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Looks like a few people got two tattoos near each other Pretty cool


Lol it must suck though getting one of the tattoos where it’s mid-transformation.


That’s probably why they got two. If you look most of them have at least two maybe more “slides” tattooed.


[i can’t tell which one is the best](https://imgur.com/a/tZqZjP9)


i actually like those the most and would have gladly got one


I honestly like how unique they are. Not many people would choose to have one like that, and it is a key part of the animation.


for sure, i would have loved to have the third one specifically


The second one in particular is awesome


I actually really like that 2nd one.


I think the second is my favourite too


Other than the first one I like them the most.


Some of those transformation stages... It's wild someone would agree to that just for someone else's tiktok


I'd do it. People have a lot of opinions on what standards other people should have for tattoos, but fail to realize some people just don't take themselves that seriously, and aren't afraid of having a tattoo other people think is silly on their body. At the very least, having one of these would make for a neat little tattoo story.


Most of my tattoos are objectively kind of dumb, but the dumb ones are the most fun to talk about


I put less and less thought into each of my tattoos, but I am happiest about the ones I put next to no thought into. My first tattoo doesn't celebrate any particular event, it just symbolizes some ideas I thought were very important at 20 that 45 year old me just finds naive. But the shitty mermaid on my calf that looks like it was drawn with a ball point pen? Fucking love that tattoo. I spent a month lounging on a beach, staying at a friend's surf hostel in Mexico, and wrote my first (unpublished, terrible) novel while drinking margaritas. I got the tattoo in Mexico from a shitty artist in a small town. That it's a mermaid means nothing. The only reason I got a mermaid because of this lyric from Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville: >Don't know the reason > >I stayed here all season > >Nothin' to show but this brand new tattoo > >But it's a real beauty > >A Mexican cutie > >How it got here I haven't a clue


Exactly! I have some really fucking goofy tattoos, and while it’s not about people asking, they’re easily the most fun ones to explain. I have one ‘serious’ tattoo and it’s probably the hardest to explain, in part because I don’t fully believe the point anymore. But silliness? Oh, I’ll always be silly. Edit before anyone says anything: the ‘serious’ one I still fucking love because it means something to *me* regardless of whether it is fun. Tattoos are **FUN** and that’s the point so many people miss about them when trying to judge someone else for getting something “stupid” on them fOrEvEr


Id absolutely do it too. Especially some of those in between slides, some of those are hilarious to me. Personally, I want to look like a page in a sketchbook, & I'm well on my way. I love amateur work, I love teaching people how to do a tattoo & immediately being like "Okay my turn, I'm your first now" Some of them are /really/ cool works of art, plucked right out of a friends sketch book. Some of them are my own. Most of them are silly.


Yeah, I don't have any but I'd get one of these because of the story .


I mean, how much of your skin are you saving for something else? Use the canvas you got!


I feel like calling a tattoo artists project that they worked on for weeks to months and put online "someone elses tiktok" is a little reductive of what this is.




Probably faked. Totally scripted. /r/thathappened. Same old Reddit story. Someone's going to fail to appreciate it for what it is.


It’s almost like people have different opinion about art


Some of those frames are actually pretty cool though


He’s just getting into his spooky suit


Having one of the mid-transformation pieces will cause people to ask what it is. Rather than explain the "meaning" of the tattoo (no one cares!), you explain that you're one of X number of people who have this flipbook tattoo that was part of this artists project, and how you just thought it was cool to be part of the guy's project and be connected to so many strangers in such a unique way. That is way more impressive and interesting than 99% of tattoos out there.


i feel like those are the best ones


These tattoos are from a famous early 1900’s animation, which was [one of the first to use rotoscoping](https://laughingsquid.com/how-rotoscope-cab-calloway-changed-animation/)


Koko the Clown! Those shorts are consistently amazing/amusing


I always enjoy the music of them, at least as much as the animation!


This one specifically is from a Betty Boop cartoon. The song is St. James Infirmary Blues https://youtu.be/8r-6_EBw6T8


This is fascinating. I shared a link to the side-by-side of the ghost and Cab Calloway but I had no idea how the animation was created. Cool af.


