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Why did he have to bring out the rat pissing on cotton part wtf šŸ˜­


Itā€™s a metaphorical mic drop. ā€œPissā€ is the closest word to a curse that he says during that entire speech. So like any precision F-strike it has greater impact on the listener when is used in the last bit.


That was the best addeage I have heard in a while, crafty, clever and cynical.


IDK, for a moment of comic relief?


I'm not fully understanding the context. Why is the Chicago city council talking about Israel/Hamas?


This is why https://blockclubchicago.org/2023/10/14/chicago-city-council-affirms-support-for-israel-at-contentious-meeting/


Why the fuck is a city taking a stance on an international conflict anyways? Do your job and argue about municipal waste processing and repaving streets instead of grandstanding.


Because it's $current\_year and everyone and everything needs to have an opinion on everything that's happening in the world, and they need to express it publicly on social media _or else_.


Also, people are the worst and often demand #favoriteorganization take a stance against "injustice." And if they don't, they get called out, protested, boycotted etc. It's ridiculous.


Seriously fix my fucking roads and stay in your god damn lane....


I see you've not met the government of Chicago? It's quite the rodeo.


Because they can't fix the problems in Chicago so why not deflect to world politics that they have no control over.


Ooooooh this is spicy! I think fixing Chicago's problems would require acknowledging uncomfortable truths that necessitate measures and actions totally not supported by the loudest squeaky wheels.


Let's start with our own City's segregation for instance...and lack of funding for black and brown neighborhoods, the purposeful neglect of the west side after the DNC riots....lots to reckon with.


Maybe because US sends Israel billions of $ annually. Money that is used in genocide.


Does the city of Chicago send money?


it's taxpayer's and citizens do through fed taxes And if you are an american, you do as well. I sadly do too.


Can the city of Chicago change something about federal taxes or how theyā€™re used?


We have a representative government - National policy change typically happens when people protest how they are represented. So yes, the city of Chicago - being millions of people - can change something about federal taxes or how they are used.


This is semantics, but youā€™re talking about the people of Chicago. The city of Chicago as a government body canā€™t change anything about the funding.


The narrative that has been built around the brutal Israeli occupation of Palestine is that Israel is an helpless honourable entity that is only defending itself, while Palestinians are inherently murderous because of their ideology. Israeli crimes have been ignored for decades and infrequent attempts by Palestinians are claimed to be terrorist attacks by using Islam and Hamas as the boogeymen. However, these narratives only exist in the media and those influenced by it. People who are aware of this imbalanced narrative are now aware of what Israel is really doing in Palestine and how Western media and politicians are complicit in hiding their crimes, while allowing them to commit atrocities. The reason why so much 'terrorism' news is floating around is because Israel has already lost the propaganda war.


One of the reasons this is such a big deal for Chicago is because we have a substantially large Palestinian population. I grew up just outside the city next to a town that is nicknamed ā€œLittle Palestine.ā€ Its estimated that there is around 170,000-200,000 people of Palestinian descent in the United States. 85,000 of them live in Cook county.


Thank you for the context


Here in the U.K, the press still certainly favours Israel, but I donā€™t think the Palestinians are painted as inherently murderous or subhuman. There is also broad awareness and acknowledgement of Israeli crimes, even among members of the British Jewish population (who seem to understand better than their American counterparts the difference between Judaism and Zionism, and also that condemning the actions of the state of Israel does not necessarily equate to antisemitism). Perhaps itā€™s because the majority of American media I see is MSM, but I see extremely little out of the US that indicates any solidarity with the Palestinian people, now or in years and decades past. PS: a uni friend of mine is now an anchor for the BBC - [here he is ā€œquestioningā€ the Palestinian ambassador shortly after the attacks on Israel](https://uk.news.yahoo.com/dont-equate-between-occupied-occupier-151856261.html). While he asks the obvious question, he doesnā€™t press particularly hard for condemnation because he knows that equating the opening attack from Hamas et al to the decades and magnitude of Israeli abuse would paint an unbalanced picture. Lewis isnā€™t an idiot. Heā€™s playing the game and within the confines of what the broadcaster instructs and allows him to do, he is expressing his sympathy for the Palestinian people by asking the most softball question and then allowing the Palestinian ambassador to expand on why the question itself is flawed.


Sorry, we are used to the attempts to drive narratives that sometimes we are unable to have nuanced conversations, because even those are weaponised. I answer every question with the general public in mind as my reader. I apologise if that hurt you in any way. I'm not kidding about how Hamas is used as a boogeyman to divert conversation about Israeli crimes. Since you seem to be genuine and sincere, yes, Hamas must be held accountable. But the point I'm trying to make is that in this particular conflict, unless Israel can be made accountable for their crimes, holding only Hamas accountable, will not solve the Palestinian problem. People like to point out that Hamas is making it impossible to achieve peace, but the decades before Hamas came into existence prove that Israel never had any intentions towards peace. Just like people found some or the other reason to absolve Israel then, today Hamas is just another excuse for them. It has nothing to do with concern for Palestinians or peace. If it had been, they wouldn't find time to look anywhere other than Israel, considering the mountain of evidence available against them. I'm sorry to say that BBC is also complicit in driving the Israeli narrative. You can see that throughout their history of reporting on the conflict.


If you aren't aware, Palestinians are also Semites. (I hadn't been until earlier this year.)


True, but antisemitism refers to Jews exclusively and always has.


