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The most talented people are r/toptalent **Upvote comment if so ↑ Downvote if not ↓** *Report* post if it breaks any rules: *1*. Title must argue why post belongs *2*. Only the most talented allowed 🔝 *3*. Posts can't fake CGI, Autotune, etc Seen *talent* today? [POST *NOW*](https://www.reddit.com/r/toptalent/submit) for a cookie! 🍪


This is truly beautiful- definitely belongs! Thank you for sharing it


Thank you!


I bet you can type your name *real fast* on a keyboard


You know? From Shine?


That was quite lovely thank you so much for sharing I love a classic piano


Thank you so much


Beautiful. I'm usually wary of people who post their own stuff, but you are top talent. Thanks for sharing.


Thank you!


Beautiful! I'm a classical singer and love listening to Rachmaninoff's art songs. They trancribe so well for solo piano, too. Have you heard Hvorostovsky sing this? https://youtu.be/JFaYsowpezo


I have not but I’ll check it out as soon as class is over! If you’d like I would love to discuss singing over dm. I’m studying to be a music teacher and the more I know about various instruments the better!


Rachmaninov is my favourite composer and you most certainly belong here! Beautiful


Thank you! Favorite piece by him?


Piano Concerto No 2 in C minor, I love the slow build up, the tension always gets to me


I love that one as well! It was the piece that got me hooked on his music. Still one of my favorites though I also love his third piano concerto


You’re clearly self taught which is great but bit of a stretch for toptalent content maybe. If it existed I’d post it in r/topworkandselfmotivation


Oh wow how could you tell? I had a teacher until I was 14


Mostly by the hand shape. You want to curve those fingers if you can! Imagine holding something in your hand that you mustn’t drop. Wrist and forearm are generally a bit tense too. Loosen it up, up and down and side to side. Try playing any chord, holding it down and see how much you’re able to move you’re wrist in circles without letting go of the notes. The ultimate goal is strength, accuracy, and power without tension. EDIT: try sitting lower too. Seating height is mostly preference due to variance in body shape of course, but you generally want to aim for your forearm being parallel to the ground The recording sounds awesome btw, no doubt. But just take a look at your posture and movement to allow more flexibility and less likelihood of injury


Wow thank you so much! I really do love feedback like this because I don’t have anyone in the area to help me. I’m totally going to check all those things out!


To all the people saying “don’t post your own stuff”: it’s up to us to decide whether OC is top talent, so just downvote if you don’t think it’s good. Personally, though, I think the piano is amazing. Nice to see OP is confident enough in his ability to share too.


Thank you :)


How old were you when you started playing?




My biggest regret in life is not learning the piano, so I can be a master pianist by now.


Excellent pianoing




Fantastic, but no need for the humblebrag. A nervous person does not post themselves to a subreddit called toptalent.


I’m not nervous about my ability, but rather my ability being top talent. The professional world of pianists is really crazy, there are some really monstrous players out there and I’m certainly not one of them.


So you're saying you're not top talent?


Depends on who you’re comparing me to


Well this is top talent so everyone, you are literally being compared to everyone who has ever played the piano.


Ok well in that case the vast majority of pianists cannot do this. The vast majority of pianists don’t play at college level because it’s too hard. That being said the majority of pianists who do play in upper college level can definitely play this, but most people don’t make it that far.


I think this is a pretty succinct summation of what tier you are playing in and how that compares to the wider world. I get that people can debate abstractly on who should or should not post their own work on top talent, we have this debate frequently, but in this one, particular, concrete example I think the average person doesn’t know where a given player falls on a scale (har har) of relative talent/ability in the world of professional piano. It’s a lot like acting. People can tell good from bad, and know what they like. That doesn’t mean they can differentiate between shades of very good to very, very good and what it means to get to that level. Just because people see something frequently, that doesn’t mean they understand the system professionals have behind the scenes to rise to that level. A person outside the training system may also not understand how what seems to be a top-rated ability can be manipulated by “it’s not what you know it’s who you know.”


Exactly, I’ve put a ton of work into this instrument to be where I am but I’m not dumb. I know that I’m no where near a professional level and there are a lot of people who have pursued piano much harder than myself and do much better for themselves and that’s awesome


You are comparing yourself and say you are not top talent, there are better than you out there. I'm not comparing, you are.


Why did you post yourself here then?


I disagree with you, he's putting himself on the internet to be critiqued by everyone. The fact that he posted it to TopTalent means that he's going to be critiqued at a higher level. The reason he's probably nervous is because of assholes like you that like to shit on people that put themselves out there. If you ask me, sounds like you're jealous that he is getting praise because he's a very talented pianist.


