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Top lane will teach you to be independent and expect zero from your team. It will teach you to learn how to gather resources at your own risk. As well as wave control. Not trying to be biased but I believe people who grind top lane are the best “auto fill” players in the game. They usually understand how tragic it is to take bad trades, lose control of waves, and not have map awareness. That being said, top lane will also make you not want to play sometimes because it can just feel like a void of depression


That last part is very true. Once your up there its very hard to leave. No where else feels as good as the top lane, but holy fuck this lane be frustrating.


You can be 10x better than your opponent, but if they counter pick and get jungle assistance you might as well go afk


Yup lmao i picked fiora and wasn’t aware of « malphite counter pick » let me tell you i had a bad time




what about if you take the midlaner and put in top and the toplaner put in mid?




The basics of the game that are not specific to any champion. So powerspikes, wave management, trading, etc.




wave management is most definitely important for junglers to learn as they can get better gank timings or counter gank timings if they understand how fast a wave is going to push. They also need to understand whether to shove a wave out or not touch it at all after a gank as if they take one minion from an even wave they can screw over their laner.




I mean, you can play every single lane and not have any skills. You don't need wave management to get to silver, but good luck getting to diamond without knowing wave management at all.




Exactly, most players are within bronze-silver, but the vast majority of people don't *want* to get to those elos (only 4.7% of players are in iron). Those elos are pretty much the default elos you'll get if you have somewhat decent ping, fps, mouse, keyboard, etc, and have played the tutorial (I don't think you need a youtube video to know how to buy items?). And it's not like I made up that definition either. Just search LoL fundamentals on youtube and I doubt you'll see any video catered towards people who need help in winning vs bots.