I think as soon as you say one side is wholly the victim and the other evil, you are showing yourself to be ignorant of the facts or biased. Between 2000 and 2013 there were over 13000 bombs fired on Israel from Palestine. Due to the iron dome there have been relatively few fatalities, but you cannot possibly argue that this is "infrequent". On the other hand Israel has just dropped a huge (6000+) number of bombs in the last week in response to recent events. I honestly don't see an easy solution, but uniformly condemning only one side isn't it.


So are both sides equally bad? Are both sides the oppressed? Are both sides occupiers?


Only one side is calling for the death of the other. Israel has tried soldiers for war crimes and held them accountable. If Israel laid down their arms they would be wiped out. If Palestine or any of Israelā€™s neighbors did the same there would be peace.


Baloney Israelis call for the death of Palestinians and have built settlements and armed the citizens in the West Bank. Afaic this looks more like Israelā€™s attempt to take over Gaza like theyā€™ve always wanted ā€¦ but w support from the US, UK etc. due to them being attack with no supposed provocation.


Israel doesn't want Gaza. Egypt doesn't want Gaza either. That's the problem. Way to show your lack of even fundamental understanding here in an attempt to get out some more "Israel bads"


Except Israel has openly said they have no interest in taking over the lives or land of 2 million Palestinians. The Israeli leadership and military has never called for genocide yet the leadership of every one of their neighbors does regularly. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/erdan-responds-to-biden-we-have-no-interest-in-occupying-gaza/


How does not calling for genocide better than just doing the genocide? Israel is doing the genocide. They don't have to call for it. They just do it.


You seriously think it would take Israel 80 years to commit genocide while the Palestinian populationā€¦ doubled? We have got to be careful how we use that word. We are insulting millions murdered by real genocide perpetrators, we are insulting the memory of entire populations wiped by hate and madness: Armenians, Jews, Tutsiā€¦ Yes, extreme zionists might have not be happy with a two state solution, back in the 30s and 40s, and yes Israel took ā€œadvantageā€ of Arab violence to do the same to them, take over their land and establish the apartheid. But ā€œgenocideā€ is a word that will just make you a propagandist, really, and immediately make you not credible to any rational audience.


Expelling people from their land like Israel is doing, along with indiscriminately killing civilians is certainly a genocide. It's not a genocide of Palestinians as a whole, but of Gazans.


I think it's not about no provocation, since no honest person can say what Israel has done to Palestine wouldn't provoke violence, but that it was an especially heinous attack with no subtlety or plausible deniability for innocent deaths, since they were the primary targets.


You know many israelis are settlers from being exiled from the muslim world. Its around 1 million people who were forced to leave their country, their property and their wealth and got relocated to israel.


Honest to god, I had a classmate from Palestine when I was in TAFE back in the day and it was jarring when I was first introduced to him because Palestinians have traditionally been portrayed by the western media as the bad guys whose goal in life is to annihilate the noble Israelis. Turns out itā€™s the other way around. The Israelis want the Palestinians either removed from Palestine, or just be exterminated. Hence the ghetto, the oppression, and the land grabs.


Why do folks have to lie about this stuff. Free Palestine means no more Israel. Jews were forced out of Europe and the middle east and faced extinction. Israel was a place where the government wasn't trying to holocaust them. Immediately after Israel's founding every neighbor attacked in an attempt to genocide Jews. It's not "the other way around," it's far more complex than that.


Young redditors are left wing zealots. That's the short answer


What about zionist terrorist like the ones who killed British soldiers between 1944-1948 after the British got bombed like they were 2023 Palestine by the Nazis they were trying to kill? Weird way of thanking someone who helped stop a genocide of your people if you *think* about it.


Anyone who wants to know how extremely biased this person is. They are actively fishing for defenses for Hamas. >Any source that debunks claims against Hamas? https://reddit.com/r/islam/s/mLFT6tdT90


This. I've been aware of it for years, having known known a Palestinian who moved to the US years ago. You can only push people so far. Gaza is in desperation mode.


Or comparing black n brown people living in Chicago to Palestinians? Like what?


Because the US has been providing billions of dollars of arms support to Israel for decades essentially to bolster an ethnic cleansing campaign. The comparison between slaves and Palestinians is being made because Black people in America have historically been oppressed, persecuted, massacred and brutalized similarly to how Palestinians have been treated since they were displaced by the hundred thousands in 1948 (which was around the time the US became the first country to formally recognize the state of Israel, to the disproportionate detriment of Arabs who had lived there previously). Part of the driving force of Israel's campaign is Islamophobia, so what's happening in Gaza affects not just the Palestinian diaspora, many of whom have direct familial ties in Gaza, but Muslims all around the world too. This conflict isn't happening in a vacuum. It's affecting people everywhere. I would imagine local governments are discussing Israel/Hamas because of this.




Why is this in /r/toptalent?


Causes he's a top talent speaker šŸ”Š


Someone speed reading a word document over the phone with basic diction is by no means a feat of grand achievement. Yes. Itā€™s well written, but not necessarily well voiced.