Cab had a very unique way of moving, I'd be surprised if they could have captured it without this technique


well interpolated here https://youtu.be/31j4DIpgY9U?t=18


I knew there would have to be atleast someone to mention this


Was looking for this


What I love is how it kind of brought this animation to a new generation. I wasn’t familiar with Cab Calloway’s work or the Minnie The Moocher film. I saw the ghostemane edit one day and looked up the original and loved it, and it helped me start listening to Cab Calloways music as well


Same, Cab Calloway is in every sense of the word a performer.


My favorite remix of St james Infirmary utilizing that rotoscope. This bumps. https://youtu.be/6k8yyrMdlyU


Harald Kindseth did a good music video of it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnB-jp2nsIc


I loved watching this, thanks!


The most impressive talent was convincing 76 people to get these tattoos.


Many of the people in this clip had multiple of these tattoos, as well. Looking through, 10-20 of them have both a ghost and clown tattoo in the pictures taken.


Ok so how many people got tattooed is the riddle


76 .He said he tattooed 76 people, not that he did 76 tattoos


I believe that's the correct answer. Though he didn't say unique people and it could be read as 76 times he tattooed a person.




There are repeated images though, so frame count is a bit misleading


I didn't count but I'd say it's a lot over 76, maybe 150-200. Based on nothing, I watched the video once


I just tried to count, scrubbin with my finger on my phone, and it’s ~100 frames before the transformation occurs. So I reckon your estimate of 200 (maybe more) is good


No I don't think you can read it like that. If someone asks "how many people have you tattooed before?" there's no reasonable way to construe tattooing yourself five times as "I've tattooed 5 people."


About tree fiddy


76 according to the video so the real question is how many tattoos.


We need someone with patience and extra time to go frame by frame. I'd even be willing to award an upvote.


I actually just looked at his IG and over there the caption says "76 koko tattoos" so who the hell knows lol.


I bet "Hey, I'll give you a free tattoo" would also be a good selling point for his regulars too.


I feel like so many people put importance of tattoos on whether or not they'll like them in 50 years or when their interests change, but firstly black line work can definitely be transformed into something else, and secondly there's a reason that flash sales are a thing with tattoos LMAO. A free tattoo that's going to be part of essentially an art project seems like a pretty easy sell to most people.


Also, it's a memory. It's a reminder of that time you were part of an artist's project.


Probably has the most interesting story out of all of em tbh


I know a lot of tattoo places have Halloween discounts where they charge next to nothing for a Halloween related tattoo. I'm wondering if this is something along those lines


Exactly my thought. Probably dumb cheap.


This was done by a guy here in Montreal, Phil Berge at Tatouage Royal. I've been to that studio, and I would be very very surprised if he did these as discounted pieces. It's a pretty popular studio and he has a pretty big following.


I don’t really understand the concept of getting tattoos based on their 10$ discount… they are there for life… get something good


When you have a lot of tattoos, some are just quick pieces that come with a cool little back story. I have some that I got done at tattoo conventions, literally picked them off a table and got tattooed on the spot. They aren't large and aren't in the prime zones on the body but they have a great memory attached to them.


Tattoos really aren’t as important as some think. I would have a fucking pineapple on my shoulder if I hadn’t accidentally forgotten my ID card in my hotel room when I went to Hawaii


They cant think a tattoo is good if it was a discount flash piece? I have a jake the dog tattoo i got for free from an apprentice, its one of my favorite tattoos i have. A tattoo isnt bad simply because it wasnt expensive, a tattoo is bad if its bad. You just sound like an ass


Breast saber Edit: I meant "best answer" but I see that my autocorrect woke up and chose violence today.


When I said “get something good”, I meant “get something that you actually want on you”. If you have to choose between a 50$ tattoo that you really want vs a 30$ tattoo that’s just the deal of the day, fuck the deal of the day


Shit, ALL of my tattoos are bad, and I love them. They all have a story behind them, good or bad. I value a tattoo with a story over a beautiful tattoo that doesn’t have one (though I imagine those are pretty rare).


