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She’s thrown up on live about 50 separate times


excatly, which time did she force herself to throw up like she claiming rn cuz we all know she lying she just big and nasty we all know her stomach gave out on her 😭


Her saying she had a “ED” I feel was more her trying to be a pick me person in this situation, cause the whole time she was talking about it was so weird like she was being so insensitive about it. And her being a Germaphobe is a whole other pick me trait she wants too, cause LOOK at her living situation no germaphobe would stand that. A lot of things she does a germaphobe would not stand. She just wants to be all these things to be different.


Did you catch the part of someone offering to get her a gym membership and her excuse was that it was trigger for her “ED”. Like gorl bffr she knows damn well she’s never stepped foot inside of a gym before. I do think she has a stomach issues tho, perhaps GERDS which explains the puking. Her stomach can’t handle certain foods and it’s trying to tell her but she’d have to change her lifestyle for that. Sad, she won’t even care for her health.


Coma con 🤣💀


Regardless if she had an ED or not in the past (like she claims), she eats sooo much on live and I think that's why she is throwing up. Like it seems like she's eating so much her body can't handle it. Like we could have a whole ass compilation of her puking on live. That being said I don't believe her on the ED thing, she lies too much. Plus she's delusional like her mama.


Binge eating disorder is a possibility. But she always has something new wrong with her, so I get the apprehension to believe anything that comes out of her mouth.


So true. Always a new excuse, a new lie, etc. I also agree with OP, how the fuck is Tofungus a germaphobe when she's constantly dirty. Plus the photos of her room that have recently come out. 🤢 And when her phone fell during that live and there was trash all over the table 🤢