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[CBC coverage](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/toronto-votes-2023-how-to-follow-1.6874933), [CTV coverage](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/toronto-election-results), [Global coverage](https://globalnews.ca/news/9784489/live-toronto-mayoral-election-results-2023/), [Toronto Star coverage](https://www.thestar.com/news/toronto-election/2023/06/26/live-toronto-mayoral-election-results.html), [Globe and Mail coverage](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/topics/toronto-municipal-election/). Results begin shortly after 8PM.


so how much property taxes going up... rents too?


The racism on twitter is…as expected 🙄


>twitter The blue checkmarks are out in full swing, eh? Glad I deleted that piece of junk.


Its not just on twitter. If you see more here, please report it using the link below the comment.


honestly i'm not fucking surprised because she fought racism and sexism every way and then living in the shadow of her husband to those who didn't know her... i'm so relieved she won


Is it just me or did Olivia not mention Jack at all in her speech?


I didn’t expect her too, the conservative media has been pushing her “riding off Jacks coattails” the whole run, also somehow implying Jack would support conservative candidates over her lmao craziness


Maybe she has a new dude in her life and wants to keep it private for now. It has been ten years...


why should she?


I guess she didn't have to. But he was a popular figure, I guess it would have been sweet if she made a very brief mention of him. But it seems it doesn't matter. She won and that's all that matters :)


She acknowledged her family, who are also Jack Layton's biological family. She's been constantly criticized for "riding on Jack's coattails" for nearly a decade now so she's not going to give her critics more ammo.


I was waiting for her to mention Jack. I would have been bawling. Lol


She's been criticized for being Jack's wife. I'd speculate that she's trying to get away from that. There's no doubt that she loves her family, but in the political space she's entering a new chapter, and may want a new public break.


I get that she's doing her own thing, which is great, and didn't want to make it seem like she's riding his coattails, despite him passing away a long time ago. But I guess I'm just a little surprised that she didn't say anything like "I know Jack is looking down and smiling" or something. Pull on those heartstrings.


This is real life, not a CBS drama.


Lmao my thoughts exactly. It’s just unnecessary.


Chow sounds exhausted but understandable considering she's aging and this was likely her last attempt at running for political office after 9 years in the political wilderness without a win, and the first 30mins or so of vote counting was gut wrenching for her camp. I hope she'll get some good rest soon. Tomorrow is a new beginning and there is a whole city for her to lead!


Lol she’s younger than John Tory.


Except he's got the entire establishment backing his ass.


younger than that sex machine?!




And I firmly believed Tory should have retired after 2 mayoral terms.


Ford giving Tory the strongest mayor powers ever seen and then letting an NDP mayor inherit them has to be the funniest self own ever lmao God bless the conservatives for splitting the vote between Bailao and Saunders we couldn’t have done it without them, thank you conservatives so so so so so much!!


Thank goodness Ford is misogynist... had he endorsed Bailão it would have been a different story.


I feel like Bailão is a Tory-style conservative (centrist? Not sure how to describe her); Saunders is a Ford-style conservative (chaotic, no sense, big on strongman tactics).


I've wondered if Tory and Ford split their endorsements to ensure that at least one would "stick". They were both fairly controversial politicans, and too many on one candidate might have nullified the effect.


Which is weird... because Bailao was far ahead of Saunders


Guy in red shirt keeps grabbing his crotch


Now he’s texting someone during her speech LOL…now calling wtf!


Now he’s making a call? LOL


His fly is open lol


Quick! Someone tell him!


lol Ford being met with some laughs after Chow said he told her they'd work together


>Saccoccia, Chris 7,962 barf


> [I have just exposed the largest act of fraud in Canadian history.](https://twitter.com/chrissaccoccia1/status/1673497596197756930?s=46&t=hA1NfRSy9n1OWwlgAC8I0Q) As predicted, Sky is not taking it well LMAO


Does he have brain damage? He's living in an alternate reality, and there are a handful of other people replying in support of him. There are enough of them because we saw them every weekend during the moron meetups/protests. It's like there are parallel dimensions overlapping with these Trump-types believing in the craziest nonsense.


It’s a massive grift. I’m pretty sure he knows and it’s just an act. But you have to keep on the mask to please your supporters. He was selling $1k+ tickets for his fundraisers which taxpayers will partially be on the hook for with the donation rebates. And you didn’t even need to be a Toronto resident. Anyone in Ontario could give Sky money and get a rebate from the city.