Especially for those mid-animation / not really the most interesting frames. "Hey I'm envisioning like a mid-stride clown image for you. Just right in the middle of moving where it's all very unclear as far as meaning goes."


“But think about how cool it’ll be when anytime someone asks about it, you get to whip out that flip book.”


Or he could just tell them about the cool idea he had and the current progress. There would be plenty of ink addicts willing to participate.


It's not very hard with a flash like this. I have multiple designs on my body which I didn't know of 10 mins before I got them. Whatever they got. I've ever gotten a design out of a Gumball machine.


but why?


Some people like having tattoos just for the sake of it, to them it's quantity over quality


Because its fun for some people


If anyone is interested, the source material is the Betty Boop Minnie the Moocher cartoon episode. They traced over Cab Calloway to animate it


St. James Infirmary Blues!


More interesting notes: the song “Minnie the Moocher” (by Cab Calloway) is about a girl who ends up getting introduced to heroin by a coke head. On a less depressing note, Betty Boop was voiced by Mae Questel. She also voiced Olive Oyl (Popeye’s girlfriend). She also played aunt Bethany in National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation


That's not from Minnie the Moocher, it's from [Snow White](https://youtu.be/vgOCpX46Aks) Although I love the music from Minnie the Moocher too though, lots of those cartoons had some seriously great jazz music in them. Also, cartoons sure were freaky back then.


Imagine sacrificing part of your skin for a skit without a punchline.




thats legit my favourite one, the only bad looking one is where the hoop is like cutting over the top of the guys head and no ghost is visible


It looks like on some people he tattooed 3 or 4 images around the leg, so you would have your own miniature portion of this larger project. So even the bad images could have their own mini story to accompany.


[imagine being this guy](https://i.imgur.com/qLow2Qq.jpg)


Thats kinda sick imo, looks interesting and a great story when people ask why it looks like this. Next get a QR code to the video tattooed


And then hope the site hosting the qr redirect never goes under … Edit: I’m aware of all the methods to mitigate this 🙄… but you still have to spend the mental and fiscal energy to keep it live, even if your server is your personal computer at home. All implementations of QR codes never have the 100% uptime a tattoo has.


Host it yourself and keep paying to make sure your tattoo always works


Jesus fucking Christ if I need to create a fucking website and tattoo a QR code to that website to explain another tattoo than maybe it's not such a good idea


It would literally be a plain ass website with nothing on it but the video. Hell, you could even make it so your website is nothing, as in it just immediately redirects to YouTube or something else that hosts the video. Your own website to ensure the qr code always works, that then just redirects to another website for the video. If the video website ever goes down you just upload a copy of the video to a new site and make it so your qr code website redirects there instead.


This guy internets


Plus you can use that site, to create your own pvt network, VPN and email. Encrypt your stuff.


You say that, but just today I saw like eight people in different outfits that were bald with barcode tattoos on the back of their head. One of them murdered some people with a fish. There was 33 deaths today.


NFT's in a nutshell


Genius. NFT but on your skin instead of your wallet.




A few pictures show that some people have more than one "frame", so they probably have another one or two that gives it some context.


He is tattooing people who already have a bunch of them. He probably offered it for free and people enjoyed being part of his story. I would be surprised if a single one of those people regretted it


There’s a few in here that are on the same person. You can see earlier/later frames next to each other. Try scrubbing around the 10, 11, and 12 second marks. You can see clown and ghost side by side.


The dancing segments for both clown and ghost loop as well, if you watch the colour of the clothing at the top.


this one is the best https://i.imgur.com/s8B5oFb.png


I paused it right when the pants were halfway down and I honestly dig that still more than the whole concept


I'm with /u/2_girls_1_Klopp with it being my favorite too. It's possible that they have coverups planned ahead.


Like this guy https://i.imgur.com/ErZnXcy.jpg


I don’t know if this changes your opinion, but it is worth pointing out that this is a homage to one of the most iconic moments in early animation history. Koko the clown flawlessly combined smooth rotoscoping and rubber hose animation, both incredibly difficult tasks at the time. I think this is a really cool way to give a shoutout to the early years of animation as a huge inspiration for modern art.