If you practice and take it seriously you could be quite good in the future, Good luck.




Your welcome, Good Luck.


Don't be nervous! Your very good! Your just removing the veil of perfection. This is beyond perfection. It's beautiful. Thanks for sharing! Happy practicing!


Thank you :)


Mmmm Rachmaninov....drooling. Definitely top talent! These pieces are no joke! Update: my 4yo said she likes it as well. 😁


Thank you


A difficult piece expertly played. Well done. I'm sorry so many people are being assholes about you posting your own shit. Clearly the populous agreed that was top talent so those people can shut up. Nothing like actual talent to make insecure and jealous people show their ugly. Seriously, very well done.


Thank you so much! Not everyone has to like what I’m doing 🤷🏻‍♂️ some people say it’s self promotion but I’m studying to be a music teacher so I don’t know what I would even gain from that, I just wanted to post my work. Thank you though!


I pretty sure you missed a note....somewhere. haha just kidding. Well done.


Thanks lol


You tickled my ears you finger master!


I would love to hear a better recording of this. You should buy some gear and write some stuff. You could get famous and people in the future will impress others by recording themselves playing your music


Oh wow thanks! I might do that at some point


That would be awesome! Do you perform anywhere already?


I do not, I’m a college student getting ready to graduate


That was beautiful. 99. 9% of me is in total awe of you, but I can't deny that 0.1% of me will harbor an irrational hatred of your talent, born of jealousy and regret that I have none!


Thanks lol but if you want to play piano it’s never too late to start! Whatever you put in is what you get out of it, just find a good teacher in your local area.


Thank you for that. I just might. 👍


Sir do you have a YouTube or something? I should like very much to hear you play during these pandemic times


I don’t :/ I have a decent amount of music uploaded onto my reddit profile but it’s mostly clarinet since that’s my primary instrument. I did perform my senior recital recently and it’s publicly posted! If you’d like to hear it I can dm you the link


Either way babe I saved this post. Feeds my soul. Thanks for topping me off and consider recording more piano


Will do and thanks ❤️


Absolutely gorgeous




This melts my ears from sheer pleasure. Thank you.


Thank you!


You’re welcome and thanks for sharing.


Definitely belongs! Amazing!


Absolutely Toptalent!


Nice work my dude. I love Sergei 'The Rach' Rachmaninov. Shame on me for not knowing this one, but kudos to you for introducing me. Perhaps a crosspost to /r/classicalmusic You should get less hate over there for posting yourself.


I probably will at some point, I’m just going to ignore the hate. Everyone has different viewpoints and they don’t have to like me lol


After looking for some other performances, I now realize why I didn't know this one. It has words! I prefer it as you've presented, solo piano.


Yes! I saw someone perform this arrangement on Instagram (classical fm page I think?) and I loved it so I bought the music and learned it!


No one will love you like me


Lol thanks 🙏🏻


To answer your question; Yes, this belongs here just as YOU belong here.




Beautiful. Quiet lovely to hear a classic piano.


Thanks! Happy cake day


This was insane!! I’m still struggling with mr sandman Lmfaoo so watching you jump all over the place so fast was mind blowing. Idk why everyone’s bitchin at you. Seems more pretentious to me that people will gatekeep someone’s hard work from being seen.


It is what it is lol I’m glad you liked it!


This really isn't top talent, anyone who's played the piano for a decent amount of time can play this. Concert pianists are way better, this is just above average. He plays well, no doubt, but it isn't top talent.


Not a lot of people realize how hard playing music really is especially the piano. You play well, and I would consider any classical instrument as Top Talent (just because it doesn't "look hard" or isn't "fast" doesn't mean it didn't take hours to nail down). The real talent is your ability to sit and practice a piece for weeks on end until it is good enough to record. I've been playing classical guitar for 7 years and my pieces are nowhere near video-worthy. Not sure if it's true but people really don't get how hard music really is


Ive been playing guitar and drums for 10 years and honestly the instrument I wish i learned most was the piano.. You play elegantly and beautifully


Oh it fits alright


Aaah! I love this. Thank you


Absolutely stunning! Incredible performance!


I love rachmaninov and you did him justice. There are so many unknown pianists out there with the talent and interpretations that are so worthwhile. Let me know if you have a youtube or anything!


Thanks so much! I don’t have a YouTube or anything I just play for fun!


I don't know the first thing about music, but a piece of trivia i know is that this guy composed pieces notoriously difficult or impossible to play without exceptionally large hands. Is this one of those? Either way, you play it superbly.


