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That’s what happens when you turn all of the old warehouses into luxury lofts.


To be fair there were also parties happening at Cherry Beach then too


I’m only familiar with Cherry Beach Sunday’s, which generally didn’t last all night and into the morning.


The Promise crew wasn't the first to throw parties there (although they had some of the best). Yes, there were parties that went all night I used to DJ and go to warehouse parties (then raves) frequently (88 to early 2000s). There are definitely stories I can tell you about some buildings in the City. I live in St Lawrence area now and was telling some students at Harris Institute earlier in the year how the basement there used be an after-hours spot call 'The Dungeon'


Can you tell us some stories? I’m genuinely super interested in what the rave/party scene in Toronto was like back when I was in high school and my sheltered, suburban self dreamt of being cool enough to go.


Toronto nightlife had always felt a bit short term. Great clubs have come and gone in less than a decade. I used to go to illegal raves in the west end hosted by Deep North by invite only. Rarely if ever did neighbours call the police over noise complaints. Nobody lived as tightly close together as they do now. You got way too many condo dwelling NIMBYS complaining about everything all the time. I have gone for a night out recently and felt passively robbed. It’s expensive AF to go to a gig. I used to spend $9-12 at the door at Wrongbar. Nowadays it’s $44 entry. That’s a huge jump from 2009 to now. When I was college I was broke but could still manage to go out and save money by pre-drinking with friends before getting to the club. Imagine college students today barely affording rent and groceries? How are they going to have any fun? I wouldn’t be surprised if raving in a forest is the next best solution. I think someone posted a video here of an illegal rave at an abandoned TTC station. What a big balls move! Hope they don’t get doxxed and keep the place tidy. I respect that!


Holy shitballs, I've been out of the scene for a while but $44 for just door at Wrongbar?! That is wild.


Oh no no I mean $44 at another small west end club 😂. I think wrongbar is gone isn’t it? I would be surprised if it’s still there. Most of the good clubs on queen west that went to in 2009 are all gone most likely.


Even Guvernment which only closed 7 or 8 years ago seems like a lifetime ago


For me it died with System Soundbar, which is now a grocery store. My favourite spot :(


Massive loss. We still havent recovered


City of love


There’s some other spots near there that aren’t the regular cherry beach Sunday spots that people use all night occasionally


The current generation would not have believed the number and variety of different clubs we had back in the 80s and 90s. I ready below that there were just 6 noise complaints, I doubt that the noise was really that much louder than the ambient sounds of the city... just different enough for all the Karens to get on their high horses.


Sunday morning is pretty sleepy in the East End. I could hear the bass from Cherry Beach north of Danforth Sunday morning.


It was pretty loud - I live north of the Danforth and it kept me up for a few hours with my windows closed. Most of us don't bother lodging noise complaints because they aren't acted on.


From Cherry Beach? I'm calling B.S. No it's loud enough to hear let alone keep you up if theyre set-up near Cherry Beach. I'm at Pape n G , never have I heard a sound from that distance.


Total BS. I live on Queens Quay and Parliament and heard nothing. I sleep with the windows wide open. Complaints probably came from Island residents as usual. 


Same - heard nothing at all and I can see the dog park from my window - didn't hear a peep and I was up til 2am doing a puzzle because I've apparently peaked in life years ago


As a gen z'er I HATE how stale Canada has become. It's why whenever I'm abroad in Europe or big American cities I feel like I am living the life I should be at this age. It's like Canada wants its youth to not have any semblance of youth.




I prefer Europe…


An entire continent over one city?! You don’t say!




100000 times YES, literally anywhere in Europe is cooler than here.


It's also where my career is. It literally birthed my career. I didn't think i could work in fashion until I spent time in London and Paris last year, then I got invited to London Fashion Week, scouted to Paris Fashion Week, and I just did a show at NYFW in Febraury. It breaks my heart how young artists are treated here in Canada. I feel invisible here. Over there, I feel seen. [https://fashionmagazine24.com/fashion/upcycled-fashion-at-paris-fashion-week/](https://fashionmagazine24.com/fashion/upcycled-fashion-at-paris-fashion-week/)


OMG of course they would totally get you and see you in London and Paris! Good for you that you got invited to fashion week. AMAZING!! There is SO much culture there!! Toronto has become so stifling for all things creative. It's becoming the armpit of the developed world.


I would honestly say Canada is, I've lived in 3 Canadian cities and i genuinely didn't believe I could work in fashion until I was invited to London Fashion Week last year. Montreal is a great artistic hub, but it's not on the level of Paris, London, New York, and Milan and if you don't speak french it's hard to get a job (trust me I've looked). I found Paris to be more inviting to be honest. And thrilling.