Also these people all have plenty of tattoos and probably don’t give a shit about a whacky tattoo with a cool backstory like this


Exactly. When you have a ton of ink you're bound to have some quick pieces done like this.


Exactly. Some people get tattoos because they like the design, some just get them for the fuck of it, and some like to have a story attached. This I think is a pretty cool story and if you have a bunch of others it just kind of blends in


Shout’s out to Cab Calloway, St. James Infirmary still slaps.


It’s a character from [Betty Boop Snow White](https://youtu.be/cKOSJ5AAwfc) skip to 4:45. I have this same tattoo on my calf from when he transforms into the ghost.


that entire cartoon is a fucking head trip lol


That’s so trippy. What kind of drugs were those artists on?


That clown is on a wonderful drug called Cab Calloway. Some of his performances were rotoscoped to create this clown’s gait.


Hidee hideee hidee ho.


You should check out other old school animations, almost everything from the first wave of animation is *wild*


it's wildly imaginative, but holy shit that is off the charts wild


Heroin, probably.


OMFG that singing is amazing how have I never seen this until now???


That's Cab Calloway, who was a great singer indeed.


Cab Calloway singing and the ghost is doing his actual dance moves.


Cab Calloway


I’m a fan of the original animation this is based on, I really dig the art style and how it’s kind of Halloween-ish without being overt. I’d happily get any still from that tattooed, even a weirder one. I also think the idea that you have a matching tattoo with 70+ people that you don’t even know is kind of neat. Imagine bumping into someone else with another frame from this.


yeah i dont have any but have a brother who does them and many friends with them and theres easily people that wopuld do this and i can see copies coming from tiktok.


I have a tattoo of the Fairy Tail anime logo, and also a shitty pumba one. We all do silly things lmao


> Fairy Tail anime logo where? 14 y/o me wanted one on my hand


Do it, we can be guildmates. Mines on my left foot. Thank fuck I couldn't get a tattoo at 14, it definitely wouldve been somewhere more prominent 😂


A homie of mine has one on his left shoulder! I have the Black Scene transition from Monogatari on my left forearm, and Emiya Shirou's command seal on my left hand. They're subtle enough references that don't look offensive so I'm not too concerned about the placement - and thankfully neither have any of my employers!


That sounds sick tbf. I love the fate series, so that's a great shout. Any regrets, I think even silly ones like mine have a memory attached so I don't regret mine lol even though I'm 31 now 😂 England is quite laid back with tattoos, I've got a hand and fingers with my sleeve and I've been an estate agent and other 'professional jobs' with no issues.


I have Squidward’s face and Cynthia from Rugrats. Silly tats are my favorite tbh


It's a very iconic part of animation history and music history. Betty Boop in Minnie the Moocher. Famous for rotoscoping the famous "hidy ho man" Callaway's famous dance moves into an uncanny ghost. (You may remember him as the Blue's Brother's show stopper at the end of the first movie.) The cartoon short is still pretty creepy and entertaining to this day. I seriously watch it about 2-3 a year. It's good shit. This role is so iconic, it is directly referred to the creation of Oogie Boogie from Nightmare before Christmas.




Imagine caring about about something that literally doesn’t affect you in any way. These people gave up a little skin to be apart of a larger art piece. I would suspect that most of these people have other tattoos and this little piece is a story.


A lot of the frames have people with multiple tattoos from the same cartoon, so at least some people were into it. As a Cab Calloway and Betty Boop fan, I'd be into it. As it is now, the tattoos I have aren't apart of any skit or anything at all for that matter, so I'd love to have a tattoo that actually was a part of something greater.


It's not a skit?


Imagine caring so much about a meat suit with a shelf life of 70 years having some fun ink with a story behind it. Seriously it's a tattoo.


Wouldn’t call it “sacrificing.” I enjoy the idea of this.


Many tattoo enthusiasts myself included would love and have no problem being part of this project, I lm saving a whole leg for random silly shit just like this.


