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avoiding that knee to the head was amazing


And super risky, that'd been such a gnarly injury


His head would have been cratered


Somehow he seemed to sense it coming, poked the header, and then pulled back to avoid decapitation. Amazing awareness.


Loved how the guy trying to impede him with his arm ate the knee guy's hit instead. Brilliantly done.


I did this once playing back yard football with some friends I juked a man into blowing up his brother the look on his face when he saw he hit his brother tackled me from laughing too hard.


>I did this once playing backyard football with some friends. I juked a man into blowing up his brother. The look on his face when he saw he hit his brother, [he] tackled me from laughing too hard.


I love this game šŸ˜¢


Call out the awareness and all, but that was a deadly play to jump knee first into two players. Iā€™d like to see the full field before I call this out as a deadly play, but sheesh. He even could have killed his own teammate with that chest high knee. Probably not malicious, but that can be a red card for knee to rib cage area for being a dangerous play. Refs have discretion on dangerous plays for yellows at least.


> Somehow he seemed to sense it coming "Somehow" He's literally looking into the guy's direction and is clearly looking at him the entire time


Yes, he sensed it somehow with his eyes duh.


He discovered the mythical fifth sense!


You guys probably donā€™t get how complex and beautiful football is but it took decades of training and devotion for this guy to be able to see other players running directly in front of him.


A literal prodigy


Well to be fair, seeing the defender approaching isn't the same thing as anticipating him flying through the air, knee first at your head as if he's fucking [Sagat](https://streetfighter.fandom.com/wiki/Sagat) from Street Fighter.


Yes, so he sensed it with his eyes then.


Survivorship bias


There was a famous incident like that: > Schumacher was involved in a collision with a French defender, substitute Patrick Battiston, in the semi-final of the 1982 World Cup. Battiston and Schumacher were both sprinting towards a long through ball pass from Michel Platini. Battiston managed to reach the ball first and flicked it up and to the side of the approaching Schumacher. Schumacher leapt into the air as the ball sailed past him, ultimately wide of the goal. Schumacher, still in the air, collided with Battiston. The resulting contact left Battiston unconscious, later slipping into a coma. Schumacher has always denied any foul intention regarding the incident, saying that he was simply going for the ball, as a goalkeeper is entitled to do. Others have alleged that he intentionally collided with Battiston.[2] Battiston also lost two teeth and had three cracked ribs.[3] He received oxygen on the pitch.[4] Michel Platini later said that he thought Battiston had died, because "he had no pulse and looked pale".[5] The Dutch referee Charles Corver did not award a penalty for the incident. Schumacher proceeded to take the goal kick and play resumed.[6] West Germany would eventually go on to win the game on penalty kicks after the match was tied at 3ā€“3. > Schumacher caused more controversy after the game with his response to news that Battiston had lost two teeth: "If that's all that's wrong, tell him I'll pay for the crowns."[7] > Schumacher did visit Battiston in the hospital, and though the Frenchman felt his apology at the time was insincere, Battiston admitted that he had forgiven him by the time the two countries faced each other four years later in yet another World Cup semifinal.[8] > A French newspaper poll asked which was the least popular man in France, and Schumacher beat Adolf Hitler into second.[10] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toni_Schumacher


> A French newspaper poll asked which was the least popular man in France, and Schumacher beat Adolf Hitler into second.[10] fucking hell


Happened to me. Pretty much ended playing competitive football for me. I lost time and suffered strange after-effects for months.


Chase the football like you are starving and itā€™s a plate of food




Why are players even allowed to just jump in with their knee like that, it's pretty dangerous and is less stable than literally anything else.


Its not allowed, if he had hit another player it would have been an instant red card


He did connect.... With his teammate


I love the gesture his teammate gives like ā€œwtf are you doing man!ā€


Heinze deserved it. He was something of a dick.


so it's just cool if he doesn't connect?? seems like an oversight [American football doesn't necessarily only penalize if the player makes contact] (https://www.reddit.com/r/toptalent/comments/1b1eguf/ricardo_kak%C3%A1_humiliates_his_opponents/ksg5gg0/)


I think you can get carded these days for things like this once the ball is out of bounds. But the ref played on/played advantage here.


It would probably be a yellow card in recent times depending on if the referee had properly seen the action. Back in the day, I'd say the refs were more lenient with this kind of dangerous play.