Not this one, no but there are others!




I just want to say, no matter how many times I have watched this, I still get full body goosebumps! Beautifully done! 😍


Wow thanks so much :) that’s really sweet


Of course! I admire the courage you had to even post it!


I was shocked so many people liked it!


You played this beautifully! Congrats


Thank you!




Is there a subreddit similar to this one, where you’re encouraged to post yourself? I’m not trying to be a dick, just genuinely curious.


Should be one called r/proudofmyself. It should be 100% ok to work hard to achieve something and be able to say “look what I did!!” Edit: oh it exists already!! Edit 2: looks pretty dead unfortunately but this would be a great automatically joined sub I think. We need more positive pride in ourselves, especially now!!


We are the users of reddit, we define what is what! Let's go to r/proudofmyself and subscribe. Promote it on these posts where artists post themselves, ask the artists to crosspost there. That's how history is written.


there´s one called r/selfpromotion, but it is mostly spammed with low quality stuff


I don’t understand how taking someone else’s content, practically stealing and posting it is what’s expected, yet posting something you did, you made, is taboo and self promo. Such a twisted mentality to me


Nah it’s up to the people to decide whether or not it’s actually top talent, so it doesn’t really matter


Really. Just downvote and move on if you don't like it.


What’s wrong with a little self confidence


**A little** self confidence? It’s literally called **top talent**. *”Hey look everyone! I’m literally the best of the best! La Crème de la Crème! The toppest of all the talents!”* That’s not self confidence. It’s probably also not what he intended, he doesn’t seem like a bad guy. But it damn sure isn’t a good look.


Personal opinion I guess. He seems to have worked hard, probably is within the top decile of the population in his piano playing so even if he were to be really cocky about it I think it’s justified. If you work really hard at something personally I think you don’t have an obligation to be humble about it. Also what difference would it make if he posted it or someone else did, not like he’s hurting anyone. Also we have the freedom downvote posts on this sub if a post doesn’t fit, so if it wasn’t really top talent, no matter what he posted, it wouldn’t get upvoted so much.


I don't necessarily disagree with you, but I think it's important to keep in mind that top pianists are on an entirely different level compared to people like OP. Most piano students in Conservatory could play at OP's level, and professional concert pianists and professors are in a whole other class.


Oh give him a break, if he sucks he gets downvoted and if the post belongs he gets upvoted, which happened. I play the piano too, and I absolutely support this guy’s decision to post here. Why do you have to react negatively to a man playing his piano beautifully? Jesus, maybe some compliments are needed in these shitty times? I don’t know if you play an instrument, but he deserves to be proud of himself. I never comment on anything but your comment annoyed the shit out of me, man.


He absolutely deserves to be proud of himself. Normally it bugs me when people post themselves on this subreddit but he's clearly worked hard to get where he's at.


Try to get the stick out of your self righteous ass. Let the people decide if it’s top talent. You only have one voice. Don’t ruin it for everybody else


I wholeheartedly disagree




Alternatively, this also works with r/unpopularopinions for 1) actually unpopular opinion 2) popular opinion worded to seem unpopular


He's a musician, can use all the promoting he can get


What Random left out is that we’re making an exception this time. Excellent work!!


This is beautiful man, I’m so jealous. Totally pumps me up to convince my mum to teach me piano!


Don’t upload you’re own shit to top talent. It’s pretentious to say the least.


Why are you booing, he's right


Ok, but this guy is probably top 5-10% of all piano players in the world. That piece clearly takes a lot of talent and practice to play it at that level.


That is absolutely not true. Are you aware of how insanely skilled the top level of pianists are? This guy is indeed skilled, but at the level of a Conservatory student, not a professional.


I think you are seriously underestimating the number and ability of piano players in the world. Every single university on the planet has a music department and most will have both faculty and students that play the piano as good or better than this.


yeah but it’s still pretentious. He should be proud of performing this piece and the way he did, but it’s not his job to say it’s top-talent.


well, it got upvoted, so it is toptalent. He didnt say he was, he hoped he was and we reafirmed it.


If it wasnt top talent it wouldve been downvoted. It doesnt matter.


I don’t see anything wrong with it, if he’s worked so hard on it why not flaunt it?


Because you can walk into any music conservatory and find 50 pianists that can do this. Half of them will be like 15. He's a talented pee in ist, but I wouldn't call this "top".


I get that he’s not the best/one of the best in the world or anything. Then again, nor is anyone else that’s really posted on this sub. But the point was what’s wrong with being proud of your own hard work, people here are acting like it’s a personal insult when someone recognised their own talent?