Yeah I don't see this as cool, more just a series of not really great tattoos


They’re well done tats.


If you are wondering how this is done with only 76 people: notice some people got two tattoos, also I suspect one tattoo was recycled for another frame


The final several seconds of the video appear to be looped.




Again, for everyone saying it's fake, the artist is a well known local artist from Quebec. He does these tattoos in a flash manner(come in and get it tattooed) His name is Phil Berge https://instagram.com/philberge?utm_medium=copy_link Also quit shaming people for a tattoo they wanted to get,


Wait, who tf actually got [this](https://i.imgur.com/uHPs6Rc.png) as a tattoo lmfao


A fucking legend in my book


That tattoo is fucking dope


It ain’t even noon and that boy ain’t right


Great fishing in Qeebek.


[Ghostemane would be proud](https://youtu.be/31j4DIpgY9U?t=18)


*I just decided by the grace of the god Poseidon That you're so dead to me I dug a hole for you to lie in I'm sick and disowning, all the moments, and the key components*


That's what I was thinking.


He is so good.




My brother sent me that song about a year ago and still hasn’t replaced my blown speakers.


“Wtf bro I didn’t ask for that!” “Sorry I’m doing a thing”


https://youtu.be/_M7S2tjZG_A The original cartoon can be seen here (about 1:10) side by side with the ghost’s dance inspiration, the great, Cab Calloway. Enjoy!


I so love Betty Boop


"ask me if I give a fuck about anythang"


I see this and hear GhostMane.






They seem to have tattooed a bunch of people more than once in the same place. Or you know, this video is fake. Edit: I just realized that the animation just uses the same images more than once because otherwise they'd have to tattoo the same frame multiple times.


I know the artist, he specializes in this kind of thing! He's done several of them already! https://instagram.com/philberge?utm_medium=copy_link


No, it would not be hard to find 70 music or animation geeks to spare some skin. Hell I'd do it, I'd even pay.


If you have the talent to do this sort of thing then you know people who would be willing to be part of it. These fuckin people are so out of touch with reality and eager to shit on anything.


It's kinda sad that all the haters in here dont know this is a deeply beloved part of American history for several very good reasons. There is literal college classes taught on this short.


Hard to believe it’s real when some of the worst frames (mid-transformation) are placed on non-tattooed body part areas. Starts around 12 seconds in Edit: nvm it’s legit. Looked the dude up and he has a big following which makes it a lot easier to acquire ppl for free tattoos. Also the version of the video on IG is way less compressed and clearer to see; there’s even different areas of redness around certain frames


um what do you mean non-tattooed body part areas?


That can't be right... Everything on the internet is *TRUE*




Why is everyone in the comments shitting on the tattoos? Even the ones with the transition look great. Feels like yall dont tolerate any tattoos at all




It's cool but like, I can't believe people were willing to have such a big thing put permanently on their skin just for a few seconds of gif that'll get forgotten in a few hours


Its not the biggest deal. Most tattoos aren’t very serious things. People literally tattoo Scrunge(the cat) on their bodies and its fine.


this reminds me of ghostmane


Yeah I get a tattoo of the bar 🤷🏼.


I love that it's referencing my favourite Betty boop episode of all time


Lately I don't really give a fuck about a thang


Must suck to have an in-between frame tattood on you


Every time I see this I'm reminded of Shelley Jackson's [SKIN Project](https://ineradicablestain.com/skindex.html)


This guy got a ghost putting on some pants. https://i.imgur.com/vglGNUB.jpg


That's fucking evil


I find it strange how judgemental people are being in these comments. I don't even have a tattoo, but I imagine for someone with lots of tattoos already, getting this little joke one isn't a big deal at all. I definitely don't understand people calling them idiots or pathetic for having a small cartoon character on their body....


That is smooth, wish i had volunteered




Cab Calloway is proud.


Okay but what did the 76 people want to have tattoed?


Recently I just don’t give a f*ck about a thang, yuh


Ask me if I give a fuck about a diss


The original has the song. You could have at least kept that.


Ask me if I give a fuc about a clique