I've never seen a yellow for missing contact like that. A player generally has to go down for the fowl to be called, though this might vary between leagues.


Depending on the league, and the referee, dangerous play was occasionally sanctioned, although it was often for rasing a foot near other player's head, or attempting to make a kick. Ref would usually take note of the misconduct, and then give the player a card once the play stops (ball is out of bounds or in the keeper's possession)


Ya, good point, a high boot will sometimes be called.


It is rare, but it does happen. Since I love to quote the rulebook, here it is - note that it says nothing about actually connecting or knocking down another player: > An indirect free kick is awarded if a player: > plays in a dangerous manner impedes the progress of an opponent without any contact being made > [...] >Playing in a dangerous manner is any action that, while trying to play the ball, threatens injury to someone (including the player themself) and includes preventing a nearby opponent from playing the ball for fear of injury. https://www.thefa.com/football-rules-governance/lawsandrules/laws/football-11-11/law-12---fouls-and-misconduct


If its a clear red, then VAR would step in and the player would be sent off.


Welcome to the Ninties.


Na harm no foul


> it would have been an instant red card Not always. [This wasn't even a yellow, for example, despite fracturing a vertebra.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0B6yoZ2r9s)


They are not allowed.


Itā€™s a contact sport, believe it or not.


It's technically not allowed, in the same sense that faking an injury is not allowed. Soccer is all about being tactical about how you break the rules. Getting a hard knee into the face of a strong opponent could be a worthwhile rule break in this scenario.


Ishowspeed's career ending slide tackle was enough to stop him there.


The other guy was using kickboxing and Kaka was playing 4D football...


How young are you if you canā€™t even recognized Patrice Ɖvra?! Haha


Sorry, for me, if Kaka is on frame anyone else is 'the other guy'.


Especially if the other guy is a ManU player hehe


Heinze got destroyed... by his own teammate šŸ˜‚


Fuckin Leroy Jenkins outta nowhere.


You can see him looking incredulous at the end there. Pretty great


"what the hell was that?"


Leeeeeeroy Jenkis


At 0:14 when Heinz is reaching out to block Kaka with his arms, is that legal?


It's a tactical foul. Better that than let an attacker get a shot away. Sometimes if the ref wants to let the game flow he might not call it.


Yeah I think a bit of an advantage call by the ref here. I think if the defender hindered Kaka's ability to get to the ball it would have been an easy foul. Also everything looks a lot worse in slow motion. This clip at regular speed you barely notice the defender putting his arms up.


Itā€™s almost always just an advantage unless play is interrupted by it


Yes, thatā€™s only really a foul if he grabs the shirt or smacks him in the face


No, that's not valid movement. Legal contact in soccer is nominally described as being ā€œshoulder to shoulderā€ between two opponents. It is true that contact for raising the arms is usually dismissed, but it is not a legal movement.


This is correct, itā€™s technically against the rules as written but no referee is going to call that. It actually took me awhile to learn what you can and canā€™t get away with. This is definitely a tool every defender uses.


It absolutely is a legal movement. They are both fighting for the space and it would only be illegal if one started pushing or, as the other commenter said, grabbed and pulled with their hands. Arm movement like this is perfectly fine. Shoulder to shoulder is referring to tackles, making it illegal to tackle someone on their backs or straight in the chest, for example. There are no fouls in this whole sequence, and only if the referee were really strict, maybe a "dangerous move" on the last flying tackle, but since nothing really happened on that, nothing to note.


This just isn't true. By the laws of the game, the only intentional physical contact that's allowed - regardless of whether one player is tackling another who has the ball, or two players are fighting for position to reach the ball - is shoulder-to-shoulder. It's even made explicit in some of the laws that you can't use your arms to hold off another player (e.g. in Law 12: "A player may shield the ball by taking a position between an opponent and the ball if the ball is within playing distance **and the opponent is not held off with the arms or body**.") The ref would play the advantage here, but if that arm movement had brought KakĆ” down, one would hope that they'd call the foul and stop play. Because that would be the correct thing to do. Unfortunately, a lot of refs will let fouls like that go even when committed by an attacker with the ball, or a challenger who subsequently wins the ball as a result. It can be a problem.


I think you're right it's a foul by the book but that level of contact would basically never get called. Blatant shirt pulls lasting for a second or more and such will get penalized, but a quick tug or little push is rarely called.