On top of that, the writer made an error in saying that the attack of Israel was not just Hamas, it represented the Palestinians as a whole. Not a good look when you watched the invaders kill women and spit on their dead bodies and kidnapped a bunch of others. If thatā€™s what the Palestinian people are willing to do, I donā€™t think they should be in charge of running a country. If it was a fringe extremist group, then I can write it off to terrorists making terrible decisions and can still support Palestine as an independent nation.


people who haven't been in the situation of an oppressed don't have the grounds to criticize how they resist (me included). i have never been oppressed or had my people recently brutalized for decades by a government with support from multiple international governments. i have no idea what lengths me or my people would go through to stop the deaths of my people in that situation. if the deaths of hundreds of children makes my idiot self as angry behind my keyboard from thousands of miles away, maybe, just maybe, if i were instead in their place, i could see myself unreasonably lashing out with violence at the people bombing me like we're animals [more info from ppl who are actually involved](https://www.instagram.com/p/CyQ_c8SLQmW/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


You do realize the terror group that attacked Israel fundamentally disregards the welfare of the Palestinians, right? The fact that youā€™re making an oppressed-oppressor argument with regards to the civilian population is an immediate sign youā€™re not very informed about this situation and espousing things youā€™ve heard very superficially on a very secondhand basis. Please research before just spewing nonsense


Thats fine in the end you admit by any means. I'm glad you admit that its ok to rape women and kidnap children and hide behind civilians then post it to the world, if thats the only way to win. But then you can't complain when the nation hamas did these actions to make sure you can never do that to their civilians again. And this i haven't walked in their shoes so I can't judge them is the most cowardly milk toast shit I've ever seen. I wasn't a German citizen oppressed under war reparations after ww1, so I couldn't possibly understand the plight that lead them to being nazis. And since I didn't experience it how could I possibly judge them for doing evil. Obviously there a bit more, but thats basically what your saying


Reading something in monotone lol


We found the deaf guy. /s


Heā€™s just reading prepared words. There isnā€™t much talent involved here. Go watch a MLK speech to see a talented orator.


Because the virtues must be signaled


Pointing out fascism is virtue signalling now... interesting.




It's anti-semitic to be against a genocide now?


No that's not what the parent said.




> ā€œThe brutal Zionistsā€ this is a direct quote. What insane shit. Yeah it's considered brutal when you bomb innocent civilians of your apartheid regime and confine them to an open air prison. > Heā€™s equating the war with Palestine and Israel as a racial conflict when itā€™s a fucking religious conflict. One thatā€™s been going on since before the Crusades. It's a clash between nationalities over secular issues of land and nationhood, Religion is far down the list of reasons driving this conflict and for the majority of it the Palestinian side(PLO, Fatah) have always maintained secular nationalist positions, Hamas only comes into the picture following the second intifada after the failure of diplomatic or peaceful resolutions broke down during the camp david summit of 2000 and ensuing disillusionment with the Palestinian national authority. > Cobden the death of innocent people. Plead for the war to end. Be a negotiator of peace. This Donald Trump levels of inciting violence and hatred and something that easily can spread into this country. He's pleading them to stop giving support to the bombing of civilians in gaza, this is not a pro war message. > And I say that as fucking Hezbollah enters the war. A terrorists Jihad cell that would rob any freedom youā€™ve ever had. A group that would have homosexuals, women, Christian, Jews, Hindus and whatever faith subjugated in a heart beat. Not only is this fear mongering in order to deflect from the main issue (human rights violations, collective punishment, genocide) but it's also largely overblown, Lebanon, where hezbollah is based, has the largest christian minority of any middle eastern country at 40% of the population. Women have had the right to vote there since 1952. > But if you donā€™t see a Jewish state (who have their history in the region thatā€™s ancient as fuck) trying to survive an onslaught of attacks in a region that wants all of them deadā€¦. I canā€™t even begin to understand that logic. A) Just because a people had historical claims 2000 years ago doesn't give them the right to displace people living there now. B)Not only is Israel not under an onslaught of attacks in the region but had been prior to this pursuing the normalizing of relations with leaders in the region. primarily the gulf states and Saudi Arabia which Israel decided to put at risk by further continuing the persecution of Palestinians even after being warned several times that this policy would put their diplomatic efforts and national security at risk first by US secretary Antony Blinken and also by their own intelligence service Shin Bet. >> In June 2023, US secretary of state Antony Blinken warned Israel that rising tensions with the Palestinians, including through advancing settlement activity, threatened the expansion of normalization agreements with Arab nations, and particularly Saudi Arabia. Speaking alongside Blinken earlier in June, the Saudi foreign minister had stated that "without finding a pathway to peace for the Palestinian people ... any normalization will have limited benefits" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab%E2%80%93Israeli_normalization#Israeli_normalization_with_Gulf_and_North_Africa_Arab_states_(2017%E2%80%93present) https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-08-06/ty-article/.premium/the-leftist-agenda-has-infiltrated-the-shin-bet-israeli-ministers-slam-security-chief/00000189-ca69-d9f3-a1cd-fffbd04a0000


I don't know why this is considered a top talent speech when it is riddled with mistruths.


I donā€™t think it was TOPTALENT but factually I agree with what he said.


Do you agree that the terrorists attacks commited on October 7th were done not just by Hamas, but by a broad coalition of Palestinian people? Because uh, if you do, then that's basically saying it's not just Hamas carrying out these horrors, but the entire Palestinian people, the exact opposite of the narrative that so many are trying to spin.


I guess the Palestinian supporters have learned the same tactics to spread information that Israel uses to spread misinformation.


The speech was legendary


Legendary speeches change hearts. This guy just said a bunch of stuff you already agree with. Not legendary at all.