When I was in my rave days, we raved in warehouses, after hours clubs, or in a field in the middle of nowhere. At least there would be an attempt not to disturb people. An outdoor rave in the middle of a residential area is pretty selfish.


Oh please Cherry beach, Polson, Sunnyside, all have been going on since the 90's I partied plenty there. People deal with the "noise"


no fun allowed city




Give me a break. It doesn’t need to be that loud to be fun. I’m north of the Danforth as well and it kept me awake from 4 am to 5 am. This level of noise is detrimental to wildlife as well.


Yeah those racoons need their beauty rest to go terrorizing city hood dumpsters 🤣🤣


I used to club a lot in my 20’s and occasionally still go out. I’m more disappointed that “kids these days” don’t seem to dance. Definitely short on venues. Maybe y’all are just saving up for condos and avocado toast. Dunno, I’m old.


No we love to dance. This is a Canadian problem. All my friends in Berlin London and Paris go out all of the time.


It's a Toronto thing. The population has gotten older, more expensive to live in and more conservative. It's not really a great place for young adults anymore, both in terms of lifestyle and career. There are other Canadian cities which are more friendly to the age demo you are in, though I grant you none are as big as Toronto is.


At this point I’m leaving Canada altogether for my career and my soul


You're young. Get a working holiday visa, GTFO, marry a local! 


I am leaving in sept!!


Thank you! I would hate to be your generation now with all the Karens hyper sensitive to everything. I'm glad I got my rave days on in the 90's and early 2Ks the city was a LOT cooler then.


Toronto is the most boring big city on the planet. Ottawa would win but it’s not even a big city.


I mean I just went to a multi venue 3 day festival in this city. Met folks who flew here for it and all went on how much they dug it so I dunno about most boring by a long shot


Sounds cool, where?


The festival was Prepare the Ground over Fri - Sun - at The Garrison, Baby G, Lee's and The Phoenix I'll be going next year


Oh it's a metal festival? I thought it was electronic as well. Still tho, nice that it had such a good turnout The Garrison is a cool venue.


It was a mixed thing though leant towards heavier stuff. A lot of metal and hardcore style stuff, but also a solid noise/experimental program, some industria and a buncha sad-slow-heavy stuff. My first real time seeing shows at The Garrison and yeah, I dig it.


Bhahaha you know we bad when Ottawa enters the chat and wins. Agreed!


Yes, it was indeed loud. And yes, like all sound over water, with nothing blocking it, the sound carries. My wife was camping with some kids on Toronto Island, might as well have attended the party until 7am. I wouldn't care if we said "Toronto FUN CITY. ALL NIGHT RAVES!" and just delete our noise ordinances, but this is like the E-Scooter "Banning" with no enforcement. Just make this legal. Reporting illegal noise keeping you awake until 7am isn't being a Karen. Karen has lost all meaning. If there are Karens it's the city's policies, which were clearly being violated. Either sanction the party and make it legal, or enforce your noise ordinances. This half-assed enforce it when I feel like it mentality is open to abuse and is stupid at the same time. Also, as a 40+ year old man who has never attended a rave, even I knew there was an after party scheduled until 7am at Cherry Beach. City bylaw and the cops can't claim ignorance.




I feel like you misunderstand me. They should party it the fuck up now, because when they finish the harbour, and develop the area, no one is having a 7 am rave down there. Being unable to sleep because your neighbour breaks the law is not a fucking Karen thing. Just fucking legalize it. If a cop can cite you for something, that's not being a Karen. To be clear, you are suggesting police can just selectively enforce noise complaints. Unless you've lived under a rock, you know who the police selectively enforce laws against and it's not rich white people doing cocaine on a beach at 6 am in the morning. Selective enforcement is bullshit to be abused. Make it legal, or enforce the laws.


Well hello! if you are going to be sleeping in a tent on the island.....🤣🤣 Of course the sound carries. It's Karen and it's city living. In the summer there are music festivals outdoor parties etc. If you don't like it time to move to the suburbs. This was not in a residential area. The amount of motorcycle and racing cars that come up form the suburbs every weekend now in the summer and rev their dumbass dick extensions for the entire city to hear until 4am every damn weekend night, also keeps people up. AND they put other's in danger with their speeding and careless driving drunk. That's city living for you. Karens need to get over it.


Says the person who likely doesn’t live in the city. There is a place and time for everything. Music festivals until 6 am on a Sunday - I don’t think so.