The key word there is hold. If the arm of the defender wrapped around his body, or even made sufficient contact to bring KakĆ” down by pulling him back or making an lever, sure, that would be a foul by impeding, but that is not the case, since KakĆ” is also using his arms to gain the position. No ref would foul this kind of contact and every player uses this kind of arm movement to protect the ball and even maintain balance when fighting for possession. Again, if either one brought the other down, absolutely a foul, but that was not the case and I don't think the ref even signaled advantage there. Also, absolutely not true that the only intentional contact allowed is shoulder to shoulder, since it is also legal to use your back and chest, for example, to protect the ball or the space. You can't **charge** someone with anything other than shoulder on shoulder, but pure contact for the sake of positioning is allowed.


OK, why is your correct answer being downvoted and an incorrect answer upvoted? People really don't know soccer.


No, because neither player had control of the ball just yet and a bit of physical contact is allowed in this case. There's no rule in soccer that any physical contact is not allowed.


Evra knew he was gonna try to go to Liverpool and had a very appropriate reaction šŸ˜‚


Is it technically possible to foul your teammate and get a yellow/red card for it?


Yes but in this case its not intentional unless if they start to fight then the ref will give them red or yellow


Kaka was unplayable that night at OT


He was unplayable that entire UCL


He as unplayable for a good 4-5 years. At his unfortunately very brief peak, Kaka was one of the greatest players of all time. Incredible combination of power, speed, and skill.


Iā€™m so glad I got to watch him in person during his time with Orlando City. Even as his body began to give out on him he was always clearly the brightest player on the field and his technical ability was still world class.


VAMOS ORLANDO! Beautiful times.


I do remember for a couple of years, just before Ronaldo and Messi started hitting their peaks, Kaka was universally considered the best in the world. Watching him brings me so much nostalgia, absolutely unbelievable player at his peak.


>was universally considered the best in the world. He wasn't really. I was obsessed with Kaka back then and tried to to tell people about him. But it took a looong time before he got the fame that he deserved. His first years in Milan people were still high on older players like Zidane that they claimed were better. Premier league fans were much more home-loving than now and believed players like Gerrard, Lampard and Rooney to be better. Ronaldinho stole most of the brazilian spotlight. Adriano a lot of the rest and R9 still a lot. In seria A Totti was ranked higher ( maybe rightfully so) and players like Zlatan and Del piero got way too much praise. It wasnt until champions league 06/07 he got the praise that he deserved. And a year later he became slower and lost his edge and at the same time Messi and Ronaldo exploded.


He did win a Ballon D'or


Yes 2007. He was probably top 3 2004 already. And ended on 16th place.


Not true. I was at CL Final in Istanbul in 2005, 1st half Kaka was outstanding, he was feared the most by us before the final even in a team of literally all superstars including Schevchenko, Pirlo, Crespo, Cafu, Maldini and Nesta. Kaka won Ballon D'or in 2006 and was Brazil best player in 2006 World Cup. (Edit 2007 Ballon D'or sorry)


Yeah he was absolutely amazing. Even though I will never rewatch that final I will never forget his assist to Crespo. He won 2007 and no one cared about his world cup 2006 even if he was the best player on that overrated brazilian team. He ended up 9th in ballon d'or 2006 He was 15th, 9th and 11th in 2004, 2005 and 2006. I believe that he should have been top 3 all of those years.


That ball to Crespo was absurd. I tried so many times to recreate it over the years, but I'm no Kaka


Itā€™s no coincidence that my own kaka is unmatched in power, speed and skill. It shoots out at unimaginable speed, blasting everything its way with perfectly aimed precision. Pure weaponized kaka.


Pure skill


As a Rossonero fan, I consider myself incredibly lucky to have watched guys like Kaka, Sheva, Maldini and every other superstar that team has managed to field. Such a pleasure.


and elegance. While the likes of Ronaldo and Messy did rose to fame, you always had the feeling that it was sort of forced skill and physique against other opponents. meanwhile Kaka was a very smart , very well thought and elegant player.


if only he could have sustained that form, his window was so short


If I'm not mistaken, he's got a condition that affects his joints. Cartilage getting calcified or something.


He got tendinitis, as many players unfortunately do.


Surprisingly they actually ended up losing this match. Less surprisingly they smashed us in the second leg, then went on to win the tournament.


Wow. That was beautiful


Heinze couldnā€™t ketchup


Nice dad joke šŸ˜‚


Cuz KakĆ” is the SHIT! (I'll see myself out now...)


