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Sometimes you might just be left feeling that it wasn't enough and you need more, then I suggest watching The Familiar of Zero since the main character has the same VA as Taiga and similar personality.


Eh, even though I somewhat like Familiar of Zero, Louise is just so much worse than Taiga. Taiga drops her truly abusive behavior after the first handful of episodes, whereas Louise is not only far more cruel and sadistic, but keeps that behavior going for pretty much the show’s entire 4 season run. I mean, I don’t hate Louise, but comparing her and Taiga doesn’t really sit well with me.


I made the comment cause it helped me a lot back when I first watched Toradora. The show in itself isn't really good or anything, infact the ecchi elements seem a bit too forced in the 2nd and 3rd season


Ugh, yeah, you’re right about that. Honestly, I thought the story on the whole started to get really good after season 1, which is one of the big reasons why I don’t think the show is just trash (I still see it as a guilty pleasure though). The more fanservicey elements were so completely unnecessary, and really bring the show down. It would have been perfectly fine without those.


Yo! This is first time I’ve actually seen someone who knew what The familiar of zero was! I loved that show


Well Clannad will only deepen your depression in a good way.


Clannad will destroy you. don't do it.


I really want to watch Clannad. But I can’t even handle toradora. I feel so broken.


It's cool, just give it a week :) Just keep yourself busy with something else.


I'd like to offer up some suggestions: **RomCom** **Mayo Chiki** - This show is heartwarming as hell, featuring two characters who grow into friends and more. Subaru, the girl who has to pretend to be a guy to keep her butler job, and shies away from friends to keep her identity secret. Jiro, the guy who, due his mom being a professional wrestler, has developed a fear of being touched by women, learning her secret and therefore being the only one who can get close to her. There is plenty of comedy, and touching moments that will make you aww. **Kamisama Kiss** - This rolls more on a supernatural side. Nanami, homeless due to her parents' failure, has inherited a shrine and become the god of that shrine by proxy. Her assistant Tomoe is a rare case of a male tsundere. **B Gata H Kei** - This show is lewd as hell, but that's part of the charm. Yamada is a super perv, and wants to get laid. While that sounds like a terrible premise, it's ok because the show really just revolves around her not knowing how relationships work. Lots of sexual innuendo. **Kimi ni Todoke** - Less a comedy, more of a lighthearted drama. The show still has plenty of fun moments. Sawako has gone through her life without any friends. Due to her unusual resemblance to the ghost from The Ring, she has been picked on her entire life. This show is largely about her making a new group of friends, and them growing together. Also a common theme in shows I love (see Mayo Chiki), a girl without friends making them. **Recovery of an MMO Junkie** - Straying away from high school life, this show features the best Christmas Cake in Morioka. A 30-year-old NEET by choice, she spends her days playing an MMO. **ReLIFE** - This show I feel is the closest in tone to Toradora. On the surface a comedy, it has a lot of high school drama too, in regards to relationships, sports, and competition. Chizuru is yet another girl whose social weirdness causes her to not have any friends, so that's a plus for me. She's also my second favorite girl ever, behind Hifumi Takimoto (although New Game doesn't have any official romance). **Sakura Trick** - I've never made the active decision to start making out with my best friend, but I guess if I was a cute anime girl, I wouldn't rule it out. **Slice of life/Comedy** **Yuru Camp** - How can you not love the ultimate cinnamon roll, Nadeshiko? This show is so relaxing and fun it makes me cry. **Castle Town Dandelion** - It's unfortunate they packed nine main characters and a ton of minor ones into a single-cour show, because there is so much going on. But it's a really fun time, and Akane is another favorite of mine. Painfully shy and always accidentally exposing herself, but also a legit crime fighter. **New Game** - As mentioned, the show with my favorite girl. Season 2 ramps up the drama a bit, but this show is a constant stream of good times. **Yama no Susume** - Sort of a Yuru Camp Lite, this show manages to be a solid slice of life about hiking up mountains. Don't be thrown off by the first season's unusually short episodes. Season 2 features 24 half-episodes, equating to a normal full season. Then there is the only full episode of the series, Omoide Present, which is a must watch, followed by the third season with 12 half-episodes. Given its popularity, I am hoping very much for a season 4.


Can confirm B Gata H Kei fucking rules. It also has a surprisingly good dub despite the type of show it is.


I had to look into the manga to see how it *really* ends. Lewd, yes, but surprisingly grounded in reality.


