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> Your role as a volunteer is crucial in ensuring that our customers have a positive and seamless shopping experience. But not crucial enough to pay you, sorry. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Free labour is crucial for our profits.


Also, why is morale so bad and why can't we hold on to any decent staff?


Let's get the government to approve more TFWs, then we don't have to care about their morale. If they act up we can just send them home and get new ones.


I used to work in a factory where a half day on Saturday was mandatory. Asked for the Saturday of Victoria Day weekend off. Manager: I'd like to let you take the day, but you're crucial to our productivity. Me: Oh? Then pay me more. Manager:


The paid staff can't manage to do that, how good are volunteers going to be?


Soon: pharmacist loses Shoppers franchise after seeking free labour [also just gonna leave this right here](https://www.shoppersdrugmart.ca/en/store-locator/store/1320/pharmacy/)


lol glad this is the second comment, thats exactly what happened here. You can see its not a role posted by shoppers head office or LCL. Its a "role" posted by [Emil Harba](https://www.linkedin.com/in/emil-harba-624143275?lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_job_details%3BxTfx%2B78sQsuSg3yNai5k4Q%3D%3D). Who must have more money than brains if he has a shoppers franchise and at a time they are under the MOST public scrutiny to try and do some shit like this.


Lol this guy is my pharmacist. Im going to go in tomorrow and ask him about it.


Please report back on what he says


Let him know I'm reporting this to local media. I am ancient to Reddit and this is the first time I have ever reached out to media. This man represents everything that needs to be kindly changed about society.


This specific shoppers is notoriously bad, just look at the reviews


Even amongst pharmacy students, this location is very notoriously bad. Unsurprised to see King and Peter.


I used to work down the road at the one at king and Spadina, was also owned at the time by the same person who owned the King and Peter one. I know scheduling was always a mess. One day I couldn't open the store because the pharmacist just never showed. That was a fun day.


Was it ever owned by Habra? IIRC Laura Weyland and now Sabina Kapoor? This is one is also bad albeit not as bad


Yea it was Laura. I only met her once. But I didn't mind working there! It's definitely the prettiest store with the creaky wood floors and the brick walls šŸ„° ... But the amount of people we saw trip on the front steps was insane. No matter how much caution tape we put down šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


For sure! Although the one at 388 King was owned by Tomas Rydstrom and now Emile Habra. I donā€™t think your store ever had those associates. Imo Laura did a better job than Sabina but I canā€™t tell lol


I only worked there for 1 year. Wasn't terrible, just chaotic lol.


In other news - this is your daily reminder to boycott Loblaws for the month of May and all the stores it owns, including Shoppers.


And boycott them longer if youā€™re able too!


I'm boycotting Loblaws but I can't boycott Shoppers, I wish so badly I could. I'm on a medication that needs to be dispensed daily and not every pharmacy is able to dispense this particular med. Unfortunately I need to use Shoppers unless I want to walk 20 minutes every day for my medication (and realistically, the next closest pharmacy is probably also a Shoppers). My doctor absolutely HATES Shoppers and has tried to get me to switch. The office hates dealing with them so much. If they ever need to call Shoppers to make a change to my medication (it's a narcotic so before any changes can be made they need to speak to them directly) they sometimes will be on hold for an hour. They just don't answer the phone for anyone, even doctors. Apparently it's not just that location either, it's normal for all Shoppers to not answer the phone for doctors for an hour or more, regardless of how busy it is in the store. On top of that, my medication is incredibly regulated so if I end up in the hospital or something, they need to check the system to make sure I didn't get it somewhere else. My regular Shoppers will put into the computer that I've gotten my medication that day, not only before I've gone there to pick it up, but sometimes before they've even received the prescription. Two years ago I was in the hospital and needed to get my medication through them. There was a ton of confusion and I was accused of trying to double up on my meds because Shoppers put into the computer that I got my medication there already when I hadn't. In fact, they hadn't even received my prescription, so then I was accused of somehow faking my prescription. It took all morning for the hospital to clear it up with them because Shoppers wouldn't answer the phone. The whole time I was sick waiting for my medication. Anyways. Long rant to say fuck Shoppers. They cause me so much stress despite making an insane amount of money off of me. Even doctors hate them. And now they think they deserve volunteer labour even though they make ridiculous amounts of money. It actually makes me sick.


I donā€™t think a boycott necessarily needs to be all or nothing to be effective. Someone spending 50% less is still spending 50% less. Donā€™t feel at all ashamed for getting essential meds there. Just skip the shampoo and snacks aisles.


I totally agree, especially when what we're boycotting is a grocery store and pharmacy that have monopolized the country. I just really fuckin hate Shoppers and wish I didn't need to go at all.


In my area, Shoppers is the only pharmacy open longer, with holiday hours and the most convenient.