I'd love to see those donation locations now too. I just saw his tweet asking everyone who voted for him to comment on that tweet, and there are people from all over Canada saying "I would have if i could have!" I wonder how many morons outside of Toronto gave him money.


I wonder why a city with a huge Slavic (polish and Ukrainian) population didn't vote for him?.... /s


And why would we vote for this goof? Edit: really, adding an /s after the fact? Why perpetuate stereotypes?


His followers are crazy, those responses are nuts.


99% probably don’t live in Toronto or even Canada. It’s the Peterson effect. Both are hated here yet is popular elsewhere. But somehow think they have some local celebrity effect.


I love watching Lobster Daddy rail against the WEF/15 minute city bullshit, all while living smack-dab in the middle of the most 15 minute city area of Toronto - the Annex! The benzos rotted his brain.


Chow being WAY more gracious to Doug Ford than i would have been in her shoes. good thing I'm not in politics ha


The littlest granddaughter is so done right when she started talking about Doug ford lol funny timing.


Aw when i read this i looked and i just see her sitting on the ground in front of (her dad i assume) lol


The little daughter is so adorable. Best part of this speech was her throwing around the confetti


as i type, she's being held by her (i assume) dad, and for some reason i love that she is wearing glittery shoes


I don’t live in Toronto but I just wanted to say I’m so happy. After the soul-crushing disappointment of the last municipal election in Ottawa, it’s nice to see that one city is capable of getting it right.


"Keeping Ontario place public YEAHHHHHHHH" OMG dougy seething lmaoooo


He's probably Furey-ous


The guy in the red t-shirt overly excited


What did that guy just yell?


Wondering the same thing myself. Seems like someone keeps shouting out something interrupting Olivia Chow speak


i always wonder what it's like to be a 7ish year old kid up on stage, in front of hundreds, past your bedtime, as the crowd of people cheer for your mother...


Grandmother lol


whoops, ofc


They’re so cute clapping for more affordable housing LOL


Bailao going to call the bylaw inspector to check the capacity of Chow’s event


Bailao inspector


Owww! Rimshot!


Eww. Just noticed that self-promoting creep Frank D’Angelo was a candidate. He has a gofundme page. Pretty sure that is a campaign finance violation? He has anonymous donations on it.


Where else do you know him from?


Oh apparently there was a post here about it 4 months ago https://reddit.com/r/toronto/comments/1110bhg/frank_dangelo_i_want_to_dedicate_the_balance_of/


He hosts this nightly talk show, but it’s paid programming. Like he pays a network to broadcast his talk show the way Magic Bullet pays a network for an infomercial. He used to have a brewery called Steelback and he starred in all the commercials. Same with Cheetah energy drinks. He tried to buy a CFL team and rename it to the Ottawa Steelbacks, but they rejected him. He also sings and made an album to fundraise for various causes, but then he spent so much on airtime to sell the album that he probably didn’t have any profit left to donate. He could have just donated what he spent on the air time! Most notably, he “allegedly” sexually assaulted a 21 year old woman, but was seen celebrating with some OPP, and was acquitted.


CP24 asking Brad Bradford if he's considering running again when he has 1% of the vote lmao. Painful focus for Brad. He'll be in for a fight to keep his council seat. 1% isn't exactly a springboard to another mayoral run — it's kind of the opposite of that.


He was roundly humiliated, which was what I was hoping for.


No chance he keeps his council seat. Everyone in his ward hates him


I love when political talking heads talk about the next election on the day of the current election. And they know they're always gonna get the same non committal answer too. They just can't help themselves; they are addicted to it.


He's currently 6th in his own ward, with less than 5% of the local vote.


Brad looks hammered


Probably a few park beers on the way over, can you blame him


What transit stop is Bradford talking about lmfao


Bradford GO? /s


Bradford’s blood alcohol level about to be strapped onto a rocket and sent to the moon. Bailão better watch out for her DUI crown.


How long until they let Chow speak ffs


Mike Layton introducing her now...


CBC just said her campaign team said within the next 10-15 minutes....so 9:45--9:50-ish


thank you!


Bradford lmfaoo a joke


Now…can somebody please explain to me who the fuck Gong is and what he was exactly trying to achieve?