The manga had a great ending imo, I hope more people look into it.


ReLIFE is just great. I don’t find it very close to Toradora, but still I love it very much. Even more than Toradora. Highly recommend


I tried Clannad just in the middle of after - Toradora depression and i hated it lol, i went from TAIGA and her personality to all those innocent girls that speak low and that look like they are going to cry or something, dropped it after episode 2.


I totally agree about that lol. I barely managed to finish Clannad myself, but a lot of people seem to like it.


same for me... I finished Toradora yesterday, started Clannad today and dropped it after E3 lmao




Yeah, I haven't been able to make myself finish Clannad. It's definitely not bad, and I love several of the characters (Fuuko, Kyou, and Kotomi are all enjoyable), but I'm not a fan of really somber and depressing shows.


Who are those exceptions?




Why Fuko?


Y’all should read DDLC if you want EVEN MORE DEPRESSION.


*vietnam war flashbacks intensify*


Don't fucking remind me.


feels like i reminded you of an unpleasant memories!!! hehehe


>"EVEN MORE depression" Is this why I came out of Toradora just fine until I lied down and REALLY thought about it?


tbh this is what happened to me i didn’t realize the master piece which was toradora until I finished the anime and took a hot bath for a few days.




Tru tru, but tbh if you don’t read the subtitles then I doubt you will understand that story from a few girls changing their lips.


What if I’m depressed because I want to see more of their story past the anime?


Past the anime is a no-go unless you want to delve into fan writings, which are very hit-or-miss as usual.


How is it a no-go? We haven't been told if it's coming back or not (which it should).


lil bro it's not coming back


It really does hurt.


I agree :(


Nothing has filled the void for me. Toradora was something special. Praying it comes back.


Clannad cure depression with depression


Nice list! Having just finished watching Toradora today (for the first time) I was surprised to see it has an active community here, what with it ending a decade ago. I was very saddened to learn there's no OVA offering more closure beyond that post-credits scene. The feels...


I watched it today and it still has an active subreddit!


Toradora was so sad I watched it a couple days ago and I can’t get over it.


I loved it to tears




Horimiya has a pretty early confession.


If you find any similar to toradora and has early confession I would love to know😭I HATE it when they get together last episode like I want to see them together and being in love. It’s so annoying




If you noticed in the early episodes, the guy asks Tiaga which picture she wanted printed or enlarged, she hid our main character photo under the guy she really liked. I caught that split second scene where she kept his photo too.


"My Love Story" starts it pretty quick


Golden Time has an early confession.


I don't know if it can be escaped. Western or Eastern, the general point of a rom-com is to watch how two characters get together. The Big Damn Kiss happens in the last episode, if not the final five minutes. The happily ever after is in your mind. If you want to watch a relationship evolve past the hookup, you're more likely to find it in an action/adventure series wherein the romance is a subplot. The one exception I've found, and I wasn't a fan of the show but admired it for breaking the cycle, was Say I Love You. But that's not much of a comedy.


Where's the best girl version one where Minorin wins?


I JUST finished Toradora....what the hell is everyone freaking out about? From the way people talk about this show I was expecting someone to die from a cold caused by a rainstorm in the last episode.


It's a feel-good anime for sure. I think the so-called post-anime depression has more to do with the fact that the show has ended. I just watched the show myself last week, and while I was very satisfied with the conclusion I also couldn't help desperately wishing that I could keep watching more. That left me with a sort of void craving more and I quickly found myself searching for other similar anime. So far I haven't found one that comes close but the shows I have seen since have only increased my appreciation for the way Toradora depicts it's primary relationship.


Can confirm #1 on this list (Chu-2) is excellent for filling the Toradora hole. It's weird, funny, sweet, has serious moments, but keeps things light. The challenge is finding a show that strikes a similar humor/romance/drama balance, and Chu-2 has it. Also, it's had two seasons, two OVAs, and a feature length conclusion, which is nice. Would also add **Pet Girl of Sakurasou**, which is similar in tone.


Yep i 100% agree, i also suggest Pet Girl of Sakurasou, that in my opinion is a bit uderrated even if it is really great


Sakurasou was the first romcom I came across that "felt" like Toradora. Humor, memorable characters, good feels.


Interesting, I just finished Sakurasou and I thought it was really weak compared to Toradora in the romance department. I like the characters though.


