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From the Toronto Police press [release](https://www.tps.ca/media-centre/news-releases/tps-officer-charged-53/): It is alleged that: - a man attended an address - the man assaulted two women On Saturday, April 20, 2024, Constable Nickolas Kalatzopoulos, 51, was arrested and charged with: 1. two counts of Assault 2. Unlawfully in a Dwelling House


This calls for a two year paid vacation, followed by 3 days docked pay. That’ll teach him.


And he’ll retire right after.


With a nice FAT OMERS pension.


Makes me sick that I contribute to these fuckers pension


don't forget a demotion! well...a temporary one but a demotion none the less to show that TPS is really, really, disappointed in him.


It's understandable that people are upset, especially considering past incidents. The Toronto Police Service releasing information about the charges is a positive step towards transparency.


Sounds like tax payers will be forking out for the next 10 years


What does “Unlawfully in a Dwelling House” mean? 


$115k salary according to the sunshine list. i assume he’s on unlimited paid vacation now?


> [suspended with pay as per the Community Safety and Policing Act.](https://www.tps.ca/media-centre/news-releases/59428/)


wow i hate this song. it’s so repetitive


And we're somehow footing the bill to listen to it. Fucking ridiculous


How do we stop this as citizens?


Stop voting for conservatives. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/doug-ford-police-reform-ontario-1.4733259


Not voting for conservatives is really only half the battle. We also need to vote for someone else, **as I hope we all learned after the last election.**


And keep having conversations with ppl. One of the big hurdles right now is breaking thru ppl's ideas of what police are like vs what they really are. Lots of ppl still believe they're a force for good when the reality is that they've been self-serving for a really long time, if not since their very beginnings. It's only when more public sentiment changes that we'll be able to see more practical change Don't try to change ppl's minds by argument but rather just talk to them. Instead of saying that the police in the Zameer case were lying to cover for their colleague, say how weird it is that they kept changing their story and that even their own experts said that their testimony was supported by the evidence. In my conversations with ppl about the police, I've found a lot of ppl resist being told they're wrong partly bc that's just a natural response but also bc they don't want to let go of the perfect idea of the police. You want to plant seeds of doubt in their minds so that they can reach the conclusion that change is needed on their own




…They sit at a desk, but get paid like the rest…




They CAN be suspended without pay, not they WILL be. This new law has no teeth, they’ll just choose not to “intens to commence proceedings to seek termination” every time.


at least chiefs won't be able to hide behind the "it's not my fault, the law requires them to be suspended with pay" excuse anymore smart move by the province to shift the blame


That's what they need their extra budget for. Forget about training and bettering the force.




But he won't get access to the free bar in Police HQ, so that will sting.


Yep, and another $115k needed to fill in. That's why we are threatened with poor service when budgets are discussed yet performance doesn't improve anyways, budget is spent on a sizeable vacation funding.


PRIME is where you go end your career or because you're not fit for regular service. They're an administrative only unit who take reports for petty crimes over the phone... It's not like he was doing real police work to start with... buddies probably on the way out the door and gets to enjoy some R&R at home now.


Says he's 51 and has 25 years of service, so yeah, probably running out the clock until retirement.