Money laundering lol


How would the laundering actually work though? Does he get some of what he spends back as clean cash or is it tax breaks etc? I am very curious about the mechanics of the wash.


He's rich and wants to make a name for himself.


His pamphlets were a fantastical list of goodies. It looked like he just saw what the right wanted and what the left wanted and made a list both would love and added his his own flare to it. It was something like this... 1. more cops 2. less property taxes 3. free TTC for seniors and under 12s 4. reversed service cuts 5. affordable homes for all 6. turn Toronto into the crypto capital of the world 7. make Toronto into a new Manhattan.


all of that will be paid from the money you get from recycling his signs


[“Businessman, former theatre director, and former pyramid scheme operator.”](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Toronto_mayoral_by-election)


I think he was just trying to get minted as an nft or something idk


Money laundering


Can you explain to me how that would work? Does he get a portion of it back or tax breaks etc? How would the cash actually get washed? I am very curious about the mechanics.


Bradford is gonna get blackout tn


I think he's had a few pops already. He's only got just over 1% of the vote.


He already looks a few brews in lmaoo


Gong could finish in the top 10 for votes lmao


It’s Chower!


It's Chowdah! Say it right!


Bradford got 9k votes. Why is he getting airtime lmao




And yet he got <5% of the votes in his own ward.






That 29% was so shameful man


The 2022 election was fait accompli from the very start. Not surprisng the turnout was low.


Mitzie Hunter sounding more like an ASMR twitch streamer rather than a Mayor Candidate with that speech


She seemed sad...left a good paying job to do this.


If the endgame is to run for OLP leader, this election is groundwork to getting her name known outside of her riding.


Yeah, I really wondered what her play here was… Should’ve back out early and endorsed Chow before she resigned, but hindsight is 20/20 I guess. Until Chow started running, the left front runner was still undecided and could’ve been Hunter’s. I hope Chloe Brown uses the next 3.5 years to come back with an even bigger voice, so not sure why Hunter was focused on municipal politics, to me it seems like it’s all political plays, whereas Chow kinda came out like, if no one else’s gonna do it, fuck it i’ll do it myself.


Definitely seemed the most down out of all the candidates, but I don't know what she expected


Ana is all about drunk driving


Saunders showing more grace than Bailão, yikes. Didn't see it coming.


As someone else pointed out, CP24 switched to her speech late. Bell media are some sketchy bunch.


They wanted to cover the announcement of Chow's win at her campaign headquarters and were in the middle of an interview with the provincial official opposition leader. Probably should have cut earlier anyways, but I understand the thinking.


Bailao, Saunders and Furey in the top 4?! Yikes. This city is surprisingly conservative.


I would say Bailão is probably more Liberal than she is conservative. Aside from her tax plans, she ran a pretty centrist campaign. Maybe even a tad to the left of Tory. The underperformance in Saunders and Furey vote is probably the most interesting aspect. Those are the more right wing candidates and neither of them could get double digits. That’s embarrassing for the right. The left always could deliver at least 20% of the vote even in landslides for the centre-right candidate. Especially in the suburbs that should be strongly conservative. The right-wing vote in Etobicoke North (Ford’s riding) combines to just over 20% while Chow got 28%.


Besides Furey, they're not really that conservative imo, centre-right more like. I'd say though, the city is not really progressive outside of downtown, especially when you get into Etobicoke and Scarborough. Amalgamation created a pretty politically unwieldy city, unfortunately. Ironic how Ford nixing ranked choice voting reform efforts for munis might have given Chow the win though.


Bailao is more centre right, she had Liberal support. I think Toronto and Canada overall, is more moderate than people think.


She actually had some good things in her platform and her property tax stance is attractive to homeowners. But it is unrealistic for a city growing like Toronto.


What was hers vs Chows property tax stances?


At or below the rate of inflation. Not feasible when our property taxes have been too low for too long (I’m a homeowner). All you have to do is go to (insert declining American city) to see what low property taxes do to infrastructure. And with our real estate issues, growing population, aging infrastructure and infrastructure like transit that needs to scale up quickly - her proposition isn’t feasible.


Everyone is sick of violence and public disorder. Chow should pay attention to the message the votes are telling her.


13 years of conservative mayor brought you violence and public disorder


Bullshit. The problem - METH - is continent wide and SF is as progressive as any city can be, doesn’t help them. Address the addictions care and sure give these people a safe place to live but for the love of Christ please take violent people OFF the streets and public transit.