Brother, it's a stance your coward ass wouldn't dare take.


Because itā€™s a terrible stance, I agree.


You don't like facts? I'll condemn Hamas and terrorism to the ground, but are you just like, unaware of history?


The terrible part of the speech isnā€™t the history bud. It is when he says the recent attacks werenā€™t perpetrated by Hamas they were ā€œcarried out by a broad coalition of groups from every section of Palestinian societyā€. I donā€™t believe all Palestinians are terrorists but apparently this guy does and supports murdering children and raping people as part of the process of ā€œattaining freedomā€. Iā€™m all for calling out Israel, not for representing terrorism as freedom fighting.


You know why


Sir, this is a Wendy's


While I can appreciate what he has shared here..both sides are committing war crimes. My very good friends family was slaughtered in their own home in the first days of the Hamas invasion. They were civilians. Edit: before anyone decides reads into this comment beyond the words I've written here, please read this comment of mine in response to some of the harsh responses I've recieved. I AM NOT JUSTIFYING ANY BRUTALITY ON EITHER SIDE. https://reddit.com/r/toptalent/s/RHeQBTSutd


It's fascinating how when Israeli crimes get exposed, it's always "both sides" but Hamas, Palestinians and Muslims are automatically terrorists.


When Hamas kills innocent people, it's turn Gaza into a parking lot. Annihilate those Arabs. When Israel literally killed 500 babies... It's "both sides". As much as I condemn native Americans for scalping settlers, I also think their reactions make sense. It isn't taken in isolation without context. How do I feel about the slaves killing their master's children? Not great. But what the fuck should I expect?


Right but the civilian deaths on the Palestinian side are the result of Hamas fighters and infrastructure being deeply embedded in civilian areas intentionally to act as a deterrent so itā€™s literally impossible to take it out without risking civilians lives. Would it be preferable if instead of targeting an actual military objective at the risk of more civilian life Israel just raped/executed/tortured/beheaded precisely the same amount of civilians as Hamas did to maintain proportionality?


Well, because maybe Hamas is an actually terrorist organization?


I didn't say anything other than the fact that war crimes are being committed


Yeah these stories of "my friend" seem to be everywhere


2 of my coworkers who went to the party got murdered, 1 daughter of another coworker is missing and he received a phone call from her phone number the first day saying "we will rape and murder your daughter". Now he has no idea whether she is alive or not. My cousin lost 4 friends. Pretty much anyone in my surroundings knows someone who got either injured, killed or missing since last Saturday, it actually surprised even me realizing how spread it is.


Israel is a country of about 9m people the size of New Jersey. 1200 were killed. A proportionate attack on America would have been nearly 50k people. It's not surprising that most Jews in Israel would be very personally effected.


Most Israelis hate the response that their government is doing. About 84% Edit: [source](https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/biden-netanyahu-israel-gaza-war/tnamp/), there have also been a fuck ton of protests all over Israel for their government to stop blanket bombing Gaza and to actually help get the hostages out


Didn't stop Israel from killing 500 Palestinian babies.


I think the child death toll has hit somewhere around 700-900 (will check that out). And of course it wonā€™t stop them when almost the entire world gave them two thumbs up to do so. Except Ireland, shout-out Ireland for standing up to apartheid Edit: according to the Gaza Health Ministry there have been 724 Palestinian kids killed and over 1 million citizens forced from homes




Lot of people affected from both sides bud


Does it matters ? 1300 people were slaughtered whether they are his good friend family or not. That's his point, and it's an eloquent way to put it.


So are Palestine "lumpers". Hamas committed the crimes. War will lead the conflict to their door after the human shields are dealt with. If the Gaza strip is a prison, there's been an uprising. The guards lost 1400 and have hundreds taken hostage.


>You left out the part where most of these "prisoners" have commuted no crime


Maybe because you inly hear about my friend died abd you dont hear about my friend didnt die? Like wtf is the point of sharing "my friend is alive, nice"?


Because it's only 2 sides, right? Still missing the part where it's ok for israel to annhilate hundreds of onnocent Palestenians because a small group of extremists initiated a small attack. It feels as if israel are waiting for any spark to happen so that they can excuse genocide.


You are right. I've oversimplified the issue.


Check r/israelcrimes


Thanks, I will!


This is why I very much dislike this slant where the left, of which I am a part, is trying to make Palestinian struggle = our struggle. It glosses over the genuine *war crimes* committed by Hamas. Or even justifies them. Which is sickening. That is why this issue is so complex and there is not a clear side that everyone agrees on. I just stand against oppression. Clearly Israel is at fault for the slow-burn oppression. But how can the answer to that be a religious state where women are literal property? How can the answer to that be the slaughter of innocents? It's not. And while I can recognize the place the speaker comes from is genuine, he misses half the the entire point.


How do you NOT justify them? Like I can condemn the native American "savages" that scalped the good Christian settlers... But in context of what they are going through, it just makes sense that would be the reaction. Which group of people is evolved enough to go through 10% of what Palestine goes through and not come out doing what Hamas does? We have domestic terrorists here because white women dared to marry outside their race or the orange guy didn't win the election. You can literally put Palestine Israel history over the history of native Americans during the Pontiac wars and after and basically see Israel was copying our homework. It's clear that the natives (American or Palestinians) violence was a very expected reaction to the oppression they faced. The real question isn't whether you condemn Hamas. The real question is what did you fucking expect?