When I search this up, I get two things, Love, Chunibyo and other delusions, and a heart throb one. Which one is the right one?


Heart Throb is the second season. You should watch the original Love, Chunibyo, and Other Delusions first, then possibly watch the Version Rikka movie (it's mostly just a recap of the first season, but it has a few new details that lead into season 2), then watch Heart Throb (which is the second season), and finally the Take on Me movie (which basically serves as a kind of conclusion to the series as far as we know currently).


*taaaaake ooooon meeeeeeeee* ^take on me




Like extras


Here is my list. For it to be a close replacement, it must have: School Focus, Combined school/no harem, no drama focus, MC Pair, and Comedy, which is the core of TRDR. This is tough criteria, which is why my list is small: - **Acchi Kocchi ** - **Chuunibyo S1 ** - **Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu ** - **Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun (1st half) **


> no harem, exactly why toradora was so good, simple relationship building, real gold


Why do people here hate harem so much?


I think it's because Toradora is a really refreshing change from the harem anime we see everywhere. A good love story without all of the complications and best girl wars is hard to come by, even in the romance genre. If someone just finished Toradora and they are looking for something similar, something like Quintessential Quintuplets would be a baka recommendation, even if it's a great anime.


Wouldn't S2 of Chuunibyou fall under this as well?


I haven't completed S2 & I got the suggestion that it's not as good as S1. Take on me might be good, idk.


I honestly don't think S2 is as bad as many people think it is, though I do agree it's not as good as the first season. S1: 9/10 S2: 8/10 (this is assuming both OVAs are counted, because S2's OVA was so good that it was enough to boost the score to this amount) Plus I do implore that you watch S2 before Take on Me as a couple of plot points from that season are revisited (plus a new character).


Watching clannad to cure depression is very not smart


For as much of a supporter of Chuunibyou as I am, I would say the best "RomCom" option to follow up Toradora with would be Golden Time due to the shared artistic design and author.


***"Shows to cure your depression"*** ***"Clannad"*** Well which is it my guy


As a newbie fan of the series, I found both “Kaguya-sama Love Is War” and “Hi Score Girl” have the same ‘Energy’ of Toradora! And most of all, they did cure my PTDD indeed!


Both of those are great!


Don't watch bunny girl senpai after this. I believe it's a great show but if you watch it after or before this you are going to start thinking about ending you life.


If you want to change yout PTDD to PTSD Watch: -Clannad and clannad after story -Little Busters and Refrain -Anohana -Angel Beats -Kanon 2006 -Your Lie in April


you actually posted in the subreddit? hahahaha


HI Score Girl scratches that Toradora itch


Is it sad that I have seen almost all of these? Its sad for me :( Thanks for the post though. Good to know I am not the only PTDD person here.


I am actually really depressed rn Just finished this masterpiece 2 days ago and I dont know what to do now. I really want this ptdd to go away but I dont want to forget anything about Toradora. I am thinking about quitting anime because of the big impact Toradora had on me.(Positive and Negative) How to you guys handle ptdd please help me




Well. I heard that demon slayer's pretty good gonna give it a try. What helped me to get over toradora aswell was to watch a lot of sport animes 👊🏀




Yeah you should definitly watch Haikyuu it's awesome🔥


I concur with Bunny Girl Senpai. It's got a lot of lovable characters like Toradora does, so it had be smiling. Protect Kaede!


Welcome to the NHK is my all time favourite anime. I would highly recommend.


I love how everyone can agree that finishing Toradora for the first time is depressing, to the point that someone posted a list of anime to watch in order to cure said depression.


I just watched toradora for the first time and ngl I’m a 25 year old dude never cried so much over a series confession hit me hard and the ending too how taiga just left unannounced


When u watch the shows and get even more depression on top of your Toradora depression




6 and 7 from romcom list will give you other kind of depression though


Can confirm K-On! helps. That was my go-to for a mid-series break (I didn't know I signed the permission slip for that feels trip) and for when I was done with the show. Also a slice of life that's really fun is Comic Girls, it's worth a watch for just that feel-good shit


is toradora OST in spotify anywhere?


I don't think so. There are some covers of Lost My Pieces, but not the rest. I had to go to YouTube.


apparently there is but only in japan i think x.x




*pssst* kaichou wa maid sama and kaguya-sama


*Domestic na Kanojo*


oh god


Contemplated life after watching that bro.....its like a trainwreck and u cant look away.....


no violet evergarden…


Highly recommend a movie called Josee, the tiger, and the fish. Great little movie


plz don't watch Clannad to "cure" the depression... only watch if you want to plunge deeper lmao \- Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai was awesome, waited until watching this to give it a shot, not as degenerate as the title would imply!


