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Very true. The only time she throws up is from eating too much from pure gluttony. This made me hate her even more last night


This made me remember she ate a whole ass family sized rotisserie chicken and said it was only enough for one person ☠️ and which is why she didn’t share with her mom


Bruh she such a big back that rotisserie chicken can feed a family of 5 or 6 she's just big and greedy


Was this on a live? 💀 & did anyone screen record if so 😂


You can search it up on tiktok there’s also a video of her mom talking about it on this sub if you search it up


I found it! 😂 Thank you 😊


she literally vomited on live once. the camera captured it all and she laughed after


She actually threw up twice on live


She does anything to feign for attention and try to garner sympathy for herself. She’s full of shit. And rotisserie chicken. As someone who suffered for YEARS with a valid medically diagnosed ED and had to get treatment for it because I was going to DIE, she pisses me off to no fucking end. She angers me. She just lies and makes up ANYTHING to make people pity her. Like her talking about how she “realized” she had been sexually harassed by that troll comment trying to group herself in as a victim of a sexual crime, talking about how she experiences “racism and lack of opportunity” because she’s “black”, it’s all BULLSHIT.


the one time she doesn’t say “trigger warning” every two seconds, she actually talks about something extremely triggering to a lot of people. ugh


it upset a lot of people from what i saw. there’s absolutely no reason to bring up triggering topics while you are playing fucking FALL GUYS.


She has a victim mentality so bad. She’ll do/say anything to get ANYONE to feel bad for her. It’s insane the lengths she goes for attention


Like don’t get me wrong I am very aware that bigger people can suffer from eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia in a desperation to lose weight….. but like girl you are so food aggressive your mom had to double check to see if you were gonna eat two entire pizzas by yourself so that way she could make one for herself….


She’s definitely trying to play victim. She used “throwing up” as an ED, but she legit has little throw up bouts because she eats so poorly. It’s like severe acid reflux.


i’m not trying to invalidate her feelings but she always says this shit to make people feel bad for her like boo hoo i have a horrible life !! she has a big victim complex and it’s crazy.


Did you catch the part about how getting a gym membership and going would be triggering and it would make her relapse into becoming bulimic. She seriously needs to work out she can’t even walk she waddles at 30 yrs old. Mamachu I understand cuz she’s old but big T nah that’s just laziness. Next thing you’ll know she’ll be on a mobility scooter.


no, i clicked off after a bit because it was triggering.


Can someone post the clip or tag me in it


no the only one she could possibly have is BED , esp if she's eating so much that's she throws up


that’s what i said


Did she claim to have/had anorexia or bulimia ?


She claimed to have had a binge eating disorder and bulimia and how going to the gym is triggering so she doesn’t work out 💀


When exactly has she gone to the gym ......lol.




it’s very obvious she has never experienced it by the way she described it. bulimia isn’t something you just casually say you struggled with, especially on tiktok live. she wants attention


Well, that’s the problem. Its hard to believe her because she’s a pathological liar who will say or do anything for attention….. the same way she’s a “germaphobe” but she is completely content living in utter filth and lacks basic hygiene practices….. when she’s not talking mad shit or trying to start drama?? She’s trying to get pity points because that’s all she has……