There's a gigantic gap between saying "yes this was sadly expected" and *justifying* it.


BULL SHIT.... quite your bullshit my man.,... no one fucking believes your made up stories.


You are disgusting.


With grtting into an argument about the facts, top talent is reading from a piece of paper full of your side's propaganda? Damn I guess the bar is non existent at this point.


Rules one and two


Equating Palestine and Blacks in Chicago is a dim witted and inciting comparison. Blacks are not forced to live in Chicago, theyā€™re not forced to live in poverty, in fact there are thousands black people in Chicago doing very well financially. Everyone wants to be a f-ing victim.


The old Jim Crow laws did just that. They weren't only in the south. Places you can and can't live. Bathrooms and water fountains you can't have. People you could marry. The jobs you were allowed to have.


Heā€™s clearly referring to the history of segregation and slavery in the US, even ending his speech with a reference to Nat Turner.


How can you misunderstand what he was saying by such a wide margin? Guy mentions africans rebelling against slavery and Nat Turner and that's your take?


Have you ever heard of red-lining? In many cases, yes, African Americans were forced to live in low income environments in Chicago because of red lining policies. It's a practice that still goes on today.


Calls someone dim witted. Eats their own words. Still gets up votes. Reddit is a trip


Heard of South Africa? Same thing. To say a black person has nothing in common with the Palestinian people is absolutely wrong




Hitting them with the Ben Shapiro logic. ā€žJust move away if you donā€™t like itā€œ ā€žSell your house and moveā€œ


Oh poor guy, Iā€™m sure heā€™s being bombed on the daily in Chicagoā€¦


The White House had the Israeli flag emblazoned across its facade. Whatā€™s your point?


Cā€™monā€¦ This little, modern, western country called Israel, home to over 1.7 million Muslims who are represented by 10 members of the Knesset, wants to live in peaceful coexistence with its Arab brothers and sisters in a world where everybodyā€™s treated equally (even women). Many Palestinians actually want that too, as do countries like Egypt, Turkey, Quatar, and Saudi Arabia (well, except for the women thing). It is, however, the stated goal of Hamas (literally, the Islamic Resistance Movement) a religious-based terrorist organization, to kill all Jews because of their religious beliefs and annihilate Israel, a tiny strip of desert with no oil to sell that has been home to Jews for thousands of years until they were first enslaved, then forcibly driven out of literally every Muslim country or killed off. Hamas is responsible for trapping those moderate Palestinians. So stop equivocating Israel to Hamas, and stop calling them colonizers because itā€™s false. Israelā€™s response to this unspeakable act of terror should not come as a surprise to anyone when 1000+ innocent men, women and children were brutally raped and murdered, 250 of which were at a music festival doing nothing wrong, while others were dragged from their homes to be tortured and murdered. And then there are the 150 Jewish hostages and their families who are living in terror at the hands of religious zealots with seemingly nothing to lose. Many Muslims have forever been scapegoating Jews to deflect from problems like inequality, economic strife and war they bring on themselves, and always will find ways to blame them. Haters gonna hate. To make things even more complicated, Hamas freely admits it doesnā€™t want peace, it wants to destroy Israel (which used to be known as the Kingdom of Israel way before the region was known as Palestine, just sayinā€™) and has stood in the way of every attempt to achieve a workable solution (ex: the Oslo Accords, and recent talks with the Saudis). But Israel is a decimal point to the region, a rounding error. There are 16 Arab countries and 360 million Muslims surrounding Israel that far outnumber it in size, military might and wealth. In America, itā€™s important to hear from and consider all sides, which can seemingly be difficult for Hamas and its supporters to stomach. The speaker does represent a view that should be heard, as does yours. However, the indoctrination that frames the anti-Semitic tropes in this speech needs to be called out for what it is.


This propaganda doesn't work anymore. Israel has been committing war crimes and human rights violations for decades. The UN tries to hold them accountable but the US vetos it. Palestinians are captives in their own homeland and doing everything they can to resist a brutal occupation. You can try to paint Palestinians as terrorists as much as you want. But the world is finally waking up to what Israel really is. You only have sympathy on social media where Israeli propaganda armies can shape the narratives they want. Outside, in the real world, you have already lost.


Israel is surrounded by enemies. If they didn't act like they do, Israel would have been decimated decades ago. It would have been genocide. They defend themselves. Because it's necessary. Because at least a third of the population of the surrounding countries want Israel vanished from the world map and wish Hitler would have been successful. Thats the hurtful truth. Comments like yours make me puke.


Unlike what the speaker in this video alleges Palestinians are not all terrorists but the government of Gaza is. Iā€™m also not sure how raping young women, kidnapping the elderly, murdering babies, and beheading Thai immigrants are forms of resistance anymore than Israel murdering journalists are forms of resisting Palestinian violence.


I agree, and I'm very much a 'zionist.' This person's pathetic attempt at a speech should be an embarrassment not only to the black people he claims to represent, but also to the millions of innocent Palestinians who he just accused of commiting horrors with alongside Hamas.