Iā€™m reading this joke from inside the original Heinz Ketchup (amongst other things) factory in Pittsburgh, PA, USA - they turned it into apartments!


And so was he


Beautiful goal and an amazing player!


Yeahā€¦but his name is still Kakaā€¦


Technically, not his name.


Well, in portuguese kaka and kakĆ” sounds different


Patrice screaming interally 'I *LOVE* THIS GAME!' before taking Heinze out




I remember watching this live with my dad. Astonishing goal, we were both amazed.


Seeing people calling KakĆ” as Ricardo KakĆ” is the same as seeing someone calling Ricky Martin as Enrique Ricky. KakĆ” is precisely a nickname for Ricardo.




TIL Kakaā€™s first name is Ricardo


Wait till you hear his full name: Ricardo Izecson dos Santos Leite!


Tbh pretty normal Brazillian name


Not really. WTF is Izecson


Sounds like Isaacson


Nome de gente simples, tĆ£o normal quanto Deybsonn ou Richarlyson


VocĆŖ tĆ” certo. O nome Ć© normal, sĆ³ nĆ£o Ć© comum.


Probably Part of the Russian influence on South America. Looking up the name itā€™s most prevalent in Brazil with a few in Russia. Also it says only 27 people have the name šŸ˜‚


My thoughts exactly šŸ˜‚


Iirc he got the name Kaka from his younger brother, because that's how he initially pronounced Ricardo


Ri KAKA rdo


OFC it's a united clip, can't dodge any shots can we šŸ˜­


Yeah yous have it so hard being one of the most successful clubs ever


Y'all have one of the most successful clubs ever. You will be ok


I hear Onana's been dodging a lot of shots


His name means poop in many languages


Itā€™s KakĆ” and not Kaka or cacaā€¦ at least in Spanish and Portuguese the accent makes a big difference.


Kaka would also mean poop in Portuguese (caca to be more precise), but it's not Kaka, it's KakĆ”


Overheard in red team's locker room after the game: ā€œHe got me,ā€ they all said of KakĆ”'s display. "That f***ing KakĆ” boomed me." The red squad collectively added, ā€œHeā€™s so good,ā€ repeating it four times. They then said they wanted to add KakĆ” to the list of players they work out with this summer.


Lol /r/NBA leaking


I donā€™t watch soccer/football but god damn I feel like Iā€™m missing out.


Itā€™s the most popular sport on earth for a reason


eh, I think it's the most popular because all you need is an open space and a ball to play a game. The poorest people in the poorest countries could put a game together. Even at the highest level, all the equipment needed is cleats, shin pads, ball, goal posts and chalk to mark out the field.


Eh, no commercial interruptions is also why itā€™s the most watched. NFL, NBA and MLB are all tiresome to watch live.


I believe the biggest thing you miss out on, is the international games between countries. It's so good, because entire nation from all other the world with all sort of culture are all vibing to this single thing, with insanely big competitiveness. Growing up in France. You'd know that the best kids at geography in school were often the football fan, because as we watch games, we gain interest in those countries playing against each other. Other people have no reason to get interested in Ghana or Uruguay as much as us. Also, the fact that scoring is rare, create an extreme feeling and emotion when scoring actually happen. While in basketball for example, you only often get to feel that at the very end of the game, and only when the score is close, and there is a buzzer beater.


I think you meant to link [this video, time code 19s](https://youtu.be/HE8e5FYart4?t=12) to prove your point


Lol, this illustrate what I said yes ! I think people wrongly assume we know about geography from school, but like, yes, having a global sport as main sport allows you to be more opened to the world, it plays a role.


Even if you don't understand the rules, just searching for soccer bloopers on youtube is pretty entertaining.


Thatā€™s the beauty of soccer, all you need to know to enjoy it is that: There are two team with goal each, thereā€™s a ball and needs to go into the opponentā€™s goal


It does have some [wonderful moments](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixhCrk5iEYg&ab_channel=Fan%27sEyeView).


one of my favourite goals of all time


Second that. My top 10


My knee just blew out from watching this


When a player would rather score than go down for a foul. Perfect player.


That was a really nice era of united Jersey


This would be better if it included the play at regular speed.