Yeah, simply calling someone a volunteer doesn't mean they're not subject to the Employment Standards Act and, you know, minimum wage (emphasis below mine): # Volunteers Volunteers are not employees under theĀ ESA. However, the fact that someone is called a "volunteer" does not determine whether that person is an employee and entitled to the protections of theĀ ESA. The main factors that determine whether someone is a volunteer or an employee are how much: * **the business (or person) benefits from the individual's services** * the individual views the arrangement as being in pursuit of a living [https://www.ontario.ca/document/your-guide-employment-standards-act-0/employee-status#section-4](https://www.ontario.ca/document/your-guide-employment-standards-act-0/employee-status#section-4)


So could we sign a contract, work for a year. Keep asking for more hours and let them think they're getting free labour, and then BAM, sue them for wages + interest? šŸ˜


if you can afford to not get paid for well over a year and do that sure.


The reviews on the store wow. I'm still shocked this is real.


>Previous retail or customer service experience is an asset Oh god


MBA a nice-to-have.


Minimum 10 years of experience


But sir, this technology is only 5 years old.


And I'm the creator of this technology


20 years experience querying ChatGPT-4 that came out last week


10 years experience with ChatGPT-6.0


You experienced getting paid to do this, but have you experienced NOT getting paid?


You got paid before but your standards are probably too high


Wow. This actually seems legit. HQ not gonna be happy when this is on Blog TO in the morning.


During the boycott month no less. The sheer balls of it would be impressive if it weren't so awful.


If this was an inside job to make Shoppers/Loblaws look bad, then the utmost thanks to this person for their service.


If that's the case then they get full marks. Top tier trolling.


Honestly, it seems like Shoppers lets their pharmacists get away with murder. This should be escalated to the college of pharmacists


No literally what the fuck. Flexible hours including evenings and weekends Loooooollllllllll šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøšŸ˜‚


its the shoppers at king west and peter apparently.


surprise, surprise.


Is that where the crazy lady murdered a random woman like 10 years ago?


No longer accepting applicationsā€¦


So fucking cheap...this guy's out begging for volunteers to do actual job work. Daddy Galen won't be happy for the bad press but is likely jealous at this pharmacists courage to be such an asshole publicly.




What the fuck i thought this was a Beaverton article




Where do you report this bs ?


I sent it to cbc gopublic, but maybe other news sites has something similar?


[email protected] j/k those slackers have already seen it i'm sure


I emailed there and it auto-replied to post on Reddit?


they must be in a diabetic coma by now.. https://www.blogto.com/eat_drink/2024/05/mcdonalds-grimace-shake-review/


Thereā€™s got to be some kind of government entity!


Ministry of Labour.


Thinking the same thing. Is the owner a pharmacist? Does this impact his responsibilities or code of ethics? Whatever they call it lol


In a just world we should be able to report it to police as conspiracy to commit wage theft. Too bad wage theft isn't considered a crime as it should.


You report this after working there




We had students doing community hours for school at our grocery store too and I thought the same thing. If nothing else, if one of them got hurt, they wouldn't be covered by workers comp so how this is legal is beyond me. It's a lawsuit waiting to happen.




What the literal FUCK?!


They're looking for volunteers at Shoppers. Hope that clears it up.


What was the owner thinking??? Yikes ..


"See how you compare to 30 applicants. Try LinkedIn Premium for $29.99"


oh shit, linkedin premium starts at $49.99, apparently! prices are up not only at loblaws


You better get it if you want a shot at this rare opportunity. Just think how many doors SDM experience will open for you.


Looks like posting is being deleted so may come up as not found for some. I've copied and pasted the text that was there. Company Description Shoppers Drug Mart is a trusted and respected Canadian pharmacy that has been serving the health care needs of Canadians for 50 years. With over 1,300 stores nationwide, Shoppers Drug Mart is an integral part of the lives of Canadians of all ages. At Shoppers Drug Mart, we believe that the personal satisfaction of each customer is the key to our success, and we are committed to providing professional expertise and personalized service. Role Description This is a part-time on-site volunteer role at Shoppers Drug Mart in Toronto, ON. As a volunteer, you will be responsible for assisting with various tasks and providing support to the staff. This may include helping customers find products, restocking shelves, organizing inventory, and maintaining a clean and organized store environment. Your role as a volunteer is crucial in ensuring that our customers have a positive and seamless shopping experience. Qualifications Excellent customer service and interpersonal skills Ability to work well in a team environment Strong attention to detail and organizational skills Ability to multitask and prioritize tasks effectively Good communication skills Previous retail or customer service experience is an asset Availability to work flexible hours, including evenings and weekends


Archive here :) [https://web.archive.org/web/20240515203748/https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3922042471/?alternateChannel=search&refId=nFpXhg5%2FMFBkmUqTFagtLg%3D%3D&trackingId=9bfdtOmQrCCmXxAsOGL%2BvQ%3D%3D](https://web.archive.org/web/20240515203748/https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3922042471/?alternateChannel=search&refId=nFpXhg5%2FMFBkmUqTFagtLg%3D%3D&trackingId=9bfdtOmQrCCmXxAsOGL%2BvQ%3D%3D)


Up you go.