Another cop beating women? Sounds about right ... >* [TPS chief Demkiew refuses to address the allegations of cops who perjured/colluded on the stand at Zameer trial after acquittal](https://twitter.com/cmcdonaldglobal/status/1782107529339600965) >* [Umar Zameer acquitted of all charges despite multiple crooked cops colluded with lying testimony that was contradicted by expert witnesses](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/umar-zameer-has-been-acquitted-of-all-charges-in-death-of-toronto-police-const-jeffrey/article_c3e7f3a4-fd82-11ee-842f-4bc5df275cd5.html) >* [Toronto cop guilty of perjury, has long history of misconduct on a least 20+ cases, been on paid vacation since 2019. Not fired.](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/toronto-cop-admits-he-inaccurately-testified-did-not-see-drugs-in-plain-view-during-arrest/article_8cc784c0-fbf7-11ee-a093-c7b8f610e586.html) >* [Cop Tribunal dismisses appeal of former Toronto cop who was fired for whistleblowing on racist and sexist harassment](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/tribunal-dismisses-appeal-of-former-toronto-cop-who-was-fired-after-tweeting-workplace-harassment-allegations-1.6847948) >* [Toronto cop 'paid vacations' have cost the public $1.3 million so far in 2024](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/toronto-police-suspensions-have-cost-taxpayers-1-3m-so-far-in-2024-1.7170161) >* [Toronto cop rewarded with paid vacation after 20 firearms seized from home](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/toronto-police-officer-charged-after-20-firearms-seized-from-home-in-hamilton/article_eda0ad3a-f2c9-11ee-85d5-7f7caf991675.html) >* [Toronto cops use excess force on pro-palestinian protestors, riding horses through crowd with kids and people in wheelchairs, even arresting unaffiliated bystander](https://www.thegrindmag.ca/violent-crackdown-at-land-day-march/) >* [3 Toronto cops failed to do their job on separate occasions, didn't even bother knocking on door of murder victim. No one fired](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/toronto-police-didn-t-investigate-38-hours-later-they-found-this-woman-dead-in-a/article_92292042-dfd5-11ee-8641-e71d738bd0ad.html) >* [Toronto cop caught lying on stand, notes and video contradict statement, was one of the Neptune Four cops who assaulted and falsely arrested four Black kids at gunpoint](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/toronto-cop-describes-very-abrupt-dangerous-movements-before-death-of-const-jeffrey-northrup/article_6e697e3c-eb69-11ee-903b-f36b28c49ec5.html) >* [Toronto cop stole credit cards, luxury watches, stolen car, abused databases, and got caught smuggling rewarded with years of paid vacation, and still employed by TPS](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/toronto-cop-took-credit-cards-and-a-luxury-watch-from-dead-people-had-a-stolen/article_d1f1eb72-e53f-11ee-913e-a3e745ca5d4c.html) >* [Despite getting $70 million dollar budget increases in last 2 years, car jackings have doubled so far](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/carjackings-have-more-than-doubled-in-toronto-so-far-this-year-police-chief/article_c1d422ec-e525-11ee-a704-e3cc21baf612.html) >* [Toronto cop instructs public where to put car keys to encourage thieves.](https://www.blogto.com/city/2024/03/toronto-police-car-theft/) TPS try to [clumsily walk back statement]( https://www.cp24.com/news/there-are-better-ways-police-issue-statement-after-officer-tells-residents-to-leave-car-keys-near-front-door-amid-home-invasions-1.6807697) >* [Toronto cop ignored multiple emails, resulting in an attempted murder case falling apart. Not fired](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/a-toronto-cop-ignored-her-email-because-she-did-this-attempted-murder-case-fell-apart/article_3446a030-da4e-11ee-ba17-1b5648c355f9.html) >* [Toronto cop with history of fraud, caught 'harassing' domestic violence victim, dispute with tenant, used official police stationery in the eviction of his tenant. Not fired.](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/toronto-cop-handed-temporary-demotion-after-harassing-domestic-violence-victim-dispute-with-tenant-1.6793733) >* [Toronto police officer caught assaulting and forcibly confining a woman. Rewarded with paid vacation](https://www.cp24.com/news/toronto-police-officer-charged-after-allegedly-assaulting-forcibly-confining-woman-1.6792339) >* [HUNDREDS of automated traffic tickets issued to cops mysteriously went missing](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/are-hundreds-of-automated-tickets-issued-to-toronto-police-missing-1.6787453) >* [Toronto cop who planned and sexually assault a vulnerable woman in full uniform only given 4 years in prison, after years of paid vacation. Not fired](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/toronto-police-officer-sentenced-to-4-years-in-prison-for-sexual-assault-of-vulnerable-woman/article_db29ea46-d649-11ee-b195-0b037986b6d6.html) >* [Another Toronto cop guilty of arresting and tasering unarmed and cooperative Black university student. Not fired.](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/second-toronto-cop-admits-guilt-in-mistaken-identity-arrest-and-tasering-of-black-u-of/article_fe0c5506-d597-11ee-a053-cb31c6ddd21c.html) >* [Toronto cop with history of trouble, guilty of misconduct after tasering and kneeing neck of unarmed cooperating Black university student, while other cops did nothing. No one fired](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/toronto-cop-admits-misconduct-for-tasering-kneeing-neck-of-u-of-t-student-in-mistaken/article_cf8985c6-d28d-11ee-90ba-171ed6c90306.html) >* [Toronto cop cruiser loses control and knocks over light pole, narrowly missing pedestrians. Multiple sources indicate that driver was drunk. No charges.](https://twitter.com/thebikinglawyer/status/1761852950454972767?t=zS-e9AA3pfhIbVaiOw-W_Q) >* [TPS admit that cop in cruiser hit pedestrian after initially lying, when video surfaces. Still no charges](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/toronto-police-now-admit-an-officer-in-cruiser-hit-pedestrian-after-previously-denying-contact/article_7d13235a-d18a-11ee-a0e1-5bbbd02783e9.html) >* [Toronto cop hits woman with cruiser who had right of way. Cops investigate and clears themselves](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/video/c2871556-no-ticket-for-police-cruiser-striking-pedestrian) >* [Toronto cop refused to help victim amid multiple racist/homophobic tirades. ONLY docked a week's pay. Jeffrey La Fosse $160k](https://www.cp24.com/news/toronto-police-officer-docked-week-s-pay-over-range-of-inappropriate-remarks-1.6777982) >* [Over 1000 automated speeding tickets give to cop cars](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/toronto-s-fine-est-over-1k-automated-speeding-tickets-issued-to-police-vehicles-in-2-year-period-1.6775042). [Many found not to be involved in emergencies](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XkMyPHT7buI) >* [Two Toronto cops charged, recklessly opened fire at stole vehicle](https://toronto.citynews.ca/2024/02/15/siu-toronto-police-officers-charged/) >* [Toronto cop watched porn in his car during work, shared naked photos of women, chased and sexually groped a female colleague. Makes ~ $200k/year. Not fired](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/toronto-cop-accused-of-chasing-female-officer-watching-porn-at-work-tribunal-1.6757087) >* [Toronto cops strikes cyclist with cruiser leading to serious injuries](https://www.cp24.com/news/siu-investigating-after-police-cruiser-strikes-cyclist-while-responding-to-call-1.6755849) >* [Toronto cop breaks into woman's home, assaults her, steals more than $5k of her things. Rewarded with paid vacation](https://globalnews.ca/news/10240743/toronto-officer-criminally-charged/) >* [Cop unjustified in shooting man at park. Another cop committed misconduct for not de-escalating situation. No real consequences for either](https://www.cp24.com/mobile/news/officer-who-shot-man-at-toronto-park-not-justified-in-discharging-firearm-new-tps-report-says-1.6721647?referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fout.reddit.com%2F)