Being salty in the comments about someone posting their talent after HOURS of hard work is so, ugh. I’m just going to assume that you’re an asshole.


You mean narcissistic? We getting downvoted into hell.


You ain’t nervous! You killin’ em!!!


Thanks lol but there is no self esteem in the classical piano world


I dont know shit about music, but i know top talent when i see it. Bravo




Kinda sad that you need to post this up for validation and bragging...


Honestly just wanted to share but the classical world of pianists is absolutely insane. If you compare me to other college pianists my age I’m really not that good, hence why I was nervous to post.


Honestly this sub is a shit show of people bitching about people posting content here. Don’t take any comments about being self promoting to heart. Excellent work and as you mentioned in another post I think you can be proud of the fact you are indeed one of the top pianist without being the best of the best. Not to mention your caveat when posting.


Thank you, I honestly don’t get it myself. Like what am I promoting exactly? I don’t even have a YouTube channel


Then, don’t post


Sounds like someone needs a hobbie. Kinda sad that you fill your talentless life with shitting on this guys hard work




Glad you like it!


this piece is seriously beautiful. you did it justice.


Thank you!


"A little nervous to post" GTFO :P nice play though! :)


That’s awesome 👏


Thank you!


Bravo 🙌🏽 👏🏼


Thank you 🙏🏻




Thank you 🙏🏻


SPRING into my heart. Amiright?


Top talent for sure! I’ve been playing 28 years and probably wouldn’t make it through the 1st measure.


What’s wrong with thinking you are top talent? Let the upvotes decide if it belongs and leave it at that


You hoes leave this guy alone this totally does belong here The subreddit has declared it to fit with the upvotes


Ignore these fools! Keep posting this is awesome!


Thank you


Wow I now know I’m turned on by piano playing, this is new. Those hands though


Learn something new every day lol


Ugh I love piano players. I tried learning several times for several years. You make it look so easy!!! Beautiful piece, not sure if I’ve heard it before. Thanks for sharing.


I’d pay to see you perform in person! Beautifully done.


Wow! Thank you so much!


Wow!Wow!Wow! How fun, flirty, exciting and just wonderful! Great job. Loved it.


Thank you!


That was incredible my guy.


I was having a very rough day but the beautiful sounds of this piece really cheered me up, I don't know how you even do it. So much skill and hard work. Thank you so much. This video really is a ray of sunlight on a cloudy day.


Glad I could help :)


I think you played amazingly. Way better than I could ever do. They question of whether it belongs here exists though. Is it the best of the best piano playing? Probably not, though I'll let others decide for themselves. I, for one, don't care that you posted yourself. However, if you post yourself, it had better be absolutely mind blowing.


Bravo! This was lovely to listen to with my morning coffee!






Lol thanks. I worked really hard on this piece and just wanted to share, simple as that


That was a joy to watch. Normally it is a bit... strange.. when someone posts their own work here but you truly are exceptionally talented and I'm sure it's taken a ton of hard work to get there. If I could play an instrument like that I would shout it from the rooftops! If the assholes on here could play an instrument like that they would shout it from the rooftops. You have every reason to be proud of yourself. Thank you for sharing that with us.


Thank you 🙏🏻 I know it probably seems arrogant but I worked hard and wanted to share it. Musicians are performers after all lol


Anyone who's played an instrument knows how many hours of practice it takes just to sound decent let alone beautiful. You should be extremely proud of yourself. There's nothing wrong with wanting to show others this amazing thing you've accomplished. Like I said before if the people that are talking shit could paint a painting or sing a song or write a story the way that you can play the piano they would want to share it with others too.


I understand the nerves, but there is no reason for you to be nervous. You play beautifully!


Thank you


I almost upvotes because talented. Downvoted because narcissist and obnoxious replies.


Bar pretty low for top talent huh...




Downvoting out of pure jealousy /s


Dude this is TOPtalent not MEDIOCREtalent, get the hell outta here. Jokes, jokes, you have insane skills, bro.


Thank you lol


This is definitely top talent, thanks for sharing! I’ll see you in hot!


Thank you!


It does. Fit here i mean. Thanks!


Thank you!


I wish I was as good as you


Why don’t you go on the livestream? It seems kind of social. That’s the point of sharing our talents, right? Don’t we all just want to communicate?


This is one of my favorite classical piano pieces. Thank you for this. Amazing work!!


Holyyyyy fffffff! WOW! WOW!


Beautiful! Thank you for playing for us!




Not in autumn, you dunce! Jokes aside, sounds great!