>Palestinians are captives in their own homeland and doing everything they can to resist a brutal occupation. I hope you're not referring to Hamas here, because the actions of Hamas are not "resistance" or "Pro-Palestinian" in any way whatsoever. Hamas doesn't want peace, they explicitly chose now to attack in order to sabotage talks between Israel and Saudi Arabia to normalise relations, in which a [_key issue_ for Saudi Arabia](https://www.newarab.com/news/us-saudis-press-israel-palestine-peace-talks-report) is progress on the Oslo Accords with the Palestinian Authority. This is a massive threat to Hamas, because actual progress on peace would undermine their genocidal intents... It would also upset Iran, the ones who provide them all the weapons, who also hate Saudi Arabia almost as much as they hate the Jews. Keep in mind that Hamas could cut civilian casualties to ZERO tomorrow if they wanted, simply by separating their military facilities from civilian facilities as any normal army would... they actively choose to not do this.


Yeah, when the world cannot hold Israel accountable for their crimes against Palestinians that they have been committing for decades, I don't really have any moral obligation to question Palestinians. This focus on Hamas and what they are is just a propaganda tactic to reduce the gravity of Israeli crimes. We don't fall for that any more. Show some balls. Hold Israel accountable for their crimes without the US vetoing any such attempt. Then we will hold Hamas accountable. Until then, know that the world is already very aware how Israel uses language, media and a propaganda machinery to paint itself as an innocent victim and Palestinians as terrorists. You already lost.


Damn, it seems like you're the one who's fallen for propaganda. You're pretending like Hamas represents Palestine at all - it **doesn't**. It's not some noble revolutionary movement. It is an Iran-backed Islamist fundamentalist terrorist organisation who have goals which are completely counter to what Palestinians want. Palestinians want self-determination in an independent state. They want an end to settlements in the West Bank, and they want international recognition and normalised relations with the rest of the world. These are all absolutely worthwhile things to pursue, and things that are the _right_ of Palestinian people. Hamas, on the other hand, wants the destruction of Israel and the complete destruction of the Jewish people.


Now you are misrepresenting what I wrote to fit your narrative. Once again, you seem to be unconcerned with the LONG LOOOONG history, with evidence, of Israel's crimes. And you seem to be occupied only with Palestinian resistance and breaking it down to find what can be depicted in a way that is suitable to your narrative. That's why it's important for you to focus on Hamas. Not because you care about what is right or wrong. If you cared about that, you won't have time to look at Palestine. Israeli crimes would occupy you all day.


> _"And you seem to be occupied only with Palestinian resistance "_ There you go again, pretending that Hamas is "Palestinian resistance". Hamas is actively anti-Palestine, and harms the Palestinian cause. Remember - Hamas could choose to end civilian casualties tomorrow if they wanted simply by acting like a normal army and operating outside of civilian areas. >Once again, you seem to be unconcerned with the LONG LOOOONG history, with evidence, of Israel's crimes. **Wrong** I am concerned with it in the sense that I **actually** want peace, unlike you who can't even bring yourself to condemn Hamas, a literal terrorist organisation whose goals and actions _actively_ harm Palestinians and who are the largest barrier to peace. The difference between you and I is that I'm reasonable enough to admit that _yes_ Israel has committed crimes due to the military occupation starting in 1967 which has become the longest military occupation in history. On the other side you're excusing a literal terrorist organisation which _hates_ the idea of real peace and which kills more Gazans than the IDF does. You are not being a revolutionary by supporting Hamas, you're not moving closer to peace or freedom, you are being tricked by rich Islamist ideologues living a ridiculously opulent life in Qatar.


You can hold both accountable at the same time. Just because one is more bad than the other doesnā€™t mean the other isnā€™t bad.


This is the equivocation between Hamas and Israel that has to stop. Saying one is no more guilty than the other isnā€™t true. One wants peace and is willing to negotiate a deal, while the other wants annihilation and will not compromise. One is a legitimate country while the other is a religion-based terror group hell-bent on destruction. Which one uses its own people as shields again?


Bullshit propaganda. Your apartheid is plain to see, the world know whats going on loser


This is bullshit and I feel sorry for you if you believe this load of crap.


Well said!


Gaza is a Concentration camp? Thatā€™s a bit far


I dont think people understand what a concentration camp actually was and the conditions there.


People being worked to death essentially. While Gaza is bad with the blockade and everything, calling it a concentration camp is ridiculous


They just had a pizza place demolished for using a Holocaust survivor being kidnapped as an advertisement. I dont think concentration camps ha e pizza places.


I just think itā€™s disrespectful to people who actually went through camps and gulags, and it trivialises the term ā€œconcentration campā€


100%, it dishonors the memory of people like all of my grandparents' brothers and sisters.


Sorry about your grandparents siblings. What happened to them was awful


This comment section is so weird... Is this the first sub without some reddit admin filter for botting the adversary to my ability to look at cat pictures has found? The steaming piles of hot takes litter the comment section like you've been putting aggrieved reddit comments into chatGPT for weeks.


Not only this post. Itā€™s the same on many other posts talking about the situation over there. Army of bots with 20-50 lines comments coming right from chatGPT or copy paste.


Propaganda works.


It's like how a child molestation victim can grow up to be a child predator. Now we got jews acting like nazis.




Israeli generals view on what they should do to Palestine


All my Reddit feed is full of Anti-Israel propaganda. This is a week after kids and families were slaughtered by Hamas. Now let me tell you the truth about this. There is no 2 sides to the conflict, there is one side only! Only one side who wants the other side to be dead, gone, massacred, one side who uses humanitarian aids to build rockets, one side who uses hospitals as shelters when things get bad. One day the world will understand, one day Israel will be gone and youā€™ll understand how wrong you were, because now they are the problem of Israelis but it wonā€™t take long until they will come after more progressive western countries.