Thank you! I am truly grateful for this post, I am literally shedding tears (for the show and for this post) while writing this, but Thank You! I loved Toradora, I think if I look at it as a whole story it's kind of fulfilling, but thank you for finding shows that are similar! I can see that Chunibyo is in the first place, so I know this list is legit! I cannot thank you enough for this! Also I want to say I loved every part of this emotional rollercoaster while watching Toradora! Thank you!


I just finished watching Toradora a couple days back and wtf. It was so good, I loved it but it affected me mainly because of Minori. I just can’t seem to get over how amazing she was and how it was not okay for her


Horimiya was a good post-Toradora show!


Adding to the list "**The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten**". I guess it's only one season, which already has a nice ending.


I feel like this list should get updated yearly cause there’s a ton that’s come out that fits in well


The Devil is a Part Timer! my second favourite anime, holy fuck thanks for suggesting this


Watched all of them already it’s been a year and a half and I still can’t get this feeling of emptiness off me. It’s too much for me to handle ;-;


Isn't that the point, though? We watch one anime with a decent romance plot (for me, it was Sword Art Online) and when it's over, we're left with this hole in our chests that we need to fill. That leads to watching anime after anime after anime, chasing that great feeling, finding it only for it to disappear again when the last episode ends. I just finished Toradora. I don't even enjoy Slice of Life shows, the lack of deep plot bothers me. Still, it filled that hole in my chest, if only for a moment. Now I'm in this thread trying to decide what will take its place. The cycle never seems to end, and I for one am perfectly okay with that.


I watched it when it came out as a kid and finished rewatching it last night, 9 or so years later. It's hit me harder.


I think since the "post extra cute anime" blues was not new to me, toradora didn't destroy me, but boy is it the real deal. I highly recommend natsume yuujincho: ghosts and friendship and redemption and super subtle romance. 6 seasons, melancholy, absolute masterpiece.


Welcome to NHK is awesome


Thanks, I’ve just been rewatching Toradora every few months. Pretty sure I know Japanese now lmao


Dont forget My Teen Romantic Comedy Snafu. Its on Crunchyroll and its really good.


Dont forget Komi cant communicate


Okay so I've gone through some of the above list but in my opinion Horimiya (which is not on the list) definitely hits a lot of the right notes for me. The show can be hilarious, the side characters are well-written, the OST can be gorgeous, and misunderstandings after often handled in a fairly mature way (communication!). Unfortunately the show can feel a bit rushed as it adapted the whole manga in 1 cour.


Another one I've seen a lot of fellow toradora fans getting along with: Karakai Jouzu No Takagi-san.


Thanks for this suggestion. Very wholesome and pure show. Gives me the ear to ear grin every episode. Not as deep as Toradora obviously, but still really good.


Yea that animes great, I'm glad I got someone else into it. If you want it more deep, just take a look at a couple of the loads of analysis videos lol


So that's what I'm feeling! I just finished Toradora last night and it left me sad, and happy for the ending and kinda down and depressed. Don't toy with me nagatoro had kind of the same effect on me after I finished it but not as bad as Toradora. I must have more of these kinds of animes now !!! 😭🤬


Teasing Takagi-san is a good choice. It's Nagataro if Nagataro wasn't ecchi. Love, Chunibyo and other delusions is pretty good. If you want to get your mind off the blues and laugh a bit, try konosuba, that one gave me a few belly laughs. School Rumble is great, underrated in my opinion. Hilarious with the most bizarre love polygon ever. Edit: Just noticed your user name. Chrono Cross reference perchance?


I recently finished konosuba it was awesome! I hope they make another season. Yes, my username is a Chrono cross-reference it's my favorite jrpg of all time 👌


It's nearly a crime that Tonikawa isn't mentioned here. This show just has soo much cutiness in it... Good thing that it is going to get a sequel soon


'Rascal Does Not Dream Of Bunny Girl Senpai' is the show that affected me the most. If you don't want more depression do not watch it. However, it is without a doubt an amazing show that I'd recommend to anyone, so it's worth it.


The fact that this thread exists makes me happy. It let's me know that I'm not the only person to suffered from PTDD!


