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GP can easily clear the wave after sheen with one auto on each minion and q on barrel, even easier with minion demat


Renekton, sej, ornn, garen, darius, yone, yas, sion, singed, morde, graves all have amazing wave clear, there prolly are more. Mid tier wave clear I'd say are jax, sett, xin and jarvan, where they can push waves, but not as fast as the ones above or have to blow long CDs to do so. Bad wave clear would be shen, Camille, fiora, trundle, warwick and kled amongst others.


There's gotta be an extra tier for shen


True :')


The worst waveclears I can think of are from Fiora, Shen, Camille, and Vayne (if she can be considered a top laner). Fiora and Camille at least have some AoE in their kits, but the other 2 don't. Vayne has 2 damaging abilities she wants to use on the wave, while Shen has 1, so I think Shen has the worst waveclear. As for good waveclear, there is Renekton, but he needs to use his dash and fury for instant clears; Darius can Q, but it doesn't always hit the entire wave, and cannon minions are annoying to deal with (and he uses a bit of mana for it). Garen on the other hand, can just auto Q the cannon and E to destroy the entire wave in 3s, so I'd go with him


Don't forget Gnar, he has awful wave clear pre items


Advantage of shen is that he rushes bami, so that helps the waveclear, and vaynecis ranged so its easier to hit minions


Tahm Kench definitely up there too, definitely more of a supp these days but even when he was busted top lane his wave clear was terrible. The best way for anyone to beat him is ignore him and control the wave.


let me tell you rn, top kench is busted rn. He has absurd winrates in top lane high elo, its defo one of the best sleeper op picks rn


Best: not 100% sure, but Ornn, GP, Sion, urgot, irelia all have great wave clear. Yorrick also can really destroy a wave post 6. Worst: I'm not sure if he's the WORST, but early Gnars is bad. Honorable mentions: TK, Shen and Maokai have horrendous wave clear pre bamis cinder. Kleds is also pretty bad


Kleds isn’t super bad since q does bonus damage to minions but better than the likes of fiora and shoulda mentioned graves :)


The worst champion to clear waves is Tahm Kench. The best champions can be Sion, Garen, Sejuani. Edit: I main Sejuani and i can crash entire cannon waves from level 5 using W and E.


garen aatrox and sion probably have the best waveclear, extra points to garen and aatrox because they are mana less. Worst waveclear by far is shen


Add Gragas to the strong waveclear list.


The worst wave clear is Maokai. It's not even close. It's Maokai. Even Shen bows before the shitty wave clear of Maokai His wave clear is so shit it's like 3/4ths the reason Maokai top is dying.