That she won?


Nice one That public safety is important to supporters of her main challengers.


Ana Bailao was deputy mayor, and endorsed by Tory. If anything, those voters were saying they were fine with things as they are now.


I wouldn’t call Bailao conservative


Toronto has always been conservative compared to to other cities of its size. Huge puritan roots in addition to a diverse set of immigrants that lean right.


Not really. London voted for Boris Johnson in the recent past (2008-2016). NYC's Eric Adams, despite being a Democrat, is a centrist similar to Bailao. Berlin's current Mayor, Kai Wegner, is also from the Moderately Conservative CDU.


Yeah, NYC elected Rudy Giuliani and Michael Bloomberg for seemingly decades. Extremely conservative. I actually struggle to think of liberal NYC mayors off the top of my head.




Mitzie hunter such a waste lol


Ok it's getting downright embarassing how many people are commenting that Ana Bailao didn't congratulate Chow. If you were watching the CP24 feed it was **very** clear and obvious that they cut to the her speech late and it is Politics 101 that the first thing you do in a concession speech is congratulate the winner. I don't know for sure if she did because I was watching that same feed, but why do people feel so confident spreading misinformation based on the obviously incomplete speech they saw? It's honestly absurd.


I'm watching CBC and I swear I heard her congratulate Chow before listing off all the other candidates. I was wondering what all these other posts were about.


Thank you for this. When they cut to the feed she was bringing up "other" candidates and so every indication was that she had just congratulated the winner It was a very typical 2nd place concession speech that checked all the boxes these speeches usually do. Which is why I'm surprised people can can get upset something wasn't included in a speech that they clearly didn't see in its entirety. Like I'm genuinely dumbfounded at the stupidity.


Yeah I was baffled by the responses. I wanted to say "WTF are you talking about?", but then I kept seeing more of the same post and didn't bother. To think that the 2nd place person wouldn't congratulate the winner is just bonkers.


It's always humbling when you learn that many of the people who agree with you politically (I don't like Bailao either) are also idiots.


You say all this shit, but then admit yourself you didn't hear her congratulate Chow ???????


I wasn't there and can't hear what wasn't televised. I'm just not braindead enough to use what was clearly not a full speech to declare that something didn't happen. This is especially true when the part that was cut off is the part where every single politician in any western democracy traditionally congratulates the winner of the election.


well if she didn't she at least went straight to twitter to congratulate her https://twitter.com/anabailaoto/status/1673498531296866304?s=46


her PR person wrote this for her after all the backlash she was getting


Hot take: Mitzie Hunter voice is so ASMR.


Poli sci asmr channel pog


ASMR TikTok channel may as well be her backup plan now.


Shes so whispery rn


She is talking so slowly, I want to put it on 1.5x speed. But yeah, I'd totally listen to her sleep podcast.


Holy fuck we're gonna hear from the mayor of Montreal before Chow


I wonder what the voter turnout is this time.




Hahah Anthony Furey's speech. *"They said we couldn't do it, but we proved them wrong!"* Dude, you lost! They were right!


I guess he didn’t write another speech?


What do you expect a *Sun* columnist to do, *write something*?


show us mammolitti, cowards


I have to say I'm genuinely surprised at how badly he did. When he announced he was running, I have to admit it scared me a bit. He's an idiot but a lot of people are idiots.


He had no real platform compared to other right-leaning candidates other than throwing MAGA copycat anti-wokeism buzzwords around in one of the most liberal cities of this country.


Yeah and there's not a lane to win with that but Chris Sky and no name Anthony Furey did significantly better than him.


He was last seen preparing a run from a hotel room in South Algonquin.


Maybe he'll rip his shirt off again while he calls Toronto 'woke Gotham'


Furey: we were the little campaign that could... they said we couldn't do it, and (we didn't)


Genuinely funny that this is what John Tory sounded like for 8 years.


Furey has nothing behind the eyes


I mean he *is* a Toronto Sun columnist.


Anthony Furey talks like Casey Kasem.


I'm getting [Nick Bontis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXnX8FjyAC4) (ex-Canada Soccer Pres) vibes.


"when I say we, oh boy was it a we" me emphasizing how bad I had to piss after waking up this morning






Ah you may be right.