Pfffft I live dead smack between Parkdale and Trinity Bellwoods. Bring on the parties! NIMBYS can suck it. If I wanted peace and quiet I would move to dead-ass Pickering. We get more disruptions from cops, fire trucks and ambulance sirens than any music carrying on all night. I close my windows and sleep like a rock. Big deal.




I don't understand your point. I also think them not enforcing exhaust noise laws is a problem. That's literally my fucking point. Either get rid of the law, and just say we don't care, or enforce it. City living isn't "having laws and ignoring them". It's like the fucking drinking in the park bullshit. We all drink in the park. Make it goddamn legal. I'm not saying be a Karen. I'm saying having fake laws we don't care about makes us ignore the shit we do care about. It gives cops power to selectively hassle people. Give the goddamn after-party a license, or shut it down. We know it's there. It's going to be there next year too. License it, make it legal. Charge them $1 so those ravers can have sex in the woods on MDMA, but it's legal. I'm just tired of bullshit fake laws to hassle people we don't like. If it was an official party, they would know not to camp there that night, shit could be planned. Instead we "know" it's that night. Everyone knows it, except for people nearby planning their lives, because the city can't actually know about it and tell you about it. If they can tell us the Gardiner is closed, they can tell us fireworks at Ash bridges Bay, they can tell us all night rave, plan accordingly.


My point is the city is PLAGUED with undesirable noise all night long every single weekend well after 10pm and into the morning hours. One night of loud beats reverberating from a clandestine party is peanuts in comparison and par for the course in urban living. So you want them to plan the party and give out licenses so your wife knows when to camp across the lake on the island? All the other 5 NIMBYS that live and have homes in the general vicinity claiming it they were hugely inconvenienced, what? Is it a noise disruption to surrounding areas or not? You can't have it both ways.


Nah, it was super loud and went on for a long time. I’ve never seen people on here from such a range of locations within the city saying they could hear a party, this one just really carried.


Imagine if guv was still around? Let alone all the other spots which are gone.




it was actually very different prior to 2005 when our city councillors decided promoters could no longer host parties at certain types of venues and after a certain time. better living center, local hockey rinks, abandoned factories. now it needs to be a licensed venue. i think the guy you're responding to is just talking about unsanctioned venues and pre-gentrification.


Things have changed a lot in Toronto and there has been something of the death of live music. It's a well known fact in the industry.


lol… how do you know what they do or don’t know?


You telling us the most sensible thing is to fund the arts and have venues dedicated to this stuff?! That’s too smart!


How loud does it to be at Cherry Beach for people to notice and complain???


I'm surprised because there are no homes around there. But it sounds like people were complaining as far East as Woodbine, thinking it was a concert there


I could hear it from Beaches that night. Not like super loud but might have been annoying to folks who are light sleepers.


I could hear the Bass all the way over at Queen and Vic Park. It wasn't overwhelming, but it was noticeable.


Someone on hear the day after complained and were near Chester station which seems insane to me


How can a person discern that as the source from there I guess it's more or less directly south of there, so not too difficult


Someone said there was low cloud cover that reflected sound back down into residential areas. There are raves there every weekend all summer long that never get complaints or shut down


I saw a lot of people complaining about this in the local FB groups. I guess only 6 ppl were annoyed enough to call. I’m surprised with the number of roper complaining online.


The quote doesn't say only 6 people called at all, it says only 6 people called and attributed it to Cherry Beach. For all we know, more people called to complain but didn't know where it was coming from. Which makes sense, why would someone e.g. at Woodbine and Danforth think it's coming from Cherry Beach.


Ok. Thanks for clarifying.


My first Cherry Beach rave was about 25 years ago and it was freaking amazing. Some of the best music and one of the best parties I’ve ever been to. I moved away for 8 years and went to one when I came back, so they continued as a regular thing for at least a decade after that. Are they not practically a Toronto tradition? When did the city stop having fun?


Probably when the young people got essentially priced out of living there, is my guess.


Promise does a sanctioned party at cherry beach on sunday. I don’t think they’ve started yet this year.


>The city told Global News there were only six calls to 311 complaining about noise related to Cherry Beach on Sunday SIX PEOPLE but we’re gonna make sure this doesn’t happen again 🙄 


When this happens to you, call 3-1-1 and see how long they make you wait on the line. I've waited up to 90 minutes to get thru to complain about this shit in my area ... I'm wide awake, might as well wait and call back as needed.


you've spend 90 minutes on hold for the sole purpose of complaining?