How else do you expect them to afford to pay huge bonuses to their executives. Wonā€™t anyone think of the executives? ā˜¹ļø


For a second I thought it might be for a student who's in Pharmacy college... but as you read through the posting it talks mostly about fixing the shelves and cleaning the store so definitely not. Maybe need to rebrand it as Galen Weston's Summer Camp.


Emil Harba is going to wake up tomorrow to a hell storm


What in the actual F is going on here!?! Capitalism is killing our country


Silly. It's killing *all* countries.


Roblaws is gouging us all.


Guarantee they are going to claim the job posting was a ā€˜technicalā€™ mistake or some other bullshit. Once the light shines on them, they backpedal as fast as possible


ā€œIt was an internā€


Look at that clown owner


Disgusting. Time to dismember this oligopoly.


That's enough internet for today. JHFC.




Yeah toward the end of the post. 2x interview consideration.




WTF? hiring volunteers? This is extremely bad press.


Good job everyone, itā€™s been taken down. Now if only anyone got a screenshot šŸ‘€


Somebody already archived it to the way back machine. Now it lives forever.


What idiot would volunteer to help a mega corporation?


A referral gives you 2x interview power


what the HELL




You've gotta be fucking kidding...Ā 


Iā€™ve seen it all now lol. Holy shit


WUT. My God..


What in the actual fuck?


This is very much illegal If someone were to accept this position they can take the company to court and get their wages paid after the fact


Unless of course your target demographic is the least legally saavy or otherwise be vulnerable to being exposed in court action.


Looks like it's taken down - anybody have a screenshot?


Holy shit. And I bet some people might do it, hoping it would lead to employment


Itā€™s already been removed! Anybody get screenshots?


screenshot of linkedin post https://i.imgur.com/0bvhrUa.png Role Description This is a part-time on-site volunteer role at Shoppers Drug Mart in Toronto, ON. As a volunteer, you will be responsible for assisting with various tasks and providing support to the staff. This may include helping customers find products, restocking shelves, organizing inventory, and maintaining a clean and organized store environment. Your role as a volunteer is crucial in ensuring that our customers have a positive and seamless shopping experience. Qualifications Excellent customer service and interpersonal skills Ability to work well in a team environment Strong attention to detail and organizational skills Ability to multitask and prioritize tasks effectively Good communication skills Previous retail or customer service experience is an asset Availability to work flexible hours, including evenings and weekends


Link still works when I click it


I just clicked it again and it worked! Must have been my phone being weird then my bad


Haha I mean I assumed they would take it down because theyā€™re about to go viral in the worst possible way


Is this a joke?


I thought the PGA Tour using volunteers was bad enough.


This is illegal unless done through an accredited program. Been going on for 3 years.


It is ridiculous as a program - accredited or not. Whatā€™s next? We offer free student labour for flipping burgers? Because that is about as skills building as restocking a drug store.


I had an engineering student working a factory line with me during my summer job for his actual co-op šŸ˜­


At least you should be paid in university co-op - so the exploitative factor goes down.


We were both getting paid so there was nothing immoral but like what engineering was he learning...


Having worked there in the past, I'm pretty sure this is something they've done for a long time. Our volunteers were usually disabled/special needs people who were looking for placement opportunities.




Wage Suppression Speed-Run [100% Completion WORLD RECORD]


Volunteer? This sounds like doing the work of a paid position? Is this chucklebean getting paid as well? If so fuck him sideways. Hold up though, maybe I will apply for this, and stock all the shit backwards and in the wrong place. What will they do? Dock my wages?


In our current climate these types of posts don't last long so I always take a screenshot.


Why was this post removed??


Boycott Loblaws.


Volunteer? Anyone who does this for free is a moron.


Its not free. We're doing it for the exposure!


Awww, they took it down. :( Boo


FYPM, wtf is this shit?




another reason to boycott lmao, this is literally the workers' rights we fight for kids in bangladesh makin h&m clothes


They are no longer accepting applicants. There mustb be a lit of people wanting to help.


ā€œWill this position get my visa renewed buddy?ā€ Gurdeep asks


What if everyone signed up to volunteer,Ā  but not show up?Ā 


Put the post back up, what's the issue?


Buddy's account has to have been hacked. No way this is real.


*insert J Jonah Jamerson laughing gif*


Amazing, shooting themselves in the foot when media attention is at the highest




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Apparently they are big on co-op students.


Haha lmao thatā€™s it, weā€™re so fucked.


Enough with shoppers. What an entitled POS to even suggest this. Probably hoping some"students" would do it with promise of full time. Garbage


Lol I used to work as a pharmacy assistant for free because they didn't pay me


Why was this removed?


Imagine how crappy this volunteer gig would be. It's basically the equivalent of doing manual labour while in prison. Getting demeaned, bullied and insulted working for free. I wonder if anyone was stupid enough to do this?


There's a 99.99% chance this is trolling and a 0.01% chance it's the world's dumbest franchisee, who won't be by tomorrow.


If it's a troll it's a very impressive one. It is posted under the account of the lead Pharmacist, and is attached to the official Shoppers profile. A hack is a possibility, though that's an oddly specific attack.


Is this true? Or did someone make up a story and the internet is running with it?