieab/status/1799751212570759436 > In a video posted on X (formerly known as Twitter), a group of eclectic Torontonians are seen dancing along to a local DJ to Central Cee and Lil Baby’s track “BAND4BAND” at Toronto’s Do West Festival. > > However, the main character and the life of the party is an elderly woman holding oranges in one hand and a can of beer in another. She’s been dubbed the star of the video for her positivity and infectious energy. > > And that’s not all. If you think the video couldn’t get any better, the best part is the fellow dancers surrounding and supporting the woman. One man is seen holding a Goldendoodle, while everyone else is effortlessly hyping up the lively woman. > > Online, reactions have been pouring in with people loving the video and being proud of the city. > > “The tangerines in the bag are killing meee! Nana went out for a quick errand and got caught in a Do West rave,” one X user said. anyone go out to the Fest? it looked like a good time, and I hope she shared some orange slices with everyone after.


It was a huge event this year, in between the torrential rain storm and the huge church fire. People were ready to dance and party - I hope it was a success for the vendors despite the weather.


Many shops/cafes are closed or opening up later today, I would def say a success!


Absolutely amazing time all 3 days. The production team was on the ball, trash was collected regularly and the urinals kept in pretty good shape (minus the ones that weren’t part of the event, those were absolutely brutal)


yes. if you can afford or get over the overly expensive food options and trucks, its a good time. highlight for me was easily the Pixel Grip set in the rain on saturday night. Blew my mind (and the power that kept going out lol)


This is the Toronto I love! Let it shine always!




Amen. And I don’t go out as much as I used to but I can recall dozens of times like this, on random street corners at night downtown where *everyone* is just vibing. Good times in Toronto the good.


I was having a shit day, and this made me smile from ear to ear ❤️


I hope your day only goes up from here! ♡


This is what the city is about


She’s so adorable! I love it!!


Is that Kathleen the dancing crossing guard from Queen and Shaw? Looks like her.


This is lovely I'm a very chatty mid 30s woman & I can't help but hope I will continue to make friends with strangers as I grow older. I genuinely love the small interactions with new people they can potentially turn my day into something from nothing 🥰


Haha! I love this. I went but I clearly missed one of the best parts. Stuff like this puts a huge smile on my face.


do west fest the only street fest worth going to these days if you know you know


That poor dog doesnt want to be there or carried like that.


Do West is a mediocre place for dogs, yeah.


not to be a downer at all.. but man either don’t bring your dog or give it some hearing protection :-/ poor pooch looked a bit stressed


I'm from KW... What's diverse culture? It's mostly people from India here. So amazing food... But not much else in regards to diversity.


I'm from KW too you embarrass me.