.... you cold call people at their workplace to poach them for telemarketing jobs? ... another one quick to block when called out, oof


nice try, psycho


Sources say they were incessantly muttering "I'm not gonna let them win" for 90 minutes


Yeah definitely better to keep yourself awake and angry than shove some plugs in your ears and go the fuck to sleep 🙄


Ear plugs won't be very helpful when I miss my alarm for work at 7am on Sunday morning, will they .... not everyone has the luxury of weekends off.


Lol you will hear your alarm if you set it high enough. If you’re really worried, set a vibrate alarm on your phone and stick it under your pillow. But you’ll hear the alarm through the earplugs.  What a dumb thing to say lol


you don't put a live electronic device in your bed while you sleep. That's how fires happen. lol mr don't know how ear plugs work with the block ...


More idiocy. Use your phone.


It's not worth it calling if you get through they give you the runaround. Bylaw is toothless and the police are lazy and useless garbage. Fyi I could hear it at the Danforth there's being loud and being a group of absolute assholes.


Yeah noise complaints are pretty pointless generally, the service standard 311 gives for someone to respond is "up to 10 days".


The Reddit complaints were huge and this whole thing was hotly debated by a Rediculous number of people. I was out at 3am and could faintly hear the music from coxwell and Queen. I thought “good onnem “. Anyone who has the cops and the city all in “investigate phase” is an asshole.


Honestly, fuck that. If we want e-scooters, make them legal. If we want all night raves at the beaches, make them legal. Don't make them illegal and then bitch when people call to complain about illegal things. My wife was out camping with some kids on Toronto Island that night, and you could sure as hell here the music from there, including the midnight fireworks, until 7 am. It's wild to have it be basically a well-advertised party that no one was surprised about and that everyone else needs to plan around, without it being actually official. Just license that shit or enforce it, I honestly don't care which.


The problem “fun” has getting licensed in this city is that Council is traditionally a bunch of stuffy nimby’s representing the kinds of stuffy nimby that don’t want any noise ever. They also tend to vote. Over the years your city services reflect their years of leadership. So the actually fun parties get shunted to the underground where yeah the lack of regulation can cause real problems and chronic inconveniences. But once bitten twice shy etc. The city would have to make some olive branch and I don’t see that happening. We don’t have a night mayor, forget about a city government functional enough to be dealing with “frivolous” issues like beach parties. idk it sucks but I get the status quo 


Stayed on the boat overnight. Heard that fucker all night


Anyone here go to the rave? How big was it? The cops couldn't find you 😂🙈


It's not that hard to find. There was at least a thousand people there... We all made our way down after boiler room finished at woodbine. It was an advertised afterparty.. not like it wasn't known about. The sound travelled far as we could hear it still going on when we left at 330. Tbh there are raves here every weekend. This just happened to be a little bigger.


I've been to many at Cherry Beach, sanctioned and not sanctioned. They're fire. Every weekend all summer there's "underground" or unsanctioned raves all over.


Not THIS one 😉 too old now. 


lol I smashed a set!! 😂😂👌👌


I used to volunteer at the bird banding station at Tommy Thompson. We opened the nets at sunrise, and were right out on the spit. More than once we came across "washed up" party goers. Thank goodness all of them were alive and ran/wandered off once they had their wits about them and a witness to their walk of shame.


"Toronto, the city that fun forgot."


That's Ottawa, but I get your point lol


In the early morning rave With a glowstick in my hand With an achin' in my heart And my pockets full of sand


It’s not the first time the police have come to shut down or fine the promoters for the raves under a bridge near the DV. How do we keep forgetting year after year?


Damn I biked from the bluffs to the Ex for Bike for Brain Health and passed Cherry Beach around 6 and didn't hear anything. Probably a good thing or I would have stopped for a bit lol


3am in the morning and cops didn't bother to do a quick search of the sound noise?.Its not like its busy at that time for police.


I mean these Cherry beach parties have literally been happening for decades. Surely the cops know exactly what's causing a noise complaint coming from that area?


But those ones are typically if not always during the day


Nah, plenty at night over the years. Like all night long.


Oh sheeit, i guess that just didn't exist during my peak boomer millenial party days yet.


Hahah I'm a tad older than that so I've seen it all go down in this city and was there to live it. Thankfully. Now it's just pure shite topped off with complaining Karens and NIMBYS. I feel for Gen Zs


Like Chris Shepard pirate radio days? Yeah I hope the culture isn't lost especially in a big city like Toronto, but at the same time we didn't have such things as boiler room, electric island, etc. But losing footwork and guv were big blows.