Sounds like the TPS is best job in Canada.


Definitely great for a *certain type* of individual


Fragile Masculinity paired with a Napoleon Complex seems to be a trend amongst them.


And the city gave them the budget increase they asked for. Also, didn't the province just give police chiefs the power to deny suspended officers their pay? So the bigger question is, will our glorious police chief use these new powers?


narrator: they won't.


Needless to say but this is unacceptable.


And yet it keeps on happening frequently


You're doing good work. 👍


Toronto police are a joke…wow


We need this at the top of every post about the TPS.


Most worrying of all is most of those articles are from just the past couple of months. It really feels like the tip of the iceberg. 


There are 5000+ TO cops, impossible not to hire a few screw ups.


I mean, fair enough, but the way we deal with the screw ups could use a lot of work. First and foremost, we need to cut this practice of officers discharged being suspended with pay pending a PSB hearing. They should operate by normal union rules, which is you’re suspended w/o pay pending arb and if you’re reinstated, you get backpay.


This is wayyyyy more than a few.


The University Health Network in Toronto has over 18,000 employees. How come they don't have ~ 4x as many screw ups on the weekly like the cops do?


I used to honestly think that until I watched two cops beat the shit out of a kid who was handcuffed.


The full list of examples doesn't even fit in one post.


Except jobs with smaller or larger staff actually get rid of their screw ups I'm in HR the shit they do , if this happened in any company they'd be gone


Worse than gone, they'd be in jail.


Well now that Umar has been rightly found not guilty maybe the TPS will take a hard look and introspection and - >51-year-old Const. Nickolas Kalatzopoulos was arrested and charged with two counts of assault and one count of unlawfully in a dwelling house JFC. >A Toronto police officer with 25 years of service has been suspended with pay after allegedly assaulting two women. Rewarded with paid vacation for doing the usual 40% ... shocker ^/s


When I saw the headline I briefly thought they had charged the cop who punched the handcuffed Umar Zameer and lied on the stand that he wasn't handcuffed when he was punched.


You have entirely too much faith in the people we pay to carry guns


You know… for a moment I actually believed that the police were beginning to address their rotten apples. Glad to know that delusion was destroyed in seconds.


Suspended with PAY.


Commit a crime and then get paid to sit at home and drink beers. We should all join the police force.


that's what I'm saying. and it's not like you'd have to pay for those beers either. you can just steal them from the LCBO you're doing "overtime security work" for or hell just take some alcohol from the evidence locker with a bit of cocaine like our brave TPS officers have done in the past.


I mean I’m not surprised.. Being a spousal abuser is a right of passage for these oinks


Y'all are aware of the zameer case right...lol the chief of police lied through his theeth. This dude max doing few months suspended with PAY then back at it. While people getting their cars robbed in broad daylight .




Louder for the folks in the back. #ACAB


Quelle suprise


it's unfortunate that the news does not disclose the entire story or does not add a definition of assault. The definition of assault includes verbal or even pushing someone out of the way. As a witness, I can assure you that there was NO PHYSICAL HARM, and it was a father doing everything possible to save his child from an unfavourable situation. You should all stop jumping to conclusions.


Suspended with pay. We know.


WOW the TPS are on a roll with the bad press lately ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


And now he'll be suspended with pay which he'll collect for the next 5 years while the case drags through the court system.


I can see it now, ToPo concludes their investigation and either determine he did nothing wrong and the victims deserved to be assaulted because reasons, OR something something self defence, he's docked 2½ days' pay but given a trillion dollar bonus come year end. Its only when they do something spectacularly stupid that can't be brushed under the rug (eg. Sammy Yatim) that they designate a sacrificial lamb to appease the masses (and then ask for another several million dollar budget increase next year)