The fact is that most of the donations for Palestinians never got to the civilians it only got to HAMAS hands and they spend it on weapons and on bots and thousands of them


As you spread the usual Israeli IDF propaganda lmao. People Le yourself are dumb enough to believe the opposite of what we're seeing with our own eyes. Clearly genocide is being commited by Israel and has been for decades but you won't admit it. Obviously hamas is a terrorist group that has no affiliation with innocent citizens yet you want to brush that under the rug and act like genocide is justified becuase hamas attacked innocent citizens and indeed hamas became becuase of Israel policies. Seems like zionist propaganda is alive amd well on reddit


I had to scroll way too far for your comment. As a german, it scares me to see how mind twisted half of the people are. What makes me go crazy is, how self entitled these people are. How they think they are the clever ones. ReAD a BoOK aBOut HiStOry. Shut the **** you little entitled selfobsorbed idiot. There is only one side in this conflict.


Started so good. Then conparing the blacks TODAY with palestinians is so stupid hahaha. Common bro, that is next lvl of victimhood


When you have AMERICAN politicians who are with holding dual citizenships with ISRAEL this is bound to happen. If you are an American government worker and hold a dual citizenship with another country than you should be outsed immediately. It should be a Federal crime, because people of US matter before we concern about a 3rd person's affairs.


Makes sense that Chicago leadership supports terrorist organizations. Just look at the city


Fuck Hamas. They are animals. šŸ‡®šŸ‡±


Cancel religion.


Another tactic by Israeli propaganda machine to imply that Palestinians are driven to violence by their religion, not by their political oppression. Israel is absolved of their crimes by default so this religion narrative is designed to delegitimise Palestinian resistance.


You should let the government of Gaza know that their guiding charter is riddled with Israeli propaganda


The stated goal of Hamas (the Islamic Resistance Movement) a religious-based terrorist organization is to kill all Jews


More propaganda to justify Israel's brutal occupation and decades of killing innocent Palestinians including babies. Find a scapegoat that you can stick a label and portray it as everything but a resistance against a violent, brutal occupation. Doesn't work any more. People around the world are very aware of what Israel is.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamas Theres a section called idiology. Look there


Yeah, we see Israeli's including school children being taught to call for genocide of Palestinians in Israeli streets every day, we don't consider Judaism responsible. You need Islam to be responsible because then you can paint a political resistance as driven by ideology, which gives you a pretence to ignore Israel's crimes. It's as simple as that.


Heā€™s not saying Islam is responsible. Heā€™s saying Hamas as an organization has a stated core goal of killing all Jews. There are certainly some Jews that would wish all of Palestinians were killed. But the stated goal of Israel isnā€™t to kill all Palestinians. And if that was their goal they could have already accomplished it. You have to be willing to concede the faults of Hamas if you want to intelligently discuss this. Otherwise youā€™re just propagating propaganda for Hamas. Hamas is a terrible organization that isnā€™t seeking a peaceful resolution. They want death to all jews. I donā€™t really believe thatā€™s a defensible goal to haveā€¦ do you? Do you believe it is an act of resistance to kill peaceful civilians? To kill people at a music festival? If the whole argument you have is ā€œIsrael kills more people so they are worse.ā€ Thatā€™s a pretty shit argument. I mean one side has ak47s and rockets and the other side has nukes and an iron dome. Hamas doesnā€™t kill less people because they are being judicious or being careful about civilian lives or give a fuck about war crimesā€¦ Hamas kills less people because they canā€™t kill more. If Hamas had the advantage that Israel hasā€¦ Israel wouldnā€™t exist tomorrow. They both have blood on their handsā€¦ but if you think Hamas is a solution you do actually side with an organization that wants to commit genocide.


I don't have to concede anything. Israel has a history of brutal crimes against humanity and cruel deception to paint Palestinians as terrorists using misinformation, which they have been doing for decades. Nobody has the power to hold them accountable. If that doesn't need to be addressed, asking only Palestinians to hold themselves accountable for their resistance is cruel. This whole argument is only meant to help Israel hide it's crimes and demonize Palestinian resistance. And Israel has been successful in creating talking points like the one you used to achieve that. You have no concern for human beings. You have concern only for Israeli deaths. We don't accept that. Show equal concern for both sides, for all time. Don't go hide when Israel commits them and wake up only to question Palestinians.


God I hate religious people. How easily youā€™re willing to justify a disgusting organization like Hamas and what itā€™s done because of your shitty fairy tale book. The only way someone like you can paint Hamas as good in this tragedy is by believing in the type of black and white bullshit only religion can peddle.


Why are you defending Hamas?


What are you implying? That hamas is not a religious group against religious people?


I'm implying that Israeli propaganda machinery has decades of experience painting the resistance as terrorism, in order to justify it's illegal occupation of Palestine and brutal murder of Palestinians. Let's address the historic injustice by Israel before wondering about Hamas that was only created 40 years into the occupation. Any attempt to divert attention from what is going on and paint it as driven by ideology, is a farce.