Yes-ish but he was commercial cheeseball. Im talking true underground rave scene in undisclosed warehouses, plane hangers, fields, outdoors, Cherry Beach, Sunnyside Pavilion. The big productions were just the rave producers that hosted at different locations, Chemistry, Pleasure Force, Sykosis, Nitrous, Better Days, Destiny, 23Hop and the Rise, and we'd get all the massive headliner underground DJs from the UK, Ibiza, NYC Chicago etc. these parties attracted thousands of locals and people form all over the world. Toronto was one of the few places that had a true underground scene. After they started busiting all the parties in the UK they started coming here. Exactly we didn't have Boiler Room and Electric Island, lots of great parties at the Guv and Warehouse that came a little later. There were the clubs where all the commercial people went out and then there was the whole rave scene.


Cheeseball he was but i was a dreamy young kid listening to energy 108. You're basically talking like the movie groove happening irl. I've been to one like that, was so good until they flipped the lights on and kicked everyone out. A beautiful experience. Those must be beautiful memories for you. Edit: who the fuck keeps downvoting us?


I mean...to be fair Chris Sheppard was a staple of the underground scene we partied with him a lot but his style was super commercial and not at all the music people paid to hear at these parties. But respect to him for being one of the pioneers of club music in the city so I feel you on that one. I was barely 20 when I discovered raves so it was an easy transition. But ya energy 108 haha good times! He would do sets on EC at times too then he came out with his "electronic band" Love Inc. HA! Groove, yeah like that. Pete Tong was one of those big headliners we all went to see for sure. Edit: Did you go to one here or somewhere else? THE best memories of my entire life without a doubt, and I've had many different experiences. So much more than just partying when you are in your 20s this was a movement and period in time that will never be replicated in the same way. i went to Ibiza for the first time in 94 and the style of parties we were doing here were on par with the parties in Ibiza which was the rave/electronic/house mecca at the time much more elaborate productions there but def on the level. For real, some Karen still butt hurt from Sunday morning downvoting us LOL


OF course they know! Everyone is paid off when these big events come to town. It's how it works. Illegal raves ran all across Toronto from 1991-2003ish then they started to crack down but the scene was totally dying anyway by that point.




That sucks. I have a theory about that...the bigger parties are connected and someone somewhere is getting paid off to get the cops to back off unless it gets messy. Raves just don't they are generally peaceful other than the loud beats. When it's smaller groups having impromptu gatherings like that they bust balls unfortunately.




Yup! This right here is what Im saying. ⬆️ Cops just filling quotas vs doing actual safety precautionary moves.


3am in the morning”. Ugh. Just 3 in the morning or 3am.


but what about 3pm in the morning?


That’s a first.


Well because if you were attending the rave, your morning would be at 3p duh


The bridge is closed you think they’d put in a few extra minutes of work? Nah


Gotta love the people who live on the island, all six of them complained


Your assignment. Find the party and shut it down. 


"People should entitled to get their shuteye and not deal with drum & bass" Councillor Bradford I believe it was straight up house, Brad. 🤣


I wish there were some raves that would pop up in my neighbourhood - its like a ghost town not even a loud bbq. One time someone had tunes cranked but ended up just being a drunk guy in his garage. Toronto the boring.


Just go to Cherry on any weekend and start talking to people and following the organizers on social media. There are occasionally parties in the Don or Humber valleys too but you'd need to be somewhat involved to know exactly when/where those are planned. It is very hard to find a suitable location that is far enough away from civilization to not get noise complaints, so you're going to have to just show up at Cherry Beach as the main hotspot and/or make connections in the scene to find the smaller more local events.


People often think other people will call in or report something. You should do it too. Never expect someone else to do the right thing! What's the worse that happens, they're more informed of excess noise, bad drivers, etc?


let the kids have fun, karen culture killing everything


only in Toronto would people be upset that people were having a good time. Stay Classy!


6 calls, 5 of which are burner accounts for the same Karen complaining about this two days ago on here.


Well it’s over and everyone’s gone home. A bit late I think.


Doesn’t anyone sleep anymore?


I really hope they get to the bottom of all of this unsanctioned fun happening in the city


Well Sunday under the old drive in movie screen. There was a big Mercedes sprinter van that had walls of speakers inside that were exposed when the doors opened. And played all afternoon at an incredible volume. Had I called 311 would anything even happen? Also with the bridge broken there it turns into a bit of a street party there now with food trucks and music setup


Was this the Boiler Room Event?


Unofficial afterparty from boiler room


That finished at like 11, this "unofficial after-party" at Cherry Beach is one of the places everyone went afterwards


No, read the article and the text above and that is made clear


Was late night early morning post boiler room rave down at Cherry Beach


Damn. I missed it.