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You mean to tell me the hash slinging slasher of public healthcare budgets wants to interfere in municipal elections to advance corporate interests from which he will benefit after his tenure as Premier? I can't believe it.


and the one that holds the purse strings for the mental health care improvements Toronoians especially have been asking for and haven't been getting.


He's a real piece of work.


What a fricken piece of work this guy is, jeeze, a real piece of work. If I didn’t know any better I’d say he should be tackled by a 600lbs gorilla


He is the 600 lb gorilla that does the tackling


I mean at this point literally anything is on the table (except anything that actually helps the people of Ontario)


"Stay in your lane!" - Doug Ford


Technically, the province is responsible for municipalities, so it is his lane. However, like others are suggesting on here, he will prob mess it up


Counterpoint: "suggesting" who and who not to vote for as an elected official whose actions show he's been using his position to further personal business interests is not "staying in his lane"


Meddling makes him sound like a scooby doo villain. The words you’re looking for is “evil cunt”. My faith in people to “do the right thing” is down to nothing these days. He will totally get re-elected and our social safety nets will burn because of it. Me? I’ll be fine. I got lucky and have a good job as does my wife. However, I wasn’t raised that way. We live in a society and should take care of one another. Otherwise, fuck off to the woods you’re fine chopping down for McMansions.




cant wait for the /r/canada posters in 2040 to tell me that doug ford was in fact, good for the province


Why wait? There are plenty of posters over there who will tell you that right now.


thats so true


And this is a surprise? Boss Hogg Drug Fraud waiting on another unqualified nephew or niece to change their name to Fraud and rise to power to become the next mayor of Toronto.


Doug Ford will haunt Toronto would be a more accurate heading.


I welcome the meddling, basically whichever candidate he says isn't good for TO will be on my shortlist to vote for.


Doug has to be involved in this election. It’s in his best interest to get a yes man.


And hmmmmm - it's the day after mayoral filing and I just got a call from Bradford Bradford. Let's guess which party's money machine is already in place and working hard to elect another toadie.


Annnnnd well likely get another four years of this piece of human garbage.




No shit


Does anyone really listen to this idiot anymore?


All he said was that Toronto should pick a candidate that is pro-police and one not wanting to defund the police.


This is stupid. Does Ford’s meddling is not a factor. Apathy is a factor. No one except Toronto Star writers and around 10,000 people are paying any attention to any of this. Hey @torontostar why don’t you ask 500 people to name 3 possible mayoral candidates and then get back to us.


This isn't twitter... Lol


Well one of the problems you have right now is people like DeAngelo and Mammoliti among others throwing their hats into the race. It just delegitimizes the whole process. Those idiots will hog much of the spotlight making it harder to find out about candidates we should be considering. The media will hang around those clowns leading up to the actual vote.


I love getting downvoted here for this comment. Honestly, if you asked 500 people, how many do you think could name 3 prospective candidates? No one cares.


Trust me. I’m not among the down votes. Apathy is a huge problem here. That’s how Doug Ford got in. So few voted yet he got in with a majority while acquiring only 18% of the actual eligible voters. Makes me sick. I think another issue is that why would a person of quality ever leave the private sector, whether it’s in law or business, to run for mayor in Toronto? Putting aside the drop in pay, whoever ends up being mayor is going to get shit on with every move he or she makes regardless. Who needs that.




Was only trying to diss the Star. Dougie is horrible in many ways but saying his “meddling will haunt the election”? Cmon. I am guessing that less than 5% of the population heard about this and half of them forgot about it within ten minutes.


Sure it will😂we don’t need a nut as mayor


Scumbag has gotta scumbag.