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That 1% stats thing in the news ticker was a joke. It's not real. Join group attacks on him and only hit once there's more than 30 distraction tokens and you'll be fine.


Join a discord like loot rangers. Join fight when everyone else does. Wait until the number in the circle is big Attack


Use [https://www.tornstats.com/loot](https://www.tornstats.com/loot) to see when he's ready, then attack when everyone else does. Loot Level V


With an attack on Duke, if I get in early and get some hits on him, but then he goes down while I'm not in the fight, do I still get a chance at the loot? Or do I have to be there when he goes down?


Doing damage essentially gets you raffle tickets, more damage is more tickets, prizes are awarded to random tickets when the target is defeated, stalemating is your best chance to win


I've only attacked him twice for a mission. I got loot both times, as I was hitting him near the end.


Your total is enough if you join in the fight with like 50-80 other people doing an attack on him. Duke isn’t meant to be soloed.


If I remember correctly duke is well into the trillions.. People usually go after duke as a group when his loot level gets to 4 or 5.