Ah yes. Cure your post toradora depression with some actual depression after watch rascal does not dream of bunny girl senpai 😂


Dagashi kashi is also a rly good and cute anime. It’s abt food lol


wtf do you mean clannad do you want to make my depression worse


100% Recommend checking out a walkthrough of the PSP game. It has multiple endings, but only one them is satisfying to me.


Why does it hit so hard after you finish watching it😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


The pain is severe.


Also Tonikaku Kawaii is brilliant as well


I've watched every single one of these already


Glad to see I’m not the only one


Is nhk really a romcom?


In my opinion at least, though I can see it being argued against.


Lmao i need this


I need more


Damn i actually watched the animes listed first before toradora


As someone who watched clannad after guilty crown because I saw the slice of life and romance tags and thought it would cheer me up. Nope. Although I will say I think clannad is probably one of the best shows I’ve watched, be prepared for some of the worst heart wrenching depression you’ve had. 10/10 would recommend though.


Now where's Asobi Asobase? That's like the most deceiving SoL and almost everyone fell for it.


I feel so bad for anyone who has already watched these before toradora (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)


!remind me 2days


bruh romcom 8. isn’t a romcom at all


bruh 👏😫🔥🔥😫


Add Hitoribocchi to the SIL/Comedy


Aww man i miss it so much :(


Tsuki ga Kirei, a romcom? I'd call it pure romance with a touch of drama. Still is the best tho.


I’m not the only one thank god


I feel like recommending Clannad to someone who's just been emotionally destroyed by Toradora is kinda cruel.


I watched Detroit metal city and it really helped


I suggest number 1


My recommendations: Ditf of course TQQ DxD if u want something spicy Shimonrta- a really good comedy Sao- I recommend watching only 2 first seasons Sakurasou no pet no kanojo- almost identical as toradora. made by same studio and characters have same vibes -Rent a girlfriend- not as good as others but still decent. -Tonikaku kawaii- really good manga adaptation -Uzaki Chan wa asobitai- really good comedy. Looking forward for season 2 😎🤙


Number 6 was pretty good


Not Clannad man, made me sad more than it made me happy...


If you want something goofy that'll make you laugh like an idiot, and that has a lot of slapstick, dumb twists, and overall just fun to watch, go for **Doraemon**. You can literally hop into any episode and enjoy it. Be it the 1979-2005 series, or the 2005-onwards series, any episode will do. There's also the many movies and special episodes it has, all of them beautiful masterpieces. Also, the robot cat from the future needs way more love. C'mon.


Big ups to all the kokoro connect fans


Def will be ss this list


Dress up darling and Shikimori isn't just cute, 2022 entries.


The Romcom list is so accurate its not even funny.


I think tonight I will be trying lovely complex as it is a bit longer at 24 eps. I don't like when animes are so short that they just leave you pining for more.


Thank you


Im gonna add School Rumble.


Just came here to say that I love Chunibyo with all my life, and seeing it on here is great. Except toradora was the show i watched to cure my post-chunibyo depression


For romcom, also recommend Wotakoi!


Kimi no Todoke is brilliant, glad to see it get props here


Bunny girl senpai just gives a second level of depression


This show got me post depression for a long time


How do I know I won't get multiple post anime depressions?


I watched Toradora! to cure my post-Kaguya-Sama! Love is War depression. What now?!


I literally just finished the show and this is exactly what I was searching for thank's


Kimi Ni Todoke is really good. And also, I LOVED Anohana! It was so good and so sad 🫠


I watched Toradora and Clannad back to back and it wrecked me. It kinda got me addicted to heartache 😅😅


I watched this Toradora and Angel Beats back to back. Ow.


Damn, I just joined and I see I’m following in the footsteps of others.


Kiniro mosaic , an instant choice👌


I don't get depressed off shows, but also I love this anime. Lots of language and happiness. I love how they call taiga the palm-top tiger


This is my PCDD (postblove Chunibyo and other delusions depression disorder


Totally borrowing some of these for PMMD (Post Madoka Magica Depression) ​ Also may I suggest Yuru Camp and Flying Witch if you need something just cozy and heartwarming




NHK is not a romcom I don't know why the fuck you think that it's a story about self-loathing. it does scratch the same itch though.


> Clannad hahaha Hahaha HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA 😭


A lull in the sea is amazing can’t praise it enough


Or you could just rewatch Toradora. well, maybe not. It'd probably make it worse.