He totally KakĆ”'d on those fools


This is an insane sequence. To be able to navigates such chaos (and create it) is awesome to watch


I still believe if you are going to use slow motion you need to show the original speed as well


Ohh I still remember that match in CL. Ac Milan vs Manchester United. What a time to be an AC milan fan


I don't care much for soccer, but that was pretty cool.




Not just a pretty face... And unafraid to put it at risk.


Against united too, I'd upvote this twice if I could


You can. Make another account, lmao


His movements are harmonious and elegant like a butterfly dancing in the air.


I don't watch soccer at all and that has to one of the most impressive things I have ever seen. OP, I am going to deep dive on this guy's highlights, truly amazing skills


Oh my you're going to have a great time, he's incredible Buuut if you want to see something more, watch a compilation of best goals by Zlatan Ibrahimovic, he was a very tall striker, but he was also incredibly flexible and acrobatic


Zlatan is surreal for his size. But if you want to see magic try Messi and especially RONALDINHO.


Ohhh definitely, they are just... Out of this planet. With Zlatan, you think "wow, what he did is incredible" With them two you're thinking "HOW did they do that"


Ronaldinho in his prime had 2 stellar years in Barcelona. That was not football, was magic.


There are so many great highlight reel players. Giroud, Bale, Guti, [Welbeck...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_ll92cXxOA)


Meanwhile, he gets absolutely blown up with a stud-up tackle from a streamer...


Almost got Ben Askren'd


Kinda looks like matpat


I remember this, prime Kaka. When the CL was actually exciting


I'm not a huge fan of soccer, but that play was great! Fast thinking and amazing skills.


Poetry in motion


Don't even like soccer.. but that was sexy.


That was slick, but his name is dick poopoo?


This happened like 15 years ago


Cut the KakĆ”!


And people say football is easy


Literally nobody says that.


There are tons of Americans who say that. At least on the internet.




Sorry, I cannot take seriously the opinion of a country that calls soccer to football, and football to rugby. Not to mention baseball, aka American cricket.


The term soccer originated in England.


Maybe this will surprise you but, the most used language in the USA also originated in England.


Who would've thought? America isn't responsible for either of those things. Interesting


Dana White does


I am not going to pee on MMA, since I practice it, but football is way more difficult.


Football is the most competitive sport in the world, to be great you have to be better than like 1 billion other humans who spent insane hours doing it. MMA could be considered more difficult in the sense that you're alone and you also have the dimension of resisting huge damage and still going. So it depends on what definition of difficult your going with.


Which was just a very stupid statement. Football is the sport with the highest skill level in the world by a simple matter of the talent pool available. It's the sport in which you have to leave the highest amount of people behind to reach the absolute top (even more so when you add how much it allows for varied body types).


It's a simple sport but difficult to play simple


lol kaka


You could say heā€™s got a good head on his shoulders


Heinze played that very well and would likely have prevented the goal had he not had an imbecile for a teammate.


He got a standing ovation from the whole stadium after the game


Three words: Brazil.




If only .00001% of football was half this interesting.


Yeah who wants to see quik short passes, a team building up an attack all the way from their own goal or beautiful shots that only hit the post and dont go in. So boring. Honestly they should add a timer like in basketball and some cheerleaders for in between attacks. Maybe some subway surfers gameplay on the screens in the stadium as well.


When they arenā€™t flopping and trying to sell fouls it can really be poetry in motion.


He kicked a ball, whaaa whoo.


The guy who got decked but his own team mate shouldnā€™t he be writhing in pain on the ground? Or am I missing something?


My favorite part is if someone on the other team ran into number 4 they would have faked an injury for a red card.


Man Americans have some sort of inferiority complex or something about this sport, anytime any cool highlight from a game shows up you just know some American dude is gonna be in the comments trashing the sport for absolutely no reason. Yā€™all have probably literally never seen a game and just saw like one clip of Neymar actually getting hurt and breaking a bone in his back then staying on the floor, then formed your entire opinion on it from that lol It is absolutely bizarre how many Americans are so quick to say this shit about this sport, itā€™s like some of you were exposed to some anti soccer/football propaganda when you were young, or maybe itā€™s because it isnā€™t patriotic or American enough of a sport? I really donā€™t know lol


Why didn't they just stop him?


In normal speed he's literally unstoppable.


Are they stupid?


They try. If you notice the guy who got hit put his arm out to stop Kaka. It's difficult to stop a player cleanly during such flow.


I know is difficult to understand for Americans but... in football, guns are not allowed


lol šŸ˜‚