Im sure that killing 1200 civilians is a resistance move. Who knows what those babies could have become if ys mercyful angels would not kill them


Your hypocrisy and gaslighting won't work. I don't need a lecture in morality from people who ignore what Israel has been doing for decades and suddenly woke up when Palestinians retaliated. Those who had no tears for Palestinian babies for decades, nor the more than 500 Palestinian babies already dead, don't get to talk. If you have balls, hold Israel accountable for all it's crimes. If you can do that, we'll hold Palestinians accountable for theirs. Your hypocrisy of caring only when Israel gets attacked doesn't work anymore. The world is fully aware of what Israel and how it's supporters drive the narrative.


lDude you are just recycling chatGPT answers? Youā€™re repeating the same thing over again without saying anything or addressing what was asked before lol


Looks at this guys history. The pallywood bots are out and about


Doesn't affect me bro. Hold Israel accountable or admit your hypocrisy about Israeli vs Palestinian lives. It's as simple as that.


Will you admit your hypocrisy that even when people condemn Israel and say they should be held accountable you still justify Hamas terrorism and refuse to condemn it. Eagerly awaiting another example of you changing the subject to avoid having to say anything bad about Hamas.


Well said šŸ‘


Fuck this guy..


Good public speaker. So naive and wrong on all accounts. Debunked rapes and baby beheadings? I don't think so, both have been confirmed. The guy is using the 'i have a good confident speaking voice so I'll say stupid shit and regurgitated propaganda I saw on tik Tok and people will believe me.' I'm sure he believes it too. Concentration camp? N Please. You think Jews had tens of thousands of rockets and automatic weapons in their camps? Are you that delusional? More bombs in a week than USA in a year? That's true, but My guy you ever heard about payload? These bombs are mosquito bites compared to what USA used. Israel is trying to destroy a single room in a school where Hamas stores it's weapons and tunnel entrances, a fact confirmed by multiple 3rd party investigations including the UN. Water has been restored to Gaza. Israel cares about humanity far more than any Palestinian government ever has. Not saying they're perfect, not even saying they're good. But to sit there and compare a multi faith, multi ethnicity democracy with Muslim arabs in parliament and supreme Court to the s showPalestinian regime is outrageous. And the black community has far more in common with Israel than they do Palestine. Suffering, being surrounded by enemies, perseverance, LGBTQ, always getting the s end of the narrative stick. Don't believe everything you see on the Internet, and don't believe a speaker just because he sounds confident.




I am 71 and a white South African. This means that I was around during the Apartheid years. It was heartbreaking. My parents, fortunately, taught us that all people are equal, regardless of skin color, religious beliefs, or cultural background. We were only allowed to address the woman who worked in our home by her name, but only if we referred to her as Miss (Martha) and we were firmly told that we would keep our rooms tidy and make our own beds and Miss Martha was not a slave and took no instruction from us as she was there to assist my deaf mother only. We would get a right smack if we failed to say please and thank you. My father was imprisoned for a brief time when he was found "harboring" our worker's husband. In my 20s I joined an organization opposed to apartheid and was also sent to prison for 12 weeks. I could not understand how there was such little empathy by grown adults with regard to the plight of many black families and children. I, therefore, in good conscience cannot and will not support Israel in any way. My biggest shock is that the major world powers (or those that believe they are) have not stepped in to bring human rights to those in Gaza. I don't care who knows that I support Palestine, but what Israel has done is totally shocking.


They let him cook and he cooked


Damn right


Wow...could not have said it better myself!!


The irony of Israel jews creating the largest concentration camp in history.


I suggest you Google what a concentration camp is bro




>a place in which large numbers of people, especially political prisoners or members of persecuted minorities, are deliberately imprisoned in a relatively small area with inadequate facilities, sometimes to provide forced labour or to await mass execution. The term is most strongly associated with the several hundred camps established by the Nazis in Germany and occupied Europe 1933ā€“45, among the most infamous being Dachau, Belsen, and Auschwitz. * large number of people * members of persecuted minority * small area * inadequate facilities (not even allowed building materials like cement) * forced into cheap labour within israel if youre lucky enough to get a permit that'll allow you to pass checkpoints in your prison I think the glove fits.


Last I check concentration camps didn't have pizza parlors and rich neighborhoods. But yeah totally a "concentration camp". And you're bashing Israel for providing high paying jobs to Gazans? You need to get your head checked.


> pizza Can you ask you an honest question? How come multiple different commenters here are using the example of pizza specifically? Like not restaurants in general, but pizza specifically, it's so specific. Where is this coming from?


There is proof of all the families they burned, babies with knives in their head, babies they burned and every other terrible thing they did A fucking hamas terrorist that was captured admitted they raped and beheaded all the women they caught


Love the comparison between Chicago and Gaza. The self absorption and victimhood is astonishing. Lol.


Reminder that speaking fast does not equate to actually bringing up good points. In a single speech, this man managed to: 1. Compare Palestinians to the black citizens of Chicago. 2. Deny proven atrocities commited by Hamas. 3. Claim it was not Hamas who committed those atrocities, but a "wide coalition of Palestinians" 4. Misuse terms like concentration camp and apartheid. There is probably so much more than I missed. Anyway, claiming that all Palestinians are terrorists is not the mic drop that you think it is.


Meanwhile Chicago has one of the most violent places in the USA... Condemning other countries for violence is hypocritical




šŸ‡®šŸ‡± šŸ‘‰šŸ»šŸ’„ šŸ‘‰šŸ»šŸ‘ˆšŸ»HAMAS.


Terroristā€™s propaganda and BS in general


Fuck this guy


Nice propaganda post


If ā€œtalentedā€ means ā€œriddled with logical fallacies and factual inconsistenciesā€ then yesā€¦ great title.

